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build Strong Kzkhstn together

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Ambassador of  Russian Federation

in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Mr. Bocharnikov M.N.

Dear Mikhail Nikolayevich!

On this occasion express our respect and wish you success in your career. introduce you by the present with movement of modern media center “KazMedia Ortalygy”. The idea of creation of the center  belongs to the Head of state – Nazarbayev N.A., by  whose efforts  Astana has a new landmark, it allows to attract the attention of visitors and residents of the capital and  it united 4 state broadcaster under the one roof.

in spite of “KazMedia Ortalygy” operates in the market less than a year. we are proud of practical experience in organizing events at the highest level such as:

  •  Videoconference " build Strong Kazakhstan together" in participation of the President of Kazakhstan
  •  The opening ceremony of the construction of the first module "Balkhash thermal power plant" with the participation of Heads of State of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Korea
  •  - Live broadcasts of the XXX Olympic Games in London,
  •  Anniversary X and XI once Eurasian Media Forum - in 2012 and 2013, and etc

We have the pleasure to offer our services of the Media Center performing any arrangements: press conferences, forums, meetings, as well as services to commercial or social advertising on 5 electronic screens on media facades of our building.  

At your service:

High-tech studio and equipment for the shooting. At our studio areas you can shoot commercials, scene sketches, TV programs the number of participants up to 500 people, news releases on the background of a panorama of the city and so forth;

Halls for holding collegiums, presentations, conferences, meetings, seminars and exhibitions which accompanied by related services for the organization of press conferences, video recording, dubbing and installation, as well as high quality equipment for video broadcasting, simultaneous translation, sound reinforcement and special lighting (for more information on 6 pages attached).


- Cinema and concert Complex by 1000,

- Conference room for up to 200 people

- Conference room for 70 people,

- The unique by its beauty «Lounge Bar» with panoramic views of the city, located on the 21st floor

Media facades of the building, consisting of 5 LED screens, which serves as a platform to illuminate the main event of the country: the activity  the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the state TV channels broadcast and image advertisements of the leading companies.

On media facades possible to place branding, commercial or social advertisement of your organization, event announcements, live TV broadcast (more information on page 6 attached)  

respectfully yours,

Director General                                                                       Sakhariyanov K.

1. Методы экспериментальной экономики
2. РЕФЕРАТ дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата юридичних наук Харків ~ 2006
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4. Тема- Антонимы
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12. Культурная функция
13. Политика в современном мире особенности и тенденции развития.html
14. Защищая работников от необоснованных увольнений трудовое законодательство достаточно полно регламенти
15. Географическое положение и экономика Испании
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