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the oldest nd the longest period in humn evolution when the tools wepons were mde of wood nd bone

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  1.   The Stone Age - the oldest and the longest period in human evolution when the tools, weapons were made of wood and bone. His chronological boundaries around - 2 million to 6 million years ago. Stone Age is traditionally divided into ancient - Paleolithic (from Greek - palanos - ancient and lithos - stone) , medium - and a new Mesolithic - Neolithic .

Paleolithic inhabitants of Kazakhstan , according to the archaeological excavations could obtain and maintain fire, engaged in hunting and gathering plant foods . In the Paleolithic period have been significant changes in the technology of stone tools and the way of life of ancient people . They were the result of a new, higher stage of human evolution - the appearance Paleoanthropes . On the territory of Kazakhstan recorded a large number of monuments of the Lower Paleolithic . They point to the fact that the primitive man of that time were spent most areas in southern, central and eastern Kazakhstan.

In the late Paleolithic period ( 40-30 million years ago) there is the modern type of man (Homo Sapiens), there is a new ( extractor ) stone processing equipment . It is possible to create such tools as scrapers, cutters, with the blunt edge of the tip , Drawing knives , knives, darts , and bone tools - throwing spears, hoes, polishers , various animal figurines and sculptures of women that point to the emergence among the ancient people worship women - housewives ancestors and hearth. This period is called matriarchy .

Mesolithic ( 12-6 thousand years BC) - is the least known period in the history of Kazakhstan. However , it is known that the origin of the Mesolithic is characterized by appropriating economy , ie animal husbandry and agriculture and development mikrolitizatsii in stone inventory .

Neolithic ( 6-4 thousand years BC ) is represented in Kazakhstan next characteristic of cultures that contain a high degree of similarity. Today in Kazakhstan there are more than 500 Neolithic sites .

In the Neolithic appear geometric tools such as diamond , triangles, trapezoids and segments . People engaged in hunting , fishing and gathering. The guns were made of jasper , quartzite and hornfels . Of them did arrowheads, spears , awls , knives , axes , scrapers , chisels , etc. During this period, there are pottery . In Kazakhstan Numerous sites discovered in the sands of the Kyzyl -Kum , Moyynkum , Balkhash and Irtysh , Aral Sea and along the major and minor rivers and lakes.

In the Neolithic period there was a delimitation economy. Some tribes engaged in hunting and fishing , while others - hunting and herding , and others - farming and hunting, which has led to a new social division of labor.    

Socio-economic development in a primitive society depended primarily on the natural environment . Primitive human groups could adapt to the environment and to ensure their livelihoods only by joint efforts , working in small (20-30 individuals) of the group. Such a group at an early stage of development is the primitive human herd that preceded the generic collective.

Actually the tribal system , which is the basis of primitive society , was formed with the advent of modern man 40-30 thousand ago in the Upper Paleolithic . Primitive human herd suffered from such characteristic features as the common work and common ownership of the means of production and the products of labor . Satisfy most of the needs of primitive hunting. This was aided by the abundance of animals in humid and warm climates. Person to develop and improve methods of hunting, inventing and complicating tools. Equally important for the people of the Paleolithic played gathering, and later fishing.

Major changes economic system of the stone undergoes in Kazakhstan in the Eneolithic . Materials of archaeological excavations suggest that in this era of leading sectors were extensive hunting and fishing through regional migration. For residents of the Stone Age have been characterized by a significant sedentary , with significant development domestic crafts ( woodworking, tanning hides, weaving mats, ceramic production , weaving , etc.).

2) Kazakhstan in the Bronze Age .

Bronze Age began in the 2nd millennium BC The progress of the Bronze Age society was determined by two factors: the bronze metallurgy and animal husbandry. Natural Resources of Kazakhstan polymetals was one of the main causes of this territory significant hearth production of bronze, who had a great influence on the development of the surrounding tribes .

The restructuring of the primitive economy was also determined and climate change. Thus, in the Bronze Age , to replace cool - wet phase comes more than thousand-year period of gradual climate change in the direction of warming and greater dryness , there is a period of dry and hot climate.

Start these processes coincided with the change of the demographic situation in Kazakhstan. It was at this time, here are beginning to move large groups of pastoralists, owned by language to the community , which is called the Indo-European .

In the 3rd millennium BC , with the development of livestock and borrowing from the ancient oriental civilization wheeled carts ( through the Caucasus and the Danube ) , began the eastern migration of Indo-Europeans.

The largest shifts to the east of the tribal groups of the Volga and Black Sea region occurred in the years 1800-1600 . BC, when the steppe were two new archaeological community or culture. West , formed between the Dnieper and the Volga , was called " carcass " of culture ( in a manner of burial in log cabins) . Eastern prevailing in the steppes of Kazakhstan and Southern Siberia (by identifying the place around with . Andronovka on the Yenisei ) , became known as the " Andronovo " culture.

A study of the monuments of the Andronov culture, archaeologists have come to the conclusion that the area it extends not only to Western Siberia and the valley of the upper Yenisei , but up in the south of the Central Tien- Shan Mountains , southern Tajikistan , Afghanistan . However, the native territory remain Kazakhstan and adjacent areas of the Urals .

It is here that were found ancient monuments Andronovo culture. Andronovo culture existed for about eight or nine centuries , and its development in three phases : early ( 18-16 cc. BC), advanced ( 14-13 cc. BC ) and late ( 12-11 c. BCE).

Archaeological evidence indicates that Andronovskaya population overwhelmingly led a sedentary lifestyle. The villages were located along rivers with wide floodplain meadows. Large patriarchal family erected huts with various outbuildings and corrals for livestock. It is obvious that as long as there was a threat of private attacks , no other way to graze cattle were not. But , according to archaeologists, after the 15th century BC , there were unfortified settlement. Then there was a new form of livestock - stripping . The shepherds in the spring drove the herd to pasture long , migrated together with the cattle , and only fall back to the village. On the distant pastures, they were built of poles lightweight frame houses, with walls made of braided or mats - a kind of ancestors yurts .

It was the distant-pasture cattle intermediate link in the transition to a more productive way of development of the steppe and semi-desert grassland - nomadic pastoralism . An important prerequisite to such lifestyle changes was the composition of herds , which were particularly numerous horses and sheep , more suited to the extraction of other food under the snow and the long-range movements . In the same vein, increased population of Bactrian camels - Bactrian . There were also adapted to the long-range migrations felt tents mounted on four-wheel carts , fragments of clay models found during the excavation of the Andronovo settlements and tents on the carts themselves are depicted on the rocks among other petroglyphs.

Archaeological material and gives an indication of the religious ideas Andronov , their ideology , as well as the stratification of society, ie the division of his social strata or groups .

So, along with freemen - shepherds and farmers, there was a military aristocracy , characterized by its position and wealth from other relatives. The basis of this aristocracy were warriors , charioteers , producing wealth and fame in raids and war , in defense of his clan or tribe , of stealing cattle of other tribes

3) At the beginning I BC. e . people have mastered the Kazakh steppes, deserts and salt flats . VIII-VII centuries . BC. e . for the tribes who inhabited the territory of Kazakhstan was a time when the era of discovery and widespread use of iron. Different areas at the same time did not come to this stage . Where there were rich deposits of copper and tin , at first difficult road. Such areas include Kazakhstan , southern Siberia .

On the life of the early Iron told barrows and written sources . The greatest interest of the surviving written sources are texts drawn up by order of the Persian kings Darius and Xerxes . They mentioned the names of several tribes of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. A lot of useful information can be extracted from the sacred book of the ancient Iranians - Avesta. Most valuable are the ancient sources in Greek and partly Latin. Among them are the writings of Herodotus , Strabo , Ptolemy. Sources , backed up by archaeological data showed that the main part of the territory of Kazakhstan in the VII-IV centuries . BC. e . occupied a powerful tribe of Saks . Saki settled in the Southern , Eastern and Central Kazakhstan. Apart from these, there are many other large and small tribes. They also took part in the socio- political and cultural events of the time. However, the settlement area and the history of most of them are not clear. Written information is fragmentary and are general in nature , archaeological material is small.

Material culture and social system Saka tribes of Kazakhstan has a strong affinity with the tribes of southern Siberia , as well as the Scythians , who inhabited at the time of the steppe regions of the European part of Russia and Ukraine. The resemblance was so strong that many Greek authors called their Eastern Scythians. The nomadic way of life, permanent contacts between the steppe tribes of Europe and Asia, the joint participation of the Saka and Scythians in the eastern marches of the country with the Near East contributed to the emergence of common elements in the material culture . Saka tribes were divided into three groups : overseas or beyond the river saki saki , manufactures beverage haomu ; Saks wearing pointed hats .

Herding - the main type of farming. Numerous sources call Saks herdsmen. They raised horses , cattle and small livestock. They ate meat pet fish, which they delivered the river, dairy products. Saki were great horsemen and archers .

The dominant place in the economy of the Saks pastoralists , combined with farming . Research Kazakh archaeologists in recent years have shown that the shape of the economy Saks largely determined by natural conditions , proximity to urban centers , trade routes and represented a mixed type and mixed farming lifestyle, sedentary nomadic . Herding at Saks had a lot of options : from a nomadic to a shepherd ( transhumance ) . In the steppes of western and central part of Kazakhstan met nomadic pastoralism, which is marked by lengthy migrations from summer to winter pastures . All year the nomads with their herds and possessions were carried out in the steppes , deserts and semi-deserts . Men rode on horseback , women and children , old men - in wagons , covered with felt . They spent the winter on the wintering grounds , located in the desert , where the wind was blowing snow and laid bare ground from dried grass or along the banks of rivers and lakes, where preserved pasture for cattle. Winter parking were not long-lasting.

The main types of livestock of the nomads were a horse, a sheep and a camel - the most adapted for long-distance migrations .

Semi-nomadic livestock species required the presence of permanent winter and summer camps . On winter dwellings were built - the dugout and semi-dugouts . Of the population remained at these parking lots and in the summer , was engaged in arable farming , mowed grass , zagotavlivaya supplies for the winter. Semi-nomadic pastoralism was common in the vast steppes and mountain areas in eastern Kazakhstan , Seven Rivers , some areas of the Central and Western Kazakhstan , at the foot of the Tien Shan and Altai mountains . Another type of livestock - settled . Under him the majority of the population led sedentary and engaged in farming , and the other , together with the cattle migrate to the summer and winter pastures . It was extended to the south of Kazakhstan , in the valleys of the Syr Darya, Chu, Keles , where there were natural resources and iodine -rich pastures and meadows . It is dominated by irrigated agriculture , and the herd was a lot of cattle.

Horse breeding was one of the most important breeding areas of Saks . According to the bone material from a site in Central Kazakhstan are two types of horses. This stunted Tolstonog , with a massive head and torso horse and tall , slender, which was used under the saddle armed horsemen . The largest , frisky horses belonged to noble warriors and chiefs . The best drill horses were valued very highly nomadic , they are also , in the case of death of the owner , accompanied him to the " other world ."

An important role is played in cattle sheep, which provided meat, wool and hides. Were common large animals near the modern breed of fat-tailed sheep. They were resistant to harsh conditions , are tireless in large spans , are able to tebenevke , meager pastures, rapidly gained weight . In the steppe and semi- steppe regions of the Western and Southern Kazakhstan was developed at Saks camel . The camel was used as riding and pack animals . He gave wool, meat and milk. When the nomadic and semi-nomadic camel farm all year round remained in the open.

Smaller role in the economy of the Saks played cattle, because cows , unlike horses and sheep, not a year round treat pasture . Nomads managed to get a breed of cows adapted to the nomadic life. The breed has a relatively low efficiency , low weight , simplicity in food and thick woolen blanket , saving most of holoda.U Saka tribes herding combined with farming . Grew millet , barley, wheat. To the south, in the valley of the Syr Darya near Saka settlements Chirp - discount, Babishov - Mulla found ancient fields that were irrigated by canals. Saki - farmers built themselves adobe houses , and where there was a lot of forest wood . Over time, the sedentary Saka people appeared not only the village , but also the city in which flourished crafts and trade .

Religious ideas Saks had a pronounced military color. Their leader was a cult leader and king. This is evidenced in the Issyk burial mound Union chief or king of the tribe. For clothing and regalia shows that Saks identified him with the solar deity. They were the lord of the sun . The images on the headdress had a symbolic meaning . " Gold Mountain " and "trees" , sewn around the circumference of caps, present a picture of the world, was subject to a solar ruler . It was believed that the leader is at the center of the universe and as the sun, overlooks it from all sides.

Saki Seven Rivers arranged calendar holidays in the foothills on the way to summer pastures in the spring and corrupting them with the fall, when work up the fat herds of horses and flocks of sheep coming down from the alpine meadows in the foothills. In the sanctuary , where the altar and the altars, and offered sacrifices to the gods , committed to achieve fertility rites related to compliance with the cult of the ancestors and the cult of fire. Archaeologists finds determined that there Saks Seven Rivers " fire temples " .

In the VII century. BC. e . the population of the vast steppe zone of Siberia , Kazakhstan , the Volga region and southern Europe came a peculiar and striking phenomenon in the art, the so-called animal style . The main theme of it were images of animals and mythical beasts. They were decorated with bronze cauldrons , and the altars , weapons, clothing and harness .

Saki worshiped the forces of nature - the sun, wind, storm , thunder , which seemed to them in the way of the gods. And the gods , in their view , reincarnated in a variety of animals and birds. The gods incarnated and fantastic animals , such as horses , winged griffins popularity of these images in the mythology and folklore of Saks gave birth to the " animal style " in their art .

The horse in the mythology of the Saks contacted the sun and fire , wild boar - the cult of the god of thunder. The story the basis of art " animal style " were preserved from ancient times myths about the origin of humans from animals . The ancestor of the clan, tribe necessarily performed any animal : deer , wolf, mountain goat , tiger, steppe eagle , and others. Things depicting animals were considered sacred , played the role of talismans and amulets. Beast , decorating weapons, allegedly helped a soldier in battle, making him invulnerable and fearless.

Saki " animal style " in art emerged as a natural expression of world- Saka tribes , as embodied in the fine art of mythology, as a special sign system for the expression of the ideology of the nomads. This style of art in III-I centuries . BC. e . gradually lost its realistic basis , has turned into an ornamental pattern. At the beginning of our era vivid art animal style disappears altogether

4) s widely known in the history of the name of the Huns. The name of the disappeared people associated with militancy , violence and barbarism . The Huns led by Attila made ​​devastating raids on European country, they laid the foundation of the Great Migration . All this is familiar events of European history. Less well-known Asian Hun tribes that lived in Central Asia, including the territory of Kazakhstan in the last centuries BC. e . - The first century BC. e . In the historical literature, they are known as the Huns or syunnu15 .

The sources tell about the relationship between Hun Kangüy .

In '55 there was a division of the powerful Hun state into two parts - north and south . In the north- western Mongolia, near Lake Kyrgyz ruler Nur Northern Huns Chzhichzhi established his residence. From there, he made ​​campaign and neighboring tribes Usuns. In hostile relations with China was Chzhichzhi , especially after he ordered the killing of a Chinese official and ambassador. Intense rivalry going on between him and the head of the Southern Huns. Under these conditions, Chzhichzhi was timely proposal Kang-kü/Kangju ruler of the state , which was on the banks of the Syr Darya, the alliance and the joint struggle against the state Ningpo . He invited Chzhichzhi its eastern possessions - in the Talas Valley and granted him the right to command Kangui cavalry. In addition, Shanyu gave his daughter in marriage , gave a few thousand camels , donkeys and horses. Kangui ruler hoped that the army would break soon Chzhichzhi Usuns , grab their possessions in the valley of the Ili and Chu. However Chzhichzhi could not defeat Usuns. Brewing conflict between him and deceived in their hopes Kangüy - cal aristocrats . Soon there was a break . According to the chroniclers , Shanyu refused to submit to the customs kangyuytsev , " in anger killed the daughter of Prince Kangui , as well as famous people and hundreds of ordinary people , or throwing them into the river Dalai ( Talas) ." During this Chzhichzhi was expelled from the rate Kangui ruler and went to the upper reaches of Talas , where he built a city .

 The main role was played in the life of Hun ¬ cattleman NESS , especially horse breeding . Without horses nomadic herding was impossible in military campaigns horses not only carried the riders , but also supplied the food. Horses for the most part were short, stocky , muscular rough build, with short broad muzzle . They are hardy, easy ¬ were climbing the mountain cliffs and fording . "In climbing the slopes of the mountains and the descent from them at the entrance to the mountain rivers and leaving their horses of the Middle kingdom inferior Sünnu " - wrote the Chinese dignitary Chao Ko.

On the development of crafts in Hun known by the finds of metal, bone and horn, stone , clay and wood. The presence of burial pottery, jars , pots, mugs, made ​​by hand and on the potter's wheel , indicating a relatively high level of development of the art of pottery . Along with the objects of local production in the excavations of burials Hun things are of foreign origin . Part of them fell here as a result of trade: the silk fabrics, the Chinese luxury goods of wood, lacquer , mirrors, jade crafts .

Vhunnskom society were strong features of the patriarchal- tribal relations . According to sources , the Huns were divided into 24 genera , which were led by the heads of ( the elders ) . There were a council of elders and the national assembly . Sources say that "the Hun was used three times a year to gather in Luntz , where in the first, fifth and ninth moon , the day called" xu " sacrificed to the spirit of the sky ... On these meetings of the heads of state talked about ¬ governmental affairs, amused horse jump and run the camels . " However, in the bowels of the tribal system has matured ¬ features new public relations. At the heart of this process, the development of lay pro ¬ duction and production relations. One of the reasons was the development of trade and commerce . Gold jewelry , expensive ¬ inositol produced goods found during the excavations indicate ascending ¬ sshih needs top of society

5) Turk Empire Tyurkyutsky Khanate ( Kektyurk - Celestial Turks ) - large medieval state in Asia , created by the Tribal Union of Turks ( Turcuts ) headed by the rulers of the genus Ashin . One of the largest states in history. During the period of greatest expansion (end of VI century ) controlled territory in Northeast China ( Manchuria ) , Mongolia , Altai, East Turkestan , West Turkestan ( Central Asia) , Kazakhstan and North Caucasus.

After the fall of the power Usuns , Seven Rivers became a permanent arena of war. Newly established in the V century otryadyzhuzhaney Usuns forced to move their nomadic steppe part of the Tien Shan . On the liberated lands were trying to settle the remains of the Yuezhi , but after the wars with Juan-Juan in 418-419 years , they were forced to go to Central Asia, where the encounter with the Persians and ephtalites . The upper reaches of the rivers Shu -Talas were captured Kangars that stopped traffic Jujan west. Seven Rivers and East Kazakhstan border states were Jujan , so they paid little attention, but it is here , in the Altai, begins to form a force capable to withstand Zsuzsanna .

In the year 545 telesskie tribes revolted against the newly Jujan and led the new state governor stood Turks ashina Bumyn . In 551 he made ​​an alliance with the Chinese and Western Wei kingdom , defeating Jujan , took the title " Ilkhan " (" ruler of the people") . After the death of Bumyn in 552 was succeeded by his son , who took the title of Kara Issyk Hagan , who paid a total defeat Zsuzsanna . After winning Hagan dies under mysterious circumstances , and the government led by his brother - Mukan Hagan . In the year 553 Zsuzsanna were again defeated, and the Turks were masters of the whole steppe east of Altai [3]. The following year began a campaign of Turks to the west, headed younger brother Bumyn Istemi - Hagan . Usuns weakened by raids Jujan , offered no resistance , and in the year 555 troops Istemi reached the Aral Sea. However, tribes and Uar Ephtalites who lived north of the Aral Sea , had a fierce resistance and were conquered by only 558 . The Turks reached the Volga , but it did not move . Thus, in the short term was created huge nomadic empire covering the territory from the Volga to the Hingansk mountains.

In the 561-563 years the Turks have concluded an alliance against Iran Ephtalites [ 1] [ 2] [ 4]. In 564 , the armies of the Shah Khosrow Anushirwan occupied a strategically important area - Tocharistan . In 565 at the Battle of Nakhshab Turks won, and was attached to the Sughd Kaganate . The main forces were defeated by the Turks Ephtalites in the year 567 near Bukhara . [ 2] After the conquest of Central Asia, the Khanate had control of much of the Great Silk Road.

The Turks and Sogdians , were under their authority, were interested in direct trade relations with Byzantium . Iran has prevented this . In this regard, the 568 - year Istemi Hagan sent a mission headed by the Sogdian merchant Maniahom in Constantinople [ 1] [3 ] . Following the negotiations with the Byzantine Emperor Justin II signed a trade agreement and a military treaty against Iran [ 2] [ 3] [ 4]. After the conclusion of the Byzantine- Turkish alliance Kaganate Iran pledged to pay tribute to the amount of 40,000 pieces of gold per year and do not hinder trade . [1]

In 575 , the Byzantine Empire and Iran united against the Turks. In response, the 576 year Turkish troops defeated the Byzantine vassal - Cimmerian Bosporus , taken victorious campaigns in the Crimea and the Western Caucasus . With these gains Khanate began to control all the important sections of the Great Silk Road , which provided a Turkic nobility huge profits

However, the power of Turkic power soon shaken. After the death of Tobo Khan in 581 , there was a weakening of the Turkic Khanate , manifested mainly in the strengthening of civil wars , the aggravation of social contradictions , the onset of China's border Khanate , wars with neighboring countries. In 603 , the Turk Empire disintegrated on the west - Turkic Khanate and the Eastern Turkic Khanate

6) Karluk Khanate ( Қarlұқ қaғanaty Kazakh , Uzbek . Qarluq xoqonligi, Uig. Қarluқ haқanliғi ) - Turkic state formation , which occupied the territory from Dzhungar to the middle reaches of the Syr Darya, between Lake Balkhash and Issyk -Kul valley rekIli , Chu , Talas, spurs Tien Shan, from region to Ispadzhabskoy Otyrar (VIII-IX century). [ 2] [ 3] [ 4].

After the fall of the Western Turkic Khanate Karluk fall under the influence of China, their leaders are taking the Chinese titles , but the relative independence is maintained. Since the beginning of the VIII century . begins a gradual migration to the territory of the Karluk Seven Rivers . It was the intervention of Karluk troops allowed the Arabs to win the battle Atlahskoy in 751 g

The first information about Qarluq belong to the V century. Initially, they occupied the territory between the Altai and the east coast of Lake Balkhash. In the middle of VII century in the Karluk union were: bulak CHIGIL , Tashlyk . The title of the leader of union - elteber .

In 742 , the Karluk with the Uighurs and Basmils opposed the Eastern Turkic Khanate . As a result, the eastern Turks were defeated, and in their place a new state Khanate - Uighur Khanate ( 744-840 ) .

In 746 , the Karluk defeated by Uighur Khanate and moved to the Seven Rivers [ 1] [ 4]. In the middle of the VIII century between the Karluk and Oguz War broke for Türgesh inheritance. Oguzy in this fight lost and went to the Syr Darya [4 ], and the Karluk remained in the Seven Rivers created a feudal state - Karluk Khanate [2 ] [3 ] . Karluk rulers began to wear the title yabgu ( dzhagbu nakarlukskom dialect ) .

Karluk Khanate was a system where the tribes possessed inheritance. This prevented the centralization of power , and the power of Karluk dzhagbu was nominal . Specific rulers who led the major tribes , sought to consolidate its de facto independent ownership.

In the state was the military- administrative system of government, was a social and class inequality , the society was divided into rich and poor. Most of the population consisted of tribal community members who were dependent on those in power. System dominated the aristocracy had a strict hierarchy . Karluk clans and tribes were divided on the importance.

The ruling Karluk to know not only owned pastures, but also urban centers , as in the Persian geographical composition X century " Hudud al - Alam " refers to the fact that the country Karluk are 25 towns and cities , among them: Taraz, Kulan , Merck , Atlalig , Tuzun , Baliga , Baryskhan , Siculo , Talgar ( Talhiz ), etc. The capital and most cities Karluk were along the "Great Silk Road " and were important cultural and economic centers

7) Oguz state

On the territory of Kazakhstan is closely connected with the history of the state Oguz . Oguz state has developed in the IX- X centuries . in the basin of the middle and lower reaches of the Syr Darya and the adjacent steppes of western Kazakhstan. Formation of Oguz ethnic community was a complex and lengthy process. The structure of the Oguz came as the ancient (mostly Turkicized ) the ethnic component of the Syr Darya valley and the Aral-Caspian steppes of western Kazakhstan and nomadic , semi-nomadic tribes and clans su, and Siberia. The original core of the Oguz group was formed in the Seven Rivers , however, in the course of its movement to the west it is considerably enriched by the nomadic population in Western Kazakhstan .

In the IX. after a long struggle Oguz leaders seized hegemony in the steppes of western Kazakhstan and the Aral Sea , defeating in alliance with the Khazar Khanate Besenyos Turkic tribes who inhabited these lands before , All these events helped to strengthen elements of state organizations in Oguz tribes . Oguz state heterogeneity of different ethnic composition , the process of consolidation of the same nationality in Oguz has not received complete. State Oguz , like other public entities on the territory of Kazakhstan was not monolithic. Arabic writer al- Idrisi evidence on the existence of several " kings " and " princes ." The residences of the rulers who led the major associations were strengthened rates, where they kept the treasury and food. Oguz " kings " special military units assigned to guard their possessions , and in the case of wars and raids took refuge in fortresses . The Head of State Oguz IX-XI centuries . was the governor , who bore the title of " dzhagbu ." Dzhagbu power was hereditary , although he was considered a "chosen for the kingdom ." According to legend, the rulers were chosen from the Oguz Khan's powerful families - ( Urug ) . At the heart of " election " lay a privilege to power older compared with younger kinsman . Oguz state by its nature was early feudal . It preserved the institutions of power , which grew from the bowels of the military 's democratic system , and the power dzhagbu limited military council of tribal aristocracy. Against the background of the expansion of tribal institutions evolved patriarchal-feudal relations . Formed management personnel. At the end of the tenth century. already functioning system of regular tax revenues and Khan's collectors had special horse forces .

Oguz state played an important role in the political and military history of Eurasia. In 965 AD between the Oghuz dzhagbu and Kievan Rus Prince Svyatoslav was concluded a military alliance against the Khazars . Its result was the defeat of the Khazar Khanate .

At the end of the tenth century , in alliance with the Kievan Prince Vladimir Oguz defeated the state of the Volga Bulgars. At the turn of the X -XI centuries . Oguz state began to decline. Frequent uprisings Oguz tribes who were dissatisfied with the collection of taxes. Oguz state fell under the blows of Kipchak Turkic tribes who came from the east. Large groups of Oguz under pressure kylchakov went into East Europe and Asia Minor, the other part of the empire came under the rule of Karakhanids in southern Kazakhstan , Central Asia, Eastern Turkestan and the rulers of the Turks - the Seljuks in Iran. The remains of the Oguz , broken in the middle of the Kipchak XI century. , Subsequently dissolved among the Turkic- speaking tribes of Dasht-i - Kipchak - Countries kipchakov

8) arakhanids States countries (942-1210 gg.)

The founder of the dynasty Karakhanids assumed Satuq Bogra Khan ( 915-955 ) . With the support of the Samanids , he spoke out against his uncle Ogulchaka and subjugated Kashgar and Taraz, in 942 , the deposed ruler Satuq in Balasagun and declared himself the supreme Hagan . From this time the history of the State itself Karakhanids.

In the formation and early history Karakhanids major role played by the tribes of the Karluk confederation, in which, along with Qarluqs included Chigils and Yagma , in the tenth century. Part Yagma with Qarluqs lived in the Seven Rivers , south of Naryn. Later, in the XI century. , Yagma lived much further north - in the valley . Or . In this same valley settled Chigils , prikochevavshie from northern Issyk-Kul region .

In 992 , on the east Karahanids won Khotan, and to the west Bukhara. In 999 Karakhanids Nasr and ruler Mahmud Ghaznavid dynasty finally crushed the Samanid state in Central Asia. Amu became the border between Karahanids and Ghaznavids . In the north of the boundary between the outside and Karahanids Kypchak Khanate took place near the city of Taraz. In the north- east of ownership. Karakhanids not go beyond the lines of Balkhash and Alakul . In the east they bordered on Uighurs in the southeast of ownership Karakhanids extended to the Church said. In the west and south -west of the promotion was met with resistance Seljuk ( in Southern Turkmenistan ) and Khorezm ( in the lower reaches of the Amu Darya ) . Over the next two centuries possession Karakhanids stretched from Maurya ( rivers Amu Darya and Syr Darya ) in the west up to the Seven Rivers and Kashgar in the east.

State Karakhanids was divided into numerous fiefdoms with unstable boundaries. Specific rulers had more rights until the minting of coins with his name , sometimes with the changing titles of . Vassalage relations were sometimes multi-stage. Political life was characterized by internecine strife and struggle.

In the late 30 's. XI century. by Ibrahim ibn Nasr state broke up into two parts: the western khanate centered at Bukhara , which included Maverannahr up to Khujand and east , which included Taraz, Isfidzhab , Shash , Ferghana, Seven Rivers and Kashgar. The capital of the eastern khanate was Balasagun . This happened already legal confirmation of the actual collapse of Karakhanids for independent and semi-autonomous fiefdoms , formerly under the nominal authority of the older , or supreme , Khan.

Early in the second quarter of the XII century. numerous people Karakitaj ( Khitan ) won the Seven Rivers with Balasaguni , and then the rest of the eastern Karakhanids possession and began to threaten the western branch . After the defeat of Karakhanids - Seljuk troops in 1141 , the political power over both khanates of Karakhanids moved to Carakitaiy . In 1210 against the Naiman cut short the eastern Karakhanid dynasty . And in 1212 Khorezm Shah Muhammad killed the last of the western Hagan Osman from Samarkand , Fergana and soon disappeared branch Karakhanids. History of the powerful state Karakhanids on this over.

State Karakhanids was not a mere repetition of the former state-owned entities. In contrast to the political devices of the nomadic societies in Kazakhstan military administration was separated from the administration . Public administration structure was based on the hierarchical principle. The most important socio- political institution in the state was Karakhanids military Retained system . Hana complained to their relatives and the right to receive from the population of the district, region or city taxes levied in addition to the state. This award has been called " ictus " and its holder called mukti , or iktadar . Institute ikty played a significant role in the economic and political life of the south and south- east of Kazakhstan .

The main occupation of the population was nomadic extensive and semi-nomadic pastoralism . However, in the XI-XII centuries . Seven Rivers in southern Kazakhstan and some Turkic tribes passed to farming and are attached to the city's culture.

In the ideology of the nomadic and sedentary populations occupied an important place religious beliefs of ancient Turkic . The further spread of Islam was adopted by the Khanate as the state religion . Islamization , especially the southern regions of Kazakhstan , the penetration of Islam into a nomadic aristocratic environment led to the ousting of the ancient Turkic runic writing and the addition of new Turkic writing in Arabic script .

Overall Karakhanid era represented a qualitatively new stage in all spheres of society. Only turmoil period Mongol conquest interrupted the natural process of incipient development.

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