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tll 2. quite tll 3

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Personality. Physical Appearance.

Exercise 1

a. a. Match the words with the definitions (left column). Check your answers (right column).


1. tall

2. quite tall

3. of medium height

4. quite short

5. short

a. normal height

b. more than a little short, but not very short

c. greater than normal

d. smaller than normal

e. more than a little tall, but not very tall


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1. c

2. e

3. a

4. b

5. d

b. Describe Hollywood celebrities by their height. Example:

A is as tall as B.

B is taller than C.

C is shorter than D.

Exercise 2

a. Match the words with the definitions (left column). Check your answers (right column).


1. big

2. plump

3. chubby

4. slim

5. thin

6. skinny

a. it means round in a pleasant way, used for women

b. describes round body parts, especially for children and babies

c. it means thin, but in an attractive way

d. someone with little fat on their body

e. a polite word to describe someone with a large body

f. very thin or too thin


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1. e

2. a

3. b

4. c

5. d

6. f

b. Watch the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5qM5kX2_C0&list=PLQd7EzCKgknvupBZRredmEoRKXFyq2FK5 

c. Answer the question: “What did the speaker on the video use to think of how many levels of fatness there were?” and put down the levels except for the 5th and the 6th ones (you may need a pen to put down the list of words).

d. Now match the words you’ve put down with more suitable pictures. Translate the words into your own language with the help of your teacher. How else can you describe the persons on the pictures using the words under the letter a.

Select the text here to check the answers --> big, healthy, husky, fluffy

Exercise 3

a. Match the words with the definitions (left column). Check your answers (right column).


1. beautiful

2. pretty

3. well-built

4. handsome

5. cute

6. gorgeous

a. a strong man with nice muscles

b. a man who is good-looking

c. a young man or woman who is sexualy attractive

d. an extremely attractive man or woman

e. a woman who is attractive in a special way

f. a girl (or boy) who is good-looking


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1. e

2. f

3. a

4. b

5. c

6. d

b. Answer the questions.

1. What is beauty to you?

2. Who of famous people do you think is beautiful? Why?

c. Watch the video: http://youtu.be/V10qOwDKIJY and say how the women on the video understand the beauty. Do you agree with them?

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