Поможем написать учебную работу
Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.

Предоплата всего

Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.
Предоплата всего
Метою навчального посібника є забезпечити формування іншомовної професійної комунікативної компетенції студентів педагогічного фаху і забезпечити досягнення ними рівня В2 згідно з визначеними рівнями володіння мовою у Загальноєвропейських рекомендаціях з мовної освіти. Згідно з українськими кваліфікаційними стандартами досягнення цього рівня володіння іноземною мовою є обовязковим для тих, хто здобуває освітній ступінь бакалавра. Використання навчального посібника передбачає розвиток іншомовної комунікативної компетенції студентів на основі предметних знань та попереднього досвіду у межах ситуативного контексту, повязаного з навчанням і спеціалізацією.
Структурно посібник складається з вступу, 8 тематичних блоків, додаткових текстів для читання та обговорення, додатків. Кожний з тематичних розділів включає текст або ряд текстів для читання, вправи на розвиток лексико-граматичних навичок та умінь діалогічного і монологічного мовлення, вправи, розраховані на розвиток навичок і умінь спілкування іноземною мовою у ситуаціях повсякденної комунікації. Передтекстові завдання та післятекстові вправи спрямовані на актуалізацію мовних знань та мовленнєвих умінь і навичок, розвязують завдання залучення студентів до активного іншомовного спілкування. Матеріали представлені у посібнику сприятимуть послідовному розвитку соціокультурної компетенції студентів.
Тексти і завдання другої частини посібника можуть бути використані як при організації самостійної та індивідуальної роботи студентів, так і з метою забезпечення диференціації і індивідуалізації при формуванні іншомовної комунікативної компетенції студентів. Вони безпосередньо повязані з тематичними блоками, представленими у першій частині посібника і логічно доповнюють їх.
Посібник розроблено на основі чинної «Програми з англійської мови для професійного спілкування» і може бути використаний як навчально-методичне забезпечення при вивченні дисципліни «Англійська мова» за кредитно-модульною системою.
Pre-reading Activities
1. Read the following international words paying attention to their pronunciation. Try to guess their meanings. Check your variant of their meanings consulting the dictionary.
a businessman [΄b ı z n ı s m ə n]
an officer [΄) f ı s ə]
a manager [΄m æ n ı d з ə]
an economist [ı : ΄k ) n ə m ı s t]
a pensioner [΄p e n ∫ ə n ə]
a student [΄s t ј u : d ə n t]
physics [΄f ı z ı k s]
mathematics [m æ θ ı ΄m æ t ı k s]
natural [n æ t ∫ r ə l]
a lecture [΄l e k t ∫ ə]
social [΄s o u ∫ ə l]
academic [æ k ə ΄d e m ı k]
a faculty [΄f æ k ə l t ı]
a university [ј u n ı ΄v ə : s ı t ı]
2. Match the names of the following professions with their definitions.
A doctor A manager A librarian A driver A builder A book-keeper A nurse |
a person who looks after babies or sick people a person who keeps business accounts a person whose business is building homes a person who drives a car, bus or train a person in charge of a library a person who practises medicine a person who controls or directs a business |
3. Pay attention to the following synonyms:
a) to like something / doing something / to do something =
to be fond of something / doing something =
to be keen on something / doing something;
b) to take part in something = to participate in something.
Translate the following sentences into English giving all possible variants:
Model. Моя сестра любить співати.
likes singing / to sing.
My sister is fond of singing.
is keen on singing.
1) Я захоплююсь малюванням.
2) Мій молодший брат любить компютерні ігри.
3) Мій батько любить читати цікаві книжки.
4) Моя бабуся любить дивитися телевізор.
5) Ми всі захоплюємося футболом.
6) Першокурсники беруть участь у святковому концерті.
7) Мій друг бере участь у змаганнях з баскетболу.
4. Read and memorize the following words and word-combinations:
to introduce [ı n t r ə΄ d ј u : s] представляти
to be born [b ) : n] народитися
to consist of [k ə n΄ s ı s t] складатися з
grandparents [΄g r æ n ِ p ε ə r ə n t s] дідусь і бабуся
to knit [n ı t] вязати
to sew [s o u] шити
secondary [΄s e k ə n d ə r ı] середній
to pass entrance exams [΄e n t r ə n s] скласти вступні іспити
first-year student [΄f ə : s t] першокурсник (- ниця)
early [ə : l ı] рано
usually [΄j u : з u ə l ı] звичайно
double period [΄d b l ΄p ı ə r ı ə d] пара (елемент навчального процесу)
a break [b r e ı k] перерва
a canteen [k æ n΄ t ı : n] їдальня
to have a snack [s n æ k] перекусити, перехопити щось (поїсти)
a notice board [΄n o u t ı s ΄b ) : d] дошка обяв
a time-table [΄t a ı m ِ t e ı b l] розклад
etc. (et cetera) [ı t ΄s ə t r ə] (лат.) і так далі
to be over закінчуватися
to hurry [h r ı] поспішати
to stay behind [b ı΄ h a ı n d] залишатися
an enterprise [΄ e n t ə p r a ı z] підприємство
to spend time проводити час
to read up підготуватися
to have a rest відпочивати
Reading Activities
Read the following text and try to understand its general meaning. Make up and write down your own story about your family and studies. Make use of the words and word-combinations given in the brackets.
Let me introduce myself. My name is ______ . I am seventeen (eighteen, nineteen) years old. I was born in 1991 in the city of Kharkiv (in the town of …, in the village of …).
My family is large (small, neither large nor small). It consists of seven persons: my father and mother, grandmother and grandfather, brother and sister. My father is forty-seven. He is a worker (a farmer, a businessman, a manager, an employee, a teacher, a builder, an officer, a driver). He works at the plant (at the office, at the research institute, on the farm). My mother is forty-five. She is a doctor (a nurse, a librarian, an economist, a book-keeper, a shop-assistant, a cook, a house-wife). She works at the hospital (at the shop, at the library, at the canteen, at school. She doesnt work. She takes care of children). My sister is eleven. She is a school-girl. My brother is nineteen. He serves in the Army. My grandparents are retired.
My family is very friendly. We often spend time together but every member of my family has a hobby of his own. My father is fond of fishing (hunting, driving, playing tennis). My mother likes knitting, sewing and gardening. As for me, I am keen on modern music (drawing, dancing, reading interesting books and magazines, watching TV, playing computer games, etc.).
At the age of six I went to school. After finishing secondary school I passed entrance exams to Kharkiv G.S. Skovoroda National Pedagogical University. Now I am a first-year student at the faculty of physics and mathematics (natural sciences, primary education).
We study six days a week. The students study in two shifts. My working day begins early: the first lecture starts at eight oclock in the morning. We usually have three or four double periods with breaks between them. During these breaks students can go to the canteen to have a snack or have a look at the notice board. There we can read various kinds of notices, our time-table, to learn what is going on at the University, etc.
When our daily programme is over, some students hurry home, but some stay behind to read up for the next classes in the reading hall or to participate in social and academic work. The students take exams three times a year: in December, April and June. The number of exams is never greater than five.
We have holidays in winter, spring and summer. In summer students have a rest and work at various enterprises. Some of them spend their holidays working with children in summer camps.
I try to study well and take an active part in the social life of the faculty and the University.
Post-reading Activities
1. Find in the text you have composed the answers to the following questions:
1) When and where were you born?
2) Is your family large or small?
3) How many persons does your family consist of?
4) How old are your parents?
5) What are your parents?
6) Do you have any brothers or sisters? If you have say a few words about them.
7) Do you have grandparents? How old are they?
8) What is your hobby?
9) Do your parents have any hobbies?
10) When did you go to school?
11) When did you finish secondary school?
12) Where do you study?
13) How many days a week do you study?
14) How many double periods do you have every day?
15) When does your first lecture begin?
16) When are your classes over?
17) What can you do during breaks?
18) What do students do after their classes?
19) When do students take exams?
20) How many times a year do they have holidays?
21) Where can students work in summer?
2. Practise the above questions with your group-mate. Work in pairs!
3. Translate the following words and phrases from Ukrainian into English. Make up ten sentences with the English equivalents of the following words:
середня школа
скласти вступні іспити
першокурсник (першокурсниця)
дошка обяв
читальна зала
брати участь у суспільній роботі
працювати на різних підприємствах
літній табір
4. Translate the following sentences from Ukrainian into English:
1) Моя родина складається з пяти осіб.
2) Мій батько працює у дослідному інституті, а моя мати вчитель.
3) Його бабуся та дідусь не працюють, вони пенсіонери.
4) Моя сестра пішла до школи, коли їй було шість.
5) Після закінчення школи мій брат працював будівельником, а потім служив в Армії.
6) Студенти вчаться шість днів на тиждень.
7) Перша лекція починається о восьмій годині ранку.
8) Наша денна програма закінчується о третій годині.
9) Ми складаємо іспити тричі на рік.
10) Влітку студенти відпочивають та працюють у літніх таборах.
5. Read and translate the following dialogue about students life:
Jane: Hello, Mary!
Mary: Hi, Jane!
Jane: Havent seen you for ages. How are you?
Mary: Fine, thank you. And whats about you?
Jane: Im fine. You know, I finished secondary school in June, had a short rest and then …
Mary: Sorry for interrupting, but Im sure you took your entrance exams to a university or academy, didnt you?
Jane: You are quite right. I have always dreamt of becoming a teacher. And my dreams have come true. I have passed entrance exams to Kharkiv G.S.Skovoroda National Pedagogical University. Now Im a first-year student.
Mary: My congratulation! What a surprise! Im a student of the same University too. Its strange I didnt meet you during entrance exams … And what faculty do you study at?
Jane: I study at the faculty of Physics and Mathematics. My major is Informatics.
Mary: I see. Its but natural. As far as I know, youve always been crazy about computers. As for me, I hate sciences. Im fond of drawing and love small kids. So I chose the Faculty of Primary Education. Ill be a teacher of primary school. Besides, Ill specialize in arts and drawing.
Jane: Is it difficult to study at your faculty?
Mary: No. As for me, the first months at the University were a fun …
Jane: Excuse me, I must be going. The second double period will begin in a few minutes.
Mary: Im in a hurry too. I hope well meet one of these days and discuss our students life in detail. Good-bye, Jane!
Jane: So long, Mary. It was a pleasure to see you.
6. Make up your own dialogue about students life making use of the text, questions and the dialogue above.
7. Decide if the following statements are true or false according to the text „Students Life”:
true |
false |
1) Students dont study on Sundays. 2) Students have six double periods every day. 3) The third double period is over at 12.40. 4) Students take exams once a year. 5) The first lecture starts at seven oclock in the morning. 6) A break between double periods lasts for forty-five minutes. 7) Students have holidays three times a year. |
8. Read and translate (using the notes to the text) the following report of Ukrainian students summer activities. The text was originally published in the weekly „English. Language and Culture” (2007, № 31-32).
Notes to the Text
to relax відпочивати
to improve удосконалювати
to represent представляти
experience досвід
tireless невтомний
to inspire надихати
For the second time students from Ukraine, Canada, Poland, and the USA came to Kosiv to relax, meet new friends and improve their English or Ukrainian. The camp was organized by Professor Roman from Winnipeg, Canada, and by his coordinator from Ukraine, Oksana Ruda, the former director of the private school „Persha Lastivka” from Ivano-Frankivsk. Students who came to the camp represented different regions of Ukraine and provinces of Canada. They didnt know each other before they met but by the end of their stay in the camp they became friends and were one big family of nearly 100 students.
All the students were happy to be in the camp both those who had never been there and the ones who came for the second time said that it was the best experience of their lives. They had a lot of fun: interesting activities were prepared by a tireless, energetic and inspiring teacher Oksana Androshchuk, who came from Austria to be with her friends. The campers liked the morning exercises prepared by Vitaliy Rediuk, a student from Ivano-Frankivsk and they enjoyed trips to different places, sports competitions and parties.
It was not easy to say goodbye on our last day in the camp, students and teachers were crying and didnt want to leave. We came to the camp knowing only a few people, but at the end we all became friends and now we get letters and e-mails from different parts of the world. The person who has a friend is said to be rich and what about the one who has a hundred friends?
9. Find the answers to the following questions in the above text:
1) What countries did the students come to Kosiv from?
2) Who was the director of the private school ”Persha Lastivka”?
3) Where did Oksana Androshchuk come to the summer camp from?
4) What did Vitaliy Rediuk prepare?
5) What can you say about various activities of the campers?
10. Read and translate (using the notes to the text) the following stories of the first-year students of various British universities. The text was originally published in the British youth magazine „Current” (2001, № 32).
Notes to the Text
self-motivated самостійний, цілеспрямований, сумлінний
tutor [΄t j u : t ə] керівник групи студентів
tutorial [t j u :΄ t ) r ı ə l] заняття (індивідуальне або у малій групі)
to force примушувати
to afford [ə΄ f ) : d] дозволяти собі
to sit back відпочивати, розслаблюватись
to fall behind відставати
hall of residence університетський гуртожиток
social place місто для зустрічей
one-to-one teaching індивідуальні заняття з викладачем
to lure [΄ l j u ə] спокушати
to have fun веселитися, розважатися
responsible відповідальний
Jeremy Farrington: You need to be very self-motivated in your first year. The tutors are very good. They give you great ideas. But at the end of the day, they cant force you to do the work. You cant afford to sit back and not to do the work for a week. Its very easy to fall behind.
Ben Wilcox: Im living in a hall of residence. In the hall there are flats, with five people sharing a kitchen and a bathroom. The kitchen is probably the most social place. Were all busy people but we dont mind cooking for each other.
Theres a lot of one-to-one teaching. We have two tutorials a week but if you want to see your tutor for extra help you can arrange a tutorial any time. The lectures havent been so important in our first year.
Malin Paulsson: My advice to school leavers about to start their first year at university? You shouldnt be lured by people who seem to be going out all the time and not doing any work. People do work, even if they dont seem to. The first weeks are a party, having fun and meeting people. But you need to be responsible about your studies as well as having fun.
11. Find the answers to the following questions in the above text:
1) Why cant a student sit back even for a week?
2) What, according to Ben Wilcox, is more important during the first year of university studies: lectures or tutorials?
3) How do British students live in a hall of residence?
4) What is the difference between tutorials and one-to-one teaching?
5) What is Malin Paulssons opinion of studies and social life?
12. Compare the life of British students with your own students life. What is similar and what is different between these two ways of life? The questions below will help you to make the comparison:
1) What is more important during your first-year studies: lectures or tutorials?
2) Do you have any one-to-one teaching?
3) How many students share a kitchen in your hall of residence?
4) What is the most important social place for the students of your faculty?
5) What is your own opinion of your first weeks at Kharkiv Pedagogical University?
13. Be ready to speak about your students life.
Focus on Grammar
Example: Tom is a nice boy. His parents are nice people too.
Example: Ann teaches biology. She is a teacher.
If you do not remember the correct words find them in the list below:
translator, driver, shop-assistant, doctor, lecturer, builder, school-girl, farmer, librarian, student |
Example: My elder sister is a student (we). We are students.
Example: The sun goes round the earth. The sun doesnt go round the earth. The earth goes round the sun.
Example: My brother plays tennis. (How often?)
How often does my brother play tennis?
I get up at six oclock. (What time?)
What time do you get up?
Example: I dont know your telephone number. right
Dont make so much noise. I study. wrong (am studying)
Example: Nick usually gets up at seven.
Yesterday he got up at six.
Example: Yesterday we_______ a composition (write).
Yesterday we wrote a composition.
Example: Students attend lectures.
Lectures are attended (by students).
1940 1564 1856 1814 1722 1871 1929 |
Example: Alexander Pushkin was born in 1799.
And now answer the following questions:
When was your mother born?
When was your best friend born?
When were you born?
English in Use
Adressing People
When addressing people in English, we use Mr./Mrs./Miss followed by the surname:
Mr. ['mıstə] Brown to a man;
Mrs. ['mısız] Brown to a married woman;
Miss ['mıs] Brown to a girl or unmarried woman.
Other forms of address are:
Sir used to a man who is clearly older than oneself.
Professor used either with or without the surname, depending on how formal or informal one wishes to be (Simply Professor is more formal).
Mrs or Miss (Brown) used when addressing women-teachers.
Ladies and Gentlemen to an audience.
Mr. or Madam Chairman to the chairman of a meeting.
Waiter / Waitress / Porter / Nurse etc. to people in certain occupations. Now people simply try to catch the waiters eyes, for example, or say Excuse me, (please).
Officer to a policeman.
2. Choose the best answer.
1) When you address a middle-aged whose name you do not know, you say:
a) Mister; b) Sir; c) Officer.
2) If you want to address an eminent British scientist (Doctor John Lonsdale), you say:
a) Mr. Lonsdale; b) Dr. Lonsdale; c) John.
3) If you want to address a visiting English teacher Helen Parker (unmarried), you call her:
a) Helen; b) Miss Helen; c) Miss Parker.
Getting Acquainted with People
1. Read and translate the following dialogues making use of the Word List below.
How do you do, Miss Bilyk. My name is Bill Porter.
Word List
2. Practise the dialogues above and learn any two of them by heart.
3. Complete the following dialogues with suitable words or phrases from the Word List and the dialogues above.
How do you do, Mr. Petrenko. I am John Bush.
4. Learn the dialogues you have completed by heart.
Parting with People
1. Read and translate the following dialogues making use of the Word List below.
Thank you for coming.
Word List
2. Practise the dialogues above and learn any two of them by heart.
3. Complete the following dialogues with suitable words or phrases from the Word List and the dialogues above.
Yes, it is.
4. Learn the dialogues you have completed by heart.
1. Read and translate the following dialogues making use of the Word List below.
Good morning, Helen.
Word List
2. Practise the dialogues above and learn any two of them by heart.
3. Complete the following dialogues with suitable words or phrases from the Word List and the dialogues above.
__________ , Mr. Webster.
4. Learn the dialogues you have completed by heart.
1. Read and translate the following dialogues making use of the Word List below.
Its quite all right.
It doesnt matter. The cloth needs washing anyway.
Word List
2. Practise the dialogues above and learn any two of them by heart.
3. Complete the following dialogues with suitable words or phrases from the Word List and the dialogues above.
4. In pairs, express apology using one item from each column. Let your group-mate respond.
very Ive lost the key
ever so I cant remember the address
Im terribly sorry but Ive forgotten to buy bread
awfully Ive let the dog out
dreadfully Ive eaten all the cake
5. What would you say in the following situations? Work in pairs. Let your group-mate reply.
I. You are late for a class.
II. You didnt hear what your neighbour said.
III. You have spilt coffee on a friends dress.
IV. You lost an umbrella which your sister lent you.
V. You are leaving your guests alone for some time (to finish getting the supper ready).
Pre-reading Activities
1. Read and answer the questions:
1. Is education important? Why?
2. What levels of education are there in University education?
3. What does a person have to do to get each level of education?
4. Why did you decide to get higher education?
5. What documents did you have to provide to apply to the University?
6. Why did you enter Kharkiv G.S. Skovoroda National Pedagogical University?
How did you make your choice?
2. Read the words and phrases and make some sentences about yourself using them. Pay attention to the pronunciation:
to enter the University поступити до університету
to do a course in … вивчати певний урс/проходити
курс навчання
to attend classes / lectures / seminars відвідувати заняття/ лекції/
tuition/ instruction/ teaching навчання
to miss classes пропускати заняття
a recognized qualification / diploma визнана кваліфікація/диплом
a school-leaving certificate атестат про закінчення школи
(with honours) (з відзнакою)
to apply (to University) вступати (намагатися) (до університету)
to admit / accept (to University) приймати до університету
to award the degree присвоїти ступінь
an academic year навчальний рік
a term семестр
a class практичне заняття
a seminar семінар
a tutorial консультація
a hall of residence гуртожиток
lodgings наймана кімната в приватній
a shared (rented) flat наймана квартира, в якій проживають кілька студентів
a grant стипендія
a scholarship іменна стипендія
an award премія
a postgraduate course курс навчання в
аспірантурі (в Україні)
to take exams /a test складати тест
to pass a test / entrance examinations скласти тест
to sit (for) an exam екзаменуватися
to fail a test / an exam провалити тест
a test score кількість балів, набраних при
складанні тесту
Reading Activities
Read and translate the text:
Kharkiv G.S. Skovoroda National Pedagogical University is the oldest pedagogical education establishment in Ukraine. Its history dates back to 1804 when Kharkiv V.N. Karazin National University was set up.
On the 24th of January 1803 the Regulations declaring that „every university shall have a „teacher training” or pedagogical institute in its structure” were approved.
The charter of Kharkiv University approved by the decree of the tsar Olexander I in 1804 included the separate chapter „On the Pedagogical Institute” which proclaimed the aim, structure and foundations of the activity of Pedagogical Institute. This is considered to be “the date of birth” of our university.
The institute changed the title several times; however its main mission has always remained the same: to train highly qualified teachers. For this period of time it has trained more than 160,000 young people who became teachers and contributed a lot to the development of education and culture in Ukraine (at different times our university was functioning as „higher pedagogical courses” (in the 60-s of the 19th century), „Kharkiv Institute of Public Education” (1921), „Kharkiv State Pedagogical Institute” (1932), „Kharkiv State Pedagogical University” (1994)). In 2004 our university was granted the status of the National Pedagogical University.
Rector is in charge of the University. Nowadays there are 15 faculties headed by deans. The faculties carry out training of full-time students, correspondence department students (students of extra-mural department), and postgraduates. There are more than 15,000 students in KhSNPU. Every faculty provides training for Bachelors (BA), Specialists and Masters (MA) degrees. To get a Bachelors degree one needs to do a four-year course of study, to get a Specialists or Masters degree one has to study a year or two longer.
Students in our University study in 2 shifts. Usually they have 3 double-periods a day. They attend practical classes, seminars, and lectures. The students are also actively engaged in out of class activities: they take part in disputes, contests, Olympiads, concerts. The curriculum includes general educational, professional pedagogical courses and courses of students specialization. Besides all students study the Ukrainian language, foreign languages, History of Ukraine and have PE trainings.
To get ready for their classes or prepare their course projects or diploma papers the students can work in the reading halls of the library. The university is accommodated in 6 buildings and each of them has at least one reading hall, so the students can easily use the resources and reference materials.
There is a lot of modern equipment which facilitates students learning: computers, multimedia classes, Internet.
Those, who wish to continue their education or get higher education in the sphere different from their diploma degree, can go on with their education in the Institute of Postgraduate Education which offers degree courses for full-time and part-time students or combined full-time and correspondence courses.
The graduates of the University work in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, in out of school clubs and higher educational establishments. They value their profession and are proud of their alma mater.
Post-reading Activities
1. Answer the questions:
1. When was our university founded?
2. Did it function as a separate institution at that time?
3. How many teachers has it trained for this period?
4. When was our university granted the present day status?
5. How many students are there in Kharkiv G.S. Skovoroda National University?
6. How many faculties/ departments provide training of future teachers?
7. Who is in charge of the University?
8. Who is at the head of each faculty/ department?
9. What degrees are awarded at the University?
10. What is the course of study at the University?
11. How many double-periods do students have a day?
12. What are the main forms of tuition in the University?
13. Where do students live?
14. Where can students get ready for their classes?
15. What disciplines do students study?
16.What is your future speciality? Why did you choose it?
2. Decide if the following statements are true or false according to the text above:
1. The Kharkiv Pedagogical University was set up in 1803.
2. The mission of our university has changed with the time: nowadays it is to train teachers for Slobozhanshchyna.
3. In the 20th century our university was granted the status of the National Pedagogical University.
4. The course of study to get a Bachelors degree precedes the course of study to get a Masters degree.
5. The teaching programme provides students with training in professional and pedagogical disciplines.
6. The heads of the faculties are deans.
7. All students have to learn foreign languages.
8.The Institute of Postgraduate education is a separate educational establishment.
3. Find in the text the words corresponding to the following definitions:
1) written or printed statement of rights, permission especially from a ruler or government;
2) an organization for a special educational purpose;
3) the programme of study in a school, college, and university;
4) a special task assigned to an individual or institution;
5) to give teaching and practice to somebody;
6) the head of the educational establishment;
7) the first university degree;
8) a holder of the second university degree;
9) not to miss classes;
10) a student who doesnt work;
11) an academic title, rank or grade given by a university to a person who has done a course;
12) to have a high opinion of something
Key: to train, to attend classes, Bachelor (BA), to value, a charter, Master (MA, MSc), a rector, an institute, a curriculum, a mission, a full time student, a degree
4. Find in the text the synonyms for the given words and phrases:
to teach
to confer (a degree)
to grant the status
to be responsible for
to be present at lectures
to be located
to continue
5. Form the nouns from the given verbs and use them in the word combinations and sentences of your own. Use the suffixes -ance, -tion, -ing if necessary:
to attend to offer
to apply to graduate
to award to function
to educate to train
to teach to grant
6. Form the verbs from the given nouns:
education contribution head
approval award
7. Translate the given words and phrases into English:
складати екзамен, скласти іспит, проходити навчання, відвідувати заняття, поступати до університету, офіційно визнана кваліфікація, вступати до університету, присвоювати ступінь, перший університетський ступінь, консультація, практичне заняття, семінар, наймана квартира, гуртожиток (ВНЗ), наказ, статут, схвалювати, залишатися, робити внесок, забезпечувати підготовку, готувати вчителів, факультет, кафедра, навчальна пара, позааудиторна діяльність, готуватися, бібліотека, читальний зал, довідкова література, студенти денного відділення, студенти заочного відділення, навчальна програма, пишатися, цінувати.
8. Fill in the correct preposition:
1. The students of Kharkiv G.S. Skovoroda National Pedagogical University do courses ______ Physics, Mathematics, Primary School Teaching, Natural Sciences, etc.
2. Our University dates back ______ the 19th century.
3. Rector and vice-rectors are ______ charge ______ the quality of teaching provided by the University.
4. Normally it takes time and efforts to get ready ______ entrance exams.
5. My brother studies ______ our university too.
6. The qualified teachers former students of our university work ______ schools of Ukraine.
9. Read some more facts about our university and make up questions to the underlined words:
10. a) Look at the table and mark the difference in how teachers and staff are called in the UK, USA and Ukraine.
UK |
UKRAINE (recommended) |
почесний ректор |
Chancellor |
ректор |
President |
Rector (President) |
проректор: |
Vice-Chancellor |
Vice-President |
Vice-Rector (Vice-President) |
з питань реєстрації студентів |
Registrar |
з загальних фінансових питань |
Treasurer |
Provost |
з фінансування господарчої роботи |
Bursar |
декан |
Dean |
Dean |
Dean |
зам. декана |
Assistant Dean |
Assistant Dean |
Assistant Dean |
посада професора |
Chair (of Philology, etc.) |
Chair (of Philology, etc.) |
Chair (of Philology Department, etc.) |
професор |
Professor |
Full Professor |
Full Professor |
доцент |
Reader |
Associate Professor |
Associate Professor |
ст. викладач |
Senior Lecturer |
Assistant Professor |
Assistant Professor |
викладач |
Assistant Lecturer |
Instructor |
Instructor |
куратор, тютор |
Tutor |
Academic Advisor |
Tutor |
лаборант кафедри (секретар) |
Department secretary |
Department secretary |
Department secretary |
лаборант (відповідає за устаткування тощо) |
Lab (oratory) assistant |
Lab (oratory) assistant |
Lab (oratory) assistant |
б) Translate the sentences:
1. Моя сестра працювала лаборантом, який відповідає за устаткування. Після аспірантури вона працювала викладачем, а пізніше старшим викладачем. Після цього вона працювала заступником декана.
2. У США ВНЗ очолює ректор, який має кілька проректорів. Професори, доценти, старші викладачі та викладачі здійснюють навчальний процес.
3. У Великобританії існує посада почесного ректора. Викладачі діляться на категорії: викладач, старший викладач, доцент, професор. Більшість з них є кураторами.
11. a) Study the structure of universities in the UK, USA and Ukraine:
UK |
UKRAINE (recommended) |
Вчена рада університету |
Senate |
Senate |
Senate |
факультет |
Faculty/School/College |
School/College |
School |
Вчена рада факультету |
Faculty/School Board |
School/College Board |
School Board |
кафедра |
Department |
Department |
Department |
завідувач кафедри |
head of (the) department |
head of (the) department |
head of (the) department |
засідання кафедри |
staff meeting |
department meeting |
department meeting |
Відділення: |
department |
department |
department |
денне відділення (стаціонар) |
full-time department |
full-time department |
full-time department |
вечірнє відділення |
part-time department |
стаціонар з неповним навантаженням |
part-time department |
заочне відділення |
Open University (its a separate university, the only one in the UK) |
Distance Learning/Education Dept |
Correspondence Dept (Distant Learning/ Education Dept) |
викладачі |
(teaching) staff |
faculty |
faculty |
співробітники |
staff |
staff |
staff |
курси (вечірні) |
Evening (Night) Institute (School) (run by LEA) |
evening school |
b) Translate the sentences into English, use the table given above:
1.Звичайно структура університету включає вчену раду університету, факультети, вчені ради факультетів, кафедри.
2. Засідання кафедри проводяться (are held) раз на місяць.
3. У нашому університеті працюють денне та заочне відділення, xоча в інших університетах також є вечірнє відділення.
4. Студенти, викладачі та співробітники пишаються нашим університетом.
5. Ті, хто готуються до вступу в університет, можуть відвідувати вечірні курси.
12. Insert the given words:
academic free results exams scholarships
terms marks fee holidays
An (1)_________ year consists of three (2)______ . At the end of each term students have to get „passes” in some disciplines and to sit (3)______ in the others. Usually they have (4)______ after the exams. The longest holidays are in summer. For some students higher education is (5)_______ but the others pay for their education. It depends on their (6)______ at the entrance examinations. Those who get better (7)________ dont pay any tuition (8)______. Besides these students if they study well get (9)_______.
13. Speaking:
14. a) Think of the characteristics for teachers work, consult the dictionary.
Model: I think teachers work is creative.
Use the following phrases:
In my opinion …
I believe …
I personally think…
I could be wrong but I think…
To my mind …
b) Compare and contrast the school you studied at and Kharkiv G.S. Skovoroda National Pedagogical University.
Model: Studies at university are not similar to studies at school.
Use the following phrases:
… is (not) like , … is (not) similar to …, on the one hand …, on the other hand, as … as, not as … as
c) The teaching process is the process of joint activities of teachers and students directed at the achievement of teaching goals. Discuss how you understand this statement.
Model: On the one hand students and teachers take part in the teaching process, on the other hand their functions are different.
Use the following expressions:
on the one hand, … on the other hand …, consequently …, accordingly;
I think…; I believe …; I consider…; In my opinion…; To my mind…
15. Compare the structure of the academic year, marking systems and students work in the UK, USA and Ukraine.
UK (approximately) |
US (approximately) |
UA (approximately) |
A. In English universities the academic year, which is also called ______ (1), lasts approximately from the beginning of ______ (2) to the end of ______ (3). The session is broken into three parts, which are called ______ (4). The students have to take exams at the end of each ______(5). Those exams are called ______(6) exams, or _______(7) in the ______ (8) and the ______(9) terms. However, the exams at the end of the third ______(10) are called _____(11) exams, or just _____(12).
B. In contrast to the English universities, the ______(1) year in American universities is broken only into two _____(2). The school year starts earlier than in Britain, in _____(3), and it is over earlier as well, at the end of_____(4). However, there are extra ______(5), when the students may take additional courses and shorten their period of study. They may do it in winter ______(6), during the winter ______(7); in May, during the May _______(8); and in summer, during the summer ______(9). At the end of each semester the students take their ______(10) exams, which may be called _______(11) exams if those are the last ______(12) within a specific course, or preliminary _____(13) exams, if they are not the last ones in this particular course.
C. Describe the structure of the academic (school) year, the vacations and the exams the Ukrainians have. Talk about:
1. When does an academic year start and when is it over?
2. How many parts is an academic year divided into? How are they called? How long do they last?
3. When do the students take their exams? What types are they? How many of each type may the students take within one semester?
4. How many vacations are there in an academic year? How long are they? Do you think they should be longer or shorter? Why?
5. Compare the structure of the academic year in the three countries in the table along the following guidelines:
a) the length of the academic year;
b) the number of periods the academic year is broken into;
c) the length of the vacations;
d) the number of exams per year;
e) the degree of students freedom to choose the place to study at;
f) which structure of the academic year do you like best of all? Why?
g) Work in groups of 3-4. Suggest an ideal project of the academic year structure for Ukraine. Give your reasons.
D. Translate the sentences into English:
В українських та американських університетах навчальний рік складається з двох семестрів, наприкінці кожного із них студенти складають семестрові іспити та заліки. Студенти, які закінчують повний курс навчання, складають іспити на присвоєння відповідного ступеня. На відміну від України, американські студенти можуть скоротити термін власного навчання за рахунок додаткових занять під час зимових та літніх канікул. Британські ж університети ділять навчальний рік на три триместри, однак починають навчання на місяць пізніше, ніж в Україні і США. Навчальний рік в Україні та Великобританії закінчується одночасно, а в США заняття припиняються майже на півтора місяця раніше. Загальна тривалість канікул є найдовшою у Великобританії близько 150 днів, в США вона складає близько 135 днів, а в Україні лише 70 днів. Термін „файнелз” у Великобританії означає іспити на одержання ступеня (бакалавра або магістра), а в США, крім того, це можуть бути останні іспити з будь-якого предмету. В Україні цей термін може позначати „державні іспити”, в США іспити, які передують останньому іспиту з певного предмету, називаються „прелімінеріз”.
Use the correct form of the verb to be in the Past Simple Tense.
Model: She ______ (to be) 16 last year. She was 16 last year.
They ______ (to be) happy to see us. They were happy to see us.
Use the Past Simple Tense form of the verb in brackets (consult the table of irregular verbs in the appendix).
Model: At the age of six I went (to go) to school.
She liked (to like) Geography in school.
Model: They discussed the film yesterday.
They didnt discuss the film yesterday.
Did they discuss the film yesterday?
They were at the concert.
They werent at the concert.
Were they at the concert?
A. Model: She ______ (to watch) a film at that time. She was watching a film at that time.
They ______ (to play) football at that time yesterday. They were playing football at that time yesterday.
the sun ______ (to shine).
B. Change the sentences above into negatives and questions.
2) some adventure that happened to you;
3) your last summer.
8. A. Insert the correct form of the verb to be (is or are).
1. There ______ libraries in every university building.
2. There ______ full-time and part-time students in our University.
3. There ______ 3 academic terms in a year.
4. There ______ a lot of merited teachers of Ukrainian among the graduates of our university.
5. There ______ a few people who dont know English nowadays.
6. There ______ a monument to the first teacher in front of the University.
7. There ______ usually 25 students in a group.
8. There ______ a memorial sign on that building.
9. There ______ a bed, a wardrobe, a table and some chairs in my room.
10. There ______ a TV set in the corner.
11. There______ some chairs, a table and a bookcase there.
12. There ______ a library on the first floor.
B. Make up some questions using the structure there is / are.
Model: Are there any flowers in the room?
Is there a picture on the wall?
How many students are there in the classroom?
Use the words: furniture, a table, a book, water, an exercise-book, a pen,
a blackboard, a friend, a group-mate, a notice, a recipe
C. Describe the room you live/are in using the structure there is /are.
9. A. Look at the words and word combinations and tell the group what you can do and what you cant do.
Model: I can work on the computer. I cant ski.
speak German ride a bicycle
speak English play the piano
dance cook
sing knit
skate sew
make music drive a car
play chess play badminton
B. Say what you could do and what you couldnt do when you were 4, 10, 15.
C. Use have to or must in the sentences below.
1. Dont forget youve got exams soon. I think you ______ start revising.
2. Hes a security guard so he often ______ work at night.
3. I havent been to the dentist for ages. I ______ make an appointment.
4. You dont ______ be qualified to work for us.
5. You ______ be the right age to apply.
6. You always ______ show your passport at the frontier.
10. Put an appropriate verb in its correct form into each gap (can, could).
1. In my country you ______ get married when you are 16.
2. Women _____ vote in England until 1922.
3. Last night I ______ get into my house because I had forgotten my key.
4. ”Hello. Is that the dentist? ______ I make an appointment to see you, please?”
5. Many night animals ______ see very well.
11. Write what you would say in the following situations.
English in Use
Discussing Weather
Useful Expressions
a) Whats your favourite season?
Whats the weather like today?
The weather is fine (nasty...), isnt it?
Its warm & sunny (cold, frosty, rainy, slippery, chilly).
It has been raining since morning.
It looks like rain Its about ____ degrees above / below zero.
I hope the weather will be fine.
The weather changes very often this winter.
What does the forecast say? (Heavy showers, snowfall, rain, snow, hurricane, sleet, slush, freezing,).
Word List
b) Cold Weather
Cold, chilly, frosty, rainy, slippery, rain, snow, to slush, to settle, blizzard, snowdrift, freezing, thaw, melt, snowfall.
Warm Weather
Close (warm & uncomfortable), stifling, muggy, humid, scorching (in positive context), boiling (in negative context), mild, a heatwave, a drought.
Wet Weather
Damp, drizzle, rain, shower, pour down (v) / downpour (n), flood, thunderstorm, hail, to be overcast, haze / hazy, fog / foggy, smog.
2. Put the adjectives to do with temperature in the right order
____________ (100°C) freezing
_____________ boiling
Its _____________ cold
_____________ warm
_____________ chilly
_____________ (0°C) hot
3. Translate into English
1. Погода гарна, правда?
2. Іде дощ. Не забудь взяти зонта.
4. Make up some of your own dialogues discussing:
1. Practise saying the following telephone numbers:
0719274863 0927840098 633488 06144501277
Whats your phone number?
2. Notice the following expressions on the telephone:
This is John (Not Here is John or Im John).
Could I speak to Ann Baker, please? (Not speak with).
Is that Mike?
Im afraid hes out.
Can I take a message?
Ill try again later.
To dial The number is ringing The number is engaged The phone is ringing. Ill get it. 52902 (Not Here is 52902 or This is 52902). |
3. Read and practise the dialogues:
a) A. Hello!
B. Hello. Could I speak to Barry Perkins, please?
A. Speaking (= Im Barry Perkins).
B. Ah, hello. This is Jane Gardener ( NOT Im… or Here is…).
b) A. Can I have extension 366, please?
B. Hold the line, please. Im putting you through.
c) A. Can I speak to Mrs Barrett, please?
B. Im afraid shes out at the moment. Can I take a message?
A. Yes. Can you ask her to give me a ring? Ill give you my number.
d) A. Can I speak to Mr Bray, please?
B. Im afraid his line is busy at the moment. Would you like to hold?
A. No, Ill phone back later.
4. Complete the telephone conversations. Use the phrases from the box. In pairs practise saying them.
No, it isnt. Ill just get her. Can I take a message? Great! See you on Sunday at ten. Bye! Never mind. Perhaps next time. Bye! This is John speaking. Ill ring back later. Im having a party on Saturday. Can you come? |
a) A. Hello. 276694.
B. Hello. Can I speak to John, please.
A. __________________________ .
B. Oh! Hi, Jo. This is Pat. Im just ringing to check that Sunday is still OK for tennis.
A. Yes, thats fine.
B. __________________________ .
A. Bye!
b) A. Hello. Chesswood 4576.
B. Hello. Is that Liz?
A. __________________________ .
C. Hello. Liz here.
B. Hi, Liz. Its Tom. Listen!__________________________ .
C. Oh sorry, Tom. I cant. Im going to my cousins wedding.
B. __________________________ .
C. Bye!
c) A. Hello. Barclays Bank, Chesswood.
B. Hello. ____________________ .
A. Hold on. Ill put you through. Im afraid Mr. Smith isnt in his office. ______________________ .
B. Dont worry. _____________________.
A. All right. Good bye.
B. Good bye.
d) Translate into English and reproduce.
Алло. Це 1275347?
Yes. Who is speaking, please?
5. All the phrases below are from typical telephone calls.
1. Match a line in A with a line in B
A. a. Hello, this is Chesswood 285120. I afraid Im not at home at the moment, but please leave your name and number after the tone ad Ill get back to you as soon as I can.
b. Im afraid Mr Barretts in a meeting. Can I take a message?
c. Shall I ask Miss Jackson to give you a call when she gets back?
d. Good morning. Payne and Stracey Advertising.
e. Hello, Mrs Barett… I afraid Mr Baretts on another line at the moment. Do you want to hold on… ? Oh, hes free now. Im putting you through.
f. Hello. Is that Sandra?
Good morning. Can I have extension 321, please?
No, Im sorry, it isnt. Shes just gone out. Can I take a message? Shell be back in a minute.
Hi, Annie. This is er … Pete here. Pete Nealy. Er… I need to speak to you about your next weekend. Can you give me a ring? Erm… Im not at home, by the way Its ten oclock now and Ill be here all morning, er… until two oclock. Yes, thanks. Bye.
Thank you very much. Frank? Its me, Diana.
Yes, please. This is Pam Haddon. He rang me earlier and left a message on my answer phone and Im returning his call. Can you tell him Im back in my office now?
Yes, please. Im sure shes got my number but Ill give it to you again, just in case. Its 019245611718.
II. Decide which of the dialogues above sound more like business calls?
6. Read / listen to 3 telephone conversations and say:
how well they know each other.
2. Hello, International School of English.
Hold on. Ill connect you.
Hello! Can I speak to Ann Baker, please?
Ah, hello. I saw your advertisement about English classes in the magazine. Could you send me some information, please?
3. Hello. 755997?
Hello. Is that Mike?
Yes, please. Can you say that Joe phoned and Ill try again later? Do you know what time hell be back?
Thanks, Good-bye.
7. Leaving a message on an answer phone
1. It can be difficult to leave a message on an answer phone! You have to think quickly and speak clearly, and you have to pretend that youre talking to a person, but of course youre talking to a machine.
How to leave a message on an answer phone |
introduce yourself |
This is… Hello. / My name is… |
give the day and time |
Its three oclock on Monday afternoon. |
reason for phoning |
Im ringing … to let you know that… to find out if … because I need |
request action |
ring me back? Could you / help me? |
give you number |
My number is … You can get me on… Im on 784567 until five oclock |
end |
Thanks a lot. Goodbye. |
2. Work in pairs. Your teacher will give you role cards. Act out a telephone conversation.
Pre-reading Activities
a) borderland c) the country of many rains
b) steppe d) the land of Cossacks
2) The third longest river in Europe is …
a) the Desna c) the Dnieper
b) the Danube d) the Bug
3) Kyivan Rus was established …
a) 2000 years ago c) in the 1st century B.C.
b) in the 9th century d) in the 5th century
4) The highest body of the legislative power in Ukraine is …
a) the President c) the Prime Minister
b) Verhovna Rada d) the Constitutional Court
5) The first university in Ukraine was opened in …
a) Kyiv c) Odessa
b) Kharkiv d) Lviv
6) The second largest city of Ukraine after Kyiv is …
a) Kharkiv c) Donetsk
b) Odessa d) Dnipropetrovsk
7) The founder of the modern Ukrainian literature was …
a) Hryhory Kvitka-Osnovyanenko c) Ivan Kotlyarevsky
b) Taras Shevchenko d) Panas Myrny
8) The Nobel Prize laureates who lived and worked in Ukraine were …
a) V. Vernadsky and B. Paton c) L. Landau and I. Mechnikov
b) S. Lebedev and I. Kurchatov d) M. Barabashov and S. Korolyov
9) Ukraine is a Christian country and most believers belong to …
a) the Catholic Church c) the Orthodox Church
b) the Greek Catholic Church d) the Evangelic Church
10) The biggest seaport in Ukraine is …
a) Yalta c) Mikolaiv
b) Odessa d) Sebastopol
(Yana Klochkova, Dmytro Levytsky, Ivan Franko, Bohdan Khmelnitsky, Lesya Ukrainka, Volodymir Vernadsky, Hryhory Skovoroda, Yury and Platon Mayboroda, Lilia Podkopayeva, Anton Makarenko, Ilya Repin, Katya Serebrianska, Ilya Mechnikov, Mykola Lysenko, Marko Vovchok, Leo Landau, Volodymyr Borovykovsky, Yaroslav the Wise, Vasyl Sukhomlynsky)
sovereign суверенний
border межа
plain рівнина
peninsula півострів
powerful сильний
to connect зєднувати
legislative законодавчий
executive виконавчий
judicial судовий
branch гілка, галузь, влада
to represent представляти
to appoint призначати
to approve схвалювати
majority більшість
supreme верховний
trident тризуб
anthem гімн
to perish гинути, вмирати
community спільнота
to cooperate співробітничати, взаємодіяти
to participate брати участь
9) legislative branch i) національні символи
10) executive branch j) законодавча влада
11) judicial branch k) зовнішня політика
12) a treeless plain l) південно-східна частина
13) the Crimean Peninsula m) найбільші міста
14) the Crimean Mountains n) Карпатські гори
15) on both sides o) Кримські гори
16) a powerful river p) Кримський півострів
17) less important q) безлісна рівнина
18) the biggest cities r) могутня ріка
19) the south-eastern part s) менш важливий
20) the Carpathian Mountains t) з обох сторін
Reading Activities
Read and translate the text:
Ukraine is a sovereign state whose independence was declared on August 24, 1991. Before that it was one of the 15 republics of the former Soviet Union. Ukraine is situated in the south-eastern part of Central Europe, and it borders on other European countries: Russia, Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Moldova and Romania. Its territory is about 600,000 square kilometres. The population is about 46 million people. The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv. Among the biggest cities are Kharkiv, Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhya, Donetsk, Odessa and some others.
The territory of Ukraine is mostly a treeless plain, called the steppe. There are the Crimean Mountains in the Crimean Peninsula and the Carpathian Mountains in the west. The main river in the country is the Dnieper which is the third longest in Europe. One of the oldest Ukrainian cities, Kyiv, is situated on both sides of this wide and powerful river. Another Ukrainian river, the Danube, connects Ukraine with 7 European countries. Other less important rivers are the Dniester, the Southern Bug, the Desna, the Pripyat, the Seversky Donets and about 70 thousand small rivers.
The country has a democratic political system. State power in Ukraine is divided into legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The legislative power is represented by Ukraines Parliament, called Verhovna Rada. The executive branch consists of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers, headed by the Prime Minister, who is appointed by the President and approved by the majority of the Parliament. The judicial power is represented by the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court.
The national symbols of Ukraine are the national blue and yellow flag and the trident. The national anthem is “Shche ne vmerla Ukraina” (“Ukraine has not perished yet”).
The strategic line of Ukraines foreign policy is to live in peace with the rest of the world community, to cooperate with other countries and participate in European and world structures through membership in the United Nations Organization and other international political, economic and cultural organizations.
Post-reading Activities
1. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.
1) Ukraine is an independent country.
2) August 24 is an Independent Day in Ukraine.
3) Ukraine is situated in the south-western part of Central Europe.
4) Ukraine borders on four European countries.
5) The territory of Ukraine is mostly a steppe.
6) There are the Crimean Mountains in the Crimean Peninsula and the Carpathian Mountains in the east.
7) The Dnieper is the longest river in Europe.
8) Kyiv is situated on the right-hand and left-hand banks of the Dnieper.
9) The Dnieper is a wide but not very strong river.
10) The Dniester connects Ukraine with 7 European countries.
11) The legislative power in Ukraine is represented by Verkhovna Rada.
12) The executive branch consists of the President and of the Parliament.
13) The Prime Minister is appointed by the majority of the Parliament.
14) The strategic line of Ukraines foreign policy is to avoid the world community.
10) to participate j) broad
10) wide j) plain
4. In each line choose one word that doesnt belong to the group. Explain your choice. Start your sentences with the phrases:
Im sure…, In my opinion…, Its evident that …, Its true that…, I believe …
1) legislative, executive, supreme, judicial
2) city, centre, town, capital
3) treeless, independent, important, unimportant
4) manifest, longest, biggest, oldest
5) plain, mountain, community, river
6) state, peninsula, country, region
10) Who is the head of the Cabinet of Ministers?
8. Make a report on the topic “Ukraine”.
Focus on Grammar
Example: Ukraine became an independent state in 1991.
Did Ukraine become an independent state in 1991?
Ukraine didnt become an independent state in 1991.
10) Victor Vasnetsov painted many icons and frescoes for Volodymyr Cathedral.
10) Bohdan Khmelnitsky (to head) the Ukrainian war of independence.
Example 1: Donetsk was founded in 1869.
What city was founded in 1869?
When was Donetsk founded?
Example 2: The river Kharkiv appeared on the Russian maps in 1627.
What appeared on the Russian maps in 1627?
When did the river Kharkiv appear on the Russian maps?
10) Taras Sevchenko published his first book of poems “Kobzar” in 1840.
4. Rewrite the sentences, using Present Perfect.
Note: Present Perfect is used 1) for actions which happened at an unstated time in the past (e.g. He has sold his car. When? We dont know.)
2) to express actions which have finished so recently that theres evidence in the present (e.g. He has just painted the room. The paint is wet.)
3) for actions which started in the past and continue up to the present (e.g. She has lived in this house for two years. She still lives in this house.)
Use the following adverbs and expressions in the sentences in the Present Perfect Tense : just, ever, never, already, yet, for, since, today, this week/ month/ year, once/ twice/ several times etc.
Example: I am in Poltava now. I have been to Poltava twice.
5. Put the following sentences in negative and interrogative forms:
Example: I have just finished my homework.
I havent finished my homework yet.
Have you finished your homework?
6. Open the brackets and put the verbs into Past Simple, Present Simple, or Present Perfect.
10) Most Ukrainian people (to enjoy) holidays both old and new because they are good breaks in everyday work.
10) The key figure of the Ukrainian music is Mykola Lysenko.
Note: Past Perfect is used for a past action which happened before another past action or before a stated past time.
Example: When I got home she already (to leave).
When I got home she had already left by 8 oclock.
Note: 1) the names of oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, mountains take the definite article the;
2) the names of countries and cities are used without any article;
3) the names of theatres, museums, picture galleries and cinemas are used with the definite article the.
10) During __ Great Patriotic War __ Ukraine and its citizens suffered greatly.
10) Lviv is one of (beautiful) cities in Ukraine.
Example: The Black Sea is as big as the Caspian Sea.
The Azov Sea is not so big as the Black Sea.
10) Hydro-electric plant is __ dangerous __ nuclear power station.
10) Стрімке зростання промислового та хімічного виробництва у ХХ столітті спричинило збільшення негативного впливу на навколишнє середовище України.
English in Use
Invitations, requests, suggestions
a) Pat: Hello, Mary. How are you?
Mary: Fine, thanks. And you?
Pat: Im fine. Lets go to the cinema today.
Mary: Yes, all right. See you. Bye.
Pat: Bye, Mary.
b) Mark: Hello, Jane. Its Mark.
Jane: Oh, hello, Mark. Glad to hear you.
Mark: How about going to the club tonight?
Jane: Oh, sorry, Mark. Im busy. Lets go tomorrow.
Mark: Agreed. See you, Jane.
Jane: Bye, Mark.
Invitations |
Replies |
Come and see me. I'd very much like to see you all at … May I invite you... I'd like the two of us to go... Come to see us. You're always welcome. Come again. You're always welcome. Look in... I'll be happy to see you any time you can make it. |
Thank you. With pleasure. Of course I'll come. With the greatest of pleasure. Gladly. Willingly! I have no objection. I don't mind. I have nothing against it. I'm all for. All right. Let's. Agreed. Settled. Perhaps. Very likely. Why not? Quite possible. Not unlikely. Not sure I'll be able to. I can't promise you anything definite. |
Prompts: to the cinema/pictures, to the theatre, to the birthday party, to the country house, to your place, to the museum, to the countryside, to picnic, to the club, to the park, to the Zoo, to go shopping, to the library, to go for a walk.
Certainly. Its half past ten.
Requests |
Agreement |
Rejection |
Could I ask you to….? May I ask you to…? Would you please do..? Could you possibly ...? I'd be much obliged if... Will you turn off the radio, please? Can/Could I ask you for...? May I ask you for...? Would you mind if I ask(ed) for ..? Would it be all right if I asked you to do ...? Would you shut the window, please? Could I ask you to keep quiet, please! |
Certainly. Most certainly. Sure. Of course. Naturally. Willingly. With pleasure. All right. Right. OK. Here you are. Very well. / All right./ Good./ Right. Right away. I will (go there). I will (bring it). I will (do it). Very well, then. I'll have to. Oh yes! |
(I'm) sorry. I'm afraid... Unfortunately... I'm sorry but I can't. I'm very busy at the moment. I'd be delighted..., but I can't. With pleasure..., but I can't. I hate to say "no" but... I'd like to, but... I'm sorry but... No, you can't/ mustn't. No, you can't/mustn't. |
7. Work in pairs. Using the table above make up short dialogues and act them.
Certainly, just a moment.
Hello, Peters speaking.
Hello, its Mike here. Lets go to the concert tonight.
Good idea. Where shall we meet?
Lets meet near the concert hall.
OK. What time?
At a quarter to seven.
Fine. I will come in time.
See you later then.
Ive got toothache.
Then you should go to the dentist immediately.
Im afraid I have to.
Suggestions |
Replies |
I (would) advise / recommend you to … I suggest / advise (that) you (should) do smth. I think / believe you should do smth. I insist (that) you (should)... You'd better do smth. I strongly advise you to do smth. Let me give you a word of advice. Perhaps you should do smth. It would be necessary for you... |
I'll think it over. I'll try. I'll try. Thanks. |
11. Work in pairs. Using the tables (EX.2, 5,9) make up short dialogues and act them out.
Pre-reading Activities
1. Match the following English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.
1) a horn of plenty a) ліга, союз
2) a wand b) спадщина
3) an inheritance c) меморіальна квартира
4) a memorial flat d) памятна дошка пошани
5) a deed e) ріг статку
6) a higher educational establishment f) добровільна основа
7) a memorable board of honour g) бути зобовязаним
8) a league h) спільне підприємство
9) a voluntary basis i) внз
10) a joint venture j) жезл
11) a private enterprise k) подвиг
12) monumental architecture l) монументальна архітектура
13 )to carry out m) координувати
14) to entwine n) брати участь
15) to hold o) звертати увагу на будь-що
16) to owe p) робити, виконувати
17) to coordinate q) утримувати, займати
18) to participate r) обвивати
19) to pay attention (to) s) приватне підприємство
Reading Activities
Read and translate the text:
Kharkiv is situated in the north-eastern part of Ukraine. The area of the city is about 500 square kilometers and the population is about 2 million people. Main rivers of the city are the Kharkiv, the Lopan, the Udy, and the Nemyshlia.
Kharkiv is an important administrative centre that coordinates the activity of several region centres. It has its own city emblem the Horn of Plenty with fruit and flowers in it and the Mercury Wand entwined by silvery snakes.
The city is divided into 9 administrative districts: Dzerzhynsky, Kyivsky, Moskovsky, Frunzensky, Kominternivsky, Chervonozavodsky, Zhovtnevy, Ordzhonikydzevsky and Leninsky districts.
Kharkiv is one of historic cities of Ukraine. It was founded in 1654 as a fortress and now it is more than 350 years old. Its a member of the League of Historic Cities. The historical inheritance of the city contains a large number of monuments from different centuries. The city is especially rich in architectural places of interest of the 19th 20th centuries, but there are also outstanding buildings of an earlier period (Pokrovsky and Uspensky Cathedrals, the old building of the University etc). As for the monumental architecture, one of the best monuments is to T.G. Shevchenko.
Kharkiv is the city of science and students. There are over 30 institutions of higher education in the city. The most prestigious higher educational establishments are Kharkiv V.N.Karazin National University, Kharkiv G.S.Skovoroda National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv National Polytechnic University, Kharkiv Aviation University, Kharkiv University of Radio-Electronics and many others.
Life and activity of many remarkable Ukrainian and Russian scholars, scientists and artists (G. Skovoroda, P. Hulak-Artemovsky, Kh. Alchevska, A. Makarenko, D. Mechnikov, M. Ostrogradsky, V. Steklov, M. Beketov, D. Bagaly, O. Poteybnya) are connected with Kharkiv. There are memorial apartments, a lot of buildings have memorable boards in their honour.
Kharkiv is the city of art, literature and music. There are 6 theatres, over 15 cinemas, a circus, a Philharmonic Society, a lot of Palaces and Houses of Culture, concert halls, libraries and numerous art galleries. There are seven state museums in Kharkiv: the Historical Museum, the Museum of Art, the Museum of Nature, the Museum of Literature and others. Several museums were founded on the voluntary basis. Libraries, as well as other book and archive collections, are considered to be cultural inheritance of the city. The biggest libraries are V.G.Korolenko Fundamental Library and the Library of Kharkiv National University.
There are many gardens and parks in Kharkiv. The most popular ones are the University Botanical Gardens, Lesopark, the Gorky Park, the Shevchenko Gardens and the Memorial of Glory.
Taking into account the number of monuments and places of interest Kharkiv holds the second place in Ukraine after Kyiv.
Kharkiv has certain charm, which it owes to its people and their deeds.
A number of outstanding inventions were made here. The beginning of nuclear era took place here in 1932 with the splitting of the nucleus at Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology. The legendary T-34, the best tank of World War II, was designed in Kharkiv. The Kharkovites developed cryogenic medicine and carried out microbiology studies pioneered by the Nobel Prize winner I.Mechnikov who discovered the mechanism of immunity.
In the years of Ukraines independence the Kharkovites have given rise to the creation of private enterprises, small and medium businesses and joint ventures.
Kharkiv is the city which is open to the world. It became the sister city of Cincinnati, Nuremberg, Lil, Bologna, Poznan and other cities of the world.
Post-reading Activities
1. Answer the questions:
1. Where is Kharkiv situated?
2. What area does Kharkiv occupy?
3. What is its population?
4. Which are the main rivers of the city?
5. Has Kharkiv got its own emblem? Can you describe it?
6. How many administrative districts are there in Kharkiv?
7. Which are the most famous Kharkiv libraries?
8. Are there many higher educational establishments in the city?
9. What are the Kharkovites proud of?
10. What makes Kharkiv different from other cities?
11. Which places of interest in the city impress you most of all? Why?
13. Can you compare Kharkiv with the place where you live?
14. If you are a citizen of Kharkiv, speak about the things you like about your home city, what you dislike and would prefer to change.
15. Is Kharkiv more known as a research centre, as a cultural centre or as an industrial centre? Ground your opinion.
2. Decide whether the following statements are true or false:
1. Kharkiv region borders on Moldova.
2. Ukrainian Cossacks founded Kharkiv in 1654.
3. Kharkiv is located in the south-eastern part of Ukraine.
4. Our city is situated at the junction of 2 rivers.
5. Kharkiv is a centre of Ukrainian mining.
6. The first Kharkiv church was Pokrovsky Cathedral.
7. Kharkiv was finally liberated on 23 August 1943.
8. There are 6 theatres in Kharkiv.
9. Kharkiv was founded as a fortress.
10. Kharkiv celebrated its 350th anniversary in 2004.
11. Sumska Street is the main street of the city.
3. Translate the given words and phrases into English:
історична спадщина, адміністративний центр, обласний центр, історичне місто, музей природи, видатний вчений, популярний парк, шарм, незалежність, малий і середній бізнес, харків'янин, місто-побратим.
4. Translate the given sentences into English:
1. Харків розташований на північному сході України.
2. Харків важливий адміністративний центр України.
3. Емблема міста ріг статку, наповнений фруктами та квітами й оповитий двома срібними зміями.
4. Харків місто мистецтва й науки.
5. У Харкові багато визначних архітектурних памяток і памятників, палаців культури, театрів і музеїв, концертних залів і бібліотек.
6. Багато відомих учених й митців жили й працювали в Харкові.
7. У Харкова багато міст-побратимів у світі.
8. Харківяни пишаються своїм містом.
5. Fill in the gaps in the following text with a suitable word:
greenery guests leaders tourists
turns out tourism trips industrial
sights squares opportunities
The truth is that Kharkiv is not much of a ________ city and can not compete with such ________ of world ________ as Venice, Rome or Saint Petersburg. Kharkiv is one of the largest scientific, ________ and commercial centres of Ukraine. At the same time all ________ and visitors who come to our city on business _______ say they like it here. They admit that the city has beautiful parks, _______ and gardens and that it has a lot of _______ .
Moreover, it ________ that there are ________ worth looking at in Kharkiv. And in general we have a lot of sightseeing _________ .
6. Match the following words with their Ukrainian equivalents:
1. a cathedral a) монумент
2. a church b) військо
3. a bell tower c) щогодини
4. valuable d) ушкодити
5. to commemorate e) камерний
6. architecture f) дзвіниця
7. a dome g) церква
8. a monument h) видатний
9. to damage i) храм
10. restoration j) собор
11. a temple k) установити, встановити
12. troops l) увічнити
13. hourly m) коштовний
14. to install n) архітектура
15. outstanding o) купол
16. chamber p) відбудова
7. Read the following text and try to understand its general meaning.
The Pokrovsky Cathedral is the oldest city building. It was built in 1689. It is located close to the Constitution Square and is a valuable monument of the Ukrainian architecture of the second half of the 17th century. This is a typical Ukrainian three-domed church. The cathedral was damaged in the years of the Second World War. The restoration of the cathedral began in early 1990s and it is an acting orthodox temple.
The Uspensky Cathedral is situated at the central part of the University Hills. It was built in 17711777 in the style of Russian Baroque. To commemorate the victory of Russian troops over Napoleon, the architect Y.Vasilyev designed a new bell tower built in 18211844. This is one of the highest buildings in Kharkiv rising 89.5 metres tall. The gold-domed bell tower has a chiming clock, which melodious signal is heard hourly over the city.
An organ has been installed in the cathedral and now it is also known as an Organ Music Hall, hosting prominent Kharkiv and guest performers of chamber and organ music.
8. Match the following words with their Ukrainian equivalents:
1. a theatre a) увічнити
2. a bar b) мальовничий
3. location c) підвісний
4. recreation d) канатний
5. facility e) джерело, ключ
6. cable f) відпочинок, розвага
7. a spring g) дозвілля
8. picturesque h) місцеперебування
9. to commemorate i) послуга
10. aerial j) театр
11. leisure k) їдальня; бар
9. Read and translate the following text.
The Mirror Stream Fountain was built in 1947 to commemorate the victory in the Second World War. It is located at Sumska Street, just opposite the Opera and Ballet House. It is situated in a small but a very picturesque garden good for sitting on a bench and looking at people passing by.
You can take an aerial cable car to get from Otakara Yarosha Street near the spring to the Sumska Street near the Central Park of Culture and Recreation named after O.M.Gorky. The Gorky Park is a very popular location for recreation of Kharkivites. The park is about a hundred years old. It has all the facilities for recreation and leisure: an open-air theatre, a movie theatre under the name ”Park”, a library, a reading room, concert arenas and dance pavilions, tennis courts, attractions, cafes, bars, snack bars and much more.
10. Translate the given words and phrases into English:
сад, парк культури та відпочинку, літній театр, дзеркальний струмінь, читальний зал, концертна площадка, закусочна, літній концертний або танцювальний зал, канатна дорога, атракціон.
11. Match the following words with their Ukrainian equivalents:
1. an enthusiast a) вагон
2. to drive b) зєднувати
3. an adult c) колишній
4. a carriage d) діючий
5. a guest e) просторий, вільний
6. a switchman f) дорослий
7. annually g) святкувати
8. spacious h) річниця
9. a train attendant i) шанувальник
10. operational j) управляти
11. to celebrate k) провідник
12. to connect l) стрілочник
13. anniversary m) гість
14. former n) щорічно
12. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions.
The Small Southern Childrens Railroad is 3.6 kilometers long and connects the Gorky Park ____ the Forest Park.
There were ____ 40 childrens railroads in the former USSR. Few of them are still operational.
Carriages ____ the childrens railroad are relatively spacious and there is enough space inside both for children and adults.
The Small Southern Childrens Railroad is one ____ the oldest; it celebrated its 60th anniversary ___ November 2000. From May through November, young railroad enthusiasts and students of Kharkiv schools come here to acquire knowledge and practical skills ____ this industry. They drive locomotives, work as train attendants, switchmen, and yard masters. The Small Southern rolling stock consists ____ Diesel locomotives, ____ fifteen passenger carriages, and two steam locomotives in honorary retirement. The childrens railroad is very popular ___ the Kharkivites and guests and has _____ 20,000 to 30,000 visitors annually.
13. Translate the given words and phrases into English:
практичний досвід, рухомий склад, тепловоз, паровоз, почесна пенсія, локомотив, відвідувач, відносно просторий, пасажирський, галузь, залізниця, працювати стрілочником, простір, здобувати знання.
14. Try to guess the meaning of the following English words by their definitions:
1. a railroad a) a self-propelled engine driven by steam,
electricity, or diesel power and used
for drawing trains along railway tracks;
2. a carriage b) a person employed to assist, guide,
or provide a service for others, especially for
the general public;
3. to drive c) a railway coach for passengers
4. a locomotive to control and guide the movement of
a vehicle;
5. an attendant d) a permanent track composed of a line of
parallel metal rails fixed to sleepers for
transporting passengers and goods in trains
15. Make a report on the topic “Kharkiv”.
Focus on Grammar
Example: There are many gardens and parks in Kharkiv.
Example: He is going to Moscow next week.
Example: Do you think you will pass your exams?
I hope I will/Im afraid I wont.
4. Underline the correct form of the verb.
Example: Tom isnt free on Sunday. He will work/is working.
B: Yes, we will go/are going to Italy.
Example A: Why are you buying flour and eggs?
B: Because Im going to make (make) a cake.
B: Really. What …………… (you/buy) for her?
B: Oh no! I forgot! I …………… (do) it tonight.
B: Wait a minute. I ………. (get) him for you.
B: I ………… (spend) some time with my family.
B: Oh, I ………………. (probably/stay) at home.
B: No, but I promise I …….. (do) it this afternoon.
B: Oh, yes! He ………. (climb) the tree.
B: Yes. He says he …………. (become) a doctor.
10 A: Im too tired to cut the grass.
B: Dont worry! I …….. (cut) it for you.
Example: short …shorter …the shortest
1. thin ……… ………..
2. heavy ……. ……….
3. famous …….. ……….
4. old ……….. …………
5. long ………… …………
6. small………. …………
7. friendly……. …………
8. interesting …. ………..
9. careful …….. ……….
10. popular…… ………..
Example: Its a very nice room. Its …the nicest room… in the hotel.
In the following sentences use one of the + superlative.
Example: Its a very nice room. Its… one of the nicest rooms… in the hotel.
Example: (what/large/city/your country? )What…is the largest city in your country?
10. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of will or to be going to and the verb in brackets.
Example: I hope pollution levels … will drop…soon. (drop)
English in Use
Excuse me, (can/could) you tell me the way to ..., please?
Excuse me, (can/could) you help me to find…?
Excuse me, (can/could) you tell me how to get to…, please?
Excuse me, Im looking for...
How long does it take (on foot/by car)?
Where is the nearest…?
Is it far from here?
Ive lost my way. I cant find …
I didnt understand. Please, tell me (explain it) again.
Please, draw me a plan of the way.
Please, show me this place on the map.
Go straight (down/along) this road (as far as/past/to) the bank.
Take the (first/second/third) turning on the (right/left).
Turn (left/right) (at/after) the bus station.
(Carry on/keep) going until you get to …
Go straight on.
Tom: Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the … to the post office, please?
Man: Yes. Well … along Loring Road until you get to Park Avenue. … left and go … on until you get to Cross Street.
Tom: Okay.
Man: Then … left into Cross Street and … past the supermarket which is … your left. Cross Mill Street and … going. Youll see a hotel on one corner, and opposite the hotel is a newsagents. The post office is next to the newsagents. You cant miss it.
Tom: Thanks very much.
castle railway station
________________ ___________________
Grand Hotel
Tourist Information
theatre Centre
_______________ ____________________
_______________ ____________________
bus station hospital
police station swimming-pool
_______________ _____________________
_______________ ______________________
museum cathedral cinema
post office shopping centre
_______________ ______________________
_______________ ______________________
4.You are at the Tourist Information Centre. Working in pairs, use the map to ask each other the way to:
the post office
the castle
the bank
the museum
the Grand Hotel
the railway station
the swimming-pool
A Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the post office, please?
B Certainly. Turn left, then take the third turning on the right.
5.Fill in the gaps with the following prepositions:
along down into out of over
past through under up
Roberts driving lesson
Robert drove __________ the garage, _________ the road, and ________the bridge.
Then he drove __________the pub, _________the hill, and _________ the hill.
Next he drove __________the river, _________the hedge, and ________the lake!
6.Work in pairs:
Student A
Think of a place near your university. Give your partner directions, but dont say what the place is.
Student B
Listen to the directions. What is this place?
Pre-reading Activities
1. Read the following international words paying attention to their pronunciation. Try to guess their meanings. Check your variant of their meanings consulting the dictionary.
Atlantic Ocean [ə t ΄ l æ n t ı k ΄ o u ∫ ə n]
climate [΄ k l a ı m i t]
mineral resources [΄ m ı n ə r ə l r ı ΄ s ) : s ı z]
chemical industry [΄ k e m ı k ə l ΄ ı n d ə s t r ı]
textile industry [΄ t e k s t a ı l ΄ ı n d ə s t r ı]
financial [f a ı ΄ n æ n ∫ ə l]
official [ə ΄ f ı ∫ ə l]
parliamentary monarchy [p a : l ə ΄ m e n t ə r ı ΄ m ) n ə k ı]
colonial [k ə ΄ l o u n j ə l]
Prime Minister [p r a ı m ΄ m ı n ı s t ə]
2. Match the following English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.
1. numerous lakes a) високі гори
2. rare frosts b) рівнини
3. well-known с) численні озера
4. valleys d) по всьому світу
5. all over the world e) рідкі морози
6. high mountains f) добре знані
7. deposits g) поклади корисних копалин
8. coal h) королева
9. state, power i) вугілля
10. queen j) держава
3. Pay attention to the following synonyms:
4. Read and memorize the following words and word-combinations.
an island, an isle острів
total area загальна площа
to separate відокремлювати
to wash омивати
a surface зовнішня поверхня
to vary варіюватися
to represent представляти
the Commonwealth Співдружність (політико-економічне обєднання)
changeable мінливий
real power реальна влада
the highest legislative body вищий законодавчий орган
governing party правляча партія
to be a highly developed country бути високорозвиненою країною
to belong належати
a scientist вчений, науковець
Reading Activities
Read the following text and try to understand its general meaning:
Great Britain lies on the British Isles to the north-west of the continent of Europe. The total area of Great Britain is 244 thousand square kilometers. It is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast. Great Britain is separated from the continent by the English Channel (or La Manche) and the Strait of Dover (or Par de Calais). It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the Irish Sea and the North Sea.
The surface of Great Britain varies very much. There are valleys, mountains, plains, numerous lakes and rivers, a lot of woods and forests. The climate is mild and damp. This is because of the winds that blow from the ocean and the warm waters of the Gulf-Stream. Summers are cool and rainy. Winters are not cold with rare frosts and snow. In general, the weather is rather changeable.
Great Britain is not rich in mineral resources, but it has deposits of coal and oil. It is a highly developed industrial country. Shipbuilding, machine-building, chemical and textile industries are developed there. For a long time Great Britain has been a great colonial power.
The total population of Great Britain is about 60 million. English is the official language. The capital of Great Britain is London. London is traditionally divided into four main parts: Westminster, the City, the West End and the East End. It is situated on the river Thames in the south-east of England. It is Britains greatest financial, commercial, business and cultural centre. Great Britain has a lot of big cities such as Liverpool, Birmingham, Glasgow, Bristol and others.
The names of such famous English scientists as Newton, Faradei, Darwin, writers and poets as Shakespeare, Byron, Dickens, Show and many others are well-known all over the world.
Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. Officially the head of the state is the king or the queen. However the real power belongs to the British Parliament the highest legislative body. The Parliament consists of two houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. There are two main governing political parties: the Conservative Party and the Labour Party. The Prime Minister heads the governing party. Kharkiv has a sister-city in Great Britain. It is Leeds.
Its interesting to know:
Post-reading Activities
1. Comprehension check. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.
True False
1. Great Britain is an island state.
2. Great Britain is separated from the continent by
the North Channel.
3. Great Britain consists of England, Wales and Scotland
4. The population of Great Britain is less than 50 million.
5. Weather conditions in Great Britain change frequently.
6. The capital of Great Britain is Leeds.
7. Great Britain is an agricultural country.
8. The head of the state is the queen.
9. Cardiff is the capital of Scotland.
10. Dickens is a famous scientist.
2. Answer the questions comparing information about Great Britain with the information about Ukraine.
1. Which seas is Great Britain washed by?
2. What is the highest legislative body in Great Britain?
3. What industries are developed in Great Britain?
4. What is the population of Great Britain?
5. What is the surface of Great Britain?
6. Why is the climate of Great Britain mild and damp?
7. What are the main parts Great Britain is made up of?
8. What is the official language of Great Britain?
9. What is a political system of Great Britain?
10. Who is the head of the state in Great Britain?
3. Fill in the gaps.
1. Great Britain consists of ______, ______ and ______ .
2. The population of Great Britain is about _______ .
3. The surface of Great Britain _____ very much.
4. The ______ is mild.
5. The capital of Great Britain is _____ .
6. ______ is the official language.
7. Great Britain is a highly ______ ______ country.
8. The head of the state is ______ .
9. The Prime ______is the head of the ______ .
10. _______ has a sister ______ in Great Britain.
4. Here are some answers to questions about Great Britain. What are the questions?
1) England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland.
2) It is mild and damp.
3) It is a parliamentary monarchy.
4) English.
5) The British Parliament.
6) Kharkiv.
5. Work in pairs! Practise questions and answers: „What is Great Britain?”
Reading Activities
Read and translate the following text, consulting the dictionary. Use the notes to the text:
Lake District район озер, Озерний край
Gaelic [΄g e i l i k] гаельська мова
a jack-staff гюйс-шток
a naval vessel [΄n e i v ə l] військово-морське судно
emerald [΄e m ə r ə l d] смарагдовий
originate [ə΄ r i d з i n e i t] походити, виникати
a patron [΄p e i t r ə n] заступник
saint [s e i n t] святий
a crown [k r a u n] корона
to refer (to) називати, посилатися
„Bill of Rights” (іст.) Білль про права
the Principality Уельс
to reign правити
an anthem гімн
Official Name
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the official name of the state which is sometimes referred to as Great Britain or Britain (after its major isle), England (after its major historic part) or the British Isles. It is composed of more than 5,500 islands. The two main islands are Great Britain and Ireland. Geographically, the island of Great Britain is subdivided into two main regions Lowland Britain and Highland Britain. Lowland Britain comprises southern and eastern England. Highland Britain consists of Scotland, most of Wales, the Pennies, and the Lake District.
The United Kingdom is one of the worlds smallest countries. The landscape varies from the north to the south. The highest mountains are found in Scotland (Ben Nevis, 1,343 m) and Wales (Snowdon, 1,085 m). There are no long rivers (the longest are the Severn and the Thames). But the country has many beautiful lakes especially in the Lake District and Scotland.
The weather in the country is so changeable that the English people say that they have no climate but only weather. The climate is described as cool, temperate and humid.
English is not the only language which people use in the United Kingdom. Some people speak Gaelic in Scotland, Welsh in parts of Wales.
The most important of all British symbols is the National flag.
The flag of the United Kingdom, known as the Union Jack (which derives from the use of the Union Flag on the jack-staff of naval vessels), is made up of three crosses. The upright red cross is the cross of St. George, the patron saint of England. The white diagonal cross is the cross of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. The red diagonal cross is the cross of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. Wales is not represented in the Union Flag because when the version of the flag appeared, Wales was already united with England. The national flag of Wales, called the Welsh dragon, is a red dragon on the field of white and green and is widely used throughout the Principality.
The British National anthem originated in a patriotic song ”God Save the Queen”. There is no authorized version, the words are as follows:
God save our gracious Queen! Long live our noble Queen!
God save the Queen! Send her victorious, Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us, God save the Queen!
Its interesting to know:
Post-reading Activities
1. Test yourself. Match the words with their definitions.
1. a coast a) a very good and holy person
2. saint b) a national song of a country
3. an island c) a particular part of a country, town
4. an anthem d) to become one, join; to work together
5. an area, region e) mountainous part of a country
6. to vary f) division of Britain, which has its own local government
7. to unite g) to become different, to change
8. a highland h) a piece of land with water all around it
9. to surround i) the area where the land meets sea
10. a county j) to be or go all around something
11. a climate k) typical weather conditions
the following words:
moderate to rise
a scenery to govern
fresh shore
to consist of to convince
damp to change
3. Find words in the texts with the opposite meaning to the given words:
to bore warm
to separate a backward country
dry to disappear
poor ugly
recently to object
informal to repeat
4. Complete the following sentences, using the facts that you know.
1. The island of Great Britain is subdivided into ______ .
2. The National Flag of Great Britain is also known as ______ . It is named so because ______ .
3. There are ______ crosses and ______ colours on the National Flag of the United Kingdom.
4. There are symbols of ______ countries on the National Flag of the United Kingdom.
5. Wales has its own flag called ______ .
6. The National anthem of the United Kingdom originated ______ .
7. Gaelic is the language spoken in ______ .
8. The United Kingdom is often referred to as ______ .
9. William and Mary were the first ______ who reigned but not ruled.
10. The power of the Queen of Great Britain is ______ .
5. Complete the following text using the words and expressions from the box.
visitors cathedral ceremonies poets flat region capital example weighs country calendar centuries |
Notes to the text:
Stonehenge Стоунхендж, один із самих відомих у світі кромлехів
Magna Carta [΄ m æ g n ə ΄ k a : t ə] (іст.) Велика хартія
Stonehenge is one of the most famous prehistoric sites in the world. This ancient circle of stones stands in south-west England. There is nothing quite like Stonehenge anywhere in the world and for 5,000 years it has drawn ______ to it. The first henge was built over 50 ______ ago, that is about 3,100 B.C. Thats where the mystery begins. Stonehenge is made from massive blocks of stone up to 4 metres high and each stone ______ about five tons. How did they get these stones to stand upright? The truth is nobody really knows. Why it was built is a mystery. Some people think it was used for pagan religions ______ , others consider it was a huge ______ used by Druids.
Not far from Stonehenge stands Salisbury Cathedral. It is a splendid ______ of an English Gothic Сathedral; it has the highest spires in England and it was built in the 12th century. Inside the ______ there is one of the copies of the Magna Carta and also the oldest clock in England.
The Lake District is a lovely ______ of lakes and mountains in Northwest England, in a region called Cumbria. The Romantic ______ Wordsworth and De Quincey lived here and were called the Lake Poets.
6. State whether these statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.
True False
1. People know why Stonehenge was built.
2. The oldest clock in England is in London.
3. Wordsworth lived in the Lake District.
4. The territory of England is mountainous.
5. Oxford and Cambridge are famous university cities.
6. Salisbury Cathedral is a new building.
7. Magna Carta is a collection of verses.
7. It is interesting to know…
8.Read theText.
Scotland is, in fact, a part of Great Britain. It is governed from London but in many ways it is a separate nation. It has its own capital city, Edinburgh, its own laws, its own stamps, its own educational system. It even has its own language, Gaelic, where a lake is called a „loch”, a stream is called a „burn” and a valley is called a „glen”.
There are only about five million Scots, and most of them live in the southern half of the country called „Lowland”, where the major cities are situated. Scottish traditions are still going strong: a long time ago the society was divided into big family groups called clans. Each clan had a different coloured tartan and its name was preceded by „Mac” which means „son of”. Some of these clans still exist today and all the tartans can be found in the form of kilts, jackets, hats and blankets.
Today Scotland is very popular. Most holiday visitors to Scotland go to the Highlands because of the high mountains and deep valleys, clean rivers and old castles. You cant go to Scotland without visiting Loch Ness and looking for monster Nessie.
The Highlands are home to many rare birds and animals, like the golden eagle and the wildcat, which are found nowhere else in Britain. Besides beautiful green areas, the Highlands offer entertaining activities too. Every year, there are traditional celebrations called The Highland Games, where clansmen compete in sports events, take part in Scottish dancing or play the bagpipes in competitions.
But it is a lonely, mild and empty land. The population is getting smaller all the time. Perhaps the Highlands of Scotland will become the last great wilderness of Europe. The Highlands of Scotland are well worth visiting!
A Scottish Glossary
A. Test yourself. Complete the quiz.
1. What is the capital of Scotland?
a) Aberdeen b) Edinburgh c) Glasgow
2. A tartan kilt is…
a) spotted b) striped c) checked
3. A „loch” is the Scottish word for …
a) lake b) river c) an island
4. A drink associated with Scotland is …
a) wine b) lager c) whisky
5. Bagpipes are a kind of …
a) purse b) flower c) musical instrument
B. Vocabulary work. Which is the odd word out?
1. forest wood river tree
2. lake sea ocean stone
3. valley mountain eagle cliff
4. sea coast beach field
5. flower rock bush plant
6. road street stream path
Which four words above can you make into adjectives by adding „y”?
C. Choose whether the statements below are true or false. Correct the false ones.
True False
1. Scottish clans wear the same, identical kilts.
2. The nickname for the Loch Ness Monster is Nessie.
3. Burn means „lake” in Scotland.
4. A kilt is a type of tartan skirt.
5. In the Highland Games, the Scots play trumpets.
6. The Scots do not have their own language.
7. Shakespeare is a famous Scottish poet.
8. Robert Burns was a Scottish poet who wrote the famous song „Auld Lang Syne”.
9. The Highland Games offer only sports events.
10. Harris Tweed is a musical instrument.
D. Complete the sentences with which, who or where, using the facts that you know.
1. Aviemore is a place in the Scottish Highlands ______ people ski.
2. Robert Louis Stevenson was a Scottish writer ______ wrote „Treasure Island”.
3. Gaelic is a language ______ is only spoken by a few people.
4. The golden eagle is a rare bird ______ lives in the Scottish Highlands.
5. The „ Highlanders” are people ______ live in the Scottish Highlands.
6. Harries is the name of the island ______ they make Harries tweed.
9. Work in pairs! Imagine the situations that you can spend some days in England, make up and reproduce the dialogues: „A look at England”.
If you could visit 3 places of interest in England, which would you choose and why?
10. Think over the following questions.
What do you know about …
1) the United Kingdom as an island state?
2) the main countries of the United Kingdom and their capitals?
3) the languages spoken in the United Kingdom?
4) powers the Queen has in the government?
5) who is next in line to the British crown?
6) the highest point in the British Isles?
7) the chief rivers of Great Britain?
8) Scottish names?
9) sightseeing of London?
10) famous people of Great Britain?
11) river which is associated with the name of Shakespeare?
11. Comprehension check. All the answers to these definitions begin with the letter „E”.
1. One of the countries of Great Britain.
2. Another name of Irish Republic.
3. The capital of Scotland.
4. Citizens of England.
5. One of the three parts of London.
6. A rare bird which lives only in the Scottish Highlands.
12. Speak about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Focus on Grammar
Passive Voice
to be + Past Participle (PP) |
Present Simple am / is / are + PP e. g. The office is cleaned twice a week. |
Past Simple was / were + PP e. g. The office was cleaned last week. |
Future Simple will be + PP e. g. The office will be cleaned tomorrow. |
Present Continuous am / is / are being + PP e. g. The office is being cleaned now. |
Past Continuous was / were being + PP e. g. The office was being cleaned when the boss arrived. |
Present Perfect have / has been + PP e. g. The office has already been cleaned. |
Past Perfect had been + PP e. g. The office had been cleaned by two oclock. |
Future Perfect will have been + PP e. g. The office will have been cleaned by the morning. |
II. Infinitive in Passive Voice: to be + PP
e. g. He wants to be told the truth.
III. Modal Verbs in Passive Voice: modal verb + be + PP
e. g. The roof of the house must be repaired.
Example: English (speak) in Great Britain.
English is spoken in Great Britain.
2. Match column A with column B and make up your sentences using the Past Simple Passive Tense, then, in pairs, ask and answer questions as in the example.
Example: Speaker 1. Who was ”Oliver Twist” written by?
Speaker 2. It was written by Charles Dickens.
Column A |
Column B |
1. ”Oliver Twist” (write) a. Isaac Newton
2. The Globe Theatre (open) b. The Ancient Greeks
3. The Law of Gravitation (discover) c. Alexander Bell
4. The Panthenon (build) d. Charles Dickens
5. The telephone (invent) e. Leonardo da Vinci
6. The ”Mona Lisa” (paint) f. Shakespeare
7. ”Carmen” (compose) g. Admiral Nelson
8. Trafalgar Battle (win) h. Georges Bizet
9. Miss Marple (contrive) i. Madame Tussaud
10. Famous waxwork collection (create) j. Agatha Christie
3. Transform the following sentences into questions using the Present, Past or Future Simple Passive as in the example. Work in pairs.
Example: Mistakes are usually corrected by our teacher in class.
Are mistakes usually corrected by your teacher in class?
Yes, they are.
No, they arent.
What is usually corrected by your teacher in class?
Whose mistakes are usually corrected by your teacher?
4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct active or passive tense forms.
A. Tony OConnel 1) _______ (work) for a large company. Last year, he
2) ______ (promote) to the position of manager. He 3) ______ (give) a large office and a company car. He now 4) ______ (have) a secretary who 5) ______
(answer) his calls, and he 6) ______ (pay) a lot more money than before. He
7) ______ (feel) very happy about his job now.
B. Floods 1) ______ (cause) when a river 2) ______ (burst) its banks.
This can happen if there 3) _______ (be) an unusual amount of rain, or if it snow 4) ______ (melt) and the river 5) ______ (overflow). When a flood
6) ______ (take place), crops 7) ______ (destroy) and homes 8) ______ (damage).
C. Dogs 1) ______ (be) very loyal animals. They can 2) ______ (keep) your company and 3) ______ (protect) you. However, you must 4) ______ (look after) your dog. They have to 5) ______ (take) for long walks and 6) ______ (feed) regularly. You may 7) ______ (find) that dogs are expensive pets, but they do 8) ______ (make) great companions.
5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct active or passive tense forms.
Tea is 1) made (make) from the leaves of the tea plant. At first, it
2) ______ (use) as a medicine, but it 3) ______ (become) an everyday drink in the 3rd century A.D. First, the leaves 4) ______ (pick) from the plant and they are spread onto a cloth. They 5) _______ (leave) there for up to twenty hours. Next, the leaves are rolled up until they 6) ______ (break) into small pieces. Finally, the leaves 7) _______ (dry). The tea 8) _______ (pack) into containers and sent to different countries. It 9) ______ (sell) to customers as loose leaves, as tea bags and as instant tea. To make tea, we 10) ______ (boil) water and 11) ______ (pour) it over the dry tea in a teapot. This 12) ______ (leave) for three to five minutes. We can then add milk, lemon or sugar. In Britain, it was the custom to serve tea in the afternoons with sandwiches and cakes. This custom 13) ______ (start) by the Duchess of Bedford around 1840. Today, people 14) ______ (drink) tea all over the world.
Example: The mistakes are being corrected by our teacher in the classroom now. Are the mistakes being corrected by your teacher in the clasroom now?
Yes, they are.
No, they arent.
What is being corrected by your teacher in the classroom now?
Who are the mistakes being corrected now by?
A. Example: The roof / paint.
The roof has been painted.
Mrs. Edison is a businesswoman. She was away on a business trip but now she is back. She wants to know what has been done while she was away. Use the prompts and, in pairs, ask and answer questions, as in the example.
B. Example: Speaker 1: Have they delivered my new desk?
Speaker 2: No, it hasnt been delivered yet.
(Yes, it has already been delivered).
8. Make a passive sentence from the words in brackets, as in the example.
Example: 1. A: Thats a beautiful picture.
B: Yes, (it / paint / my mother)
It was painted by my mother.
2. A: Have they caught the thieves yet?
B: Yes. (two men / arrest / yesterday).
B: No. (the garage / build / before we moved in)
B: (he / bite / a dog / when he was a little boy)
B: (she / take / to hospital last night)
B: (it / not clean / for weeks)
B: No. (it / arrange / in secret)
B: I cant. (the car / not fix / yet)
B: No. (he / make redundant / last month)
B: (dance classes / organize / former ballerina / last year).
9. A. Rewrite these sentences in the Passive, as in the example.
Example: We kept peaches in a large basket in summer.
Peaches were kept in a large basket.
B. Rewrite these sentences in the Active.
Example: I was invited to a party by my friends.
My friends invited me to a party.
10. Rewrite the sentences in the Passive , as in the example.
Example: 1. I made this omelette with onions and cheese.
This omelette was made with onions and cheese.
2. Everyone consides her to be the best student in the group.
Example: A new cinema is being built in the city centre.
They are building a new cinema in the city centre.
Example: It is expected that he will win the race tomorrow.
He is expected to win the race tomorrow.
The school _________ .
She ______________ .
The missing jewellery ___________ .
She ___________ .
The athletes _____________ .
The Cambridge team __________ .
She _______________ .
The world leaders ______________ .
Our University ____________ .
She _____________________ .
English in Use
to travel подорожувати
by train поїздом
by bus автобусом
by plane, air літаком
on business у справі
booking office білетна каса
waiting room зал чекання
inquiry office довідкове бюро
car, carriage, van вагон
compartment купе
to get on the train сідати на поїзд
to get off the train виходити з поїзду
arrive in\ at, get in прибувати
to catch the train встигнути на поїзд
to miss the train пропустити поїзд
fare плата за проїзд, вартість проїзду
What`s the fare to Rome?
left- luggage office\ cheek room камера схову
Where can I leave my luggage? Де можна здати багаж?
the train leaves\ departs поїзд відходить
When is our train due? Коли прибуває наш поїзд?
- Is it a through train (=without need to change trains) or do I have to change? (= change to another train)
- Is there a buffet /restaurant car on this train? (= a place to eat on a train)
- A. Which platform for Rome?
- B. Number two.
- C. And when is the train due to arrive?
How do we call these?
A place where we can buy train tickets.
Bags and suitcases you take when you travel.
What you must pay when you travel.
A ticket from A to B only.
A place where you stand when you are waiting for a train.
A train from beginning to end and when there is no need to change trains.
A part of a train that carries passengers from place to place.
A place where you can leave your luggage at a railway station.
Complete these sentences with a suitable word.
The Edinburgh train ….. from platform six.
I think the next train is ….. to arrive in about ten minutes.
He prefers to ….. a ticket in advance.
I`ll get a couple of coffees from the ….. car.
They`ve just apologized for the late ….. of our train.
The journey to Bigtown takes half an hour and you ….. the train at the second stop.
If you travel by train you find your ….., enter the corridor and find your …..
They left a bit later and ….. the train.
Read these dialogues and act them out.
At the Railway Ticket Office.
Please, I want to go to Leeds. When`s the next train?
Let me see. There is one at 10.42. You change at Metz. And there is another at 11 a.m.
Is that direct or do I have to change?
That`s direct.
When is the train due?
It gets in at 14.40.
How much is a single ticket there?
30 pounds and a return ticket is 55 pounds.
Return, please and I`d like a corner seat, facing the engine, in a non-smoker.
Here you are.
Which platform does the train leave from?
Platform 5.
A. Thanks.
b) At the Station
flight рейс, політ
When is the next flight to …? Коли наступний рейс до ….?
departure відправлення, відїзд
check- in desk стійка реєстрації
destination місце призначення
to weight luggage важити багаж
boarding card посадковий талон
departure lounge зал вильоту
duty free безмитний
to take off злітати, відлітати
to land приземлятися
landing card картка посадки
gate вихід на посадку
From which gate does my flight leave? Де посадка на мій літак?
overhead locker накладні шафки
delay запізнення
cabin crew бортпровідники
to fasten a seat belt застебнути ремінь безпеки
baggage reclaim отримання багажу
to go through customs проходити митний огляд
2. Important Travel Information.
When you arrive at the airport, you can look at the departures board which shows the flight numbers ( e.g. BA 735), departure times and destinations (e.g. Paris).
At the check-in-desk they weigh your luggage. Usually you can take about 20 kilos. If it is more, you may have to pay excess baggage (= you pay extra). They also check your ticket and give you a boarding card for the plane.
Then you go through passport control where an official checks you passport, and
into the departure lounge. Here you can also buy things in the duty free (e.g. perfume).
About half an hour before take-off, you go to a gate number(e.g. gate 14), where you wait before you get on the plane.
When you board the plane, you find your seat. If you have hand luggage, you can put it under your seat or in the overhead locker.
If there are no delays the plane moves towards the runway.
The captain (= the pilot) or cabin crew may say these things :
When the plane lands, and the doors are open, you get off the plane and walk through the terminal building and go to the baggage reclaim. You go through customs( GREEN= nothing to declare; RED =goods to declare)
3. Complete the word combinations using the words from the box
control number desk card baggage lounge luggage reclaim locker |
1. Do you know your flight times?
Yes, the plane … at 6 in the evening and … just after 10 o`clock.
2. Ladies and gentlemen: would you please … your seat belts.
3. I went through passport control and sat in the departure ……….
4. A woman at the check-in desk weighed my …….
5. I looked for our flight number on the departures ………
6. There was a mechanical problem, and we took off with a two-hour …..
7. Usually when we arrive at the airport with our luggage we go to ……..
6. Do the Crossword.
1. A _ _ _ _ _ _
. _ _ I _ _ _
3. _ _ _ _ _ R _
4. _ _ _ _ - _ _ _
5. _ _ _ _ T
6. _ _ R _
7. _ A _ _ _ _ _
8. _ V _ _ _ _ _ _
9. _ _ E _
10. _ L _ _ _
7. Read these dialogues and act them out.
8. Make up your own dialogues.
C. At the Customs
customs officer митник
channel прохід
duty податок, митний збір
Where do they examine the luggage? Де перевіряють багаж?
Here`s my … Ось мій (моя, моє)….
passport паспорт
visa віза
health certificate довідка про стан здоровя
certificate of vaccination свідоцтво про вакцинацію
declaration митна декларація
Have you anything to declare? / У Вас є речі, які підлягають
Is there anything liable to duty? обкладанню митом?
I have nothing to declare. / Я не маю нічого, що підлягає
There is nothing liable to duty. обкладанню митом.
Are you carrying any currency? Ви везете з собою валюту?
I have only used things and gifts У мене лише речі, які булі у . вжитку та подарунки
Will I submit for inspection …? Чи повинен я показати …?
a) At the Customs
b) Declaration
c) At the Passport Control
- Passport control officer: Could I have your passport, please?
- Traveller: Here it is
- How long are you going to stay here?
- 5 days.
- What`s the purpose of your visit?
- I travel on business.
- Could you produce your visa and declaration?
- Here they are.
- Your passport and visa are in order. Have a pleasant stay, sir.
- Thank you.
Pre-reading Activities
4. Read and learn the new words:
to occupy [ )΄k ј u p a ı] займати, заповнювати
to stretch [΄s t r e t ∫] тягтися, простягатися
to include [ı n΄k l u:d] включати, мати у своєму складі
to border [΄b ) : d ə] межувати
lowland(s) [΄l ə u l ə n d] низина, оболонь, долина
to vary [΄v e ə r ı ] змінюватися
copper [΄k ) p ə ] мідь
ore [ ) : ] руда
weapon [΄w e p ə n ] зброя
origin [΄) r i d ʒ i n ] походження
the executive [ı g ΄z e k j u t ı v] виконавча влада
the legislative [΄l e d z i s l ə t ı v] законодавча влада
the judiciary [d z u: ΄d ı ∫ ı e r ı ] судова влада
Reading Activities
Read the text paying attention to the words in bold:
The U S A
The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada and China). It occupies the central part of North America and stretches from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean. It also includes Alaska in the north and Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. The total area of the country is about nine and a half million square kilometres. The USA borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south. It also has a seaboarder with Russia.
The USA is made up of 50 states and the District of Columbia where the capital of the country, Washington, is situated. The population of the country is about 250 million.
If we look at the map of the USA, we can see lowlands and mountains. The highest mountains are the Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera and the Sierra Nevada. The highest peak is Mount McKinley, which is located in Alaska.
Americas largest rivers are the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Rio Grande, and the Columbia. The Great Lakes on the border with Canada are the largest and deepest in the USA.
The climate of the country varies greatly. The coldest regions are in the north. The climate of Alaska is arctic. The climate of the Central Part of the country is continental. The south has subtropical climate. Hot winds blowing from the Gulf of Mexico often bring typhoons. The climate along the Pacific coast is much warmer than that of the Atlantic coast.
The USA is a highly developed industrial country. It is the leading producer of copper and oil and the worlds second producer of iron ore and coal. In the industrial enterprises of the country they produce aircrafts, cars, textiles, radio and television sets, weapon, furniture and paper.
Though mainly European and African in origin, the Americans are made up from nearly all races and nations, including the Chinese and the native Americans Indians.
The largest cities are New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, San Francisco and others.
The United States is a federal republic consisting of 50 states, each of which has its own government. The seat of the central (federal) government is Washington, D.C. According to the Constitution of the USA, the powers of the government are divided into 3 branches: the executive, headed by the President, the legislative, exercised by the Congress, and the judiciary. The Congress consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. There are two main political parties in the USA: the Republican and the Democratic.
Post-reading Activities
1. Choose one of the words to make the sentences complete (use the correct form of the word):
1. The United States of America … the central part of North America.
2. The country … from the Pacific to the Atlantic.
3. America … Alaska in the north and Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean.
4. The USA … on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south.
5. There are … and mountains in the USA.
6. The fourth largest country is the leading producer of … and oil.
7. Coal and … are mined in the south of the country.
8. Industrial enterprises produce aircrafts, cars, textiles, radio and TV sets, … , and furniture.
9. The President is the head of … branch.
10. … branch consists of the Congress that is divided into two houses: The Senate and the House of Representatives.
2. Match the word and its definition:
1. ore a) a starting point, parents and conditions of early life;
2. origin b) a soft reddish metal which can be beaten into shape easily and which conducts heat and electricity well;
3. weapon c) to be, make or become different;
4. lowland d) a tool for harming or killing in attack or defence;
5. copper e) the branch of the government that carries out the laws;
6. to occupy f) rock, earth or sand from which metal may be extracted, as iron ore;
7. to include g) an area of land lower than the land surrounding it;
8. to stretch h) to be in (a place), to fill (a certain position, space or time);
9. to vary i) to have as a part; to contain in addition to other parts; to put in with something else;
10. the executive j) the branch of government that administers justice;
11. the legislative k) to spread out;
12. the judiciary l) to be next to, to have a common border with;
13. to border m) the branch of the government that makes laws.
3. Choose the right answer.
1. The USA is situated in the central part of …
2. It is washed by … in the East, and by … in the West.
a) the Pacific Ocean; the Arctic Ocean;
b) the Atlantic Ocean; the Indian Ocean;
c) the Atlantic Ocean; the Pacific Ocean;
d) the Pacific Ocean; the Indian Ocean.
3. … are the only countries bordering on the USA.
a) Mexico to the North and Canada to the South;
b) UK to the West and Canada to the South;
c) Canada to the North and Mexico to the South;
d) Mexico to the East and Canada to the West.
4. Hawaii, which became the 50th state in 1959, is situated in … .
a) The Atlantic Ocean ;
b) The Arctic Ocean;
c) The Pacific Ocean;
d) The Indian Ocean.
5. The climate of the USA is … in different regions of the country:
a) the same;
b) continental;
c) not homogeneous;
d) subtropical.
6. The USA is federation of … states .
a) fifteen;
b) fifty;
c) five hundred;
d) fiftyfive.
7. The seat of the central government is … .
a) Washington;
b) New York;
c) Los Angeles;
d) Chicago.
8. The legislative branch is represented by … .
a) the Senate;
b) the House of Representatives;
c) the Congress;
d) the President.
9. The executive branch of the power is headed by … .
a) the Congress;
b) the President;
c) the Democratic Party;
d) the Republican Party.
10. American Congress includes two houses … .
a) the House of Lords and the House of Commons;
b) the House of Representatives and the Senate;
c) the House of Lords and the House of Representatives;
d) the Senate and the House of Commons.
4.Translate the sentences into English:
8. Хоч американці за походженням в основному європейці та африканці, тут представлені всі раси й нації, включаючи китайців і корінних американців індійців.
9. Промислові підприємства країни випускають літаки, автомобілі, радіоприймачі й телевізори, зброю, меблі тощо.
10. Згідно з Конституцією в США є три гілки влади: виконавча, очолювана Президентом, законодавча, яку здійснює Конгрес, і судова.
5. Explain …
- why the climate of the USA varies greatly in different regions of the country;
- why the population of the USA is not homogeneous.
6. It is interesting to know…
1. Christopher Columbus never knew that hed discovered a new continent. He reached a chain of islands in the Caribbean which he called the West Indies because he thought he had discovered a west passage to India.
2. The first known European settlement in the New World was established in Greenland about 985 by the descendants from a line of Viking chieftains.
3. The distance that Columbus covered on his way from Spain to Bahamas was about 6,275 kilometres (3,900 miles).
4. Hunting deer or bucks was a big business in the colonies. Indians and colonies often counted a persons wealth in buckskins or bucks.
5. George Washington set a precedent refusing to run for the third term.
The unwritten rule was broken only by Franklin Roosevelt who was elected President four times.
6. The simple obelisk built in honour of G. Washington is often called the pencil.
7. The ”Potomac” means ”the river of the meeting of the tribes”.
8. America is the motherland of jazz, rock and roll, nylon and Coca-Cola.
9. The famous ship ”Mayflower” set sail to Virginia but was blown off its course and reached land on the shores of Cape Cod in present day Massachusetts.
10. Alexander Graham Bell first displayed his electric telephone in 1876 at the Exhibition in Philadelphia.
7. Make a report on the USA.
Focus on Grammar
Conditional Sentences
Example: If I miss / Ill miss the bus his afternoon, Ill get a taxi instead.
If I miss the bus his afternoon, Ill get a taxi instead.
2. Complete the questions.
Example: A. I dont know whats happened to my dictionary.
Ive looked everywhere for it.
B. What will you do if you dont find it?
A. I suppose Ill have to buy a new one.
B. Really? How _________ if you get it?
A. Oh, about ₤2.000 a year more than now, I suppose.
B. _________ if I lent you some?
A. Well, it would help, of course. But I cant borrow from you.
B. Dont be silly. How much do you want?
B. What ________ if it rains?
A. Ive no idea. Ive never been to Malta before.
B. What ________ if you could afford one?
A. Oh, I wouldnt mind what make it was, as long as it didnt keep breaking down.
B. What _______ if you dont?
A. I wont be able to get the job I want. They said I must be able to drive.
Example: If I had more money, would you marry (you/marry) me?
1. He wouldnt help you if ________ (he/not/like)you.
2. ________ (you/find) the machine is quite simple to operate if you look at the manual.
3. _______ (your parents/not/be) proud if they could see you now?
4. If _______ (I/not/revise) thoroughly, I may fail my test.
5. If you wanted to buy someone a really good present, what sort of thing _______
4. Lisa is talking to her friend about what she might do when she leaves university. Write sentences using the given words.
Example: Trish: Do you have any plans for next year?
Lisa: Well, I dont have any money.
But 1. I/travel/if I/afford it.
Id travel if I could afford it.
Trish: 2. If you/find/a job abroad /you/take it?
Lisa: 3. If it/be/somewhere I want to go/I/certainly/consider it carefully.
Trish: What about working as an ”au pair”, looking after children in a family in the USA?
Lisa: 4. I/only/consider/that if I/be/sure about the family. 5. If they/not/treat/me well/I be very miserable.
Trish: Yes, 6. You/have to/be/sure to use a good agency. Theres a website Ive seen. 7. I find/you the address of it if you/be interested.
Lisa: Yes, I am. 8. If I/decide/to apply to an agency,/you/help me write a letter?
Trish: Of course. Well, I hope you succeed, whatever you decide to do.
Lisa: Thanks very much. Ill let you know.
Trish: Thats OK.
5. Write questions using if for the following answers.
Example: What would you do if you won a lottery prize? Id share it with my friends.
1. _____________________ ? Id call the police.
2. _____________________ ? Id travel to the USA.
3. _____________________ ? Id ask my teachers advice about it.
4. _____________________ ? Id be late for work.
5. _____________________ ? Wed sail around the world.
6. _____________________ ? Id stay at home all day.
7. _____________________ ? Thered be no more wars.
8. _____________________ ? Wed be extremely angry.
9. _____________________ ? Id probably give it to my mother.
10. _____________________ ? Wed get out as fast as we could.
Example: If you had been promoted, would you have made any changes? (e)
1. If you had been promoted, a) youd be able to change the system.
2. If you were rude to the boss b) would you have left the firm?
3. If you were promoted c) you wouldnt be sacked.
4. If you hadnt been promoted d) you wouldnt get a reference.
5. If you had lost your job e) would you have made any changes?
6. If you apologised f) youd probably regret it later.
7. If you were fired g) youd have been very upset.
Example: A. Why didnt you go to the party last night?
B. I wasnt invited.
A. So would you have gone, if youd been invited.
B. Yeah. I dont know how she can work here. I _______ a job doing something exciting if I ________ her qualification.
A. What kind of job would you want?
B. Oh! I dont know exactly. But if ______ Jane, I ________ to meet interesting people and visit interesting places.
2. A. Why did you ask Veronica about her boyfriend? It really upset her.
B. Well, I didnt realize they split up.
A. You didnt know, then?
B. Of course not. If I _______ , I _______ her about him?
3. A. Hey, look at that motorbike. What a beauty!
B. Look out! Mind that litter bin.
A. Ouch! Ive hurt my leg.
B. Well, you _______ it if you _______ where you were going.
4. A. Do you love me?
B. You know I do.
A. Would you _______ if I _______ poor?
B. Probably. But fortunately youre rich.
A. Well, yes, I am. But if I ________ all my money, what _______ ?
B. Id say good bye.
A. Now youre joking.
B. Oh no, Im not!
Example: What will you do if you miss your plane?
Example: We dont see you very often because you live so far away.
If you didnt live so far away, wed see you more often.
10. For each situation, write a sentence beginning with if.
Example: I wasnt hungry, so I didnt eat anything. If Id been hungry,
I would have eaten something.
If _______ .
English in Use
At a Hotel
reservation заздалегідь замовлений номер (кімната) в готелі
cash готівка, гроші
to check in реєструватися в готелі
to check out звільняти номер в готелі
a single room номер (кімната) на одного в готелі
to fill out заповнювати (документи)
to accept приймати
currency валюта, гроші
assistance допомога
a towel рушник
a blanket ковдра
2. Read the given expressions and responses, paying attention to their pronunciation.
Expressions Responses
Do you have a reservation? Yes, the Name is Smith, Robert.
How long will you be staying? Ill be checking out on Friday.
Do you prefer a smoking or non- Non-smoking if you please.
smoking room?
How many guests are there in your party? Two, my wife and I.
Will you be paying by cash or Credit card if you accept Visa.
credit card?
Fill out this registration form, Do you need to see my drivers
please. license or passport?
I would like to leave a wake up Certainly sir, whats your name and
call for 7:30. room number?
3. Read in pairs the following dialogues, paying attention to the underlined words.
Checking In
Clerk: Welcome to the Sheraton. May I help you?
Guest: Id like to check in. I have a reservation.
Clerk: Whats your name, please?
Guest: Phillip Marlow.
Clerk: Yes, Mr. Marlow. You requested a single room for three nights, is that correct?
Guest: Yes, could I have a room on the upper floors?
Clerk: No problem. Do you prefer a smoking or non-smoking floor?
Guest: Non-smoking, please.
Clerk: Could you feel out the registration form, please. Thank you. And will you be paying by cash or credit card?
Guest: Cash. If you accept American dollars.
Clerk: Of course, sir. If you require local currency, we can also change money for you.
Guest: Thats great. I do need some cash.
Clerk: Your room number is 1109. Heres your key. Enjoy your stay at the Sheraton. If you require anything further, feel free to call the front desk. Would you like assistance with your bags?
Guest: No thanks, I only have one. I can manage.
Room Service
RS: Room service, may I help you?
Guest: Yes, this is Mr. Marlow in room 1109. Could you send up a tuna fish sandwich and a bag of potato chips?
RS: Certainly sir, that will be ready in about ten minutes.
Guest: Thank you.
Wake Up Call
Front desk: Front desk, may I help you?
Guest: This is Mr. Marlow in room 1109. I would like to leave a wake up call for 7:00 am.
Front desk: Certainly, sir.
Guest: Thanks.
House Keeping
HK: House keeping, may I help you?
Guest: This is Mr. Marlow in room 1109. Could I get a couple of more towels and another blanket?
HK: Yes, sir, we will get them to you right away.
Guest: Thank you.
4. Pair work. Role play
The situation: At a Hotel.
Working with a partner, role play the situation, using the information below.
The roles: the guest, the hotel employee.
The clerk should get the The guest should ask about
following information: the following:
The clerk should: The guest should ask about
the following:
the registration form; a smoking floor;
assistance with luggage; time;
picturesque view;
C. Room service. Ordering Meals
The clerk should: The guest should:
D. Wake up call
The guest should: The clerk should:
F. Check out
The guest should: The clerk should:
to check out; charges for the room service, mini-
bar, etc;
● get the key from the guest;
● Ask the guest if he needs any help
with his luggage.
5. Make up a dialogue based on the following situation and act it out.
A couple arrives at a hotel.
They dont have a reservation. The clerk explains the hotel services available. The guests have to choose the type (kind) of room, and if they want breakfast included. The clerk asks them to fill out the registration form; if the couple needs any assistance with the luggage and gives the key. The woman is superstitious and doesnt want the room Number 13. So, the clerk gives them another room.
Have Fun!
Jokes and Funny Stories
Four in a German Castle
During an evening stay in a castle in Germany, a young woman said to the guide that she had been afraid she might encounter a ghost. ”Madame”, he said, “in all my years here I have never seen a ghost”. Noticeably relieved, she asked him how long he had been there. The guide solemnly replied,”Three hundred years”.
A mistake
Two men had put up at a country inn, and they found their bed room so hot in the night that one of them got up to open the door.
As he got back into bed, his friend asked him what kind of night it was. ”I dont think its raining”, he replied, ”but its pitch-dark, and there is a strong odour of cheese”. In the morning he discovered that he had not opened the bedroom door, but the door of a cupboard.
Sight Unseen
While telephoning a resort to reserve accommodation for a long weekend I asked about the rates. I was told that they varied, depending on whether I wanted a view of the mountains or a view of the lake.
How much of a difference is there between the two? I asked. The voice at the other end replied, ”Well, ones hills and the others water”.
to encounter (несподівано) зустріти
to relieve заспокоювати
solemnly урочисто, серйозно
pitch-dark дуже темний
odour запах, аромат
a cupboard буфет, сервант
a rate ціна
to vary різнитися
At a restaurant
1. Read and learn the following words and word-combinations
an order замовлення (в ресторані), кафе
salmon лосось, сьомга
a steak біфштекс
rare, medium, well done з кровю, соковитий, добре просмажений
baked potatoes печена картопля
mashed potatoes картопляне пюре
a roll булочка
a BLT bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich сандвіч з беконом, салатом латук і томатами
a T-bone steak біфштекс на кісточці
corn on the cob варена кукурудза
a pea горох, горошина
a carrot морква
a meringue [mə'ræŋ] меренга (тістечко з запечених збитих яєчних білків та вершків із цукром)
Enjoy your meal смачного.
2. Read the given expressions and responses, paying attention to their pronunciation
Expressions Responses
a waiter a customer
May I take your order? Could I have a few minutes, please?
Are you ready to order? Yes, Ill have the salmon.
How would you like (… your Well done, please.
steak: rare, medium, well done)?
You have a choice of (… baked Ill have the mashed potatoes.
or mashed potatoes).
Would you care (… for something Yes, Ill have an iced tea.
to drink)?
May I get you anything else? No, Im fine, thanks.
a customer a waiter
Could I get another (… roll, Certainly, I will bring it right away.
Could I see the menu? One moment, please.
This steak is (… still bloody. Right away, sir.
Could you ask the chief to cook
it a little more)?
This isnt what I ordered Im so sorry, sir. Its my first day and
(I wanted a BLT and you gave Im still a little confused.
me a meat loaf)
Can I get the bill, please? Certainly, sir.
3. Discussion.
Before ordering the meal describe the food you want to have to your dining companion, you can also want to know how something may taste. There are a number of words that can be used to describe food. Look at these examples
Words used to describe food
bland ніжний, мякий spicy гострий, пряний, пікантний
sweet солодкий bitter гіркий
rich жирний, здобний salty солоний
sour кислий hot гострий, пряний, пікантний
Ways to prepare food
to pickle маринувати
to grill / broil смажити на відкритому вогні, грилі
to bake запікати
to fry смажити
to boil варити
to sauté ['səuteì] пасерувати
Words to describe the taste of food
delicious дуже смачний
awful жахливий
tasty смачний
yummy (розм.) смачний, апетитний
yucky (розм.) несмачний
disgusting відразливий
4. Read the following dialogue in pairs, paying attention to the underlined words.
Waiter: Welcome to Kaseys Kitchen. Do you have a reservation?
Customer: Yes, the name is Johnson, Paul.
Waiter: Oh, yes, here you are. That was a party for one, correct?
Customer: Yes, thats right.
Waiter: This way, please. Heres the menu, sir. Ill return in a minute to take your order.
Waiter: (a few minutes later). Are you ready to order, sir?
Customer: Yes, Ill have the T-bone steak.
Waiter: How would you like it cooked?
Customer: Well-done, please.
Waiter: We have a choice of potatoes: French fried, mashed or baked.
Customer: Ill have baked potatoes.
Waiter: Would you like them with butter or sour cream, or both?
Customer: Im on a diet, so only butter.
Waiter: The vegetables today are corn on the cob, peas and carrots or broccoli.
Customer: Ill take corn on the cob.
Waiter: And what would you like for dessert?
Customer: What do you have?
Waiter: We have an apple, cherry and lemon meringue pie, a chocolate and vanilla cake and chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice-cream.
Customer: Ill take a cherry pie, please.
Waiter: Would you like something to drink?
Customer: Ill take a large iced tea with my meal and a cup of black coffee with dessert.
Waiter: Very good, sir. Enjoy your meal.
Customer: Thanks.
5. Pair work. Role-play
The situation: At a Restaurant.
Working with a partner, role play the situation, using the information below. Use the menu to order a meal.
The roles: a waiter, a customer.
Kaseys Kitchen menu
Oysters (each) £ 2.40
Ham and cheese £ 3.99
Whole crab and mayonnaise £ 10.80
BLT £ 4.59
Brown crab meat on toast £ 8.50
Bacon and Eggs £ 4.95
Main courses
Pigs head and potato pie £ 22.70
Shepherds Pie £ 19.20
Whole baked fish on green and white vegetables £ 15.70
Turnips and bacon £ 19.20
T-bone steak £ 17.30
(rare, medium, well-done)
Side Orders
Potatoes £ 4.50
(fried, baked, mashed)
Corn on the cob £ 3.40
Peas, carrots and broccoli £ 5.10
Green salad £ 4.50
Cheese £ 9.00
Apple, cherry, lemon meringue pie £ 6.80
Apple cake £ 5.30
Chocolate, vanilla cake £ 5.70
Almond cake £ 7.80
Baked cheese cake £ 7.00
Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry ice-cream £ 3.40
Iced tea £ 1.20
Tea £ 1.20
Coffee £ 2.10
(black, white)
Coke 60 p.
Juice £ 1.80
(orange, tomato, apple)
Mineral water 80 p.
Beer £ 2.50
Wine (glass) £ 3.50
Recipe Page
Shepherds Pie
Shepherds Pie is a very popular English dish. It originated in the north of England, but its now eaten all over the country.
1. Slice the onions, carrots and mushrooms.
2. Fry them in a pan with the minced beef for about 810 minutes, stirring all the time.
3. Add the flour and stir for one more minute.
4. Add the beef stock and some salt and pepper and stir again until the mixture becomes thicker.
5. Transfer to a casserole dish and put into the oven at 190oC for 25 minutes.
6. Then drain and mash together with the butter and milk.
7. Put the potato on top of the mince mixture, grate the cheese and put it on top.
8. Return the dish to the oven at 200 oC for 15 minutes.
Serve hot with green vegetables
Apple Cake
1. Peel and chop the apples.
2. Mix together the apples, raisins, milk and sugar.
3. Mix together the flour and butter (softened) in another bowl.
4. Add the fruit mixture and the egg and mix very well.
5. Put into a buttered 20-centimetre square cake tin. Put a little white sugar on the top.
6. Cook in the oven at 170 oC for 1 hour 45 minutes.
Serve hot or cold with fresh cream.
6. Make up a dialogue based on the following situation and act it out.
A couple goes to a restaurant.
A couple arrives at a restaurant and the waiter makes them sit. The waiter should ask if they prefer smoking or non-smoking table, by the window or in the centre. He brings the menu. The couple discusses the prices. They order. The waiter brings the food but the woman says that its cold. The waiter brings a new plate. They have their meal and ask for the bill. The guests pay and leave happily because it was not very expensive.
7. Read the English proverbs.
Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following proverbs. Learn them by heart and use them in your own situations or dialogues:
1. Tastes differ.
2. As like as two peas.
3. As hungry as a wolf (hunter).
4. His eyes are bigger than his stomach.
5. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
6. Hunger is the best sauce.
7. Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad dinner.
8. After dinner sleep a while, after supper walk a mile.
Have Fun!
Jokes and Funny Stories
He didnt notice it.
Mother: I left two pieces of cake in the cupboard this morning, Johnny, and now there is only one piece left. Can you explain that?
Johnny: Well, I suppose it was so dark that I didnt notice the other.
Father doesnt eat hay.
Boy: I want a bundle of hay.
Farmer: For your father?
Boy: No, for the horse. Father doesnt eat hay.
The same fish.
”Here, waiter. It seems to me that this fish is not as fresh today as the fish you served us last Sunday”.
”Pardon, sir, it is the very same”.
hay сіно
very same той самий
PART I. Education in Ukraine
Pre-reading Activities
1. Match the following English words with their Ukrainian equivalents:
1. appointment of staff a) обовязковий
2. nursery school, kindergarten b) аспірант
3. compulsory c) призначення кадрів
4. headmaster / headmistress d) кандидат наук
5. deputy head e) початкова школа
6. school leaver f) директор школи
7. postgraduate g) дитячий садок
8. Candidate of Science h) агрономія
9. fee-paying i) профтехучилище
10. vocational training school j) завуч
11. primary school k) випускник школи
13. psychology l) платний
14. law m) психологія
15. sociology n) правознавство
16. agriculture o) соціологія
17. engineering p) предмет
18. subject q) машинобудування
Reading Activities
Read Text 1 and compare what you know about the system of education in Ukraine with the information in the text:
Present day independent Ukraine has a well-developed system of education which matches the standards of the developed countries. Pre-school education is not compulsory and is fee-paying. Most parents take their children to nursery schools or kindergartens at the age of 3. Up to the age of 5 children mostly eat, sleep and play there, but in senior groups they are taught the basics of arithmetic, reading, writing, arts and in some schools foreign languages.
Compulsory secondary education begins at the age of 6-7 and is free in state schools and fee-paying in private ones. Secondary education includes three stages: primary (1-4 grades), basic (5-10 grades) and senior (11-12 grades). In general secondary schools children start learning foreign languages from the 2nd grade and have fewer lessons of language a week than specialized language schools that start teaching languages from the 1st grade. Recently new types of schools have appeared: gymnasiums and lyceums. In addition, there are schools with technical, computer, mathematical, law, pedagogical and art specialization. All the subjects in the secondary schools are obligatory but there are optional courses that students of senior grades can take.
Extra-curricular activities usually include a variety of sports and drama clubs, interest groups and various school parties.
Institutions of higher learning (higher educational establishments) include universities, academies, institutes and conservatories. Among the best known higher educational establishments there are Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Kyiv Polytechnic University, International Independent University „Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, Kyiv State Conservatory, Lviv State University, Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv State Polytechnic University and many others.
Postgraduate education begins after the last year of studies and usually results in thesis on the chosen scientific topic and the degree of the Candidate of Science. Doctorate Degree is awarded for an outstanding scientific research.
Post-reading Activities
1. State if these sentences are true or false:
2. Read Text 1 again and make notes under the headings below, then present a one-minute TV talk on education in Ukraine:
Start like this: Hello. Todays theme is the Education in Ukraine.
3. Study the table and answer the questions.
You can normally do/study these subjects at university but not always at school:
Medicine |
Law |
Philosophy |
Engineering |
Psychology |
Sociology |
Architecture |
Politics |
Business studies |
Agriculture |
History of Art |
4. Here are some school subjects but the letters are mixed up. What are the subjects?
Example: MGREAN German.
7. RAT
5. Look at the heading of Text 2 and try to guess what it is about.
6. Suggest some possible types of homework.
7. Read and memorize the following words.
waste марнування
survey обстеження, інспектування
to conclude дійти висновку
to perform well добре встигати
amount кількість
issue спірне питання
to prove довести
assignment завдання
rote механічне запамятовування
concept поняття
value цінність
grade оцінка
to encourage заохочувати
score кількість набраних очок
to emphasize надавати особливого значення
to research досліджувати
proof доказ
resource можливість; засіб
to share a room жити в одній кімнаті
chore робота по дому
inequality нерівність
to fly in the face суперечити
opportunity можливість
low achiever невстигаючий учень
sick note лікарняний
strict punishment суворе покарання
library facilities можливості бібліотек
to skip lessons пропускати заняття
8. Read Text 2.
Do You Like Homework? Did It Help You in School?
Is Homework a Waste of Time?
In the middle of the 1980s, a commission conducted a survey of American education and concluded that pupils were at risk: they were not getting a good education and not performing well in school. One easy way to improve was to increase the amount of homework.
But now, some educators think homework has gone too far. Even six-year-old pupils get homework. In some schools in California, primary school pupils do an average of two hours a week. Educators disagree on homework. There are two main issues they disagree on. The first issue is whether or not homework actually improves your studies. The second issue is whether or not homework is fair.
Does Homework Help?
There are a lot of different types of homework. Some teachers give assignments that are rote assignments. You repeat an idea, word or concept over and over again. This might mean writing ten sentences using the verb to be or doing ten math calculations using the same formula. Critics of homework say that this work has no real learning value. Other kinds of homework include reading, writing papers or studying for tests.
Some of these types of homework assignments may indeed help you get a better grade or get a better test score. That would mean your academic achievement is higher. But are you really learning more? Some educators encourage homework that is more creative and emphasizes understanding. If you are studying Japan, for example, you might be asked to create a costumed doll or do a report on Buddhism or research food in Japan.
Is Homework Fair?
Etta Briggs from a college in California says there is no proof that homework makes you do better in school. She believes that homework is unfair.
Why? Some children have well-educated parents and lots of books and resources, including a computer, at home. They have their own room and a quiet place to study. Other children have poorly-educated parents. They have to share a room with a sister or a brother. They have no place to study, and no resources at home. They may even have a job. Etta Briggs thinks homework increases social inequality and flies in the face of the American ideal of equal educational opportunity.
Some students say that homework is good because it means they spend time with their parents. Some educators found that students who were low achievers and did very little homework had less educated parents.
Etta Briggs and other educators believe that the pupils should have time for independent work, like doing exercises, researching, writing papers and studying for exams, during the school day. What do you think?
10. Translate these expressions from Ukrainian into English and make up sentences with them:
відповідати стандартам, освіта забезпечується, вищий навчальний заклад, аспірантура, позакласні заходи, школа з правовим нахилом, технічний ліцей, обовязкові та факультативні курси, дітей навчають, менша кількість уроків.
11. Describe the system of education of Ukraine.
12. Match the words with the definitions.
lateness being kept in school after class
truancy permanent removal from school
low standards temporary removal from school
indiscipline repeated absence from school
detention arriving late for class
suspension rudeness or violence from pupils
expulsion teaching period for a small group of learners
tutorial poor class and exam results
13. Fill in the gaps with one of the words from the list below.
classroom blackboard bell
staffroom sports hall office canteen
corridor playground playing fields
1. Lessons are held in the ______ .
2. Some schools have a(n) ______ where pupils can buy their lunch.
3. The ______ rings to mark the end of one lesson and the beginning of another.
4. The pupils normally go out into the ______ to take their breaks.
5. In between lessons or at breaktime, teachers gather in the ______ .
6. Game lessons are given inside in the ______ or outside on the ______ .
7. The traditional ______ is now being replaced by the whiteboard in most classrooms.
8. The pupils walk between classrooms along a …
9. Pupils who behave especially badly in class are sent to the headteacher`s …
14. Choose the solutions to the following problems, then fill in the table.
Possible solutions: pupils should provide sick notes when they are absent; suspension; government grants should be given to schools and pupils; stricter punishment; schools should install more computers; improve library facilities and organize a PTA (Parent Teacher Association); expulsion; donations by the rich should be given to schools; extra staff should be appointed; the school administration should set up tutorials.
Problem |
Solutions |
truancy |
large class sizes |
lack of discipline |
poor exam results |
Model 1:
Model 2:
15. Think of some other problems which occur in the classroom and say how they could be solved.
PART II. Education in Great Britain
Pre-reading Activities
1. Study the words to the topic.
degree ступінь
to attend відвідувати
maroon темно-бордовий
Fellow викладач, член ради коледжу
secondary school середня школа
comprehensive school загальноосвітня школа
option вибір
independent самостійний, незалежний
public school закритий приватний привілейований середній навчальний заклад (у Великій Британії)
selection відбір
influential впливовий
further education подальша освіта
to award нагороджувати
to govern керувати
curriculum навчальна програма
infant school школа в Британії для дітей віком від 4 до
8 років
junior school школа в Британії для дітей віком від 7 до
11 років
boarding school школа-пансіон, де деякі або всі учні живуть, як і вчаться, на протязі семестру
Doctor of Philosophy(PhD) кандидат наук (англ.)
vocational професійний
Master of Arts (MA) магістр мистецтва, магістр гуманітарних
Master of Science (MSc) магістр природничих наук
Bachelor of Arts (BA) бакалавр мистецтва, бакалавр
гуманітарних наук
Bachelor of Science (BSc) бакалавр природничих наук
2. Try to answer these True/False statements by guessing, then read Text 3 and find out if your guesses were correct.
Reading Activities
Read and translate Text 3:
Primary and Secondary Education
Around half of 3 and 4-years-olds in Britain receive nursery education they attend nursery schools and many other children attend pre-school playgroups.
Some parents send their children to private (fee-paying) nursery schools or kindergartens.
Full-time education is compulsory for all children aged between 5 and 16 (inclusive). Children first attend infant schools and move to junior schools or departments at 7.
The usual age for transfer from primary to secondary school is 11 (12 in Scotland). At the age of 16 pupils (students) may continue their secondary studies for 2 years (sixth form), leading most typically to an A-level qualification. The leaving age for compulsory education was raised to 18 by the Education and Skills Act (2008). The change will take effect in 2013 for 17 year olds and 2015 for 18 year olds. State-provided schools are free of charge to pupils and there is also a tradition of independent schooling. Parents may choose to educate their children by any suitable means.
The independent school sector is separate from the state educational system. An independent school in the United Kingdom is funded by private sources in the form of tuition charges and gifts. The most important of the independent schools are the public schools. In England and Wales the term “public school” refers to a privately funded independent school which had its origin in medieval schools.
About seven per cent of pupils go to private schools. These schools do not receive any money from the state: parents pay for their children. Most of these schools are single-sex boarding schools, that is, for boys or girls only, where students live during term-time. Usually they are very expensive, but their standards are very high.
Most pupils in Britain schools wear school uniform. The favourite colours for school uniforms are blue, grey, black and maroon.
Further Education
The next stage in the British educational system is further education much of which is vocational. This term usually means post-school, non-university education. Young people have several options at 16. They can stay on at school until the age of 18 or leave school but continue full-time education in a further education college which prepares a variety of professions for industry, commerce and administration. Such colleges have various titles colleges of further education, colleges of technology, colleges of commerce, colleges of art, agricultural colleges, drama schools, art schools, ballet schools, schools of librarianship, etc. A large proportion of further education establishments are independent or private, i.e. fee-paying.
Higher Education
There are 91 universities in Britain (including the Open University), 47 colleges of higher education and 30 polytechnics. Universities offer three- and four-year degree courses; colleges of higher education offer two-year Higher National Diploma courses and degree courses.
A degree is a qualification you get from university when you pass your final exams.
The titles for a first degree are Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Science (BSc) or BEd (Bachelor of Education) and for a second degree Master of Arts (MA), Master of Science (MSc) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD or DPhil).
British Universities are independent, self-governing institutions. They all receive financial support from the state, but the Department of Education and Science has no control over their curriculum, examinations, appointment of staff, or the way in which money is spent.
The university is like a federation of colleges. It arranges the courses, the lectures and the examinations, and awards the degrees. Each college has its own building, its own staff and students. The colleges are governed by twenty to thirty Fellows. Fellows of a college are tutors (teachers, often called dons).
Undergraduates students who are studying for degrees go to lectures, but most of the work takes place in tutorials: lessons in groups of ten or more when the students discuss their work with the lecturer.
In Oxford and Cambridge the study system is based on tutorials which take place once a week. Attending lectures is optional for Oxford and Cambridge students.
The Open University was founded for those people who, for some reason, had no chance to enter any of the other universities. It takes both men and women at the age of 21 and over. Its degrees are the same as those of other universities.
Most British students go to university a long way from their home town. They think going to university is a time to be independent. Until 1998, British students did not pay for university. Now they must pay about £ 1,000 a year. Many students, whose parents do not earn a lot of money, are given a grant. Some students borrow money from the bank, which must be paid back after they leave university. In fact the grant is not large enough. Students often work during the holidays to earn more money. About 38 per cent of the population under 24 years of age go on higher education.
Post-reading Activities
1. Answer the questions on Text 3:
1. Where do children in Great Britain receive nursery education?
2. Which schools do the pupils attend first?
3. What is the usual age for transfer from junior to secondary schools?
4. What is an independent school?
5. Is the independent school sector separate from the state educational system?
6. Are the public schools expensive?
7. What does the term „further education” mean?
8. Which options do the young people have at 16?
9. Does the Department of Education and Science have any control over the universities?
10. What degrees do the universities award?
11. What do you know about the Open University?
2. Complete the sentences.
1. Full-time education is compulsory … .
2. Children receive nursery education at… .
3. The leaving age for compulsory education … .
4. Usually children go from junior to secondary school at ...
5. An independent school is funded by… .
6. British universities award such titles: … .
7. A lot of further education establishments are … .
3. Fill in the gaps with the correct word(s) from the list below:
options variety vocational financial support
are governed federation wear tutorials
1. Further education in Britain is mainly … .
2. A further education college prepares a … of professionals for industry, commerce and administration.
3. The university is like a … of colleges.
4. Most pupils in Britain … school uniform.
5. The … arranges the courses, the lectures and the examinations, and awards the degrees.
6. Young people have several … at 16.
7. The colleges … by Fellows.
8. British universities receive … from the state.
9. In Oxford and Cambridge the study system is based on … .
4. Write a summary of the text ”Primary and Secondary Education”, using the following words and phrases:
a nursery school, compulsory, transfer, an independent school, a public school, standards, a school uniform, tuition charges, the leaving age.
5. Read the conversation between Tom, a pupil of a secondary school, and his old friend, Mark, who has just started his studies at the university.
Tom: Hi, Мark. Hows college?
Мark: Great. Im having such a good time. I used to study harder when I was at secondary school.
Tom: Youre so lucky to be a year older than me. Im still studying four hours a night.
Мark: I know! Its funny; it seems like only yesterday that we were little schoolchildren in kindergarten together. Now here I am, an undergraduate at university, and next year you will be, too.
Tom: If I pass my exams.
Мark: Of course you will. Listen, why dont you relax tonight. Take a night off and come out with me.
Tom: I cant. Ive got to study for an exam tomorrow.
Мark: What exam are you taking?
Tom: Its one of Daviss history tests.
Мark: Oh, I remember Daviss history tests. You dont have to worry about them. His tests are always easy. Nobody ever fails.
Tom: Well, Im in real trouble if I dont pass.
Мark: Listen, youre a good student, arent you?
Tom: Yes, but …
Мark: You attended all his classes, right?
Tom: Yes, of course, but …
Мark: And did you take good notes in his lessons?
Tom: Yes, I took pages and pages of notes in a big notebook and …
Мark: And did you do all the homework?
Tom: Yes, I kept it all in my notebook with my lesson notes.
Мark: And did you write all the essays you had to do?
Tom: Yes, theyre all together in the same big notebook.
Мark: So, why are you worried?
Tom: Theres only one problem. Ive lost the notebook.
6. Choose the best answer according to the information in the dialogue.
1. Who is probably older?
a) Tom b) Mark c) impossible to know
2. How many years have Tom and Mark known each other?
a) about four b) about twelve c) about eight
3. Who now does more studying?
a) Tom b) Mark c) they do the same
4. Has Mark ever taken Daviss history test?
a) yes b) no c) impossible to know
5. Is Tom a good student?
a) yes b) no c) impossible to know
6. Is Tom going to fail his history test?
a) yes b) no c) impossible to know
7. Put the following events in the logical order.
1 ___ ___ ___ a) take an exam b) pass an exam c) study for an exam |
2 ___ ___ ___ a) go to college b) go to secondary school c) go to kindergarten |
3 ___ ___ ___ a) learn b) listen c) forget |
4 ___ ___ ___ a) be a teacher b) be a schoolchild c) be an undergraduate |
5 ___ ___ ___ a) have a lesson b) do homework c) take a test |
is friendly ___ gives a lot of homework ___
gives frequent tests ___ is young and attractive ___
has a good sense of humour ___ keeps good control of the students
behaviour ___
makes a subject interesting ___ knows his or her subject well ___
Discuss your answers with your group-mates.
9. Translate these sentences from Ukrainian into English.
1. Мій брат не відвідував дитячий садок.
2. Ці батьки будуть віддавати дітей до державного дитячого садка.
3. В цих університетах система навчання базується на індивідуальних заняттях.
4. Їй потрібно працювати на канікулах, щоб заробити грошей.
5. Я отримав ступінь бакалавра гуманітарних наук, а моя сестра ступінь бакалавра педагогіки.
6. Факультети організовують навчальний процес.
7. Учні цієї приватної школи повинні носити шкільну форму.
10. Think about:
1. At what ages do you take important examinations in your country?
2. What subjects do you think are the most important to study at school?
3. Do you think a good education should prepare you for life in general or for a particular job?
11. Study the words and read the following texts (4 and 5) about the education system of Great Britain.
to enter вступати
level рівень
to obtain отримати
limited обмежений
approximately приблизно
adult доросла людина
tuition навчання
free безкоштовний
grant стипендія
expense витрата
accommodation житло, квартира
undergraduate студент
degree ступінь
to complete закінчувати
science природничі науки
postgraduate course аспірантура
graduate той, хто має вчений ступінь; випускник
to conduct (research) проводити (дослідження)
tribe племя
vs=versus проти
to take/make notes вести конспект
except за винятком, крім
occasional що відбувається час від часу, іноді
bone кістка
fertilizer добриво
precise точний
term семестр
If you want to go to (= enter) university, you must first pass examinations that most students take at the age of eighteen (called A levels). Most students take three A levels (three examinations in three different subjects) and they must do well in order to get/obtain a place at university because the places are limited. At the moment, approximately 30 % of young adults go to university in Britain.
If you get a place at university, the tuition (= the teaching) is free, and some students also get (= receive) a grant (= money to pay for living expenses, e.g. food and accomodation) as well. Students at university are called undergraduates while they are studying for their first degree.
Most university courses last (= go on for/continue for) three years, some courses last four years, and one or two courses, e.g. medicine, may be longer. During this period students can say that they are doing/studying history, or doing/studying for a degree in history, for example. When they finish the course and pass their examinations, they receive a degree (the qualification when you complete a university course successfully). This can be a BA (= Bachelor of Arts) or a BSc (=Bachelor of Science), e.g. I have a friend who has a BA in history, and another who has a BSc in chemistry.
When you complete your first degree, you are a graduate. (In the US, students also use this word as a verb and say, they graduated in history or graduated in chemistry, for example.) Some students then go on to do a second course or degree (postgraduate course/ postgraduate degree). These students are then postgraduates. There are usually three possible degrees:
MA (Master of Arts) or MSc (Master of Science), usually one year;
MPhil (Master of Philosophy), usually two years;
PhD (Doctor of Philosophy), at least three years.
When people study one subjects in great detail (often to find new information), we say they are conducting/doing/carrying out research; e.g.
Im doing some research into/on the languages of different African tribes.
school vs. university. At school, you have teachers and lessons, at university, you have lecturers and lectures. When a lecturer gives/does a lecture, the students listen and take/make notes (= write down the important information), but do not usually say much, except to ask occasional questions.
12. Read these sentences spoken by university students. What is each person studying? Mark the stress on each of your answers, check with the answer key, and practise saying the words.
1. We have to know every bone in a persons body.
2. Im concentrating on the modernist style and the work of Le Corbusier.
3. The way we use fertilizers is much more precise than twenty years ago.
4. Were going to concentrate on Freud and Jung this term.
5. Ive been reading some books on time management.
6. Expressionism was really a reaction to the work of the Impressionists.
7. Weve spent a lot of time on American foreign policy and how it has been affected by various domestic problems.
8. You must know this case its one of the most famous in legal history.
13. What do you call:
1) the money some students receive if they get a place at university?
2) the qualification you get at the end of university?
3) the name we give students during this period at university?
4) teachers at university?
5) students when they have completed their first degree?
6) students studying for a second degree?
7) the study of one subject in great depth and detail, often to get a new information?
8) the talks that students go to while they are at university?
14. Replace the underlined verbs with different verbs that have the same meaning in the context.
1. Who is giving the lecture today?
2. Did she receive a grant for her course?
3. Is it more difficult to obtain a place at university?
4. You have to pass the exams before you can enter university.
5. Hes studying physics, I think.
6. I think theyre carrying out some research into computer studies.
7. I didnt take any notes in the lecture yesterday.
8. The course goes on for three years.
15. How similar is university education in your country? Answer these questions.
1. Do you need to pass examinations before you can go to university?
2. Do any students get a grant to study at university?
3. Is the tuition free if you go to university?
4. Do most students go to university at the age of 18 or 19?
5. Do most degree courses last three years?
6. What is Ukrainian equivalent of the British MA or MSc?
7. Do you have similar postgraduate degrees in your country?
8. Do you think higher education should be free or fee-paying? Give your reasons.
9. Would you like to study abroad? Why?
16. Write a letter to a pen-friend about the system of higher education in Great Britain.
17. Find at least 3 differences and 3 similarities between the systems of education in Ukraine and Great Britain.
18. Retell Text 3.
PART III. Education in the USA
Pre-reading Activities
1. Match the following words and word-combinations with their Ukrainian equivalents:
1) church-related schools a) відділ народної освіти
2) board of education b) навички спілкування
3) standards and requirements c) прийом до коледжу
4) tuition fee d) безкоштовно
5) summer support classes e) оцінки
6) social skills f) плата за навчання
7) admission to college g) залишитися на другий рік
8) extra-curricular activities h) позашкільні та позакласні заходи
9) grades i) навчальні матеріали
10) teaching materials j) норми та вимоги
Reading Activities
Read Text 6 and find out some new information about the system of education in the United States.
Americans have always shown a great concern for education. Here are some figures to support this statement. Today, there are 43 million pupils and students in public schools, and another 6 million in private schools throughout the country. In other words, 88% of American children attend public schools (financed by the government) and 12% go to private schools. Every year about 12 million Americans become students in over 3,000 colleges and universities of every type: private, public, church-related, small and large, in cities, counties and states.
The United States does not have a national system of education. It means that most educational matters are left to the separate states or the local community. In general, colleges, universities and schools, whether state or private, are quite free to determine their own individual standards and requirements.
The major result of this unusual situation is that there is a lot of variety in elementary, secondary and higher education throughout the nation. For example, although all states today require that children attend school until a certain age, it varies from 14 to 18 years. Or, as another example, in about 60% of the states, local schools are free to choose subjects and teaching materials or textbooks which they think are appropriate. In other states they only use the teaching materials approved by the state Board of Education. Some universities are free to residents of the state, others are expensive, especially for out-of-state students, with tuition fees of thousands of dollars each year. Some school systems are extremely conservative, some very progressive and liberal. These and other important differences must always be considered while describing American schools.
Because of the great variety of schools and colleges, and the many differences between them, we cannot speak about a typical American school or college. Yet, there are basic similarities in structure among the various schools and systems to give some general comments.
Most schools start at the kindergarten level at the age of 5. The elementary school (or grade school) goes from age 6 to 11 or 12 (grades 1 to 5 or 6). This is usually followed by a middle school (grades 6-8) or Junior High School (grades 7-9). High schools include 3 or 4 years, usually until the age of 18. Pupils who do not do well often have to repeat courses or attend summer support classes which are also called make up or remedial classes.
Like schools in Britain and other English-speaking countries, those in US have always stressed character or social skills through extra-curricular activities, including sports. Most schools publish their newspapers, have student orchestras and choirs, theater and drama groups and clubs. Many sports are available to students at no cost, and many schools have swimming pools, tennis courts and stadiums.
Students who wish to go to a good university have to work hard. During studies any student can be asked to leave because of poor grades. As tuition fees are rather high at most colleges and universities, students who must work at outside jobs as well as study are the rule rather than the exception.
Post-reading Activities
1. Decide whether the following statements about the USA education are true or false.
9. Many US students enjoy sports activities free of charge.
2. Read the dialogue. Complete it asking the questions about the education systems in Great Britain and the USA.
A: Is the education system in Britain the same as in the United States, Alex?
B: Well, Bill, its fairly similar, but in most of the country we dont have what you call junior and senior high schools. We just have secondary schools.
A: ……………………………………………………………………………..
B: Yes? They do.
A: ……………………………………………………………………………..
B: Well, most of them start when theyre eleven. Then all students continue until theyre sixteen and many continue till theyre eighteen.
A: ……………………………………………………………………………..
B: It is a school where some or all of the pupils live as well as study during the term.
Here are some phrases to help you:
Do public schools differ in Britain and the USA?
What is a boarding school?
And how old are children when they enter secondary school?
3. Test yourself:
1. Music, English and Mathematics are different sorts of ______ .
a) terms b) curricula c) qualifications d) subjects
2. The ______ are the teachers working in a school.
a) pupils b) staff c) persons d) helpers
3. The person in charge of a school is called the ______ or the ______ .
a) headmaster/headmistress b) deputy head c) staff d) teacher
4. A school where the pupils are made up of both boys and girls is called a ______ school.
a) single b) co-educational c) preparatory d) public
5. In England and Wales, the school year is divided into three ______ .
a) terms b) times c) years d) months
6. The ______ is everything that is taught in a school.
a) material b) subject c) curriculum d) term
7. Education in Great Britain from 5 to 16 is divided into two levels ______ and _______ .
a) primary / secondary b) public / primary c) infant / junior d) elementary / infant
8. If you want to know what day or time you have a particular lesson, you can always look at the _____ .
a) subject b) term c) time-table d) curriculum
9. A ______ school is one where pupils live all the time and only go home to their families in the holidays.
a) junior b) primary c) public d) boarding
10. Most children in Great Britain go to ______ schools.
a) state b) boarding c) public d) single-sex
4. Pay attention to the essential vocabulary:
School an institution for educating children
attend / go to school
start school
leave school
in / at school in the school building; attending a school
be absent from school
school year
school rules
school holiday (s)
school yard
school playground
school building / schoolhouse
school library
school-time lesson time at school
schoolwork = classwork
school bag
schoolbook = textbook
school uniform
school tie
school bus
school report a written statement by teachers about a childs work at school which is sent to his or her parents
school meal
school dinner
school age
school-age child
school-leaving age
school children / pupils
schoolboy / schoolgirl / child / kid
school friend / schoolfellow / schoolmate
schoolmaster / mistress
after-school activities
nursery, day care center (in the US) a place where small children between three and five years old are looked after while their parents are at work
playschool (in Britain playgroup) a type of school where children below school age meet regularly and play together while supervised by adults
nursery school a school for children from two or three to five years old (= kindergarten)
infant school a school in Britain for children aged between four and eight
first school a school in Britain for children between the ages of 5 and 8 or 9
primary school a school for children in England and Wales between 5 and 11 years old
elementary school / grade school a school in the US where basic subjects are taught for the first six years of a childs education
junior school a school in Britain for children from the ages of 7 to 11
junior high school a school in the US and Canada for children aged between 12 and 14
middle school (1) a school in Britain for children between the ages of 8 and 12; (2) a school in the US for children between the ages of 11 to 14
secondary school a school for children between the ages of 11 and 16 or 18
high school a secondary school in the US and Canada for children of 14 or 15 to 18 years old
preparatory school / prep school (1) a private school in Britain for children between 8 and 13 years old whose parents pay for their education; (2) a school in the US, usually a private one, that prepares students for college
public school (1) a private school in Britain, esp. England for children aged between 13 and 18 whose parents pay for their education. Public school usually provide food and accommodation for pupils. (2) a free local school in the US, Australia, Scotland controlled and paid by the government
private school a school where education must be paid for by the childrens parents
comprehensive school / comprehensive a state school in Britain for children over the age of 11 of different abilities
grammar school a school in Britain for children over the age of 11 who have to pass a special examination to go there. The school concentrates on academic rather than technical or practical courses.
state school a British school which receives money from the government and provides free education
academy a secondary school in Scotland that prepares pupils for higher education
boarding-school a school where some or all of the pupils live as well as study during the term
day-school a school attended daily by pupils living at home
night school lessons giving in the evening for adults in a wide range of subjects, eg languages, sport or cooking
Sunday school a class held on Sundays at which children learn about the Christian religion
finishing school a private, expensive school where girls are taught how to behave in fashionable society
independent school a school not owned or paid for by the government
single-sex school a school where only boys or girls are taught
coeducational school a school where only boys or girls are taught together; the system of educating boys and girls together in the same building and classes
Key to the Test (p.132):
1. d 4. a 7. a 10. c 12. a
2. b 5. d 8. c 11. d
3. b 6. b 9. a
Focus on Grammar
Infinitive / The ing form
Verb + ing
1. Here are some verbs that are followed by ing:
stop delay fancy consider admit enjoy finish postpone imagine avoid deny suggest miss risk involve practise mind dislike give up (=stop) think put off (= postpone) carry on / go on (= do something repeatedly) |
Look at these examples: I enjoy dancing (not ”I enjoy to dance”).
Would you mind closing the door? (not ”mind to close”).
He suggested going to the cinema (not ”suggested to go”).
Paula has given up smoking.
Dont keep interrupting me while Im speaking.
Are you thinking of buying a car?
Verb + to
offer decide hope deserve attempt promise agree plan aim afford manage threaten refuse arrange learn forget fail |
Study the examples:
We decided not to get out because of the weather.
I promised not to be late.
want ask help would prefer would love expect beg would like would hate |
These verbs are followed by to… (infinitive). The structure can be:
Verb + to or verb + object + to
We expected to be late. We expected Tom to be late.
Would you like to go now? Would you like me to go now?
4. There are two possible structures after these verbs. Compare:
Verb + ing (without an object) verb + object + to
advice recommend encourage allow permit forbid |
She doesnt allow smoking. She doesnt allow us to smoke
in the house. in the house.
5. These verbs can be followed by ing or to with little or no difference in meaning.
begin start intend continue |
So you can say:
John intends buying a house. John intends to buy a house.
1. In pairs, ask and answer questions using the prompts below, as in the example.
Example: 1. A: Is this problem too difficult for you to solve?
B: Yes, it`s too difficult. I can`t solve it.
2. book/boring/to read.
3. school/uniform/expensive/to buy.
4. the Eleven Plus/easy/to pass.
5. boarding school/comfortable/to live.
6. dish in a school canteen/expensive/to buy.
7. exercise/difficult/to do.
8. school bag/heavy/to carry.
9. lecture/difficult/to listen to.
10. evening school/expensive/to pay.
2. What do Kharkiv applicants want to know at the Education Information Center?
Example: 1. What are the oldest universities in Ukraine?
Kharkiv applicants want to know what the oldest universities in Ukraine are.
2. How can we find out about Kharkiv National Pedagogical University?
3. Is the tuition fee-paying or free in Kharkiv National Universtity?
4. Which way is the faculty of foreign languages of Kharkiv National Pedagogical University?
5. When does the academic year start?
6. Is there the Institute of Postgraduate Education in Kharkiv National Pedagogical University?
7. When does the first term start?
8. Which way is Kharkiv Medical University?
9. When does the vacation start?
10. How can we find out about the degrees which are given by Kharkiv universities?
3. Choose the most appropriate verb from the box. Remember they all follow the pattern verb+infinitive.
offer agree order refuse decide promise fail |
Example: 1. John`s parents decided to spend more time with their child.
2. The school administration … to set up tutorials.
3. The pupils like this teacher as he … to increase the amount of homework.
4. The pupils had enough time for independent work but … to pass their exams.
5. The teacher … the pupils who behave especially badly in class to go to the headteacher`s office.
6. The regional education authorities … to give grants to some schools of the city.
7. The teachers … the pupils to provide sick notes when they are absent.
8. The school administration … to improve library facilities and organize a Parent Teacher Association.
9. The district education authorities … to appoint some extra staff.
10. The school administration … to install more computers.
4. Write sentences using the structure I prefer to do something rather than do something else.
Example: 1. get a taxi/walk home. I prefer to get a taxi rather than walk home.
2. write an essay/do math calculations.
3. read/study for tests.
4. study Japanese/do a research on food in Japan.
5. have one`s own room/share a room with a sister.
6. spend time with the parents/work with a computer.
7. do exercises/study for exams.
8. make up a dialogue/retell the text.
9. go to a private school/go to a state school.
10. wear school uniform/wear casual clothes.
5. There are lots of books about living a healthy life. Most of the experts say the same things. Change the following sentences into reported speech.
Example: 1. You should eat more fruit-They tell you to eat more fruit.
2. It`s bad to have fatty foods-They tell you not to have fatty foods.
3. You must get some exercises.
4. Don`t eat sweet things.
5. You must relax sometimes.
6. Find time for a hobby.
7. You mustn`t smoke.
8. Don`t go to bed very late.
9. It`s bad to drink alcohol.
10. You ought to see a doctor sometimes.
6. Monica Collins is a famous educator. She is going to another country to take part in a scientific conference. Say what she expects to be done on her arrival, as in the example.
Example: 1. meet at the airport.-She expects to be met at the airport.
2. give some flowers.
3. drive to the hotel.
4. give a scientific degree.
5. invite to appear on TV.
6. give a grant for research.
7. photograph for newspapers and magazines.
8. inform immediately about the agenda of the conference.
9. give donations for research.
7. Complete each sentence with the ing form of one of the verbs:
go try take write listen steal work leave
Mind that we use ing form after the verbs:
avoid stop enjoy admit finish carry on suggest give up |
Example: 1. He tried to avoid answering my question.
2. She suggested … to the cinema.
3. I enjoy … to music.
4. She admitted … the money.
5. Have you finished … your essay yet?
6. Jim is 65 but he isn`t going to retire yet. He wants to carry on …
7. Could you please stop … down notes?
8. He suggested … immediately.
9. She gave up … to find a job in this country and decided to go abroad.
8. Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive form or the ing form. Note that there are two possible structures after these verbs:
advise recommend encourage allow permit forbid |
Compare: verb+ ing (without an object) verb+object+to…
Example: 1. I wouldn`t I wouldn`t recommend anybody
recommend attending this lecture. to attend this lecture.
2. I`ll advise you … your child to a private kindergarten (send).
3. I advise you … to our university (go).
4. This discipline encourages … the history of your country (study).
5. The rules forbid … a scientific degree after a one-year post-graduate course (receive).
6. They allowed me … for the tuition in a week (pay).
7. When this lecturer gives a lecture he doesn`t permit … the questions (ask).
These verbs take the to-infinitive or the ing form without a change in meaning:
begin start continue |
Example: They started talking/to talk.
9. They continue … their post-graduate course (do).
10. They began … additional tutorials (set up).
9. Choose the correct answer.
a) prepares b) prepare c) will prepare d) to prepare
2. British students began … for their teaching at university.
a) pay b) will pay c) paying d) pays
3. Would you mind … part in the work of this tutorial?
a) to take b) take c) takes d) taking
4. Helen`s parents always encourage her … hard at school.
a) will study b) study c) studying d) to study
5. My room-mate doesn`t allow … in the hostel.
a) smoking b) smoke c) to smoke d) smokes
6. Where would you recommend me … for the summer vacation?
a) go b) goes c) to go d) going
7. The Ministry of Education and Science allowed our university … control over the curricula, appointment of staff and the way in which money is spent.
a) have b) to have c) having d) has
8. Glasses make him … older.
a) looking b) looks c) look d) to look
9. Do you want him … a Master`s degree?
a) will get b) to get c) get d) getting
10 .She doesn`t enjoy … tests, she just can`t help … that.
a) write b) writes c) will write d) writing
a) does b) do c) doing d) to do
Exercise 10
a) to go b) go c) going d) will go
2. He advised me … warm clothes.
a) wear b) wearing c) to wear d) will wear
3. They denied … the window.
a) breaking b) to break c) break d) will break
4. They refused … him any more money.
a) to give b) give c) giving d) will give
5. You had better … your umbrella with you today.
a) taking b) to take c) take d) will take
6. They don`t allow … in the examination room.
a) talking b) talk c) to talk d) will talk
7. The boys avoided … through the dark forest.
a) walking b) to walk c) walk d) will walk
8. Karen suggested … a new car.
a) buy b) buying c) to buy d) will buy
9. You have … home early tonight.
a) to come b) come c) coming d) will come
10. I`d rather … at home. I`m tired.
a) staying b) to stay c) stay` d) will stay
English in Use
1. Study World List I and Conversational Formulas.
World List I
onion цибуля vermicelli вермішель
tomatoes томати strawberries полуниця
potatoes картопля raspberries малина
mushrooms гриби currants смородина
cauliflower кольорова carrot морква
dill кроп tangerine мандарин
parsley петрушка persimmon хурма
broccoli брокколі peach персик
lettuce салат dried apricots курага
aubergine баклажан prunes чорнослив
cabbage капуста pineapple ананас
We`ve run out of... У нас закінчився...
Conversational Formulas
Requests Answers
-Can I have …, please? -Yes, of course.
-Could I have …, please? -Here you are.
-Have you got any …? -I`m afraid we haven`t got any left.
-I would like …, please.
Offers -No, thank you. I`d rather have…
-Would you like…? Yes, please. Thank you very much.
2. Practise the models:
Model 1: Customer: Can I have some peaches, please?
Assistant: I`m afraid we haven`t got any left.
Model 2: C: I would like some bread, please.
A: Yes. How much would you like?
C: Two loaves, please. Is there any cheese?
A: Of course. How much do you need?
C: One kilo, please.
A: Here you are.
C: Thanks.
3. In pairs, act out similar dialogues using the useful expressions:
a bar of chocolate
a carton of juice, milk
a packet of flour, sugar, crisps
a bottle of Coke, lemonade, ketchup
a box of biscuits, a loaf of bread
4. Practise the illustrative dialogue:
Mary: Oh dear! We`ve run out of lemons.
John: Don`t worry. I`ll go and buy some. What else do we need?
Mary: We need tangerines, peaches and persimmons.
John: What do you need them for?
Mary: I want to make a fruit pie. And these fruit are good for our muscles and nerves, they keep our skin healthy and contain a lot of vitamins.
John: I see. Having a healthy diet will make you feel better.
Mary: That sounds nice. Let`s go shopping, then!
5. a) Complete the dialogue with the sentences from the list:
-I need some carrots and broccoli.
-Do we need anything for stewed vegetables?
-Well, there are some aubergines but we don`t have any cauliflower and cabbage.
John: I`m going to the supermarket. 1)……
Mary: 2)……
John: What else do you need?
Mary: Let me see. 3)……
b) Act out similar dialogues using the words in the list:
pizza: mushrooms, ham, cheese, dill, parsley, tomatoes, onions.
6. Fill in: any, much, some, many.
A: Let`s check what we need for the dinner party tonight.
B: Would you like me to make a shopping list?
A: Yes. Is there … meat in the fridge?
B: No. How … do you need?
A: I need two kilos.
B: All right. Do you need … eggs?
A: No, I think we have enough eggs, but I need … carrots.
B: How … do you need?
Have Fun!
Jokes and Funny Stories
a) Teacher (checking Tommy`s homework): I don`t see how it`s possible for a single person to make so many mistakes.
Teddy (proudly): It isn`t a single person, teacher.
b) Mrs. Brown: Do you think Im going to wear this old squirrel coat all my life?
Mr. Brown: Why not, dear? The squirrels do.
c) Mother: I sent my little boy for two kilos of plumps and you sent a kilo and a half.
Shop-assistant: My scales are all right, madam. Have you weighed your little boy?
checked в клітинку
striped pattern малюнок в полоску
polka-dotted в горошок
flowery квітковий малюнок
casually звичайнo
a V-neck jumper джемпер з горлом у формі
літери V
a T-shirt футболка
a suit костюм
size розмір (e.g.large/small/medium/14/16)
a fitting-room/changing-room примірювальна кімната
to match підходити (за кольором)
to fit підходити (за розміром та
Can I try it on? Можна приміряти?
I`m looking for… мені потрібен (потрібна)...
What size are you? Який в тебе розмір?
How much is it? Скільки це коштує?
Do you take credit cards? Ви приймаєте кредитні
I`ll pay cash Я заплачу готівкою
Model 1: Assistant: Can I help you?
Customer: Yes, I`m looking for a polka-dotted blouse.
Assistant: What size are you?
Customer: Small.
Assistant: Here it is. The last one in stock.
Customer: Great. Can I try it on?
Assistant: Yes, of course. The fitting-room is just over there.
Model 2: C: Excuse me - how much is this pair of boots?
A: These boots? They`re 300 hryvnas.
C: Do you take credit cards?
A: I`m afraid not.
C: That`s okay. I`ll pay cash, then.
3. Complete this dialogue with a suitable word or phrase.
A: What can I do for you, madam?
C: I`m looking for a ……like this, but in blue.
A: I see. And what ……are you?
C: Medium usually.
A: We have a lot of new ……, they`ve just come in. If you go to the ……, I`ll bring some for you to try on.
C: Thanks.
4. Complete the dialogue with a suitable word or phrase:
Anne: Hello!
John: Oh! Hello, Anne! How glad I am to see you. You are dressed so smartly! This ……matches your shoes.
Anne: I bought it at sales and paid 20 hryvnas for it.
John: It ……you.
Anne: Thanks! And you`re looking elegant and stylish in this suit.
John: Thanks! Usually I`m casually dressed. I prefer …… and …….
1. Study Useful Expressions:
Suggestions Replies
Lets … Yes, lets do that.
Why dont we …? Thats a good idea.
Why not …? That / It might be interesting.
Shall we …? I dont mind.
What / How about … ing? OK. All right.
We could … I dont feel like…ing
Are you doing anything special? Id rather … Id rather not.
Do you feel like…ing? I`d love to.
2. Practise the models and make up short dialogues using one item from each column of the table.
Model 1: A: Lets go out for a meal tonight
B: Id rather not. Eating out is so expensive now. Id rather cook
Model 2: A: Do you feel like going for a drive in the country this afternoon?
B: Yes, I`d love to.
A: Well, I`ll call for you at about two, then.
B: That`s fine, I`ll be ready.
Model 3: A: Why don`t we go to the new exhibition at the art gallery?
B: I haven`t got any time this week unfortunately.
Lets Why dont we Why not We could Shall we |
go |
to |
the cinema the art exhibition the pub the park the circus |
What How |
about |
going |
for |
a walk in the wood a drive in the country a swim in the river a picnic in the park |
3. Practise the illustrative dialogue.
Ann: What shall we do tonight?
Bill: Why don`t we go to the cinema? There`s a new French film on at the Kinopalats.
Ann: I don`t feel like seeing a film.
Bill: Well, how about asking Martin and Jenny round for supper? If they`re free, of course.
Ann: That`s a great idea. But what can we give them for supper?
Bill: There`s some cold meat. And we could make a salad.
Ann: OK. I`ll go and give them a ring.
4. Complete the dialogue using the phrases:
-That`s a good idea. What time?
-Are you doing anything special…?
-I`ll see you then.
Alison: ……on Saturday night?
Brian: No, I don`t think so.
Alison: Well, I`m having a little party and I`d like you to come.
Brian: Thank you ……
Alison: Half past seven.
5. Act out similar dialogues based on the models and useful expressions.
Then learn one of the dialogues and reproduce it with another student
in class.
6. Study useful expressions about Likes and Dislikes:
I like… I enjoy… I`m very fond of… I`m quite keen on… I`m mad about/on… I`m crazy about…
Possible replies are:
Positive Negative
So do I. I don like/enjoy
I do too. I`m not keen on/fond of…
So am I. Do you? Are you? I can`t stand…
7. Study the models:
a) A: I like science fiction very much.
B: So do I.
b) A: I like going for walks in the country.
B: Do you? I`m not very keen on walking myself.
B: I can`t stand chess.
B: Really? I don`t know what you see in them.
8. Complete the dialogue:
A: What do you like doing in your spare time?
B: Well, I`m …of reading.
A: What sort of books do you like?
B: Psychological novels, mainly.
A: Well, what else do you …reading?
B: I enjoy a good thriller occasionally.
A: Oh, I can`t… thrillers.
9. In pairs, act out similar dialogues talking about the following leisure activities:
- gardening - taking photos - dressmaking
- cooking - watching sport on TV - swimming
- mountain climbing - painting - camping - dancing -reading detective stories
10. Reading Just for Fun.
Of course, he continued, taking another mouthful of steak, Ive always been good at sports. Im a brilliant footballer, you know. Im not bad at skiing, either. Well, my brother … he washed the steak down with some Coke, he was always hopeless at football. Not very good at tennis, either. I think I take after my father hes a fantastic footballer, you know, and hes quite a good tennis player, too.
He stopped. She was silent. Well, he said at last, thats enough about me. Tell me what are you good at?
She smiled. Well, she said. People tell me that Im a very good listener …
Pre-reading Activities
1. Answer your teachers questions about the profession of a teacher and write them on the board.
1. What do young people do after leaving school?
2. Study the words and their Ukrainian equivalents.
ability здібність
questionnaire анкета
to make a decision прийняти рішення
to take into consideration брати до уваги
to support підтримувати
to choose a profession обирати професію
to influence впливати
to follow advice дотримуватися поради
to encourage заохочувати
attitude відношення
to learn дізнаватися
to succeed досягати успіхів
Reading Activities
Read and translate the texts.
Im going to tell you about my future profession. Choosing a career and getting a job are the two things any person does in his lifetime.
When millions of young people leave school, they begin an independent life. Some of them start working, go into business and some of them enter a university or college.
Young people can learn about professions in magazines and advertisements. Magazines for teenagers often offer questionnaires to help young people to find out their interests and abilities more clearly and to make a decision.
While choosing a career you should take into consideration all main possibilities that your future profession may provide; the profession must be interesting, you have to be sure of your future (that means that you will be able to find a job after the graduation from the university). Your profession must be well paid, otherwise you wont be able to support yourself and your future family.
As we know there are many professions in the world and all of them are necessary and important. Its not easy to decide which profession to choose. There are so many people who influence you in choosing your profession. Some pupils follow the advice of their parents, others cant decide even after leaving school. To make the right choice, we should consider our possibilities, characters and abilities.
Id like to be a teacher… (of Biology, Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, in a primary school).
A good teacher should encourage his pupils to be creative, give them a lot of praise and support. To be a good teacher, you need some of the abilities of a good actor. You should be able to hold the attention of your pupils and be a fine speaker with a clear voice. One of the most important parts of the teacher`s job is keeping up with new ideas and developments. Most good teachers attend refresher courses regularly. Another important aspect is that all successful teachers spend time preparing their lessons thoroughly and constantly update their material. There`s always something new to learn.
Teachers do not only teach their subjects. They develop their pupils intellect, form their views and characters, their attitude to life and to other people. Its not as easy as it may seem at first. But I think that love for children combined with the knowledge Ill get at our University will be quite enough to succeed in my work.
I hope Ive chosen the right profession.
I want to become a computer programmer. I am interested in computers. My favourite subject in school was Computer Science.
My hobby is computer games and computer programming. I have got a computer at home and can spend hours working with it.
It is much easier to do things on computer, for example to write a composition. You can change the text as many times as you want and you dont need to rewrite everything if you have changed something. You can even go on dates sitting at your computer.
We are living in the age of technology and the profession of programmer can give you a lot of opportunities. I think future will belong to computers.
Post-reading activities
1. Fill in the correct word.
2. Find the English equivalents:
вибір професії; закінчувати школу; поступити до університету; анкета;
знайти роботу після закінчення університету; курси підвищення кваліфікації
Pre-reading Activities
1. Read and memorize the following words and word-combinations:
choice вибір
major загальний
to give one's preference to smth віддавати перевагу…
the humanities гуманітарні науки (предмети)
favourite subject улюблений предмет
to do well without any effort добре навчатися без зусиль
instructive продуктивний
to look forward to smth. с нетерпінням чекати…
to improve покращувати
language skills and habits мовні навички і уміння
adapted адаптований
on a regular basis постійно
to graduate from закінчувати вищий навчальний заклад
nowadays в наші дні
to be of great demand користуватися великим попитом
to entrust довіряти, вірити
noble благородний
devotion to ones cause відданість справі
unique єдиний у своєму роді, неповторний
responsible відповідальний
from time immemorial з давніх-давен
honorable почесний, благородний, шановний
authoritative авторитетний
to develop the character розвивати характер
to broaden the world outlook розширювати світогляд
to be of great social importance мати важливе соціальне значення
to impart передавати
generosity великодушність, щедрість
to take a real interest дійсно цікавитися
to obtain отримувати, набувати.
2. Answer the following questions:
10. What is the noblest and most difficult of the professions?
11. Are the teachers of great demand nowadays?
12. What is the teachers aim in life?
13. What should one do to be a good teacher?
Reading Activities
Read the following text and try to understand its general meaning. Ве ready to retell this text:
School! Lessons, games, clubs, homework. A bell rings. You go to a classroom. A bell rings. You have lunch. A bell rings. You go home.
Nevertheless, one day you go to school for the last time. What to do after that? You realize that the time to choose one job out of the hundreds has come. It is going to be a hard choice and nobody can make it for you.
Before you can choose, you ask yourself quite a lot of questions. What do you know you are good at? What do you enjoy doing? It is difficult to know all the answers to these questions until you have left school and actually begun work.
Many young people consider teaching as a career. It is not surprising: after your parents, your teacher may be the most important person in your life. With all the teachers you meet, you think there is not anything you do not know about the work. That is where you are wrong, since only those who are in it can appreciate it. Have you ever asked yourself why most teachers are so devoted to their work and privately think, though they may not like to admit it openly, that they serve humanity doing the most vital job of all? Those of us who spend our days in schools know how rewarding the job is. At the same time, it is not easy and a challenge to your character, abilities and talent, as teaching is a constant stream of decisions.
Children in your classroom are not just boys and girls. Every one is a unique individual who has never been before and will never again exist. If you like people, you will love teaching. To be a good teacher you must be genuinely interested in what you are doing.
The most important things in the world are awareness and learning wanting to know every day of your life more and more and more. Because every time you learn something new you become something new. An ignorant teacher teaches ignorance, a fearful teacher teaches fear, and a bored teacher teaches boredom. However, a good teacher catalyzes in his pupils the burning desire to know and love for the truth and beauty.
John Steinbeck, writing about his school days said, „Ive come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist and you know how few great artists there are in the world. Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts since its medium is the human mind and the human spirit”. What an incredible responsibility to be the guardians of the human spirit and the human mind! I think, that is the reason why humanity has the deepest respect for teachers.
I would never stop teaching and I am sure that you, having chosen it for your career, feel the same way. If you do not feel that way then, please, for all our sakes, get out! The human mind and the human spirit are too wondrous to destroy. But if you are prepared to accept the responsibility, I wish you all the luck in the world.
Post-reading Activities
1. Transcribe and learn to read the following words:
Machines, appreciate, humanity, vital, challenge, individual, awareness, ignorance, fearful, boredom, medium, accept, routine, stimulating, variety.
2. Explain the meaning of the words and word combinations listed below:
Think privately, the most vital job, a rewarding job, a challenge to your character, an ignorant teacher, a guardian, the same routine, stimulating work, to go in for teaching
3. Write English equivalents of the following words and phrases.
Use them in the sentences of your own:
Зробити вибір, бути зацікавленим в, цінувати, мати здібності, повага до, присвятити себе будь-чому, заробляти на життя, відповідати за, професія вчителя, розпалювати зацікавленість, професійна майстерність, глибокі знання, благородна справа.
4. Find in the text the synonyms for the following words and word combinations:
to do well in smth., in fact, because, faithful, confess, gratifying, sincerely, knowledge, to ruin.
5. Enlarge upon the following topics:
1. After your parents your teacher may be the most important person in your life.
2. Teaching is not easy and a real challenge to your character, abilities and talent.
3. To be a good teacher you must be genuinely interested in what you are doing.
4. Teaching is a constant stream of decisions.
5. Every time you learn something new you become something new.
Prompts: theres one more thing to be noted, moreover, what's more..., I might as well add that..., in addition, on top of that..., something else I'd like to say is..., talking of... .
6.Make your comments about teaching profession and requirements to teachers using the following phrases:
I should (I'd) like to make it clear that... |
Look, I'll tell you what... |
There's much truth in what you're saying, yet... |
It's like this. You see... |
It is as well to remember that... |
I'll start by saying that... |
There's no denying that... |
As I see it... |
What I'm going to say may seem not so relevant, yet... |
In my opinion... |
I see your point, but... |
As far as I can see... |
In conclusion I'd like to say that... |
On the one hand... on the other... |
This is the way I look at it. |
It's common knowledge that... |
You are free to disagree with me |
All things considered... |
I should (I'd) like to make it clear that... |
All other things being equal... |
There's much truth in what you're saying, yet... |
It must be admitted that... |
It is as well to remember that... |
7. Read the following text. Be ready to discuss it:
G. S. Skovoroda, an outstanding Ukrainian enlightener, philosopher and poet was a spokesperson of the ideas of humanism and peasant enlightenment, a herald of new trends in philosophy and sociology in Ukraine in the second half of the 18th century.
Grygoriy Savych Skovoroda was born on the 22nd of November 1722 in the village of Ghernukha of the Kyiv province in the family of a land-starved Cossack. A gifted boy learned to read very early, liked folk music and singing, composed melodies himself and played the cow-flute. Having finished a village primary school, being a twenty-year old youth, G.S. Skovoroda entered the Kyiv Academy the first higher school and cultural-enlightening center of Ukraine.
In 17451750 G.S. Skovoroda made a trip abroad, was in Hungary, travelled along Austria, Slovakia, and Poland, visited a number of cities of North Italy and Germany. Being abroad, he deepened his knowledge, made acquaintance with the mode of life, daily round habits and art of the peoples of Europe.
In 1751 the pedagogical activity of G.S. Skovoroda began. In Pereyaslav seminary he taught poetics. The pedagogue-innovator tried to restore the teaching of poetics on a new progressive foundation.
In 1753 G.S. Skovoroda graduated from the Kyiv Academy and during almost six years was working as a home teacher at a landlord's in the village of Kovrae near Pereyaslav. It was during these years when G.S. Skovoroda used to be among the people that his outlook of the philosopher-humanist and public figure was being formed and his poetic work began.
In 1759 G.S. Skovoroda accepted the invitation to teach poetics in the Kharkiv Collegium which in the 18th century was the centre of education of Slobidska Ukraine. There a young pedagogue was working with some intervals during ten years.
G.S. Skovoroda expounded his pedagogical views in a number of works. Vivid expressions of pedagogical convictions were found in his letters to his closest pupil-friend M. I. Kovalynsky. He expresses in them his profound, passionate thoughts about the upbringing of love to work, devotion to the Fatherland in young people. The pedagogical inheritage of G.S. Skovoroda entered the treasury of home pedagogy, his name is beside the names of the most famous pedagogues of the world.
G.S. Skovoroda entered the history of the Ukrainian culture first of all as an outstanding thinker. One of the first in the history of the Ukrainian philosophical and sociological thought G.S. Skovoroda sharply criticized the vices of feudal-serfdom society, parasitism of temporal and acclesiastical nobility, bravely and sharply protested against lifeless scholasticism and religious dogmatism.
8. Prepare a 3-minute talk on one of the great teachers of the past or today, give reasons for your choice:
9. Act out the dialogue "Choosing is not so easy as it looks".
10. Prove that the following proverbs (sayings) have sense:
1. Business before pleasure.
1. Успіхи учнів значною мірою залежать від професійної майстерності вчителя.
2. Я працюю вчителем вже багато років і можу сказати, що немає більш благородної справи.
3. В його роботі немає різноманітності, але є і сильні сторони.
4. Вона вважала, що школярам буде нелегко зробити ті завдання.
5. Нажаль, не кожна людина, яка закінчує університет, може похвалитися глибокими знаннями.
6. Валентина провчилася вже два роки, коли зрозуміла, що не зможе працювати у школі.
7. Коли студенти завершать своє навчання, кожний із них отримає диплом.
8. Любов до музики та зацікавленість у педагогіці примусили дівчину обрати професію вчителя музики.
9. Схильність до навчання та велике бажання ділитися отриманими знаннями привели юнака до педагогічного університету.
10. Робота в школі потребує від вчителя не лише глибоких знань, але й тактовності та взаєморозуміння.
11. Make a report on the topic “My Profession”.
Focus on Grammar
1. Questions. Fill in the blanks.
A) do B) does C) is D) are E) have F) has
1. What subjects _________ she good at?
2. _________ your brother got a camera?
3. _________ your mother like cooking?
4. What floor ________your bedroom on?
5. __________ your parents in France now?
6. Where ________ the nearest bookstore?
7. _________ your friend have any money?
8. Where _____________ your uncle work?
9. What sports___________they fond of?
10. What bike _________ you got?
11. What __________ the weather like today?
12. What languages_________you speak?
13.____________you like science fiction?
14. What_________ your favorite pop group?
15. What bike _________ she got?
16. How many apples ________ you got?
17. What subject ________ you like best?
18. Where __________ the capital of your country?
19. ________ you know what time it_______?
20. How far _________ London from Liverpool?
On the 15-th of October, two men (to try) to get to the top of Everest. They (to make) their camp at the bottom of the mountain. They (to feel) very well in it. It (to be) the highest camp on the mountain. The night before the climb, they (to drink) tea and had supper. They (to discuss) what to take with them to the top. They (to decide) to leave their sleeping bags and tents behind because the equipment (to be) too heavy.
Early in the morning they (to have) breakfast and (to get) dressed. Then they (to start) to go up the mountain. It (to be) extremely difficult. The snow (to be) very deep. After a long, hard fight they (to reach) the top together. They (to laugh), (to shout) and (to take) some photographs.
Then the sun (to disappear) and the two men (to realize) they (to be) on the top of Everest and it (to be) almost night. Their camp (to be) too far to reach. They (to go) a little way down the mountain, but there (to be) no moon and it (to be) too dangerous.
They (to have) to spend the night on the mountain, at about 10,000 meters, with no tent, sleeping bags or food. They (to believe) it (to be) possible. They (to dig) a hole in the snow, and (to bury) themselves. They (not to sleep). It (to be) -30 °C. When the light (to come) at last they (to begin) climbing down, and soon they (to get) to their camp. Everybody (to be) happy.
3. Choose either the Future Simple or - to be going to - in the following sentences.
1. It probably ______ (not to rain) in Western Europe.
2. ____ you ______ (to come) to my house, please?
3. - Why have you got the flowers? - Because I ____ (to visit) my teacher.
4. The sky is very dark. It ____ (to rain).
5. - Come to the party. - OK. I ____ (to bring) my friend.
6. - I ____ (to walk) the dog. - Wait a minute, and I ____ (to come) with you.
7. I probably never ____ (to learn) this poem.
8. I ____ (to stop) smoking - I really will.
9. - Have you decided what to buy Alex for his birthday? - Yes, I ____ (to buy) a computer game.
10. I love sewing. I ____ (to be) a fashion designer.
11. - How about going for a picnic at the weekend? - That's a good idea. I ____ (to make) a cake.
12. - What presents do you think people ____ (to give) you next Christmas? -1 think my father ____ (to give) me a book.
Perhaps somebody ____ (to give) me perfume. I don't think anybody ____ (to give) me a car.
13. What ____ fashion ____ (to be) like in the year 2000? - I'm sure people____ (not to wear) long dresses and suits.
Clothes ____ (to be) comfortable and simple.
4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Future Simple.
1. If I ____ (to be free) tomorrow night, I____ (to go) to the concert.
2. He says he ____ (to look in) to see us before he ____ (to leave) our town.
3. Jane ____ (to stay) at home until she ____ (to feel) better.
4. When ____ you ____ (to visit) your grandma? - Probably next year.
5. When my brother ____ (to finish) school he ____ (to go) to college.
6. I ____ (to tell) you as soon as I ____ (to know).
7. I'd like to know when Dan ____ (to be back).
8. Give my love to Laura if you ____ (to see) her.
9. I ____ (not to know) when she ____ (to take) her exam.
10. I don't think we ____ (to finish) our work in time unless you ____ (to help) us.
11. I____ (to give ) you my bike for tomorrow providing you ____ (to bring) it back the day after tomorrow.
12. Mothers says we ____ (to have dinner) after she ____ (to unpack) our things.
13. Don't get off the train until it ____ (to stop).
14. You may take this book so long as you ____ (not to keep) it too long.
15. Your boss ____ (to give) you the day off on condition that you ____ (to work) on Saturday morning.
16. Provided that they ____ (not to do) anything stupid, they ____ (to win) tonight's match easily.
5. Choose either the Present Simple or Present Continuous in the following sentences.
1. He's in the bathroom. I_________(to think) he (to wash) his hair.
2. - Can I speak to your parents, please? - I'm sorry. They__________(to have) lunch at the moment.
3. I usually (to cook) meals, and my brother (to wash) dishes.
4. Mr. Anderson _______ (to be) an English tourist who _______ (to travel) to Eastern Europe tomorrow. Just now he _______ (to have) breakfast at home. After breakfast he __________ (to go out) to do a lot of things.
5. She's a school teacher. She ________ (to teach) Maths.
6. I _______ (to wear) glasses only for reading and watching TV.
7. On Sunday they________ (to have) dinner at a restaurant.
8. The coffee _______ (to taste) delicious.
9. We _________ (to look for) someone who _____ (to want) to make money.
11. John ______ (to play) in the school team this season.
12. ______ you ______ (to see) that nice butterfly near the stream?
13. If you______(not to listen) to the radio, please______ (to switch) it off.
14. I ______ (to hear) someone speaking in the next room.
15. We ______ (to see off) our grandparents this morning.
16. Don't disturb him. He _______ (to smell) flowers in the garden.
17. The cook _______ (to taste) the soup to see if it is right.
18.I _______ (to like) this cake, I _______ (to taste) almond in it.
19.I ______ (not to want) to go anywhere. I _____ (to have) a headache. I _____ (to feel tired.)
20. It ________ (to get) dark. Let's go home.
21. I _________ (to have) my English now.
22. I _________ (to have) my English every day.
6. Put the verbs into Past Simple or Present Perfect.
1. George went to the cinema, but he ____ (not to enjoy) the film much.
2. ____ you ever ____ (to have) any serious illness?
3. I ____ (to come) to school without glasses. I can't read the text.
4. Who ____ (to eat) all the apples?
5. So far we ____ (to have) no troubles.
6. Jane ____ (to move) to a new flat a month ago.
7. We ____ (to wonder, often) where he gets his money.
8. Do you know that they ___ (to be born) on the same day?
9. How often ____ you ____ (to fall) in love?
10. I'm delighted to tell you that you ____ (to pass) your exam.
11. I ____ (to use) to swim every day when I was young.
12. Some people think that "The twelfth night"____ (not to be written) by Shakespeare.
13.I____ (to break, already ) two plates. Shall I go on washing up?
14. I'm not sure we ____ (to meet) before.
7. Mixture of tenses. Put in the correct auxiliary verb in each sentence.
A) do B) did C) are D) have
1. I ___ not see Andrew yesterday.
2. How long ___ you lived there?
3. Why ___ you learning English?
4. ___ you seen anybody today?
5. What ___ you think of your new teacher? To my mind she is very nice.
6. ___ you angry about what happened?
7. ___ you read a newspaper yesterday?
8. My mother knows Mrs. Dave better than I ___ .
9. ___ you ever forgotten about your friend's birthday?
10. How ___ you get to the station when you are late?
11. ___ you disappointed with you exam results?
12. ___ you been abroad? ___ you enjoy it?
13. I ___ known Jane for three years, but I___ not know what she's thinking.
14. They ___ a lot of crying last night.
15. You ___ always making mistakes.
8. Use either the Present Perfect Simple or Continuous in the following sentences.
A) Present Perfect (have / has done)
B) Present Perfect Continuous (have / has been doing)
1. I_____ (to try) to open this box for the last forty minutes but in vain.
2. It ____ (to snow): the garden is covered with snow.
3. Who ____ (to break) the window?
4. Have you ____ (to smoke)?! I can smell tobacco on your clothes.
5. It's the best book I (ever to read).
6. I ____ (to listen) to you for the past half an hour, but I can't understand what you are speaking about.
7. How long has your aunt ____ (to be ill)?
8. The school _____(to be closed) for two months.
9. Hey! Somebody ____ (to drink) my coffee! My cup was full.
10. I don't think I ____ (ever to see) her looking so upset before.
11. I ____ (to sit) here in the park for an hour, and I______ (to meet) three friends of mine.
12. How much money have you _____(to save) for your last holidays?
9. Put the verbs into the right order.
A) Past Simple B) Past Continuous
C) Past Perfect D) Past Perfect Continuous
1. The workers ____ (to be) on a strike for three weeks when the agreement on pay ____ (to be reached).
2. When she got the results of her medical tests, she realized that she ___ (to be feeling ) ill since she ____ (to be) on holiday.
3. The door was unlocked. She ____ (to wonder) who ____ (leave) the door open.
4. He ____ (to play) football when the ball ____ (to hit) his head.
5. He ____ (to drive) to work for half an hour when suddenly his car ____ (to break) down.
6. When he arrived at the office he____ (to discover) that he ____ (to leave) all the necessary papers at home.
7. Susan ____ (to type) some letters when the boss ____ (to ask) her into his office.
8. She looked tired. She____ (to type) letters all morning.
9. Yesterday afternoon it ____ (still to rain) when I____ (to get) home.
10. He ____ (to clean) the car when the phone rang, so he ____ (not to answer) it.
11. When I ____ (to be) little, my mother ____ (to use) to feed me.
12. Jane's clothes were wet. She ____ (to wash) her dog.
13. Jerry ____ (to be) nervous, for he _____ (never to flow) in an aero plane before.
14. I ____ (never to like) going to the cinema on my own I when I was a teenager.
15. Kate ____ (to dance), but when she saw a newcomer she ____ (to stop).
10. Choose the correct variant.
1. This house ... by my husband's great-grandfather in 1790 (is built / are built / was built / will be built).
2. Poirot... faintly ... by the graciousness of the little lady's manner(is ...puzzled / are ... puzzled / was...puzzled).
3. As a result of an earthquake, the house there ... ... and her parents and
brothers and sisters all lost their lives (is burned down / are burned down / was burned down / will be burned down).
4. While I sat there a note... me from the house (is brought / has brought / was brought / had brought).
5. I... ... ... in an orphanage and then I ... ... by some people who died (is brought up / was brought up / has brought up / had brought up; is adopted / was adopted / have adopted / had adopted).
6. Andrew approached the Dumay's house. The door of the house...... as usual (is unlocked / are unlocked / was unlocked / were unlocked).
7. The girl ... last ... here about twenty minutes to eleven. By midnight, according to medical evidence she was dead (is seen / was/seen / were seen).
8. Diana is a huntress, isn't she? She ... always ... wearing a tunic (am portrayed / is portrayed / are portrayed).
9. He was lying on his bed. His cheeks and hands...... and swollen with scratches from the fight (is scarred / are scarred / was scarred / were scarred).
10.1 don't want to stop here. I......... (recognize / will recognize / will be recognized).
11. While I sat there a note ...... me from the house (bring / brings / is brought / was brought).
12. The road to the City of Emeralds ... ... with yellow brick, so you cannot miss it (pave / paves / is paved / was paved).
13. A second later I ... ... ... to a group of young American officers (was introduced / is being introduced / was being introduced).
14. Only two or three days later the Paris newspapers announced the birth of a Cox daughter, and declared that the child was ......... Juliette (call / called).
15. Blore was looking at the handle of the chopper. He said: "No fingerprints. Handle...... afterwards" (is wiped / are wiped / was wiped).
11. Choose the correct modal verb.
A) can B) could C)be able to
1. They had fish hooks so they ____ catch fish.
2. The raft is so small we ____ lie down comfortably.
8. Jane has got two books so she ____ read any of them.
4. They didn't have any shampoo so they ____ wash their hair.
5. When the ship disappeared, Mary cried and cried. She ____ stop crying.
6. They won't____ to drive a car until they are eighteen.
7. ____ they hear it before they saw it?
8. When she was a baby, she ____ only cry.
9. You ____ enter the club without a card.
10. In two weeks you will ____ speak another language.
A) must B) have to
1. You can stay out late if you like. You ____ come home early.
2. He might____ take his younger brother out to football match.
3. The bus came on time so we ____ wait long at the bus stop.
4. The rules for basketball say;
a) you ____ run while holding the ball;
b) you ____ bounce the ball while you run;
c) you ____ stand holding the ball for as long as you like;
d) you ____ do something within five seconds.
5. We read a long poem in the class yesterday. It was boring. I'm glad we ____ learn it by heart.
6. Jack has already cleaned his bicycle so he ____ do it tomorrow.
7. You ____ be here by 9.00 if you want to be sure of a seat.
8. You _____ walk on the grass!
9. Once or twice we lost our way and ____ ask a policeman for directions.
10. You ____ put your entry into the box before Friday If you want to enter the contest.
A) should B) must D) need
1. You ____ think about the future and not about the past.
2. You ____ have a visa to travel to some countries.
3. However, if you come from an EEC country and you want to travel to another one, you ____ worry about visas. You ____ even take your passport.
4. If you are traveling by air, you ____ carry anything in your luggage that could be used as a weapon, such as a knife or a pair of scissors.
5. You ____ use your energy unless you have to.
6. Books ____ be returned on or before the date stamped below.
7. They look alike. They ____ be twins.
8. Do you know how it ____ be done?
9. If Jane ____ phone, ask her to wait for us.
10. You ____ walk alone around the town late at night.
12. Adjectives and Adverbs Comparison. Put the adjectives in the right order.
1. We had some ____ soup for lunch.
A) hot delicious B)delicious hot
2. She put her copybook in a ____ bag.
A) brown small plastic B) small brown plastic
C) small plastic brown D) plastic small brown
3. She had ____ eyes and friendly smile.
A) blue big warm B) big warm blue
C) warm blue big D) warm big blue
4. What a ____ man he is!
A) pleasant young B) young pleasant
5. He was a very good-looking man with ____ hair.
A) dark long lovely B) long dark lovely
C) lovely long dark D) lovely dark long
6. Jane has just bought a ____ dress.
A) pretty purple silk B) silk pretty purple
C) silk purple pretty D) purple pretty silk
7. He was looking for a ____ flat.
A) cheap modern one-roomed
B) modern cheap one-roomed
C) one-roomed modern cheap
8. He has bought a ____ sports car.
A) Japanese red new B) red new Japanese
C) new red Japanese D) new Japanese red
9. The only thing stolen was a ____ watch.
A) Swiss antique gold B) antique gold Swiss
C) antique Swiss gold D) gold Swiss antique
10. It's a ____ day. Let's go to the beach.
A) sunny lovely bright B) lovely sunny bright
C) lovely bright sunny D) sunny bright lovely
English in Use
Social situations
1. Write what you would say in the following situations:
1. You are in the street. You need a bank to change some travellers cheques, but you dont know where there is one. What do you ask a passer-by?
Applying for a Job. Job Interview.
2. Read the letters, notice their structure and essential components:
a) Dear Sir or Madam,
I should like to make an application for the post of an interpreter at your Agency.
You will find a full account of my career and qualifications on the attached personal record sheet, and I have also added the names of three referees.
If you feel that my qualifications meet your requirements, I shall be pleased to come to an interview.
I enclosed a stamped addressed envelope for your reply.
Yours faithfully,……………..
b) Gentlemen:
I have just read your advertisement in the magazine Time for the position of a manager, and I would like to offer my services for the post.
I am submitting a summary of my qualifications and experience, together with copies of three recent references.
The writers of my references have stated that they are prepared to speak for me in regard of my character, each having known me personally for several years.
I would be pleased to meet with you at almost any time by appointment.
Trusting for a favorable reply to my application.
Respectfully yours,………………………………….
c) Dear Professor Smith:
I am writing concerning my interest in a teaching position at your school as a professor of English for a period of one or two years.
Late this summer I was invited to be a visiting professor of English at Baylor University in Waco, the state of Texas. While I hoped for a two to four term position, the only one available was for one semester only. Not wishing to pass up the opportunity to teach in the USA, I accepted the position.
After my term ends on December 20, I will return to my position to Kazan University in Russia, to resume my regular teaching position. If I am chosen for the teaching position at your school, I could easily come back to the USA in August or September.
More than that, if necessary, I could begin to teach at your school in January. I currently have aJ-1 visa, which, as I understand, could be extended for a year or more.
At your school I could conduct courses in practical English for beginners and intermediate level students. I could also lecture on English literature.
As requested, I enclose a copy of my curriculum vitae, a list of some of my publications and three letters of reference.
Thank you for your assistance.
Nancy Mann has applied for a job of a journalist and is being interviewed.
The successful applicant will be based in Geneva and should:
I = Interviewer N = Nancy
I Who do you work for at the moment, ms Mann?
N Um, I work for the BBC World Service.
I Ah, and how long have you worked for the BBC?
N Ive been with the BBC for five years. Yes, exactly five years.
I And how long have you been their German correspondent?
N For two years.
I And what did you do before the BBC?
N I worked for as an interpreter for the EU.
I As you know, this job is based in Geneva. Have you ever lived abroad before?
N Oh yes, yes I have.
I And when did you live abroad?
N Well, in fact, I was born in Argentina and I lived there until I was eleven. Also, I lived and worked in Brussels for two years when I was working for the EU.
I Mmm … Thats interesting. Have you travelled much?
N Oh yes, yes indeed. Ive travelled all over western and eastern Europe, and Ive also been to many parts of South America.
I Mmm … And why did you go to these places?
N Well, mostly for pleasure, but three years ago I went back to Argentina to cover various political stories in Buenos Aires for the BBC.
BLOCK CAPITALS Surname (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms˟)_________________________________________ First name________________________________________________________ Date of birth_______________________________________________________ Place of birth______________________________________________________ Marital status______________________________________________________ |
Present address____________________________________________________ Permanent address__________________________________________________ |
Hobbies/interests___________________________________________________ Present occupation Student/employee/self-employed/other˟ if other, state present occupation_______________________________________ |
For office use only ˟Delete where not applicable Signed___________________ |
In May 1998, the European Ministers in charge of higher education of France, Italy, the United Kingdom and Germany signed the Sorbonne Declaration on the "harmonisation of the architecture of the European Higher Education System" at the Sorbonne University in Paris. Other European countries subscribed to the Declaration later. In June 1999, 29 European Ministers in charge of higher education met in Bologna to lay the basis for establishing a European Higher Education Area (EHEA) by 2010 and promoting the European system of higher education world-wide. The European Ministers decided to meet every two years. While confirming their support to the general principles laid down in the Sorbonne Declaration, they agreed to focus on the following six action lines of the Bologna Process: - adoption of a system of easily readable and comparable degrees;
- adoption of a system with two main cycles (undergraduate/graduate);
- establishment of a system of credits (such as ECTS);
- promotion of mobility by overcoming obstacles;
- promotion of European cooperation in quality assurance;
- promotion of the European dimension in higher education.
In the Prague Communiqué (2001), three additional action lines were introduced: - Lifelong learning; - Higher education institutions and students; - Promoting the EHEA. In the Berlin Communiqué (2003), another action line was introduced: - Doctoral studies and the synergy between the EHEA and the European Research Area (ERA).
Fill in the gaps in the given statements:
Text 2
Ukraine joined the Bologna Process. The decision on that was adopted during the Ministerial Conference at Bergen, Norway on May 19, 2005.
Ukrainian Delegation led by Minister of Science and Education also takes part in joint work to identify priorities in establishing Common European Space of Higher Education until 2010.
Bologna Convention has been signed by all countries of Central and Western Europe. The main objectives of the document are standardization of approaches to higher education system and study process in the EU.
45 countries participate in the Bologna Process: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium (Flemish Community and French Community), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, the Holy See, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the Russian Federation, Serbia and Montenegro, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, „the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, Turkey, Ukraine and the United Kingdom.
Fill in the gaps in the sentences:
1. Ukraine became the member of the Bologna Process in … .
2. The main task of the Bologna Process is … .
3. The countries of … signed the Bologna Convention.
4. … implement the strategy of the Bologna Process.
5. The participants of the Bologna Process do their best to establish … until 2010.
Text 3
Kharkiv main square is the largest square in Ukraine and one of the largest in Europe.
This is the venue of festivals, concerts, fairs, rallies, meetings, and other public events. The central part of square is occupied by the State Industry Building or Derzhprom. This is one of citys unique architectural and historic sights. It was built in 1925-1928 to become the first high-rise building in the country. The Derzhprom consists of a group of blocks connected by passages running on different levels. The building was designed by architects S.Serafimov, S.Kravets, and M.Feldher. The construction work was headed by prominent civil engineer and academician of architecture P.Rottert.
To the left of the Derzhprom is the building of the Kharkiv National University named after V.Karazin, one of the oldest and largest higher educational institutions founded in 1805. The University building has about 2,500 lecture rooms and laboratories.
A monument to the University founder V.Karazin is located nearby on the side of the Shevchenko Gardens. The monument was designed by sculptor I.M.Andreoletti and architect A.I.Beketov in 1906.
An eight-story building of the Hotel “Kharkiv” also faces the Svobody Square.
The squares architectural ensemble is completed by the building of the Oblast Council of Peoples Deputies erected in 1954 on site of the old one destroyed by Nazis during the war. The building was designed by architects V.Orekhov and V.Kostenko.
On the grounds of the T.Shevchenko Gardens there is an astronomical observatory of the Kharkiv National University founded in 1808. Scientists study solar processes, observe planets of the solar systems and satellites. For many years, the observatory was headed by a prominent scholar Academician N.P. Barabashov. In recent yeas, his name is more often associated with the Metro station named after this prominent scientist and Ukraines largest Barabashov Market. So, the T.Shevchenko Gardens provide an opportunity to recall who really was Academician Barabashov.
Text 4
The monument is a multifigured composition. The bronze figure of T. Shevchenko dominates over 16 figures. The statue is full of dynamics. Powerful inner force is seen in the whole statue: in a slightly bent head, in the energetic gesture of the right hand clenched in a fist, in the strong-willed wrinkle between eyebrow and in a severe and angry stare. The brightly expressed sculpture may be learned easily even from the large distance. The figures which twine round the pedestal are two times smaller than that of Shevchenko. They are seen better from a small distance. Actors of Kharkiv theatre Beresil N.M. Uzhviy, A.M. Buchma, I.A. Maryanenko, A.I. Serdyuk and others helped the sculptor very much in creating the figures similar to Shevchenkos images. The monument symbolizes peoples struggle against oppressors and glorifies free labour and the youth of new Ukraine.
Text 5
According to the Constitution, Ukrainian is the state language of sovereign independent Ukraine. It is also spoken by Ukrainians living in other countries of the former Soviet Union and in Ukrainian diasporas in Canada, Australia, the USA, Great Britain and other countries of the world. Ukrainian is an independent and original unit of the Slavic branch of the Indo-European family of languages. Together with Russian and Byelorussian it forms the East Slavic group of languages.
The history of the Ukrainian language is divided into three periods:
1) the old period (10 12th centuries), when the basic literary language of Kievan Rus was Church Slavonic, to which popular elements were added slowly but regularly;
2) the middle period (14 18th centuries), when the so-called literary language of the 17th century was formed which was a mixture of different elements. Russian influence and pressure put an end to this development and led to its decline in the second half of the 18th century.
3) the modern period (19 20th centuries), when the literary language was reconstructed and based entirely on the popular language.
The fact that the literary Ukrainian language did not develop in urban centres and for the most part is based on the variety spoken in the countryside, has largely determined the peculiarities of its vocabulary which includes a lot of words and phraseological units describing village life and work, folklore, emotionally coloured elements, etc.
Under the Soviet power the linguistic policy for Ukraine was at first Russifying. Then from 1926 up to 1930, the so-called “Ukranization” policy was introduced. At that time much was done in preparing and publishing new dictionaries, opening Ukrainian schools, theatres, cinemas and newspapers. But then the general policy was changed again, and “de-Ukrainization” began which lasted practically till the time of “perestroika”. During that period the majority of Ukrainian philologists and a number of writers and poets who fought for the rights of the Ukrainian language, found themselves in exile or in prison.
Now that Ukraine is independent, the Ukrainian language, traditions and culture are experiencing their rebirth.
according to відповідно до
Slavic словянський
influence вплив
pressure тиск
decline занепад
entirely цілком
urban міський
peculiarities особливості
exile вигнання, заслання
rebirth відродження
Text 6
Born as a serf, Taras lost his parents in his early teens and grew up in poverty and misery. He was taught to read by the village deacon, and was often beaten “for wasting time” on drawing, for which he had a talent. Baron Engelhardt, the owner of Taras, took the boy with him to Vilno (modern Vilnus) and there Taras for the first time heard different languages and saw people who had been freed from serfdom. There he studied painting for four years and then his master took him to St.Petesburg.
The famous Russian artist Karl Bryullov was so much impressed by Shevchenkos pictures that decided to help him and soon bought him out from serfdom. Immediately after that, T.Shevchenko was admitted to St.Petersburg Academy of Arts, where he studied painting and engraving. Shevchenko was awarded three silver medals for his works and by the end of his life he had become an Academician in engraving.
Studying at the Academy T.Shevchenko improved his general education and at the same time found his second and main calling poetry. There, in St.Petersburg, Shevchenko never forgot his Motherland and her sufferings under the yoke of serfdom. He wrote poems in Ukrainian and in 1840 published his first book of poems “Kobzar”.
In 1846 in Kyiv T.Shevchenko joined the secret anti-serfdom society and soon was arrested for that and sent to prison in Orenburg. There he wrote a cycle of poems called “In Prison”.
T.Shevchenko was set free in 1857, but not allowed to live in Ukraine. He returned to St.Petersburg and started to work at the Academy of Arts. He also continued writing and became close friends with the outstanding Russian writers and poets. In 1859 Shevchenko was allowed to visit Ukraine and it turned to be his last visit before his death on March, 10, 1861.
It is difficult to estimate the value of Taras Shevchenko for Ukraine and the world literature. In his poems and drawings he shows the heart of Ukrainian people and their “mysterious Ukrainian soul”.
born народжений
serf кріпак
poverty бідність
misery страждання, бідність
deacon диякон
serfdom кріпацтво
engraving гравірування, гравюра
to be awarded бути нагородженим
yoke гніт, ярмо
to allow дозволяти
to estimate оцінювати
10) What did he do after he had been freed?
11) When was the poet allowed to visit Ukraine again?
12) Why is Shevchenkos heritage considered to be of world-wide importance?
Text 7. Study the following information. Consult the dictionary.
The Sovereign
Functions of the Sovereign:
Ten things the Queen could do by using the royal prerogative:
1. Dismiss the Government.
2. Declare war.
3. Disband the army.
4. Sell all the ships in the Navy.
5. Dismiss the Civil Service.
6. Give territory away to a foreign power.
7. Make everyone a peer.
8. Declare a State of Emergency.
9. Pardon all offenders.
10. Create universities in every parish in the United Kingdom.
The Queens particular likes.
1. Horse racing („Were it not for my Archbishop of Canterbury, I should be off in my plane to Longchamps every Sunday”).
2. Scottish country dancing.
3. Jigsaw puzzles.
4. Long-stemmed, deep-pink carnations.
5. Champagne.
6. Deerstalking.
7. Quiet evenings at home watching TV with her supper on a tray.
8. Crossword puzzles.
9. The Beatles film „Yellow Submarine”.
10. Sandringham.
Dislikes of the Queen.
1. Ivy.
2. Tennis, including Wimbledon.
3. Milk pudding.
4. Grouse.
5. Any talk of Edward the 8th.
6. Charles Dickens.
7. Dictating letters.
8. Cigar smoke.
9. Sailing.
10. Listening to after-dinner speeches.
1. Comprehension check. Find these in the lists above.
1. The name of a famous French horse-racing track.
2. The name of the Queens country house in Norfolk.
3. The name of her favourite flower.
4. The title of the head of the Church of England.
5. The name of the sport of hunting deer.
6. A green plant which grows on the outside walls of houses.
7. A bird which is shot and eaten.
8. The name of the Queens uncle, who gave up the throne to marry a divorced American woman.
9. The name of a famous nineteenth-century British writer.
10. The name of a famous English music-group, known all over the world.
Text 8
The population of Wales is over 3 million people. About 75 percent of the people of Wales live in towns and urban districts. The Welsh people are fond of folk music, singing, poetry and drama. Welsh literature is one of the oldest in Europe. There are many choirs in Wales, the standard of singing is high and the love of good music is widespread.
An Eisteddfod
Every year, in August, there is a national Eisteddfod in Wales. What is Eisteddfod? It is a meeting of Welshmen interested in Welsh poetry, Welsh songs and music. One year it is in a town in North Wales, the next year it is in a town in South Wales. It lasts for a week. People come to an Eisteddfod every day. Some want to listen to the poems; some want to listen to the singing; and some want just to meet their friends and talk in Welsh. The Welsh people from many countries come back to Wales for the National Eisteddfod. You wont hear much English at an Eisteddfod. There are competitions here for the best Welsh poem and song of the year. The competitions are organized by the Druids. The Druids wear long clothes; their leader is always a poet. Welsh traditions are very old, and the Welsh people are very proud of them.
Eisteddfod Айстедвод змагання валійських співаків, музикантів, поетів.
Druid друїд розпорядник на Айстедводі.
1. Test yourself. Complete the quiz.
1. What is an Eisteddfod?
a) a city b) a meeting c) a part of Britain
2. Where does an Eisteddfod take place?
a) in London b) in the country c) in the town of Wales
3. How long does it last?
a) for a week b) three months c) two days
4. Who organizes an Eisteddfod?
a) the composers b) the singers c) the Druids
5. Who is the leader of Druids?
a) a musician b) a poet c) a singer
2. Complete the following:
1. Every year, in August, there ______ .
2. It is a meeting of Welshmen interested in ______ .
3. You wont hear much ______ .
4. There are competitions at an Eisteddfod for ______ .
5. The Druids wear ______ .
6. Welsh people decided to use some old traditions and ceremonies at _______ .
Text 9
Different Indian tribes inhabited America long before European explorers and later on settlers appeared there. Indian customs and traditions were extraordinary diverse because they lived under different conditions to which they had adapted. Women were responsible for farming and food, men hunted and participated in war. Their life was communal. Their culture was oral. Most Indian tribes were closely tied to the land, some were fierce and warlike.
First Americans or Amerindians descend from tribal peoples of Eastern Siberia. There are many cultural similarities between people of Siberia and Alaska, including their myths. There used to be a „land bridge” that united the continents across The Bering Strait.
First white settlers on American continent were Vikings from Scandinavia. They came long before Columbuss discovery. Scandinavian sagas tell us about the trip and the colony they settled called Vinland. Later on they were attacked by Amerindians and escaped to Greenland.
The Viking voyage to North America remained unknown to Europe. Only in the 60s of the 20th century archeologists found some ruins of Vikings houses dating from that period. The New World lay undiscovered for 500 years until in 1492 Christopher Columbus sailed into the Caribbean Sea.
America is often called „The melting pot” as it is a nation of immigrants. Immigrants of different races and nationalities from many countries of the world formed that nation. Lots of European roots can be easily traced. There were three major countries involved in the colonization of America Spain, France and England. Spanish colonization of America started soon after Christopher Columbuss discovery. Spain claimed the whole of the new world and considered the new continent as a possible source of wealth. Spaniards got royal license which gave them the right to the tenth of the wealth in the new colony but they equipped and financed the expedition themselves. The majority of them were adventure seekers and were interested only in gold and silver that they hoped to find in South America. For three centuries Spanish America flourished and made Spain the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world. Few Spaniards really settled in the New World. Those who did created a profitable agricultural economy. They brought with them their language and learning, tools, grains, vegetables and fruits, domestic animals.
The Spanish colonized all South America and ruled vast territories in North America, but their interest in North America was half-hearted: they didnt find any gold there and had to fight with warlike Indians.
The Spanish were not the only nation to claim the New Worlds lands. The French also had an interest there. In 1524 the French King sent an Italian sailor Giovanni Verazano to find a new way to Asia and a land rich in gold. He sailed into the harbour of New York. Today a bridge there carries his name.
Later on the French discovered the St. Lawrence river in present day Canada. The forests along the river were full of fur-bearing animals; the river was rich in fish. The French did not establish any successful colony. But they developed good contacts with Indians and beaver-fur became a major trading item for the next three hundred years. First, the French claimed Canada. Later they explored the interior and reached the Mississippi river. Traders extended down the St. Lawrence through the Great Lakes where they established some forts. These forts grew into modern Detroit and Chicago. Gradually the French went down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico. Soon they claimed the vast territory from the Great Lakes down and to the west of the Mississippi. It became their colony under the name Louisiana.
The English in those days were too busy making war in Spain and their interest in the new World awoke later. They tried to establish their own settlements as far back as 1587 in Virginia. The land was called Virginia in honour of Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen. In 1585 Sir Walter Raleigh, an explorer, a writer and a pirate who was a favourite of the Queen, sent the first group of settlers to the New World. The colony didnt survive. The Indians attacked them. The survivors were brought home by the British ships.
a tribe [t r a i b] племя, рід, клан
to inhabit [i n΄h æ bi t] жити, мешкати, населяти
a settler [΄s e t l ə] поселенець, колоніст
diverse [d a i ΄v ə: s] різний, різноманітний
fierce [f i ə s] лютий, жорстокий, злий, жорсткий
to descend [d i ΄s e n d] походити, спускатися, знижуватися, схилятися до горизонту
the Bering Strait геогр. Берингова протока
to settle [΄s e t l] оселятися, заселяти, колонізувати
to escape [i s ΄k e i p] утекти, вчинити втечу, врятуватися
the melting pot [΄m e l t i ŋ ΄p ) t] плавильний котел (місце, де живуть різні
національні групи)
to claim [k l e i m] вимагати, претендувати
a license [΄l a i s (ə) n s] офіційний дозвіл, ліцензія
to flourish [΄f l r i ∫] процвітати, бути у розквіті
profitable [΄p r ) f i t ə b l] прибутковий, корисний
The Gulf of Mexico [g l f ə v ΄m e k s i k o u] Мексиканська затока
to survive [s ə ΄v a i v] вижити, уціліти
1. Choose the right answer.
1. Indian customs and traditions were extraordinary diverse because ______
a) they came from different territories;
b) they lived under different territories;
c) they appeared at different times;
2. First Americans descend from ______
a) western Europe;
b) Norway;
c) Tribal peoples of North Eastern Siberia.
3. First white settlers were ______
a) Vikings from Greenland;
b) Spanish monks;
c) The French.
4. The major three countries that started colonization of America were ______
a) Spain, France and Germany;
b) Spain, France and England;
c) Holland, Germany and Spain.
5. Why was Spain so interested in colonization of the New World?
a) They were looking for adventures;
b) They were looking for a new continent;
c) They needed new lands and riches as a new source of wealth.
6. The French first settled in ______
a) Canada;
b) Louisiana;
c) Spain.
7. The first people who sailed to America were ______
a) Spanish;
b) Vikings;
c) English.
8. The first European settlements in America were founded by ______
a) England;
b) France;
c) Spain.
9. The British Empire started the colonization of America a century later than Spain because it ______
a) did not need new lands;
b) was busy making war with Spain;
c) did not have a good flat.
10. The first English settlement was called Virginia in honour ______
a) of Sir Raleighs wife;
b) of a lake not far from the settlement;
c) of the English Queen Elizabeth the First.
2. Translate the sentences into English.
1. Різні індійські племена населяли Південну і Північну Америку задовго до перших європейських поселенців
2. Перші американці походять від народів Східного Сибіру.
3. Подорож вікінгів до Північної Америки довгий час залишалась невідомою для Європи.
4. Колумб відкрив для Європи новий континент у 1492 році, хоча сам про це не знав.
5. Іспанці були першими європейськими мешканцями на території Америки.
6. Іспанські колонізатори знайшли золото і срібло у Південній Америці.
7. Франція також претендувала на право володіння Новим світом.
8. Французи заснували колонію під назвою Луїзіана.
9. У 1585 році сер Уолтер Руйлі відправив першу групу колоністів у Північну Америку.
10. Перші англійські поселенці збудували форт і назвали колонію Вірджинія на честь королеви Єлізавети І.
Text 10
1. Study the words and read the following texts.
a crib дитяче ліжко
a screen екран
a skill уміння
a delicatessen амер. гастроном
gifted обдарований
to fit складати
to arrange розташувати
stardom становище кінозірки
a pitfall пастка
an option вибір
to afford дозволяти собі
handicapped з фізичними чи розумовими вадами
disabled неспроможний, скалічений
precise точний
a measure критерій
to score набирати очки
exhausted змучений
to skip пропускати
a peer одноліток
to fit in пристосовуватися
an issue проблема
to urge змушувати
flexible гнучкий
to expose піддавати
to fuss метушитися
an estimate оцінка
frustrating прикрий
to seek шукати
The first time I held Jonathan, I knew there was something special about this baby of mine. Maybe it was because he was my first son.
As a baby, he would lie in his crib for hours reaching out his little hands for a wooden puzzle map of the United States that we hung above his crib. My dad taught computers and engineering. Mario and I thought it was funny when he tried teaching Jonathan to play with a computer at five months. My baby did make the mouse picture jump on the screen. But he couldnt have known what he was doing. Could he?
At six months, Jonathan loved watching television. By the time he was a year old, he was singing his ABC and reading words aloud from books.
When Jonathan was two years and eight months, we had him tested. He had the vocabulary skills of an eight-year-old. His IQ was so high that the psychological wrote: 160+, probably a low estimate. My husband didnt seem surprised. He owns a delicatessen in Levittown, New York. His relatives are mostly professionals doctors and lawyers. I was one of 11 children. My parents have 30 grandchildren, and 17 are gifted. But none is quite like Jonathan.
When Jonathan was a year old, he was fussing about the map puzzle over his crib. We were amazed when he tried to fit the states together. Soon he could arrange all 50 states in their proper places. Then, he learned their names. If we took one out and showed him the puzzle, he knew right away which was missing-and even what color it was. Next, Jonathan began learning all the countries of the world.
Child stardom has its pitfalls, but think of all of the opportunities that come with it. Spending time with all those interesting people. Travel. Money for special schools and tutoring. Jonathan will be old enough to start school next fall. My husband and I are struggling to decide which of our limited options will be best for Jonathan.
Three years ago we moved to East Northport, New York, and bought a house we couldnt afford because we heard the public schools are the best in the area. They may be, but Ive seen what they have to offer gifted children, and it isnt much.
He goes through the books that the experts recommend for him like a hot knife through cold butter. Plus, he knows five languages: English, of course, Spanish (hes bilingual), some Polish and Czech from my family, and hes learning Korean.
There a school for gifted children here, but it costs $5,400 per year. The irony is, if Jonathan were handicapped, or learning disabled, we wouldnt have to worry about paying for special schooling. Because my son was born a genius, thats not available.
Raising a genius?
How is genius defined? Psychologists arent sure, says James T.Webb, Ph.D., Wright State University.
Many psychologists prefer to think in terms of IQ (intelligence quotient), which isnt a very precise measure of intelligence, but its about the only measurement we have.
Anymore who scores over 160 on a standardized IQ test is classified as „profoundly gifted”. Fewer than one child out of 32,000 takes this score.
One in two million scores 180 or above, an intellectual height that has no name.
Too few classes
Parents are usually exhausted because society doesnt provide for the gifted child, notes an educator Kathi Kearney of the center for the Study and Education of the Gifted Children at Columbia University.
Nationwide, a shortage of special classes for gifted children leads some parents to try home schooling. Others supplement their childrens classes with programs at museums and colleges.
Some youngsters skip grades, satisfying their intellectual appetite but not their need for social peers.
Gifted children dont always do well in traditional public schools, warns Webb. They lost interest and refuse to participate in class or do their homework, he says. They also find themselves advanced so far beyond their classmates, they may have trouble fitting in with other children of their age.
For parents, the out-of-school issues can be just as frustrating. How do you discipline a child who thinks like a teenager, but acts like a six-year-old? What do you say when peers reject him?
If you think you child is gifted, experts advise:
1. Have him evaluated between ages five and seven by a licensed psychologist experienced with the gifted children.
2. Develop a flexible educational plan with your childs school.
3. Expose her or him to a wide variety of educational materials and experiences. Encourage and support without pushing.
4. Seek information from parents and experts.
2. Answer the questions on the texts:
1. What did Jonathan love doing at 6 months?
2. When was the child tested and what vocabulary skills did he have?
3. At what age could he arrange all 50 states in their proper places in a map puzzle over his crib?
4. Does child stardom have its pitfalls?
5. Why did they buy a house they couldnt afford?
6. How many languages does Jonathan know?
7. Is Jonathans mother satisfied with their public school?
8. Is intelligence quotient a very precise measure of intelligence?
9. What person is classified as „profoundly gifted”?
10. What problems do the parents of profoundly gifted children have?
11. Do profoundly gifted children have trouble fitting in with other children of their age?
12. Could you suggest any solutions to this problem?
Irregular Verbs
І форма |
II форма |
III форма |
переклад |
Infinitive |
Past Simple |
Past Participle |
The main meaning of the verb |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
arise |
arose |
arisen |
підійматися |
be |
was, were |
been |
бути |
bеаr |
bore |
born |
народжувати |
become |
became |
become |
становитися, ставати |
begin |
began |
begun |
починати (ся) |
bend |
bent |
bent |
гнути |
bind |
bound |
bound |
зв'язувати |
bite |
bit |
bitten ( bit ) |
кусати (ся) |
blow |
blew |
blown |
дути |
break |
broke |
broken |
ламати (ся) |
breed |
bred |
bred |
виховувати |
bring |
brought |
brought |
приносити |
build |
built |
built |
будувати |
burn |
burnt |
burnt |
горіти, палити |
buy |
bought |
bought |
купувати |
catch |
caught |
caught |
ловити, схоплювати |
choose |
chose |
chosen |
вибирати, добирати |
come |
came |
come |
приходити |
cost |
cost |
cost |
коштувати |
cut |
cut |
cut |
різати |
dig |
dug |
dug |
рити, копати |
do |
did |
done |
робити |
draw |
drew |
drawn |
тягти; малювати |
dream |
dreamt |
dreamt |
мріяти, бачити уві сні |
drink |
drank |
drunk |
пити |
drive |
drove |
driven |
вести, гнати |
eat |
ate |
eaten |
їсти |
fall |
fell |
fallen |
падати |
feed |
fed |
fed |
годувати |
fell |
felt |
felt |
почувати (себе) |
fight |
fought |
fought |
боротися, битися |
find |
found |
found |
знаходити |
fly |
flew |
flown |
літати |
forget |
forgot |
forgotten |
забувати |
give |
gave |
given |
давати |
go |
went |
gone |
іти, ходити |
grow |
grew |
grown |
рости, ставати |
hang |
hung |
hung |
вішати, висіти |
have |
had |
had |
мати |
hear |
heard |
heard |
чути |
hide |
hid |
hidden |
ховати |
hold |
held |
held |
тримати |
keep |
kept |
kept |
тримати, зберігати |
know |
knew |
known |
знати |
lead |
led |
led |
вести |
learn |
learnt |
learnt |
вчити (ся) |
leave |
left |
left |
залишати |
lend |
lent |
lent |
позичати |
let |
let |
let |
дозволяти, здавати в найми |
light |
lit |
lit |
запалювати, засвічувати |
lose |
lost |
lost |
губити, втрачати |
make |
made |
made |
робити |
mean |
meant |
meant |
означати |
meet |
met |
met |
зустрічати |
put |
put |
put |
класти |
read |
read |
read |
читати |
ride |
rode |
ridden |
їздити верхи |
rise |
rose |
risen |
підніматися |
run |
ran |
run |
бігти |
say |
said |
said |
казати |
see |
saw |
seen |
бачити |
sell |
sold |
sold |
продавати |
send |
sent |
sent |
посилати |
set |
set |
set |
помішати; заходити (про сонце) |
shake |
shook |
shaken |
трясти |
shine |
shone |
shone |
сяяти, блищати |
shoot |
shot |
shot |
стріляти |
shut |
shut |
shut |
закривати, зачиняти |
sing |
sang |
sung |
співати |
sink |
sank |
sunk |
поринати |
sit |
sat |
sat |
сидіти |
sleep |
slept |
slept |
спати |
smell |
smelt |
smelt |
нюхати, пахнути |
speak |
spoke |
spoken |
говорити, розмовляти |
spend |
spent |
spent |
витрачати |
spoil |
spoilt |
spoilt |
псувати |
spread |
spread |
spread |
поширювати |
spring |
sprang |
sprung |
стрибати |
stand |
stood |
stood |
стояти |
steal |
stole |
stolen |
красти |
stick |
stuck |
stuck |
приклеювати |
sting |
stung |
stung |
жалити |
stride |
strode |
stridden |
крокувати |
strike |
struck |
struck |
бити;страйкувати |
strive |
strove |
striven |
старатися |
swear |
swore |
sworn |
присягати |
sweep |
swept |
swept |
мести, підмітати |
swim |
swam |
swum |
плавати |
take |
took |
taken |
брати |
teach |
taught |
taught |
вчити |
tear |
tore |
torn |
рвати |
tell |
told |
told |
розказати |
think |
thought |
thought |
думати |
throw |
threw |
thrown |
кидати |
thrust |
thrust |
thrust |
штовхати |
understand |
understood |
understood |
розуміти |
upset |
upset |
upset |
перекидати; розстроювати |
wake |
woke |
woken |
прокидатися |
wear |
wore |
worn |
носити |
weep |
wept |
wept |
плакати |
win |
won |
won |
перемагати |
wind |
wound |
wound |
заводити |
withdraw |
withdrew |
withdrawn |
брати назад, відкликати |
write |
wrote |
written |
писати |