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Профессионально-ориентированный иностранный (английский) язык

Очное отделение 4 года 2 курс


Омарова Г.Н

Complete the sentence: International law prescribes neither the form nor the procedure for the making of _____:

A) Сommitments.

B)&International engagements.

C) International cooperation.

D) Deliberations.

E) Final acts.


The General Assembly is a_____  representative body in which all United Nations member states are_________ :

A) judicial; represented.

B)&consultative; submitted.

C) executive; expected.

D) legislative; respected.

E) respective; maintained


The Director-General of the UN may assume his functions after appointment and  .......:

A) Before retirement.

B) Pursuant to the Charter.

C) After entry into force.

D)&Pending confirmation.

E) Pending the filling of a vacancy.


Which of the following is not the permanent body of the United Nations?:

A) The International Court of Justice.

B) The Trusteeship Council.

C) The General Assembly.


E) The Security Council.


Not all declarations are to be regarded as ...... as they do not create contractual obligations between two or more states:

A) Сonventions.

B) Modus Vivendi.

C) Protocols.

D) Denunciations.



When is the United Nations Day celebrated?:

A) October 25.

B) November 24.

C)&October 24.

D) July 4.

E) December 25.


One of the main purposes of the United Nations is to bring about by peaceful means, and .......... the principles of justice and international law,.... or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to .........      of the peace.:

A) tension, prevention, settlement.

B) &in conformity with, adjustment,  a breach.

C) according to, encouragement, maintenance.

D) following, relaxation, prevention.

E) prevention, settlement, development.


Membership in the United Nations is open to all peace-loving nations which  ........:of the United Nations Charter.

A)&accept the obligations.

B) signed the Charter.

C) undertake the commitments.

D) submitted the instruments.

E) denounce the treaty.


The main responsibility for maintenance of peace and security is____  to the ______:

A) charged; The General Assembly.

B) designated; ICJ.

C) proceed; Secretariat.

D) recommended; The Trusteeship Council .

E)&assigned; Security Council.


The Secretary General of the UN is nominated by the .......under the recommendation of the .... for a period of ....:

A) Security Council; General Assembly; 5years .

B) UNESCO; Secretariat; 6 years.

C)&General Assembly; Security Council; 5 years.

D) Trusteeship Council; General Assembly; 4 years.

E) ECOSOC; Security Council; 7 years.


The International Court of Justice is the principal ___  body of the UN and it consists of _____ :

A) executive; 10 civil servants.

B) legislative; 15 MPs.

C) legal; 10 lawyers.

D)& judicial; 15 judges.

E) consultative; 9 justices.


Secretary General of the UN is nominated by the  General Assembly .under the recommendation of the Security Council  for a period of  __ years.

A) 4


C) 6

D) 7

E) 8


The Security Council of the United Nations consists of____ Members , ____ of which are constant and others ____ members are  changeable:

A) 10; 5; 5.

B) 20; 10; 10.

C) 15; 10; 5.

D)&15; 5; 10

E) 12; 5;7.


The members of the International Court of Justice is elected by ____. and _____:

A)&General Assembly; Security Council.

B) Security Council; Trusteeship council.

C) General assembly; ECOSOC.

D) General assembly; Secretariat.

E) ECOSOC; the Secretary General.


Membership in the United Nations is open to all peace-loving nations which  _____:

of the United Nations Charter:

A)&Accept the obligations.

B) Signed the Charter.

C) Undertake the commitments.

D) Submitted the instruments.

E) Denounce the treaty.


Acceptance shall be ____. by the deposit of a formal instrument with the Secretary General of

the United Nations:

A) sent.

B) signed.


D) certified.

E) approved.


Which of the following is not the permanent body of the United Nations?:

A) The International Court of Justice.

B) The Trusteeship Council.

C) The General Assembly.


E) The Security Council.


The Republic of Kazakhstan is the UN member since _____:

A) March 4, 1990.

B)&May 2, 1992.

C) April 2, 1993.

D) May 5, 1994.

E) June 4, 1991.


The headquarter of  the UNO  is located in _____ :

A)&New York, USA.

B) Rome, Italy.

C) Paris, France.

D)Brussels, Belgium.

E) Madrid, Spain.


_____ is  in charge of   notifications and the arrangement of the meetings of the secretary-general.

A) Security Council

B)& Secretariat

C) General Assembly

D) International Court of Justice



The national symbol of America is ...

A) Beaver


C) Maple leaf

D) Koala

E) Tiger                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                *****

You can find the “Speaker’s Corner” in London in …….… :

A) Downing Street.

B) Buckingham Palace.

C)&Trafalgar Square

D) St.James Park.

E) Hyde-Park.


The Republic of Kazakhstan is ….

A) A People’s Republic

B) A Constitutional Monarchy

C) A Parliamentary Republic.

D) A Federal State

E)&A Democratic and Unitary State.


Union Jack is the name of English …

A) Street

B) Museum

C) King


E) Hero


The USA is a ......

A) A Conservative Republic

B) A Bourgeois Republic

C)&A Federal Republic.

D) A Unitary State

E) An Autonomous Republic.


The Declaration of Independence of America was drafted by…

A) Jack London.

B) Abraham Lincoln.

C) George Washington.

D) John Kennedy

E)&Thomas Jefferson.


America was discovered by Christopher Columbus in:

A) 1394


C) 1392.

D) 1494.

E) 1482.


Martin Luther King struggled for the rights of the …

A) White Americans

B)&Black Negroes

C) Young people

D) Poor workers

E) Progressive writers


Which of the following can be found in Washington?

A) Westminster Abbey.

B)  Statue of Liberty.

C) St.Basil’s Cathedral.

D)&Washington Monument

E) Trafalgar Square.


The residence of Kazakhstan President is in…..

A) Congress Hall

B) Ak Orda

C) National Museum

D) Palace of Youth

E)&Parliament House


The tallest sight in Washington,D.C. is …

A).The White Hall

B) Washington Monument.

C) The Statue of Liberty.

D)&The US.Capitol

E) Fenwick Gallery.


What body is the Government accountable to in Kazakhstan?

A) Constitutional Council.

B) President

C) Supreme Court

D) Judicial Council



The national emblem of Scotland is …

A) Red rose

B) Daffodil

C) Shamrock


E) Lily


The centre of Akmola region is …..

A) Astana

B) Stepnogorsk

C) Akmola


E) Pavlodar


Which of the following is not the symbol of Kazakhstan?

A) Flag

B) Anthem.


D) Hymn

E) Emblem (Coat of arms).


Canberra is a capital of ….

A) New Zealand

B) Wales

C) Canada

D) Japan



Which of the following animals and birds can be seen on Australia’s coat of arms?

A) Kangaroo and koala

B)&Kangaroo and emu

C) Dingo and emu

D) Koala and emu

E) Kookaburra and koala


Australia was discovered by ….

A) Tasman Abel

B) Mitchell Thomas.

C)&James Cook

D) Amerigo Vespucci

E) Benjamin Franklin


Sydney is the largest and oldest city …. Australia.

A) On


C) For

D) To

E)  From


There are two official languages in New Zealand:

A) English and French

B) English and German

C)&English and Maori

D) English and Spanish

E) English and Welsh


The capital of Kazakhstan is situated on the bank of the river …..

A) Irtysh

B) Nura


D) Zhaiyk

E) Edil


A deputy of Senate may be a citizen ….the republic ….Kazakhstan who has reached 30 years …age.

A)&Of, of, of

B) On, Of, In

C) For, To, Of

D) At, Of, On

E) In, Of, From


The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is elected …. universal, equal and direct suffrage …. a secret ballot.

A)&By, under

B) With, by

C) .In, on

D) By, with

E) From, at


Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan is ….

A) Chairman of the Senate

B) Prime Minister

C) Minister of Defense

D) Minister of Home Affairs



The new Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted in …..

A) 1993

B) 2003

C) 1995

D) 1996



Kazakhstan people celebrate Constitution Day on the …

A) 31st of July

B)&30th of August

C) 25th of October

D) 30th of October

E) 16th of December.


The National symbol of America is …..

A) The maple leaf

B) The shamrock

C)&The bald eagle

D) The buffalo

E) The tiger


Martin Luther King fought ….. racial discrimination.

A) For

B) With

C) At


E) To


The head of the Government of Great Britain is ….

A) The Queen

B)&The Prime Minister

C) President

D) Foreign Minister.

E) Lord Chancellor


On the 4th of July American people celebrate …..

A)&Independence Day

B) Presidents Day

C) St. Patrick’s Day

D) Thanksgiving Day

E)  Christmas Day


The richest part of London is ……

A) Westminster

B) East End

C)&West End

D) City

E) Whitehall


English Parliament meets in …….

A) White House

B) St.Paul’s Cathedral

C) Buckingham Palace

D)& The House of Parliament

E) Downing Street N10.


American Congress consists of the ………

A) House of Lords, House of Commons

B) House of Lords, Senate

C) Senate, Majiilis

D)& Senate, House of Representatives.

E) House of Commons, Senate


Great Britain is separated from Europe by ……

A) The Irish sea.

B) The Black sea

C)& The English Channel

D) The North sea

E) The Indian Ocean


American people celebrate Thanksgiving Day in …..

A) September

B) October

C)& November

D) December

E) August


Admiral Nelson’s Column is situated in …..

A) Hyde Park

B) The British Museum

C) The Tower of London

D)& Trafalgar Square

E) Westminster Abbey


There are …. deputies in the Majiilis of Kazakhstan Parliament.

A) 67

B) 77

C) 68

D)& 107

E) 108


The Republic of Kazakhstan borders on ……..

A) Mongolia

B) Egypt

C) India

D)& China

E) Japan


Karaganda State University was founded in …..

A) 1971

B)& 1972

C) 1973

D) 1974

E) 1975


Kazakh National University is named after …..

A) Mukhtar Auezov.

B) Abai Kunanbaev.

C)& Al-Farabi.

D) S. Mukhanov

E) Sh.Yalikhanov


You can see the Eagle-the symbol …. freedom ….. the sun on Kazakhstan flag.

A) On, at

B)& Of, under.

C) Under, in

D) For, to

E) At, out


Choose the correct variant: The plants …, if you don’t water them.

A) would not grow

B) not grow

C) didn’t grow

D)&won’t grow

E) would not grew


Choose the correct variant: If you had studied better, you … a doorman.

A) would been

B)&wouldn’t have been

C) were not

D) to be

E) wouldn't had been


Choose the correct variant: If I … her, I would have spoken to her. But I didn't see her.

A) have seen

B)&had seen

C) would see

D) would have seen

E) saw


Choose the correct variant: If you didn’t go out so much, you … more money.

A) saved

B)would saved

C)&would save

D) will save

E) will saved


Choose the correct variant: What a pity my husband is away! If he were here he … us.

A) to help

B) will help

C) would to help

D)&would help

E) help


Choose the correct variant: If it … , we won’t go anywhere.

A) would rain


C) rain

D) rained

E) to rain


Choose the correct variant: If I had one million dollars, I … a yacht.

A) would bought

B) bought

C) will bought

D) will buy

E)&would buy


Choose the correct variant: If I … him before, I would have told him everything.

A) would see

B)&had seen

C) will see

D) seen

E) saw


Choose the correct variant: What would you do if you … a ghost?

A) see

B) had seen


D) will see

E) would see


Choose the correct variant: If I had money, I… a flat.

A) bought

B) buy

C) would bought

D)&would buy

E) will buy


Choose the correct variant: If you wore your new suit, you … smart.

A) would looked

B)&would look

C) looked

D) would have looked

E) will look


Choose the correct variant: If he … in the evening, he’d have time to see this film.

A) not worked

B) doesn’t work

C)& hadn’t worked

D) didn’t worked

E) didn’t work


Choose the correct variant: If you can’t afford it … it.

A) not buy

B) don’t bought

C) don’t buy

D)&will not buy

E) not buy


Choose the correct variant: If I read too much, I … a headache.

A) had got

B) got

C) gets

D)&will get

E) would get


Choose the correct variant: If you had asked me for the address, I … it to you.

A) gave

B) would give

C)&would have given

D) will give

E) would had given


Choose the correct variant: If I see Mike this afternoon I … him the news.

A) tell

B) am telling

C) told

D) would tell

E)&will tell


Choose the correct variant: If he … so much money, he would be able to choose any car he liked.


B) will have

C) have

D) has

E) will had


Choose the correct variant: If you have an early night, you … better in the morning.

A) feel

B) felt

C) will felt

D) would felt

E)&will feel


Choose the correct variant: What will you do when you … school?

A) would finished

B) finished

C) will finish

D) would finish



Choose the correct variant: If Jane … any foreign language, she would be able to travel round the world.

A) had known

B) knows

C) will know


E) would know


Choose the correct variant: If the food hadn’t been awful, we … it.

A) ate

B) would eat

C)&would have eaten

D) eaten

E) would eaten


Choose the correct variant: If he … so much, he will put on weight.

A) ate

B) would eat

C) eaten


E) will eat


Choose the correct variant: Sarah is so lonely. But if she … a club, she would make more friends.


B) would join

C) joins

D) will join

E) to join


Choose the correct variant: The plants …, if you don’t water them.

A) would not grow

B) not grow

C) didn’t grow

D)&won’t grow

E) would not grew


Choose the correct variant: If you had studied better, you … a doorman.

A) would been

B)&wouldn’t have been

C) were not

D) to be

E) wouldn't had been


Choose the correct variant: If I … her, I would have spoken to her. But I didn't see her.

A) have seen

B)&had seen

C) would see

D) would have seen

E) saw


Choose the correct variant: If you didn’t go out so much, you … more money.

A) saved

B)would saved

C) &would save

D) will save

E) will saved


Choose the correct variant: What a pity my husband is away! If he were here he … us.

A) to help

B) will help

C) would to help

D)&would help

E) help


Choose the correct variant: If it … , we won’t go anywhere.

A) would rain


C) rain

D) rained

E) to rain


Choose the correct variant: If I had one million dollars, I … a yacht.

A) would bought

B) bought

C) will bought

D) will buy

E)&would buy


Choose the correct variant: If I … him before, I would have told him everything.

A) would see

B)&had seen

C) will see

D) seen

E) saw


Choose the correct variant: What would you do if you … a ghost?

A) see

B) had seen


D) will see

E) would see


Choose the correct variant: If I had money, I… a flat.

A) bought

B) buy

C) would bought

D)&would buy

E) will buy


Choose the correct variant: If you wore your new suit, you … smart.

A) would looked

B)&would look

C) looked

D) would have looked

E) will look


Choose the correct variant: If he … in the evening, he’d have time to see this film.

A) not worked

B) doesn’t work

C)& hadn’t worked

D) didn’t worked

E) didn’t work


Choose the correct variant: If you can’t afford it … it.

A) not buy

B) don’t bought

C) don’t buy

D)&will not buy

E) not buy


Choose the correct variant: If I read too much, I … a headache.

A) had got

B) got

C) gets

D)&will get

E) would get


Choose the correct variant: If you had asked me for the address, I … it to you.

A) gave

B) would give

C)&would have given

D) will give

E) would had given


Choose the correct variant: If I had a car, I … you a lift.

A) would have given

B) will give

C) would given

D) gave

E)&would give


Choose the correct variant: If I … you, I would do everything well.


B) will be

C) am

D) would be

E) is


Choose the correct variant: If I had $2 million, I … round the world.

A)&would go

B) gone

C) will go

D) went

E) would went


Choose the correct variant: If you work hard, you … the exam.

A) passed

B) will passed

C)&will pass

D) would pass

E) pass


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