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Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.
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Київський технікум готельного господарства
Укладач: В.А.Тимофєєв.
Збірник вправ
для студентів ІІ-ІІІ курсів
спеціальностей 5.03050901 “Бухгалтерський облік”,
5.03050801 "Фінанси і кредит" та 5.03051001 «Товарознавство та комерційна діяльність»
Київ, 2013
Unit 1. Production.
Unit 2. Economics.
Unit 3. Business Firms.
Unit 4. Advertising.
Unit 5. Marketing.
Unit 6. Stock Exchange.
Unit 7. Accounting.
Unit 8. Auditing.
Unit 9. Management.
Unit 10. Banks.
Unit 11. Business Letters.
Unit 12. Business Culture.
Unit 13. Microeconomics vs. Macroeconomics.
Unit 14. Trade.
Unit 15. Supply and Demand.
Unit 16. Money.
Unit 17. Pricing.
Unit 18. Credit.
Unit 19. Inflation.
Unit 20. Taxation.
Unit 21. Computer Technology.
Unit 22. Recruitment.
Unit 23. Insurance.
Вивчення англійської мови підвищує рівень професійної компетенції спеціаліста та покращує його конкурентоздатність на ринку праці.
Вправи збірника спрямовані на формування навичок говоріння, слухання, письма та читання текстів з економічної тематики.
Згідно із обраною концепцією викладання, заняття з англійської мови мають стати не процесом передачі студентам нової інформації про граматику і лексику, а можливістю практикуватися у мові, що вивчається. Тому панівним методом на заняттях з іноземної мови мають стати вправи, які постійно заохочують учнів до інтелектуальної роботи.
У результаті вивчення навчальної дисципліни студент повинен знати професійну лексику та найпоширеніші фразеологізми з професійної сфери; вміти активно їх використовувати у професійних монологах та діалогах; перекладати спеціалізовані тексти.
Вправи збірника укладено за переліком тем робочої навчальної програми спеціальностей 5.03050901 “Бухгалтерський облік”, 5.03050801 "Фінанси і кредит" та 5.03051001 «Товарознавство та комерційна діяльність» для студентів ІІ-ІІІ курсів.
1. Read and translate the text.
Mass production vs. handicraft
‘I’m Steve and I’m head of car production at a manufacturing plant. ‘Plant’ sounds more modern than factory or works. On the assembly line we mass-produce cars. The plant is highly automated: we use a lot of machinery. These machines are expensive to buy but very cost-effective – we don’t have to pay them wages! We use industrial robots. These robots are part of the CADCAM system of computer-assisted design and manufacturing.’
‘My name’s Luke. I have a little workshop where I produce furniture ordered by individual customers. We don’t use machinery: the furniture is hand-made. Producing furniture like this is a craft industry. It’s very labour intensive; it tales a lot of work to produce each piece. Many people dislike the furniture that big companies churn out in large numbers on their production lines, so we have a lot of customers.’
2. Over to you.
Are hand-made goods necessarily better than factory-made ones? What about cars, cloths, computers and shoes?
3. Use the following terms to complete the definitions below.
cost of living protectionism capital fiscal inflation standard of living |
1. ……….
Adjective meaning of or related to public (i.e. government) finances (taxation, expenditure, etc.).
2. ……….
A rise in the general level of prices and an increase in the money supply.
3. ……….
The accumulated stock of goods used for the production of further goods (and the money required to purchase them).
4. ……….
A measure of the amount of money that has to be paid for essentials such as food, accommodation, heating, clothing, etc.
5. ……….
A measure of the amount of disposable income that people have to spend on both necessities and luxuries.
6. ………
The practice of restricting imports in order to increase the sales of domestic products.
4. Write your opinion.
As the economy moves from “recession” to “expansion”, what is likely to happen to wages, investment, employment, profits, production?
5. Translate the sentences into English.
constant prices GNP (gross national product) imports accounting to exceed added value depreciation |
6. Practice the questions.
Could I have a/an …?
coffee apple juice iced tea (still / sparkling) mineral water orange juice tea |
7. Professional situation.
До вас телефонує іноземний клієнт. Скажіть йому, що до вашого банку найкраще доїхати на таксі за 10 хв. Таксі можна викликати за телефоном, знайти на зупинці або зупинити на вулиці.
to go by car
to take 30 minutes
taxi rank
to flag down
1. Read and translate the text.
«The economy» is simply an abstraction that refers to the sum of all our individual production and consumption activities. In order to produce anything, we need resources, or factors of production. Factors of production are the inputs — land, labor, and capital (buildings and machinery) we use to produce final goods and services (output).
Unfortunately, the quantity of available resources is limited. We cannot produce everything we want in the quantities we desire. Resources are scarce relative to our desires. This fact forces us to make difficult choices.
Opportunity costs exist in all situations where available resources are not abundant enough to satisfy all our desires.
Indeed, economics is often defined as the study of how to allocate scarce resources. The study of economics focuses on «getting the most from what we've got», on making the best use of our scarce resources.
Production possibilities are the alternative combinations of final goods and services that could be produced in a given time period with all available resources and technology.
According to the law of increasing opportunity costs we must give up ever increasing quantities of other goods and services in order to get more of a particular good.
Economic growth is an increase in output; an expansion of production possibilities.
Over time the quantity of resources available for production has also increased. Each year our population grows a bit, thereby enlarging the number of potential workers. Our stock of capital equipment has increased even faster. In addition the quality of our labor and capital resources has improved, as a result of more education (labor) and better machinery (capital).
Market mechanism is the use of market prices and sales to signal desired outputs (or resource allocations).
Thus the essential feature of the market mechanism is the price signal. If you want something and have sufficient income, you buy it. If enough people do the same thing, the total sales of that product will rise, and perhaps its price will as well. Producers, seeing sales and prices rise, will be inclined to increase production.
2. Introduce the people.
This is … . He / She is from … .
Lara Kay – ZY; Paul Sampson – IBM; Sam Pick – UPS; Anne Pol – JFK Cargo; David Tarn – RNX Auto; Peter Taylor – TP Software; Sue Taylor – GEC
3. Use the following terms to complete the definitions below.
macroeconomics gross national product (GNP) microeconomics economical economize economic |
1. ………. concerns the economic factors affecting individual consumers and companies.
2. ………. is the study and analysis of the economy as a whole.
3. ………. is the total wealth earned or created in a country in a year.
4. ……….
Adjective meaning of or relating to an economy or economics.
5. ……….
Adjective meaning using a minimum of resources; or cheap.
6. ……….
To save money, to reduce expenses, to reduce an amount normally used.
4. Write your opinion.
Although economists know a great deal about how to stabilize the economy, our system still goes through periods of expansion and contraction. Describe some of the problems facing decision makers who are trying to use fiscal and monetary policies to keep the economy growing steadily.
fiscal – relating to government finances (taxation, expenditure, etc.)
monetary – relating to money or currency
5. Over to you.
How has the economy in our country changed? What were the causes?
6. Economy. Fill in the blanks.
1 The percentage of people without a job is the rate of … 2 The amount prices increase in general, each year, is … 3 If you get a loan from the bank, you … 4 Banks give loans. They … 5 The percentage a bank charges on a loan is the … 6 Money you’ve borrowed is called … 7 A loan to buy a house or an apartment is called a … 8 When the economy grows very fast, it’s called a … 9 When the economy slows down for a time, it’s a … 10 When prices fall suddenly, it’s called a … |
lend borrow inflation mortgage debt recession unemployment interest rate crash boom |
7. Professional situation.
До вас до банку потрапив ваш давній знайомий, якого ви давно не бачили. Запитайте, де він працює і чим займається. Розкажіть про свою роботу і обов’язки.
not to see someone for ages
to do
to work
your responsibilities
1. Read and translate the text.
Business Firms in the USA
There are three types of business enterprise: the proprietorship, the partnership, and the corporation.
Proprietorships are owned by a single person, and they are almost always small business: groceries, barber shops, dry-cleaning stores, restaurants, candy stores, family farms, and gas stations.
A partnership is a business enterprise that is owned by two or more people (law or accounting firms). There are two key advantages to the partnerships: (1) two owners can raise more capital than one and (2) the partners can share the work and responsibility of running the business. The two basic disadvantages are: (1) the partnership must be dissolved when one partner dies or decides to leave the business and (2) both partners are liable for all debts run up by their business.
A corporation is a legal person. As such, it can sue and be sued. The key advantage of the corporation is limited liability – that is, each owner’s liability is limited to the amount of money he or she has invested in the business. A second advantage of a corporation is its perpetual life. Still another advantage of incorporating is that the company can sell stock to the public to raise more money. There are two disadvantages to incorporating: (1) the owners must have papers drawn up and pay a fee for a charter, and (2) the corporation must pay income tax.
2. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian, choosing the correct equivalent for the English word business.
1. We do business with a number of Italian companies. 2. The scheme offers free advice to people wanting to set up in business. 3. In order to stay in business, you must do better than your competitors. 4. Owners of small businesses will be hit hardest by these tax changes. 5. We’re now doing twice as much business as we did last year. 6. Exports account for 72% of overall business. 7. Business is slow in the summer. 8. Students on the course learn about all aspects of business. 9. advertising business; 10. business activities; 11. retail / wholesale business; 12. to run a business; 13. a family business; 14. two-way business; 15. cash business.
(бізнес, торгівля, комерція, комерційна діяльність, справа, підприємство, торговельна організація, ділові зв’язки, рівень продажів, угода, операція)
3. Translate the sentences into English.
long-term raw material to meet the expenses everyday costs high cost items loan payrolls merchandise to do business |
4. Business facilities.
chair fax machine laptop meeting room phone photocopier power socket printer table flip chart |
There is a … in my office.
Now make sentences, using:
We use a … to … .
5. Over to you.
If you wanted to start a business, how would you try to raise a capital?
6. Prepositions. Complete the questions.
IN |
ON |
AT |
months, seasons |
days, dates |
times |
Are you free … ?
I can’t make it … ?
We can meet … .
I’m busy … .
(Christmas, Tuesday, the morning, March, July 9th, night, the weekend, summer, ten o’clock)
7. Professional situation.
Розкажіть своєму іноземному колезі, де ви навчались, як вивчали іноземну мову і як завдяки знанням англійської ви знайшли хорошу роботу.
to finish
to qualify as
to help
1. Read and translate the text.
Advertising is one of the main methods of promotion. Its aim is to increase sales by making a product or services known to a consumer and to persuade the consumer to buy it.
Advertising is often designed and managed by advertising agencies. Large companies usually use advertising agencies to promote their products and the company’s image to the target customers.
The account is the contract between the client company and the agency to develop an advertising campaign. The client allocates a budget, an amount of money and the target. The agency and the client usually discuss the brief, which is a statement of the client’s objectives, as well as the information the company wishes to reach to the consumers.
After that the agency is ready to start work. An advertising campaign consists of a series of advertisements (adverts, or ad’s) which are run in various media.
The most common types of advertising media include: broadcasting TV, cinema, radio, press newspaper, magazines, printed material (brochures, leaflets, catalogues, flyers), the Internet, display, posters, boardings/billboards, vehicles, point of sale, others (trade fairs, word-of mouth, packaging).
Corporate advertising is not concerned with increasing sales of a particular product or service. Its aim is to present to the public the brand image. Public relations (PR) experts organize activities which generate positive publicity for companies.
2. Fill in the gaps.
Noun |
Verb |
advertising marketing promotion sponsorship |
… … … … |
3. Explain the following types of advertising.
4. Answer the question.
What makes a good advert?
5. Talk about your office.
The office building has … floors. Our office is on the … floor.
The entrance is on the … floor
There are … lifts.
6. Discuss the opinions.
‘Offices are just places to work. They only need to be basic.’
‘Good offices and good facilities attract good people.’
Advantages and disadvantages of open plan offices.
7. Professional situation.
Порадьте іноземному клієнту готель в Києві. Розкажіть, як туди дістатись і опишіть всі переваги цього готелю.
to suggest
to be
to offer
to provide
to take
1. Read and translate the text.
The purpose of marketing is to gain and keep customers. One pert of this is achieved by attributing desirable values to the product or service which will become lodged in the customer’s mind. This is known as “branding”.
The marketing mix is made up of four components – product, price, place and promotion. Successful marketing involves identifying the correct mix to achieve the most sales. The product may be excellent but if the price is wrong, it will not sell.
Another part of the preparation involves doing a SWOT analysis. This looks at the Strengths and Weaknesses behind the product or service (internal factors) and the Opportunities and Threats that will influence success (the external factors).
2. Write a mini-text.
Think of a product you know or buy regularly, and about how the company markets it. Who is their target market? What are their objectives? Write what you can about the company. Who are their competitors?
3. Travel language. Join the columns.
take arrive book come back leave stay travel |
two seats Los Angeles the train in Paris to London economy class in a hotel |
4. Professional situation.
Розкажіть іноземному колезі, як ви використовуєте англійську мову у процесі професійної діяльності.
business trips
1. Read and translate the text.
Stock Exchange
A stock exchange, share market or bourse is a corporation or mutual organization which provides «trading» facilities for stock brokers and traders, to trade stocks and other securities. Stock exchanges also provide facilities for the issue and redemption of securities as well as other financial instruments and capital events including the payment of income and dividends. The securities traded on a stock exchange include: shares issued by companies, unit trusts and other investment products and bonds. To be able to trade a security on a certain stock exchange, it has to be listed there. Usually there is a central location at least for recordkeeping, but trade is less and less linked to such a physical place, as modern markets are electronic networks, which gives them advantages of speed and cost of transactions. Trade on an exchange is by members only. The initial offering of stocks and bonds to investors is by definition done in the primary market and subsequent trading is done in the secondary market. A stock exchange is often the most important component of a stock market. Supply and demand on stock markets is driven by various factors, such as affecting the price of stocks.
There is usually no compulsion to issue stock through the stock exchange itself, nor must stock be subsequently traded on the exchange. Such trading is said to be off exchange or over-the-counter. This is the usual way that bonds are traded. Increasingly, stock exchanges are part of a global market for securities.
2. Translate the sentences into English.
preferred stock revenue a voting tight to speculate in stock exchange mutual funds stockholder common income statement bond loss risk of default on the proceeds security market to summarize |
3. Over to you.
Is it a good idea to buy bonds? Why/why not?
4. Spontaneous decisions (‘ll). Complete the answers.
Antonio’s having lunch. – OK, … .
The photocopier isn’t working. – Right, … .
Can I give you the number? – Yes, … .
5. Professional situation.
Порадьте іноземному клієнту вашого банку визначні місця Києва та способи їх відвідування.
to boast
to admire
to take
1. Read and translate the text.
Accounting involves recording and summarizing an organization’s transactions or business deals, such as purchases and sales, and reporting them in the form of financial statements. In many countries, the accounting or accountancy profession has professional organizations which operate their own training and examination systems, and make technical and ethical rules^ these relate to accepted ways of doing things.
Bookkeeping is the day-to-day recording of transactions.
Financial accounting includes bookkeeping, and preparing financial statements for shareholders and creditors (people or organizations who have lent money to a company).
Management accounting involves the use of accounting data by managers, for making plans and decisions.
Companies can choose their accounting policies – their way of doing their accounts. There are a range of methods of valuation – deciding how much something is worth – and measurement – determining how big something is – that are accepted by law or by official accounting standards. In the USA, there are Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). In most of the rest of the world there are International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), set by the international Accounting Standards Board. These are technical rules or conventions – accepted ways of doing things that are not written down in a law.
Although businesses can choose among different accounting policies, they have to be consistent, which means using the same methods every year, unless there is a good reason to change a policy: this is known as the consistency principle. The policies also have to be disclosed or revealed to the shareholders: the Annual Report will contain a ‘Statement of Accounting Policies’ that mentions any changes that have been made. This enables shareholders to compare profits and values with those of previous years.
2. Over to you.
What accounting systems do companies use in our country?
3. Plans (going to). What are your plans for the next week?
meet talk look at show finish |
4. Professional situation.
Розкажіть абітурієнту, наскільки важлива професія бухгалтера / фінансиста / товарознавця. З чого вона складається?. Якими якостями повинен володіти справжній професіонал?
accountant / financial expert / commodity expert
1. Read and translate the text.
Auditing is an accounting function that involves the review and evaluation of financial records of a company. It is done by auditors. These reviews are called audits.
Outside/external audits are a normal and regular part of business practice. In addition, many corporations maintain a continuous internal audit by their own accounting departments. They review operating procedures and financial records and report to management on the current procedures and financial records and report to management on the current state of the company’s fiscal affairs. The internal auditors make suggestion to management for improvements in the standard operating procedures and check the accounting records.
Independent auditing is done by accounts who are not employees of the organization whose books they examine. The independent accountant is almost always a CPA (Certified Public Accountant). Independent accountants review the business’s operating activities they examine financial statements and the accounting records.
Auditing consists of paperwork, inventory (stock-taking), accounting records, evaluation, calculation, accounts, balance keeping.
Paperwork involves a company’s activity information on the different data carriers which enable it legal force.
Inventory is a mean of checking values according to the auditing.
Accounting records mean the control of the enterprise’s property.
Evaluation means evaluating enterprise assets into money measure.
Calculation is a mean of calculating real price. Real price is the determined price of the produced product.
Balance keeping is the keeping of the information of the enterprise’s assets and its formation.
Accounting records is the system of the indexes which show financial activity of enterprise.
2. Fill in the gaps in the definitions with words from the box.
specializing studying for inspecting its accounts processing the records giving administrative support to inspect its accounts |
Trainee accounts
Accounts who are … for professional examinations
Administrative staff responsible … of a business’s financial activities
Tax accountant
An accountant … in a company’s tax affairs
Back-office manager
Person in charge of the staff responsible for … to the Finance department
Internal auditors
Employees of a company who are responsible …
External auditors
People employed by an outside firm of accountants and hired by a company
Now make a diagram of jobs in accounting and present it in English.
3. Match the dishes to the parts of a meal.
starters |
the main course |
side dishes |
desserts |
roast chicken tomato soup mashed potato apple pie grilled salmon mixed salad lamb pork cod fruit salad ice cream strawberries |
For the … I’d like … .
4. Professional situation.
Заплануйте вечір з іноземним гостем і розкажіть йому, куди ви його запрошуєте.
to invite out / contract
national cuisine / a restaurant
a walk / night life
1. Read and translate the text.
Employees and management
The people who work for a company, all the people on its payroll, are its employees, personnel, staff, workers or workforce. But these words can mean just the people carrying out the work of a company, rather than those leading it and organizing it: the management.
A company’s activities may be spread over different sites. A company’s most senior managers usually work in its head office or headquarters (HQ). Some managers have their own individual offices, but in many businesses, most employees work in open-plan offices: large areas where many people work together. Administration, or informally, admin, the everyday work supporting a company’s activities, is often done in offices like these by administrative staff or support staff. For example, those giving technical help to buyers of the company’s products are in technical support.
When workers are not happy with pay or conditions, they may take industrial action:
In larger organizations there is a human resource department (HRD) that deals with pay, recruitment, etc. This area is called human resources (HR) or human resource management (HRM). Another name for this department is the personnel department.
2. Sort the jobs into places and introduce yourselves.
accountant personal assistant engineer manager receptionist sales assistant technician designer translator driver |
Factory |
Hotel |
Lab |
Office |
Warehouse |
Shop |
I work for (company name).
I’m a (job).
I work in a/an (workplace).
I live in (city, country).
3. Answer the question.
What is a good business trip?
4. Do the exercises.
Repeat after your teacher.
experience |
amazed relaxed interested frightened bored tired |
amazing relaxing interesting frightening boring tiring |
Underline the odd one out in each group.
1) amazing fantastic incredible terrible
2) dangerous frightening relaxing scary
3) bored sad interested tired
4) difficult happy hard tough
Talk about the experiences and your feelings
It was … / I was … .
Talk about your most memorable or interesting experience.
5. Professional situation.
Попросіть клієнта, який телефонує, зачекати, ви з’єднаєте його з головним бухгалтером, який владнає його питання.
to hold on
to put someone through to someone
to sort it out
1. Read and translate the text.
Central banks supervise the banking system; fix the minimum interest rate; issue bank notes; control the money supply; influence exchange rates; and act as lenders of last resort.
Commercial banks are businesses that trade in money. They receive and hold deposits in current and savings accounts, pay money according to customers instructions, lend money and offer investment advice, foreign exchange facilities, and so on. In some countries such as England these banks have branches in all major towns; in other countries there are smaller regional banks. Under American law, for example, banks can operate in only one state. Some countries have banks that were originally confined to a single industry, e.g. the Crédit Agricole in France, but these now usually have a far wider customer base.
In some European countries, notably Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, there are universal banks which combine deposit and loan banking with share and bond dealing, investment advice etc. Yet even universal banks usually form a subsidiary, known as a finance house, to lend money – at several per cent over the base lending rate – for hire purchase or instalment credit, that is, loans to consumers that are repaid in regular, equal monthly amounts.
In Britain, the USA and Japan, however, there is, or used to be, a strict separation between commercial banks and banks that do stockbroking or bond dealing. Thus in Britain, merchant banks specialize in raising funds for industry on the various financial markets, financing international trade, issuing and underwriting securities, dealing with takeovers and mergers, issuing government bonds, and so on. They also offer stockbroking and portfolio management services to rich corporate and individual clients. Investment banks in the USA are similar, but they can only act as intermediaries offering advisory services, and do not offer loans themselves.
In Britain there are also building societies that provide mortgages, i.e. they lend money to home-buyers on the security of houses and flats, and attract savers by paying higher interest than the banks. The savings and loan associations in the United States served a similar function, until most of them went spectacularly bankrupt at the end of the 1980s.
There are also supernational banks such as the World Bank or the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which are generally concerned with economic development.
2. Translate the sentences into English.
to issue saving bank to deal in/with to provide institution the public monetary to earn securities link |
Федеральна резервна система, яка включає 12 федеральних банків та їх філії, контролює американську державну банківську систему.
3. Over to you.
Why do some companies use more than one bank? Why do they sometimes change banks?
4. Match the words with their definitions.
debt |
an agreement between two parties, often written |
lease |
the opposite of assets |
gearing |
buying or selling something |
liabilities |
someone who owns parts of a company |
contract |
money that is owed |
transaction |
an agreement where the owner of something allows someone else to use it for specific time for a sum of money |
shareholder |
the proportion of own capital to borrowed funds |
5. Match the definitions to the words.
start a new business find money for a business put money into a business put (a product) on the market grow (a business) employ (workers) spend less fire / dismiss (workers) close the business because of debt |
invest lay off set up go bankrupt cut costs raise finance expand hire launch |
6. Professional situation.
Скажіть клієнту, що балансовий звіт ще не готовий, це питання не в вашій компетенції, але ви можете покликати керівника офісу. Попросіть гостя зачекати хвилинку.
balance sheet
beyond your competence
Office Manager
1. Read and translate the text.
Sample Inquiry Letter
Pet Products Ltd. 180 London Road Exeter Ex 4 4JY 25th February, 2008 Dear Sirs, We read your advertisement in the «Pet Magazine» of 25th December. We are interested in buying your equipment for producing pet food. Would you kindly send us more information about this equipment:
Our company specializes in distributing pet products in Ukraine. We have more than 50 dealers and representatives in different regions and would like to start producing pet products in Ukraine. If your equipment meets our requirements, and we receive a favorable offer, we will be able to place a large order for your equipment. Your early replay would be appreciated
Best regards V. Koval Export-Import |
2. Use the model to write your own letter, changing the underlined words and phrases.
3. Conditional 1. Make future sentences.
4. Professional situation.
Опишіть клієнту переваги користування кредитною карткою.
cash machine
to be safe / to steal / to block
1. Read and translate the text.
Business Culture
Before going business abroad it is important to understand the social and business culture of a country which you are going to visit. The following are just a few of do’s and don’ts for business people visiting a foreign country:
Thus, if you are aware of the customs of the country you are visiting, you will not cause offence or be offended.
Now describe the customs.
the USA |
France |
Britain |
Asia |
Muslim countries |
… |
… |
… |
… |
… |
2. Talk about the news: today, this week + the present perfect.
3. Read the text.
Business Book Review
If you want a change from books about business success, boo hoo is perfect. It tells the incredible-but-true story of boo.com, an Internet sports clothing retailer. The firm was set up in 1998 by Swedish entrepreneurs Ernst Malmsten and Kajsa Leander. Both were 28 years old, and had a strong track record in business (in the mid-90s, they built a successful Internet book-selling firm in Sweden). But their ambitions for boo were much bigger …
Answer the questions.
4. Describing dimensions.
It’s … + adjective / in + noun.
Diameter of tube: 200 mm
5. Over to you.
Why do you think some customers still prefer to go to the bank? What are the alternatives?
6. Professional situation.
Ви щойно повернулися з Лондону. Поділіться своїми враженнями від поїздки.
places of interest
public transport
1. Read and translate the text.
Microeconomics vs. Macroeconomics
Economists have two ways of looking at economics and the economy. One is the macro approach, and the other is the micro. Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole; microeconomics is the study of individual consumers and the business firms.
Macroeconomics examines questions such as how fast the economy is running; how much overall output is being generated; how much total income is. It also seeks solutions to macro-economic problems such as how employment can be increased, and what can be done to increase the output of goods and services. Microeconomics examines cause-and-effect relationships that influence choices of individuals, business firms and society.
It is concerned with things such as scarcity, choice and opportunity costs, and with production and consumption. Principal emphasis is given by microeconomists to the study of prices and their relationship to units in the economy.
The resources that go into the creation of goods and services are called the factors of production. The factors of production include natural resources, human resources, capital and enterpreneurship. Each factor of production has a place in economic system, and each has a particular function. People who own or use a factor of production are expecting a “return or reward.” This generated income which, as it is spent, becomes a kind of fuel that drives the economy.
Natural resources or land are the things provided by nature that go into the creation of goods and services.
Economists call the physical and mental effort that people put into the creation of goods and services labour.
To the economist, physical capital is something created by people to produce other goods and services.
Closely associated with labour is the concept of enterpreneurship, the managerial or organizational skills needed by most firms to produce goods and services. The enterpreneur brings together the other three factors of production. When they are successful, enterpreneurs earn profits. When they are not successful, they suffer losses. The reward to enterpreneurs for the risks, innovative ideas and efforts that they have put into the business, they obtain the money that remains after the owners of land, labour and capital have received their payment.
2. Conditional 2.
What would happen if … ?
3. Why was the C5 such a flop?
The Sinclair C5 was a small electric vehicle with a top speed of 25 kph. The battery was big enough for trips of 10-20 km, and there were pedals, just in case there wasn’t enough power to get you home. The idea for the C5 was based on a simple fact: most car trips are |
just a few kilometres, with only one person in the vehicle. In other words, cars are too big for their main use. The C5’s small size and low cost weren’t the only advantages: with electric power, pollution was zero. |
4. Over to you.
The simplest invention is the best.
5. Professional situation.
Скажіть клієнту, що ви маєте ділову пропозицію. Які ваша фірма пропонує переваги при закупівлі продукції і підписанні контракту з нею?
business proposal
contract / terms and conditions
guarantee on
1. Read and translate the text.
Most economists believe in free trade – that people and companies should be able to buy goods from all countries, without any barriers when they cross frontiers.
The comparative cost principle is that countries should produce whatever they can make the most cheaply. Countries will raise their living standards and income if they specialize in the production of the goods and services in which they have the highest relative productivity: the amount of output produced per unit of an input (e.g. raw material, labour).
Countries can have an absolute advantage – so that they are the cheapest in the world, or a comparative advantage – so that they are only more efficient than some other countries in producing certain goods or services. This can be because they have raw materials, a particular climate, qualified labour (skilled workers), and economies of scale – reduced production costs because of large-scale production.
Imports are goods or services bought from a foreign country. Exports are goods or services sold to a foreign country.
A country that exports more goods than it imports has a positive balance of trade or a trade surplus. The opposite is a negative balance of trade or a trade deficit. Trade I goods is sometimes called visible trade. Services such as banking, insurance and tourism are sometimes called invisible imports or exports. Adding invisibles to the balance of trade gives a country’s balance of payments.
2. Translate the sentences into English.
commissions retailer to deal with wholesaling assortment middleman acceptable |
3. Role-play.
Customer |
Shop-assistant |
Receipt Date: 14/09/13 Time: 11:32 Shirt, red …€25.99 *** You bought a shirt but there is a problem with it. It was for your brother’s birthday but he does not like the colour. You want your money back! Explain the problem to the shop-assistant and use the receipt to answer their questions. |
You are a shop-assistant. You need to listen to the customer’s complaint. Find out:
Make a note of the answers. Your manager does not like to give people their money back. Try to find a different solution. Returned Goods Policy Receipt – They must bring the receipt with them. Number of days – Within two weeks Broken – Change or money back Don’t like it – Change Used it – No return |
4. Agree or disagree? Say why.
5. Professional situation.
Запитайте гостя, чи він зголоднів. Запропонуйте буфет вашої установи. Опишіть обслуговування та вибір страв.
to hungry / сafeteria
1. Read and translate the text.
Supply and Demand
Market economies are directed by prices. As the price of an item rises, sellers are encouraged to increase, and consumers are discouraged from purchasing the item. When the price falls, the opposite is true. In this way prices send out “signals” to buyers and sellers, keeping the economy responsive to the forces of supply and demand.
In a free market economy, prices are determined by the interaction of the forces of supply and demand. Perfectly competitive markets are those in which many buyers and sellers, with knowledge of market conditions, buy and sell products that are identical to one another.
Demand is the quantity of goods or services that buyers would purchase at all possible prices. Demand varies inversely with price. That is, at a higher price fewer items would be bought than at a lower one. The degree to which price changes affect demand will depend upon the elasticity of demand for a particular item.
Supply, which is the quantity of goods or services that sellers would offer for sale at all possible prices at a particular time and place, varies directly with price. In other words, at a higher price, more goods and services will be offered for sale than at a lower one, and vice versa.
The price at which goods and services actually change hands is known as the equilibrium, or market price. It is the point at which the quantity demanded exactly equals the quantity supplied. Market price can be represented graphically as the point of intersection of the supply and demand curves.
Shifts in demand or supply will affect market price. When everything else is held constant, an increase in demand will result in an increase in market price, and vice versa. Similarly, an increase in supply will result in a decrease in price, and vice versa.
2. Translate the sentences into English.
to pursue unsound price policy credit terms to set a price delivery |
3. Reported speech.
He said …
‘I have a copy of the agenda.’
‘I can email the document later.’
‘I’ll send the email after lunch.’
‘I don’t have the minutes from the last meeting.’
‘I can’t make it to the meeting tomorrow .’
‘I’ll call later.’
‘I’ll send it’
4. Over to you.
Think of the company you are interested in. How was it financed when it was set up, and how is it financed now?
5. Professional situation.
Повідомте гостя, що книжковий ярмарок відбудеться 20 травня в Українському домі по вул. Хрещатик. Поясніть, як туди найкраще дістатись від вокзалу.
Book Fair
to take smth to some place
1. Read and translate the text.
The money used in a country – euros, dollars, yen, etc. – is its currency. Money in notes (banknotes) and coins is called cash. Most money, however, consists of bank deposits: money that people and organizations have in bank accounts. Most of this is on paper – existing in theory only – and only about ten per cent of it exists in the form of cash in the bank.
All the money a person receives or earns as payment is his or her income. This can include:
Salaries and wages are often paid after deductions such as social security charges and pension contributions.
Amounts of money that people have to spend regularly are outgoings. These often include:
A financial plan showing how much money a person or organization expects to earn and spend is called a budget.
2. Over to you.
Where would you like to invest your money?
3. Complete the gaps.
suitcase luggage ticket identification identity card information |
Countable a/an (plural = some) |
Uncountable some (no plural) |
… |
… |
4. Choose some / any / no.
5. Professional situation.
Гість бажає відправити посилку. Опишіть послуги Центрального поштамту. Як туди дістатись від вашої фірми, яка знаходиться на лівому березі. Назвіть години роботи і перерви.
parcel / Post Office
to be a long way from / to get off at
to break for
1. Read and translate the text.
Companies’ pricing decisions depend on one or more of three basic factors: production and distribution costs, the level of demand, and the prices (or probable prices of current and potential competitors. Companies also consider their overall objectives and their consequent profit or sales targets, such as seeking maximum revenue, or maximum market share, etc. Pricing strategy must also consider market positioning: quality products generally require “prestige pricing” and will probably not sell if their price is thought to be too low.
Obviously, firms with excess production capacity, a large inventory, or a falling market share, tend to cut prices. Firms experiencing cost inflation, or in urgent need of cash, tend to raise prices. A company faced with demand that exceeds its possibility to supply is also likely to raise its prices.
When sales respond directly to price variations, demand is said to be elastic. If sales remain stable after a change in price, demand is inelastic. Although it is an elementary law of economics that the lower the price, the greater the sales, there are numerous exceptions. For example, price cuts can have unpredictable psychological effect: buyers may believe that the product is faulty or of lower quality, or will soon be replaced, or that the firm is going bankrupt, etc. Similarly, price rises convince some customers that the product must be of high quality, or will soon become very hard to get hold of, and so on!
A psychological effect that many retailers count on is that a potential customer seeing a price of £499 will register the £400 price range rather than the £500. This technique is known as “odd pricing”.
Obviously most customers consider elements other than price when buying something: the “total cost” of a product can include operating and servicing costs, and so on. Since price is only one element of the marketing mix, a company can respond to a competitor’s price cut by modifying other elements: improving its product, service, communications, etc. Reciprocal price cuts may only lead to a price war, good for customers but disastrous for producers who merely end up losing money.
2. Put the verbs into two groups.
go down go up increase decrease fall rise |
1 ▲ … / … / …
2 ▼ … / … / …
Talk about recent movements in share prices, oil prices and exchange rates.
3. Role-play.
Customer |
Shop-assistant |
Receipt Date: 03/10/13 Time: 10:05 Camera …€79.95 *** You bought a camera but there is a problem with it. After you took the camera to the beach, you discovered it was broken. You want your money back! Explain the problem to the shop-assistant and use the receipt to answer their questions. |
You are a shop-assistant. You need to listen to the customer’s complaint. Find out:
Make a note of the answers. Your manager does not like to give people their money back. Try to find a different solution. Returned Goods Policy Receipt – They must bring the receipt with them. Number of days – Within two weeks Broken – Change or money back Don’t like it – Change Used it – No return |
4. Over to you.
What do you think were the most important factors in the pricing of two products you bought recently?
5. Discuss things you should/shouldn’t do in these situations.
6. Professional situation.
Скажіть пані, що, нажаль, сукні сірого кольору 48 розміру немає, є тільки чорного та зеленого. Назвіть ціну.
to be sorry / to be available
in red
size 40
1. Read and translate the text.
Banks create credit – make money available for someone to borrow – because the money they lend, from their deposits, is usually spent and so transferred to another bank account.
The capital a bank has and the loans it has made are its assets. The customers’ deposits are liabilities because the money is owed to someone else. Banks have to keep a certain percentage of their assets as reserves for borrowers who want to withdraw their money. This is known as the reserve requirement. For example, if the reserve requirement is 10%, a bank that receives a € 100 deposit can lend € 90 of it. If the borrower spends the money and writes a cheque to someone who deposits the € 90, the bank receiving that deposit can lend € 81. As the process continues, the banking system can expand the first deposit of € 100 into nearly € 1000. In this way it creates credit of almost € 900.
Before lending money, a bank has to assess or calculate the risk involved. Generally, the greater the risk for the bank of not being repaid, the higher the interest rate they charge. Most retail banks have standardized products for personal customers, such as personal loans. This means that all customers who have been granted a loan have the same terms and conditions – they have the same rules for paying back the money.
2. Translate the sentences into English.
to perform a function extending credit discount ultimate consumer outlet establishment |
3. Over to you.
What is the average income in your country and the job you are studying for? How important is salary in your choice of career.
4. Match the ratios with the formulas (… divided by … equals …).
gross profit margin earnings per share return on equity average interest rate debt/equity rate |
5. Professional situation.
Розкажіть іноземному клієнту, що потрібно для взяття кредиту в українському банку.
to take out / to confirm
to put up something as collateral
1. Read and translate the text.
Inflation is a rise in the general level of prices. It is caused by an excess of demand over supply, and is related to an increase in the money supply. Single-digit inflation is usually described by economists as moderate inflation. Double or triple-digit inflation, which some countries have survived for quite long periods, is known as galloping inflation. Inflation of four or more digits, as in Germany in the early 1920s, and Argentina in the early 1980s, is known as hyperinflation.
Prices in general tend to remain at the same anticipated level unless there are demand-pull or cost-push shocks. If aggregate demand exceeds what a country can produce at full employment prices will rise (including wages, the prices of labour): this is demand-pull inflation. But, for the last fifty years, costs have pushed up prices and wages, even in recessions and periods of high unemployment: this is cost-push inflation. Cost-push inflation could be caused by an increase in wages owing to trade union militancy, the rising costs of imported raw materials and components or companies pushing up prices in order to improve their profit margins.
The opposite of inflation, when prices fall (generally for short periods), is deflation. Government policies can be inflationary (often by accident), disinflationary and reflationary. Disinflationary policies might be aimed at slowing down the price inflation or at reducing imports: they involve reducing demand by raising taxation and/or cutting government spending. Reflationary policies, on the contrary, involve revitalizing a sluggish economy by increasing consumer demand, either by cutting taxes or raising benefits, or relaxing monetary and credit restrictions.
Inflation is measured by the retail price index (RPI) in Britain and the consumer price index (CPI) in the US. These measure the cost of the 'basket' of goods and services, including food, clothing, housing, fuel, transport and medical care. The individual items in price indices arc weighted, meaning that allowance is made for their relative importance in people's spending.
2. Over to you.
What is wrong with having inflation? What factors cause it?
3. Match the words with the definitions. Then fill in the gaps.
1) customer |
a) someone who eats or drinks in a restaurant, bar etc. |
2) client |
b) someone who buys something from a particular shop |
3) visitor |
c) anyone who pays for goods and services |
4) shopper |
d) someone who is paying to stay in a hotel |
5) consumer |
e) someone who is involved in the activity of buying things from shops |
6) passenger |
f) someone who pays for a service |
7) patient |
g) someone who uses a transport service |
8) patron |
h) someone who comes to visit a place |
9) guest |
i) someone who comes to see a doctor |
4. Professional situation.
Покажіть покупцеві примірочну. Скажіть, що вибраний ним костюм дуже йому личить і добре на ньому сидить. Запитайте, чи є у нього дисконтна картка, назвіть ціну, видайте чек і подякуйте за покупку.
to suit you / to fit
a receipt / shopping
1. Read and translate the text.
Governments finance most of their expenditure by taxation. If they spend more than they levy or charge in taxes, they have to borrow money.
Direct taxes are collected by the government from the income of individuals and businesses.
Indirect taxes are levied on the production or sale of goods and services. They are included in the price paid by the final purchaser.
Income tax for individuals is usually progressive: people with higher incomes pay a higher rate of tax (and therefore a higher percentage of their income) than people with lower incomes.
To reduce the amount of income tax that employees have to pay, some employers give their staff advantages instead of taxable money, called perks, such as company cars and free health insurance.
Using legal methods to minimize your tax burden – the amount of tax you have to pay – is called tax avoidance. This often involves using loopholes – ways of getting around the law, because of an error or technicality in the law itself. Using illegal methods – such as not declaring your income, or reporting it inaccurately – is called tax evasion, and can lead to big penalties.
2. Match these expressions with tax with their definitions.
tax avoidance |
someone who lives in another country for tax reasons |
tax bracket |
to introduce a new tax on something |
tax evasion |
to make the tax go up |
tax exempt |
when you don’t have to pay tax on certain income |
tax exile |
to cancel a tax |
to abolish tax |
tell you what amount of tax to pay based on income |
to impose tax |
trying not to pay tax (legal) |
to increase tax |
trying not to pay tax (illegal) |
3. Over to you.
How are the taxes we pay spent by the government?
4. Read the text and answer the questions.
Lateral Thinking
It is often said that, to think of new ideas, you need to ‘think laterally’. Most people know this means ‘think differently’, but don’t know it’s a specific technique developed by Edward de Bono. Dr de Bono, who first used lateral thinking in 1967, is a leading expert in thinking skills. He has worked as a consultant for companies and governments all over the world. He has also written 46 books, including Serious Creativity, which explains how to use lateral thinking to create ideas.
One of Edward Bono’s creative techniques is ‘provocation’. In simple terms, this means making crazy or impossible suggestions to help you think laterally.
5. Professional situation.
Привітайтесь з покупцем. Запитайте, що він бажає. Запропонуйте купити українські сувеніри на згадку про перебування в Україні. Представте товар, який користується особливою популярністю серед іноземних туристів. Подякуйте за покупку.
to help
a stay
choice / arts and crafts
1. Read and translate the text.
Business and the Internet
Companies can use their presence on the Web to access the growing number of websites of interest. There are different ways in which business can benefit from its functions:
2. Complete the sentences.
download install keyword log in password register search engine secure server join/become a member user name |
3. Answer the questions.
4. Computer language.
computer to copy to download files to print to save software to book |
5. Make sentences.
… means …
… stands for …
email www SMS .com .biz CD DVD |
6. Professional situation.
Привітайтесь з покупцем. Запитайте, що він бажає. Який розмір взуття його цікавить. Запевніть, що у вас великий вибір. Запропонуйте примірити. Спитайте, чи це взуття підходить йому за розміром. Подякуйте за покупку.
to do
to take size
to try something on
to fit
1. Read and translate the text.
The process of finding people for particular jobs is recruitment or, especially in American English, hiring. Someone who has been recruited is a recruit or, in American English, a hire. The company employs or hires them; they join the company. A company may recruit employees directly or use outside recruiters, recruitment agencies or employment agencies. Outside specialists called headhunters may be called on to headhunt people for very important jobs persuading them to leave organizations they already work for. This process is called headhunting.
Fred is a van driver, but he was fed up with long trips. He looked in the situations vacant pages of his local newspaper, where a local supermarket was advertising for van drivers for a new delivery service. He applied for the job by completing an application form and sending it in.
Harry is a building engineer. He saw a job in the appointments pages of one of the national papers. He made an application, sending in his CV (curriculum vitae – the ‘story’ of his working life) and a covering letter explaining why he wanted the job and why he was the right person for it.
2. Match the descriptions to the skills.
1. She works well with other people. 2. He certainly knows the business, after 30 years. 3. She always does a lot of work. 4. He has some really good ideas. 5. Things are changing fast, but she’s coping well. 6. She’s an excellent manager. 7. He always completes work on time. 8. He’s very good at making presentations. 9. There’s a lot of stress, but she can deal with it. 10. He’s good at looking at problems in detail. |
creative hard-working experienced a strong leader reliable a good team player adaptable can cope with pressure a confidential communicator analytical |
3. What skills and characteristics do people need for these jobs? Give your opinion.
They need to be … / be good at … (-ing), because … .
They need to like / enjoy … (-ing), because … .
What about your job?
4. Use the information below to prepare a tourist development plan for an area in our country that has not been developed yet for tourism. Then present it to the class.
5. Professional situation.
Допоможіть покупцеві вибрати дарунок для дами. Запитайте про її інтереси. Запропонуйте йому парфуми. Назвіть ціну.
to help?
1. Read and translate the text.
Insurance is protection against possible financial losses. Individuals, companies and organizations can make regular payments, called premiums, to an insurance company which accepts the risk (or possibility) of loss. When you buy insurance you make a contract, called a policy, with the insurance company – also known as the insurer. That contract promises that the company will pay you if you suffer loss of or damage to property, or sickness or personal injury.
There are various losses which people or businesses can insure against:
If property is stolen or damaged, the person or company who is insured makes a claim – request compensation – from the insurer. The insurer will then indemnify or compensate them: that is, pay them an amount of money equivalent to the loss. As the number of natural disasters seems to be increasing, so are the claims for damage to property, and this will lead to higher insurance premiums.
In the past, many people buying insurance used independent brokers – people who searched for insurance at the lowest cost, or agents – people working for the insurance company. But like retail banking, the insurance industry has changed in recent years. A lot of insurance is now sold direct by telephone or on the internet. This can be cheaper than insurance bought over the counter from a broker or an agent.
2. Over to you.
What insurance policies are most typical in Ukraine and other countries? Why?
3. Describing graphs.
up |
down |
no change |
at the top |
at the bottom |
to go up to increase to rise to jump to rocket |
to go down to decrease to decline to drop to plummet |
to remain stable/constant to stagnate |
to reach a peak |
to reach a low point |
Graph 1
Graph 2
4. Over to you.
What are Ukraine’s major exports and imports?
5. Professional situation.
Іноземець бажає купити англо-український розмовник. Порадьте також купити словник на велику кількість слів. Назвіть ціну. Запитайте, як він буде розраховуватися. Видайте чек і подякуйте за покупку.
a phrase-book / СD
to contain
to pay