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Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.
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Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України
Київський національний лінгвістичний університет
з першої іноземної мови
за ІІ курс (ІІІ семестр)
спеціальність „Переклад”(англійська мова)
заочного відділення факультету перекладачів
ст. викл. Кіржнер С. Е.
викл. Мальована М. М.
Затверджено на
засіданні кафедри
№ 1 від 29.08.2011
Зав. кафедри
доц. Яценко Л. М.
Київ 2011
Module Test № 1
for "English as First Foreign Language"
for Major 6.030500 "Translation"
for the students of the second year
Smokers Under 18 in Iowa Now Outlaws
By Don Terry “New York Times Service”
Des Moines Young smokers beware: On Monday it became illegal in Iowa for anyone under 18 to smoke a cigarette.
If caught smoking, chewing or even possessing tobacco by the police, an under aged offender could be fined as much as 100, yanked off the street or out of the shopping mall and taken home in the backseat of a squad car.
The law is part of the states campaign to reduce tobacco use greatly among all lowans by 2000. The police are charged with enforcing the law, but some are skeptical. On their crowded list of priorities, the measure shares a spot with the neighbors cat stuck in a tree.
“Were too busy to enforce a law like that”, Sergeant Gail Dunn of the Des Moines Police Department said with a sigh.
Michael J. Coverdale of the Iowa Department of Public Health has heard the grumbling, and his terse response is, “The law is the law”.
But for the first year or so, Mr. Coverdale said, he thinks the police will simply inform under aged smokers about the law and confiscate their cigarettes.
“I doubt the police would actually arrest a juvenile for smoking”, he said. “But they certainly will have the opinion to”.
Forty-four states have laws rarely enforced that bar selling cigarettes to minors from possessing tobacco, said Tim Hensley of the Centers for Disease Controls office on Smoking and Health, in Atlanta.
“But Im not aware of any other state that actually says they are prohibited from smoking”, he said.
The grown-ups in Des Moines say the new law is for the “kids own good”, because, after all, Mr. Coverdale said, “cigarettes are often a gateway to other drugs that are illegal”.
The kids are not so sure.
Its stupid”, declared Wendi Spuehler, 17, who smokes a half-pack of cigarettes a day. Im supposed to be an American; Im supposed to be able to do whatever I want. If I choose to ruin my lungs, its my choice and not the cops ”.
Some police officers in Iowa are not too keen about the law, either.
In Davenport, Lieutenant Michael C. Hammes said he doubted that the measure would “scare very many kids” away from cigarettes.
I started smoking when I was 13”, he said. “My parents didnt scare me from smoking. And I feared my father more than I feared the police, and he couldnt stop me”.
The tobacco industry, which has been under attack in the courts over liability in smokers deaths, has no argument with the law. Even the Tobacco Institute, an industry lobby group in Washington, supports it.
Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary
Task 1
Transcribe the following words:
psychic tomb fasten tough plead |
telephone cough hiccough catastrophe arithmetical |
Task 2
Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs derived from the words in brackets.
How do we decide which stories __________ (to choose1) ? There are a number of values which will determine whether a story __________(to make2) the news, and the headlines in particular, including size, surprise, human interest, humour, tragedy, personality, importance, discovery, impact on people, geopolitical importance, relevance to our listeners, which _________ (to mean3) things which tell us about ourselves or the world we live in.
Several factors drive the BBC World Service news agenda. At the heart of our broadcasting, is an awareness that BBC journalists ________(to provide4) an important service: information, to our audiences around the world.
We also _________ (to drive5) by other factors. Of course, we watch other broadcasters. We have a detailed system of diaries which tell our producers what is happening around the world, from sports events to elections. We _________(to monitor6) a range of newsagencies and our own specialists watch and ____(to tap7) the world's media. In the World Service Newsroom in London we rely on a large network of correspondents around the world who ______(to report8) by telephone satellite, and the internet.
One of the fantastic things about_________ (to be9) a BBC journalist is the access we have to information. A huge network of correspondents is involved into ________(to gather10).
Choose the right answer.
1. Did you see that __________ about wildlife in Africa on television last week?
a) documentary b) history c) slapstick d) soap opera
2. All three TV channels place great _________ on sporting events.
a) accent b) emphasis c) attention d) vision
3. We hope to bring you further news of this in our next _________ at midnight.
a) article b) bulletin c) episode d) piece
4. National TV board has recommended _________ to present news without any emotions.
a) foreign correspondents b) editors c) newsreaders d) talking heads
5. TVP Channel One tries to __________ for all tastes.
a) cater b) furnish c)regard d) suit
6. We are interrupting this programme for a news ___________
a) alarm b) alert c) flash d)signal
7. The programme was so successful that a __________ series is being made.
a) after-effect b) backup c) by-product d) follow-up
8. There are several TV ___________ in Poland, and all of them allow advertising.
a)broadcasts b) canals c) channels d) screens
9. Violent programmes on TV may have a bad __________ on children.
a) control b) influence c) power d) pressure
10. There are many ___________ on television where a team of people has to answer questions.
a) inquiries b) puzzles c) quizzes d) riddles
Find the word in each line which is different.
1. pamphlet 2. obituary 3. delete 4. sub-editor 5. bar 6. axe 7. libel 8. scoop 9. statute 10. ordeal |
issue flyer download columnist essential clash contempt of court exclusive authority leave |
booklet editorial install browse vital remove fraud deadline charter quit |
brochure classified ads downdate bookseller key cut security sensation decree resign |
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word from the topical vocabulary making any necessary changes.
restriction publicity legitimate emphasis copyright overseas subscription baffle objective poll |
1. The newscaster informed the public that this disorder was a rare skin problem that has …………… doctors for years.
2. Her behaviour during the filming attracted a lot of free …………………… .
3. It was made clear that the country faces ……………. on the use of water for irrigating crops.
4. The Scots proclaimed James Stuart as the …………….. heir of the British throne.
5. Today the Ukraines president has greeted a large number of …………… visitors.
6. “The principal ……. of the department is to identify market opportunities”, - the journalist reported.
7. According to a ……… conducted last week 75% of the public support the Prime Minister.
8. The new publication “On money” is availed only by ……. .
9. If you own a ………. on something, it is your intellectual property, and other people must pay you to broadcast, publish, or perform it.
10. The main …… should be put on quality rather than quantity.
Task 6
Define the functions of the infinitive in the following sentences
1. It is the story to hit the headlines.
2. The story is important enough to find its way into a stop press column.
3. He decided to attract readers attention by including a sound bite in the article.
Define the complexes with the infinitive in the following sentences
4. Everybody wanted the speaker to come down to brass tacks.
5. He is sure to feel contempt for you.
6. It is important for pensioners to get special concessions on buses and trains.
Rewrite these sentences using complexes with the infinitive
7. He issued a statement at the press conference. I heard him.
8. The journalist reported that the copy was ready for a deadline.
9. I didnt mean that the news would hit the headlines.
10. Nobody expected that the story would receive lot of coverage.
Translate the sentences into English.
1. Преса, як відомо, є „четвертою владою”, оскільки вважається, що вона має великий вплив на формування громадської думки і підтримує певні стосунки з політичними партіями, але преса не є завжди залежною від політичних партій, хоча вона може і підтримувати певні політичні погляди.
2. В України існує багато законів, що мають відношення до преси: це закони „Про інформацію”, „Про засоби друкованої інформації в Україні”, „Про авторське право та відповідні права”. На відміну в Британії не існує спеціальних законів, але є певні статті, які регулюють діяльність преси.
3. Середній час перегляду телевізійних передач в Британії складає 24 години на тиждень, тому британців можна вважати не тільки нацією, яка складає велике читацьке коло, але і нацією, яка вважає, що телебачення є інформаційним, корисним, розважальним; в програмах підіймається багато важливих питань, які цікавлять, як дітей, так і дорослих.
4. Одним із завдань журналіста є отримання новин; існує багато засобів, за допомогою яких журналіст отримує інформацію: це проведення прес-конференцій, контроль за діяльністю міжнародних агенцій новин, використання корисних джерел, викриття таємних махінацій.
5. Багато людей вважає, що журналісти мають забагато свободи, оскільки вони не мають обмежень щодо публікацій; тому іноді вони вдаються до обмови та наклепу, друкують оманливу інформацію, втручаються в особисте життя людей, організують облоги зірок щоб отримати сенсаційні та ексклюзивні матеріали.
Write a letter to a TV channel with your suggestions as to programmes for those who are eager to learn foreign languages.
Read the text and mark the statements following it as True or False.
Theatres in the USA
New York City first recorded theatrical performance was given in 1732. The first full British company came to America in 1752. In 1767 the first full-length play by an American playwright Thomas Godfrey “The Prince of Parthia”, was produced in Philadelphias Southwark Theatre. That same year New York City saw the first performance in its new John Street Theatre.
By the mid-19th century most of the major Western cities had their own theatres, including New Orleans, Chicago and San Francisco. Thereafter the West was the scene of continuous theatrical activity as touring companies from Britain and the East regularly visited mining camps, cattle towns and evidently every populated centre with more than a few hundred inhabitants.
Many of great 19-th century American stars were British or European imports. But the 19-th century also gave rise to a host of brilliant native-born actors. For those unable to afford the more expensive playhouses there were 10-20-30-cent theatres, where the audience could enjoy hair-raising melodramas.
With the establishment of the Theatre Guild in New York in 1919, performance and production standards on Broadway were raised to a new level. It was during the first half of the 20-th century, when American dramatic literature of consistent high quality developed. With the end of World War II the Broadway stage entered a new period.
Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar
Task 1
Lay stress-tone marks and draw tonogrammes to the following sentences according to the types of scales given in brackets.
Task 2
Complete the sentences with words from the box
Screen version scenery interval footlights stuntmen sketch wings disjointed cast costumes audience ovation burst out dressing room dress rehearsal |
11.The audience __________ laughing when the midget turned up.
12.The plot of her second movie was difficult to follow, in other words it was_______.
13.I prefer original novel rather than its _________.
14. Its not a proper drawing, only a ___________.
Task 3
Find the odd word in each line which doesnt belong to the group.
Task 4
Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.
Task 5
Complete the sentences with prepositions.
1. The presidents speech made a profound impact ____ everyone.
2. The stage in a theatre is usually raised several feet ___ the floor.
3. ___ graduating from university, he decided to start his own business.
4. As the son loved his father very much, he decided to devote his career to him by following ___ his fathers footsteps and becoming a doctor.
5. Our farm land is adjacent ___ the nearby forest.
6. The program of the performance is ___ sale in the foyer.
7. She accused me ___ causing the accident.
8. As it is always difficult to get tickets for the first night in a theatre, one should book them ____ advance.
9. We decided to reserve tickets ___ my name for they may be bought by someone else.
10. There was a large queue ____ the box-office, so we decided to book tickets via the Internet.
11. The critics couldnt conceal their surprise ____ seeing her on the stage after her decision to give up theatrical career.
12. Drug dealers are suspected ____ causing over 200 deaths this year.
Task 6
Define the functions of the Gerund.
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the ing form.
Rewrite the sentences using Gerunds.
10.I remember that I had a leading part in a comedy of manners.
Translate into English
Entertainers such as actors, singers, and comedians contribute as much to society as professionals such as doctors, engineers, and teachers. Do you agree or disagree? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion. Gerund structures will be appreciated.
Topic: “Medicine and Health. Sports.”
Around 3,000 lives a year could be saved by the ban on tobacco advertising that is due to become law by Christmas, the Government said yesterday.
Hazel Blears, a health minister, said that the ban could eventually cut death caused by smoking by 2-5 per cent.
She was publishing a consultation paper giving details of how the regulations in the Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Bill will affect the industry.
The Government tried to introduce a ban before the general election but lost its Bill because of shortage of parliamentary time.
The new Bill started life as private members legislation in the Lords. The Government has now adopted it as one of its own measures and it is due to finish all its parliamentary stages when MPs return after the summer recess.
As the consultation paper explained yesterday, new tobacco sponsorship deals will be banned and existing ones will only be allowed to run until July next year.
There will be a temporary exemption for sports like Formula One, which are deemed “global events”. Their existing sponsorship deals will be allowed to carry on until October 2006, although the value of advertisements carried on cars, will have to decrease by 20 per cent every year.
The Tories claimed that there was a link between these exemptions and Labours decision to accept a £1 million donation from Bernie Ecclestone, the Formula One boss. But Labour, which gave the money back after being accused of accepting cash for favours, defended the exemptions on the grounds that the sports affected needed time to find alternative sponsors.
Miss Blears said yesterday: “Tobacco advertising promotes a deadly habit. The brands most heavily advertised are those most heavily smoked by children.
“A ban on tobacco advertising and promotion is an effective measure we can take to stop young people from starting to smoke and to reduce the numbers who will ultimately die every year from smoking related diseases such as cancer and coronary heart disease”.
A spokesman for Forest, which fights for rights for smokers, disagreed with the Governments claim that a ban on advertising could save up to 3,000 lives a year.
She said: “Advertising has very little impact on why people choose to smoke. I dont think it comes into it, it only promotes brand awareness”.
Practical tasks:
I. Choose the right answer among a, b, c
b) tobacco advert ban is supported by all the members of the society;
c) tobacco advert ban is not a serious problem for controversies in the society.
b) the rights of smokers are defended;
c) deadly habits of smokers have no connection to “smoking” according to Hazel B.
b) diseases caused by smoking are named by specialists as “related”;
c) four serious diseases are mentioned in the article as a result of smoking.
II. Are the following statements true or false?
a) tobacco advert ban will improve health condition of the people;
b) the article says that the number of population in the country wont recess that way if advertising is banned.
c) the Bill on banning was to be introduced first after the general election, no use to haste.
d) new brands of tobacco are popular among children;
e) the Government stands aside and does not want to be involved in the problem decision;
f) some very famous people have close connections to tobacco adverts;
g) some exemptions for sponsors will be introduced and will act permanently.
Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar
Task 1
Read the sentences. Choose a suitable type of nuclear tone for each sentence to express the meaning given in brackets. Write (a)-(g) for the variant youve chosen.
Task 2
Choose the most suitable word or phrase in bold type in each sentence.
a) There were ten people waiting in the doctor's office/surgery/ward.
b) After I ate the shellfish I experienced/fell/happened ill.
c) George's cut arm took over a week to cure/heal/look after.
d) David fell down the steps and twisted his ankle/heel/toe.
e) Everyone admired Lucy because she was tall and skinny/slim/thin.
f) I've been digging the garden and now my back aches/pains/injures.
g) Whenever I travel by boat I start feeling hurt/sick/sore.
h) The doctor can't say what is wrong with you until she cures/examines/recovers you.
i) Use this thermometer and take his fever/heat/temperature.
j) I seem to have caught/infected/taken a cold.
Task 3
Insert the words from the box into each gap. Change the original word if necessary.
cause increase reduce alleviate provide deduce release recover deaden hurt |
Task 4
Find a word in each line that doesnt belong to the group
1. a) hangover b) headache c) backache d) earache
2. a) miracle b) prodigy c) marvel d) tale
3. a) deter b) stimulate c) motivate d) inspirit
4. a) crucial b) significant c) trivial d) vital
5. a) transient b) short-term c) long-term d) momentary
6. a) harmful b) detrimental c) unhealthy d) congenital
7. a) touch b) puncture c) prick d) perforate
8. a) cavity b) flat c) pit d) hole
9. a) support b) back up c) supportive d) sustain
10. a) average b) extreme c) medium d) standard
Task 5
Choose from the variants (a, b, c, or d) provided the one which best fits the context
1. After delivering his lecture in a cold auditorium the professor lost his ……… .
a) eyesight b) voice c) appetite d) ear
2. Angela sprained her …………… falling in the skating rink.
a) neck b) finger c) wrist d) toe
3. The doctor asked to put the patients hand in …………… .
a) cement b) glue c) plaster d) caffeine
4. Last time I visited my dentist, I had three ………… filled.
a) cavities b) paddings c) refills d) recharges
5. Every spring when trees bloom Kate suffers from ………….
a) dysentery b) stroke c) cholera d) hay fever
6. Indulging in drinking cocktails Lorna suffers from …………. .
a) quinsy b) hangover c) abscess d) cold
7. People trying to give up smoking frequently experience ………… symptoms.
a) renewal b) tough c) heavy d) withdrawal
8. Julia was lucky to remain alive after a terrible car accident. But now she does not remember her relatives and friends. Shes suffering from …………. .
a) amnesia b) insomnia c) headache d) abscess
9. If you cant make injections, youd better ask a …………. to do it.
a) nanny b) nurse c) mistress d) sister
10. Leading a regular life provides positive health ………… .
a) benefits b) profits c) earnings d) income
Task 6
Define the functions of the Participle
Define the Participial Constructions
Rewrite the sentences using Participles
Translate the following sentences into English
Write a letter to your friend about the danger of smoking. “Smoking is on the increase among young people”. Use specific reasons and details to support your opinion. Participial Complexes will be appreciated.