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22 who re curious bout other countries nd cultures

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International youth meeting

Date: April 22th – April 29nd, 2014

Place: Leipzig, Germany

Idea of the meeting:

This project is open to young people aged 18-22, who are curious about other countries and cultures. Meeting will contain teambuilding exercises, discussions, creative workshops (theatre, music, photo/video, dance, sports etc). There will be a lot of free time to discover the city of Leipzig, to spend time with new international friends and to learn something new about Europe, about friendship, about Germany, about yourself!

Participating countries: Germany, Ukraine, Bulgaria

Number of participants from Ukraine: 8


  •  Accommodation, food, excursions, materials are paid 100%
  •  Return travel from home city to Leipzig (NO MORE than 300 Euro is reimbursed  70% after presenting original tickets and boarding passes
  •  There is a small participation fee of 10 Euro
  •  Participants need to buy in advance their own tickets and medical insurance
  •  Project is funded by the EU Commission Program “Youth in Action” (now Erasmus+)

Application: please send this form to projects.changelog@gmail.com till February 16, 2014


Personal Details

(Your personal information will be used ONLY for the purposes of the project)

Name and surname:

Home address:

Mobile phone:

E-mail address:

Date of birth:

Education (university and department):

Current job (if any):

Extra Information

Do you have a valid international passport?



Do you speak German? (Answering this question will NOT affect selection process!)


YES (how many times?)

Have you participated in international projects abroad?


YES (when and where?)

Do you have any allergies/food restrictions/special needs?


YES (which ones?)

Is a small participation fee affordable for you?





Please answer ALL questions. You can write as much as you want.

  1.  Please tell us about yourself: your life, your education, your interests, your dreams and anything you want to share with us. What made you apply to this project?

  1.  Do you have any hobbies: theatre, photo/video, music, dance, foreign languages, sports? What could you do in Leipzig (create a video, make a photo exhibition, perform a dance etc)? Can you teach others what you know?

  1.  Please send us a link on an article OR a video about migration. Tell us why you find this article/video interesting.  What is your opinion about migration?

I hereby authorize the ChangeLog Foundation to process my personal data included in this application form for the needs of the recruitment process and the program, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine No. 2297-VI “On Protection of Personal Data” (June 1, 2010).

Date:                                                                                   Signature:


1. Къахтани ~~ Лечение с помощью заклинани
2. Курсовая работа Хозяйственный контроль в Украине
3. а пространственнонаглядная форма воспринимаемых предметов чьи существенные свойства нельзя понять путем
4. РЕФЕРАТ дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата історичних наук Київ1999 Дисерта
5. Контрольная работа- Влияние внешней среды на работу предприятия торговли
6. обязательства аудиторской организации о согласии на проведение аудита заключение договора на аудиторскую
7. Theme- Food. Objectives- prctice new words; red nd lern cuisines; tlk bout cuisines; tlk bout food nd helth;
8. То землиця рідна
9. Василий Петрович Ботки
10. Статья- Дослідження динаміки вологості грунту під посівами люцерни
11. Тема 7. Средний мозг
13. холодной войны большинство развивающихся стран изначально были склонны к проведению осторожной сбалансир
14. Балансировка роторной системы
15. Символы воинской чести
16. полупроводник МС перехода является более известный как барьера Шоттки диод
17. Практические смыслы педагогической науки
18. 30 Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации Перекрестова Г
19. по теме- Информационные технологии
20. тема государственноуправленческих административных взглядов идей представлений о законах регламентирую