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11 стр. 46 I hve looked t him ll dy

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Упр. 11 стр. 46

  1.  I have looked at him all day. I can’t find him.
  2.  He is trying to fix the car all morning.
  3.  I am buying lost of food this week.
  4.  I am not brought any shampoo.
  5.  It is been snowed? but it’s stopped now.
  6.  How long  they are been cleaning the house?
  7.  I am been knowing Lillian for two years.
  8.  Are you cried? Your eyes are red.

Упр. 104 стр. 105

  1.  I am glad that I read this book now.
  2.  Sorry that I broke your pen.
  3.  He is glad that talks to him.
  4.  He is glad to have talked to him.
  5.  He's always glad to talk to him.
  6.  He was always happy to talk with him.
  7.  My mom was happy that she received a letter.
  8.  She was glad that she was discussed.
  9.  She is glad that it is often said about.
  10.  My sister is so glad that he was looking at him now.
  11.  My son will be happy that he will give this book.
  12.  I'm sorry that I had not met you.
  13.  I’m sorry that I had not met you.
  14.  She was glad that she met all her friends.
  15.  She was glad that she met all her friends.
  16.  She was glad that now met her friends.
  17.  He was pleased that told them about this.
  18.  She was glad that her met.
  19.  I am glad that met you.
  20.  She does not want to talk about it now.
  21.  She was glad that she met you at the station.
  22.  She was glad that she was met at the station.
  23.  She does not like to interrupt someone.
  24.  She does not like her to discontinued.
  25.  She was surprised that the book is not found.
  26.  Tom was surprised that his exams.
  27.  Eat fruit useful.
  28.  I'm sorry I'm late.
  29.  Upset that he learned about it.
  30.  I'm glad you told about it.
  31.  He was pleased to be working in this company for more than five years.
  32.  She was glad that she brought flowers.
  33.  My son will be glad you have to play this new game by the time.
  34.  He was glad that I called you.
  35.  He was glad that calls you now.
  36.  He will be happy to call you that already.
  37.  He was glad that you had already called.
  38.  He was happy to call you.
  39.  He was glad that he talked with you all night.
  40.  He was glad that he called.
  41.  He was glad that he was called.
  42.  He was glad that he had already called.

Упр. 143 стр.  132

  1.  моя мама хочет чтобы я был переводчиком - my mom wants me to be a translator.
  2.  мы хотим чтобы вы рассказали нам об этом - we want you to tell us about it.
  3.  вам бы хотелось чтобы он поехал в Берлин сегодня? - you would like him to go to Berlin today?
  4.  я хочу чтобы она прочитала этот журнал - I want her to read this magazine
  5.  она хочет чтобы вы приехали к нам после семи - she wants you to come to us after seven
  6.  она не хотела чтобы ее сын гулял так долго - she did not want her son to be walked so long
  7.  нам хотелось пригласить его - we would like to invite him
  8.  они не хотели чтобы он уехал в лондон - they did not want him to go to London
  9.  я бы не хотел чтобы вы потеряли ключ - I would not want you to lose the key
  10.  он хочет чтобы я подарил ему велосипед - he wants to, I gave him a bicycle

Упр. 145 стр. 133

  1.  бабушка любит, когда ее внучка помогает ей по дому - Grandma likes when her granddaughter helps her home
  2.  моя мама любит, когда я получаю хорошие отметки в школе - my mom likes it when I get good grades in school
  3.  родители любят, когда дети слушаются - parents like when children obey
  4.  он терпеть не мог когда люди забывали свои обязанности - he hate stand when people forget their duties
  5.  она терпеть не может когда ее муж так много курит - she hates when her husband so much smoke
  6.  мне нравится когда моя мама готовит мне ужин - I like it when my mom cooks me dinner
  7.  она терпеть не может когда мой кото царапает ее - she hate stand when my cat is scratching her
  8.  я люблю когда моя бабушка печет мне пирожки - I like when my grandmother bakes me cakes
  9.  ей не нравится когда мы говорим о ее муже - she does not like when we talk about her husband
  10.  она не любит когда я прихожу так поздно - she does not like when I come so late
  11.  им не нравилось, когда мы разговаривали так громко - they did not like when we were talking so loudly
  12.  она не любит когда я звоню ей после 10 часов вечера - she does not like when I call her after 10 pm
  13.  моя мама любит когда мы задаем ей много вопросов - my mom loves it when we ask a lot of questions
  14.  я ненавижу когда ты задаешь такие глупые вопросы - I hate it when you ask such stupid questions

Упр. 149 стр. 137

  1.  Said that he is a good translator.
  2.  Say that it is a good translator.
  3.  Anna knows that an honest girl.
  4.  Expected that Sasha will come on Saturday.
  5.  Assumed that they are staying in a hotel.
  6.  Expected that soon will publish many new books.
  7.  Say that the subway in London's oldest.
  8.  Think that he speaks several languages.
  9.  Seen as he took off his coat.
  10.  Know that they went to Copenhagen.
  11.  Know that this doctor worked in the hospital, so he could not be in that place yesterday.
  12.  Often seen that she goes to the store for shopping.
  13.  Often seen that she goes shopping.
  14.  Say that she went to the store yesterday.
  15.  Said that she went to the store.
  16.  Suggest that it will become presidents.
  17.  Reported that he became president.
  18.  Known that he had received a letter.
  19.  It was known that he had received a letter.
  20.  Be it known that he had received a letter.
  21.  Said that he receives letters.
  22.  Said that he receives letters.
  23.  Say that he has already sent letters.
  24.  Will see that he will read a letter.
  25.  Found out that he sends letters.
  26.  Reported that he had sent letters.

1. Выбор и теплотехнический расчет наружных ограждающих конструкций здания
2. технический прогресс признанный во всем мире в качестве важнейшего фактора экономического развития все ча
3. лекция. Автоматизированные информационные системы ЛИС структура и классификация АИС может быть опреде
4. Комсомольская средняя общеобразовательная школа 1 Комсомольского района Чувашской Республики
5. Оргэнергострой совместно с Управлением пожарной безопасности и военизированной охраны Минэнерго СССР
6. Вероятность суммы конечного числа несовместных событий равна сумме их вероятностей- поскольк
7. Стандарт предприятия СТП 1 У НГТУ 98
8. і. Айт~андай ~ндірісті~ бір т~рі ретінде тікелей т~тыну ~шін немесе ~ндірісті ~рі ~арай ж~ргізу ~шін таби~
9. тема и между прочим исследовал так
10. тематике проведённый во 2 А классе учителем Козарезовой О
11. таки очень симпатичным
12. Тема- Вилучення документів для знищення Мета- охарактеризуйте порядок знищення документів із закінченим
13. путьцель 2 Митчел и Хаус Анализ внешней среды позволяет 2 выявить внутренние сильные и слабые сторон
14. ЛЕКЦИЯ 2 ТТС 1 Организация ТС Задача ТРТС раскрытие закономерности синтеза функционирования и
15. Управленческий учет как система управления прибылью
16. Система управления охраной окружающей природной среды на примере ОАО Сибнефть-Хантос
17. Палеобиология и эволюционная теория
18. Термоиндикаторы
19. Тема 22. гострі гнійні захворювання м~яких тканин- гідраденіт мастит бешиха лімфаденіт лімфангоїт парапрок
20. Расчет бизнес-плана одного из цехов полиграфического производства Марина