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Take Assessment: Certification Exam Multiple-Choice

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Please complete this assessment by Wed Dec 2 15:02:43 UTC+0600 2009.

1.  Which of the following statements is (are) true about add-ons to handheld computers?

I. They can make it possible to send and receive email.

II. They can make handheld computers powerful enough to handle all of the tasks that can be accomplished by desktop personal computers.

 (a) None

(b) I and II

(c) I only   v

(d) II only

2.  The series of instructions that cause a computer to perform processing tasks is referred to as a  

 (a) byte

(b) device

(c) program     v

(d) CPU

3.  Which of the following is (are) true regarding computer input?

I. Input can be supplied to a computer by another computer.

II. Input can be supplied to a computer by the environment.

 (a) I only

(b) II only

(c) None

(d) I and II   v

4.  Which among the following features is the most important characteristic that

distinguishes a computer from some of the simpler and less versatile calculating devices like calculators?  

 (a) Larger memory capacity

(b) Greater processing speeds

(c) The stored program concept    v

(d) Greater choice of input devices

5.  Which of the following is (are) true about RAM?

I. It is the kind of memory where data can be stored on a permanent basis.

II. It can store a series of instructions for a computing task.

 (a) I and II

(b) None

(c) II only   v

(d) I only

6.  Which of the following is (are) true about use of the terms memory and storage with regard to computers?

I. Memory generally refers to an area of a computer that temporarily holds data waiting for processing, storage, or output.

II. Storage generally refers to an area of a computer where data is held on a permanent basis.

 (a) I and II   v

(b) II only

(c) None

(d) I only

7.  Typical functions performed by customer-relationship management software include which of the following?

I. Collecting information on customer demographics

II. Personalizing Web site content for customers

III. Tracking purchasing behavior of customers  

 (a) II only

(b) II and III only

(c) I and III only

(d) I, II, and III ???

8.  Which of the following is (are) true regarding the abacus?

I. It uses gears to perform calculations.

II. It uses punched cards to store information.

III. It has beads that represent the quantities 1, 5, 10, etc.  

 (a) II and III only

(b) III only   v

(c) I only

(d) I and II only

9.  Applications that handle product requirements, work schedules, milestones, and budgets are known as ____ software.  

 (a) project management   v

(b) virtual reality

(c) business

(d) supply chain management

10.  Thin slices of silicon packed with thousands of microscopic circuit elements are known as  

 (a) transistors

(b) microchips   ********

(c) vacuum tubes

(d) punched cards

11.  Systems of computer software that can simulate three-dimensional environments include which of the following?

I. Movie-making software

II. Video-gaming software

III. Animation-design software  

 (a) I, II, and III   *********

(b) II only

(c) I and III only

(d) II and III only

12.  Applications that manage and track raw components, their usage in the manufacturing process, and delivery of finished products are known as _____ software.  

 (a) virtual reality

(b) supply chain management   v

(c) project management

(d) customer relations

13.  Data _____ makes it possible to convert letters, sounds, and images into electrical signals.  

 (a) remastering

(b) representation     v?

(c) management

(d) processing

14.  A computer uses _____ electronics to manipulate simple "on" and "off" signals to perform complex tasks.  

 (a) binary

(b) CMOS

(c) analog????

(d) digital

15.  The number of bits that a microprocessor can manipulate at one time is its _____ size.  

 (a) processor

(b) word   v

(c) register

(d) ALU

16.  The _____ speed specifications in computer ads indicate the speed of the microprocessor.  

 (a) clock   v

(b) cache

(c) control unit

(d) register

17.  The list of instructions that a microprocessor can perform is called its _____ set.  

 (a) instruction   v

(b) word

(c) index

(d) master

18.  Which of the following statements regarding microprocessors is (are) true?

I. A modern microprocessor is about the size of a finger nail.

II. A microprocessor is easy to identify inside a personal computer, as it is the only chip on the motherboard.

 (a) II only

(b) I and II  

(c) None

(d) I only ****************

19.  The ALU uses _____ to hold data that is being processed.  

 (a) words

(b) cache

(c) control units

(d) registers v

20.  Which of the following statements regarding cache memory is (are) true?

I. The capacity of an L1 cache cannot be upgraded without replacing the microprocessor.

II. Data can be retrieved more quickly from the L2 cache than the L1 cache.

 (a) II only

(b) None

(c) I only  v

(d) I and II

21.  Printer resolution is measured in terms of  

 (a) pixels

(b) dots per inch   v

(c) dot pitch

(d) millimeters

22.  Graphics cards, sound cards, and Ethernet cards are typically connected to a PC via  

 (a) USB

(b) parallel ports

(c) expansion slots    v

(d) FireWire

23.  A laser printer uses the same technology as a(n)_____ to paint dots of light on a light-sensitive drum.  

 (a) photocopier  *************

(b) CRT monitor

(c) active matrix screen  

(d) LCD monitor

24.  Cathode-ray-tube computer monitors use _____ color mixing, whereas color printers typically use _____ color mixing.  

 (a) BIV, ROY

(b) ROY, BIV


(d) RGB, CMYK v

25.  Which of the following specifies the maximum number of horizontal and vertical pixels displayed on a computer monitor?

 (a) Bit depth

(b) Resolution   v

(c) Color depth

(d) Dot pitch

26.  Serial ports transfer data _____ bit(s) at a time, whereas parallel ports transfer data _____ bit(s) at a time.  

 (a) 8, 16

(b) 8, 1

(c) 16, 8

(d) 1, 8  v

27.  Which of the following is (are) true regarding hard disks?

I. Data on hard disks is stored as volatile electric charges.

II. Personal computers typically have more RAM than hard drive capacity.

III. Accessing data on a hard disk is faster than accessing data in RAM.  

 (a) I and III only

(b) None  ********

(c) II and III only

(d) I only

28.  If two devices are attached to the same IDE port, they must be designated as  

 (a) primary and secondary  v

(b) IDE and ATA

(c) IDE and EIDE

(d) master and slave

29.  Advantages of floppy disks over hard disks include which of the following?

I. Faster access times

II. Easy to carry from one computer to another

III. Lower cost per byte of storage

 (a) II and III only

(b) II only v?

(c) I, II, and III

(d) I and II only

30.  Which of the following is (are) true regarding DVDs?

I. They can have tracks on both sides of the disk.

II. They can have two layers of tracks on one side of the disk.  

 (a) II only

(b) I only

(c) None

(d) I and II v

31.  Examples of magnetic storage include which of the following?

I. Hard disks

II. Floppy disks

III. Zip disks

 (a) I and III only

(b) II and III only

(c) I and II only

(d) I, II, and III   v

32.  Which of the following is (are) true regarding tape drives?

I. Tape drives are random-access devices.

II. Tape drives are generally very useful as back-up devices.

 (a) I and II   

(b) None

(c) II only    v  

(d) I only

33.  Use of which of the following can help identify the bottlenecks in a computer system?  

 (a) Bus speed

(b) A cache

(c) Benchmarks   v

(d) Bandwidth

34.  Which of the following is the term for a step in a process that takes a much longer time to complete than do other steps in the process, thus reducing overall performance?  

 (a) Latency

(b) A bottleneck   v

(c) Backup

(d) A benchmark

35.  The BIOS resides in a _____ chip on the motherboard.  

 (a) ROM   v


(c) RAM

(d) CMOS

36.  The helper program that the operating system uses to communicate with a specific model of a device is known as the  

 (a) user interface

(b) BIOS

(c) kernel

(d) device driver v

37.  Which of the following terms characterizes the use of an interface as the only medium through which a layer of software can be accessed?  

 (a) Application     v**

(b) Abstraction

(c) Polymorphism

(d) Encapsulation

38.  Which Windows operating system utility can be used to see what processes are currently running?  

 (a) Task Manager   v

(b) Device Manager

(c) Disk Defragmenter

(d) Add/Remove Programs

39.  Which of the following is an event similar to an interrupt, except that instead of being triggered by an external signal, it is generated by the execution of processor instructions?  

 (a) A fault  

(b) A trap  *************

(c) A nested interrupt

(d) An IRQ

40.  The notion that some interrupts, such as a disk interrupt, must be handled before other interrupts, such as a keyboard interrupt, is known as  

 (a) nested interrupts

(b) traps

(c) faults  

(d) interrupt priority ********

41.  In Windows, to adjust display properties such as resolution or color scheme, the user right-clicks on an empty spot of the desktop and clicks _____ on the shortcut menu.  

 (a) Configure

(b) Refresh

(c) Properties   v

(d) New

42.  Which of the following occurs when the computer's hardware is requested to do something that it cannot do, such as access a nonexistent memory location?  

 (a) A trap

(b) An IRQ

(c) A fault  *********

(d) A nested interrupt

43.  In a file-sharing system, access to files by various users is controlled by  

 (a) spooling

(b) ACLs  *************

(c) virtual memory

(d) page tables

44.  For a program running in _____ mode, addresses are translated into physical memory locations by means of a lookup table.  

 (a) logical

(b) physical

(c) virtual   v?

(d) real

45.  The operating system uses a _____ system to keep track of the names and locations of files that reside on a storage medium, such as a hard disk.  

 (a) file  *********

(b) storage

(c) naming

(d) tracking

46.  Which of the following statements regarding file sizes is (are) true?

I. The more bits used by a file the smaller the file size.

II. Operating systems typically keep track of file size information.

 (a) I only

(b) None

(c) I and II

(d) II only  ************

47.  To select multiple files that are listed consecutively, click the first file, and then hold down the _____ key as you click the last file.  

 (a) Shift  ************

(b) F1

(c) Alt

(d) Ctrl

48.  Which of the following statements regarding subdirectories is (are) true?

I. Windows subdirectories are depicted as folders because they operate similar to folders in a filing cabinet, storing an assortment of related items.

II. Rather than storing them in subdirectories, data files should be stored in the root directory.

 (a) II only

(b) I only  *************

(c) None

(d) I and II

49.  High-level computer languages include which of the following?

I. Machine language

II. C++

III. Java

 (a) I, II, and III

(b) II only

(c) I only

(d) II and III only v

50.  A file that is opened in order to begin execution of a computer program is a(n) _____ file.  

 (a) compiler

(b) active  

(c) executable  ********

(d) interpreter

51.  The method of using an interpreter to convert high-level instructions into machine language while the program is running is common with Web-based programs called  

 (a) modules

(b) batch codes

(c) Javadocs

(d) scripts *********

52.  System software that acts as the master controller for all of the activities that take place within a given computer system is called the _____ for the computer.  

 (a) operating system **********

(b) execution system

(c) organizer

(d) compiler

53.  A program that is stored in ROM and contains the instructions needed by the operating system to load the kernel into memory is called the _____ program.  

 (a) loader

(b) energizer

(c) core

(d) bootstrap *************88

54.  An interface that features menus and icons that can be manipulated with a mouse is a(n) _____ interface.  

 (a) graphical  ************

(b) workstation

(c) button

(d) command line

55.  Which of the following is the one part of the operating system that stays in main memory throughout the time that the computer is running?  

 (a) The kernel  ***********

(b) The pipeline

(c) The motherboard

(d) The control panel

56.  Consider the following DOS command.

dir /w c:\

The /w is known as a(n)  

 (a) argument

(b) switch  **********

(c) parameter

(d) wildcard

57.  What DOS command displays the contents of a text file?  

 (a) type v

(b) dir   

(c) rd

(d) del

58.  Consider the following DOS command.

dir | more

Linking the output of the dir command to the input of the more command as shown above is known as  

 (a) redirection

(b) argument

(c) batching

(d) piping v

59.  Which of the following DOS batch file commands can be used to display a message to Standard Output?  

 (a) @echo off

(b) goto

(c) echo v

(d) rem

60.  In a relational database, a row of a table is called a(n)  

 (a) tuple

(b) multiple

(c) index???

(d) attribute

61.  A data file that contains records each of which has the same type is called a _____ file.  

 (a) flat  v

(b) level

(c) fundamental

(d) cardinal

62.  The smallest unit of meaningful information in a database is a  

 (a) definition

(b) structure

(c) record

(d) field v

63.  A systematic approach to the development, operation, maintenance, and retirement of a software system is called software  

 (a) management

(b) analysis

(c) engineering   v

(d) programming

64.  In a software engineering project, the people who plan the entire system to be constructed are called the system  

 (a) managers

(b) engineers

(c) programmers

(d) analysts v*********

65.  A good problem statement for a computing project specifies which of the following?

I. All assumptions that define the scope of the problem

II. The information that is known about the problem

III. Criteria for determining when the problem has been solved

 (a) I and III only

(b) I, II, and III???

(c) III only

(d) I and II only

66.  A series of steps performed manually that mimic the steps the computer would perform in executing an algorithm, using realistic data, is called a(n) _____ of the algorithm.  

 (a) walkthrough???

(b) objectification

(c) codification

(d) assessment

67.  A conversion system called _____ enables digital photos, sounds, and other media to be represented as ASCII text that can travel over the Internet as email attachments.  

 (a) POP

(b) MIME  v

(c) IMAP

(d) SMTP

68.  Consider the following URL.


In the URL, "index.html" is the  

 (a) filename   v?

(b) Web server name

(c) protocol standard

(d) folder name

69.  Consider the following URL.


In the URL, "www.carnegietech.org" is the  

 (a) protocol standard

(b) Web server name   v

(c) folder name

(d) filename

70.  Some search engines use _____ instead of the word AND to indicate that a search term must appear on a Web page for the page to be included in the search results.  

 (a) %

(b) *

(c) +   v

(d) $

71.  Which of the following is (are) true regarding protocols used over the Internet?

I. The Post Office Protocol transfers mail from an e-mail server to a client inbox.

II. The Internet Mail Access Protocol transfers e-mail messages from client computers to an e-mail server.

 (a) I and II

(b) None

(c) I only***************

(d) II only

72.  Which of the following is an example (are examples) of a client-server system?

I. The World Wide Web

II. Email

III. Usenet News

 (a) II and III only

(b) I and II only

(c) I, II, and III  v

(d) I and III only

73.  A multi-player network game where each player's computer communicates directly with all of the other players' computers is an example of a _____ network.  

 (a) client

(b) client-server

(c) peer-to-peer  v

(d) broadband

74.  Which of the following statements about client-server systems is (are) true?

I. Both the client and the server can be software programs.

II. The client runs on the user's computer and interacts with both the user and the server.

 (a) I only

(b) I and II   v

(c) None

(d) II only

75.  Which of the following is (are) true regarding fiber-optic cables?

I. Fiber-optic cables can be used to transmit electric signals.

II. Fiber-optic cable is a bundle of extremely thin tubes of glass called optical fibers.

 (a) None

(b) II only   v

(c) I and II

(d) I only

76.  Which of the following is (are) true regarding the use of cable television connections to provide Internet access?

I. An Ethernet card and a cable modem are required to access the Internet over a cable television system.

II. The connection speed of a cable television connection depends on the current amount of traffic over the CATV cables.

 (a) I and II   v

(b) None

(c) II only

(d) I only

77.  Which of the following is (are) true regarding dial-up connections?

I. Dial-up connections use the telephone service to transport data between the computer and an ISP.


(b) None

(c) I only

(d) II only

78.  What is the maximum number of units of information that can be conveyed using 10 bits?  

 (a) 10

(b) 20

(c) 100

(d) 1024 **********

79.  How many bytes long is an IP address?  

 (a) Two

(b) Eight

(c) Six

(d) Four v

80.  Which of the following means of connecting to the Internet uses (use) standard copper telephone lines?

I. 56 Kbps modems

II. Cable modems


 (a) III only

(b) I and III only    v

(c) I, II, and III

(d) I and II only

81.  Computers that use a dial-up connection to the Internet are typically assigned a _____ IP address.  

 (a) static   

(b) permanent

(c) backbone

(d) dynamic ********

82.  A device to connect two or more networks is known as a(n)  

 (a) router   v

(b) domain

(c) DNS server

(d) NIC

83.  What system is used to translate domain names to IP addresses?  

 (a) TCP

(b) Routers

(c) ISP

(d) DNS   v

84.  An intruder pretending to be an employee of a company asking the company's network administrator for sensitive information is an example of a _____ attack.  

 (a) brute force

(b) social engineering    v

(c) spoofing

(d) cracking

85.  Symptoms that indicate virus infection in a computer include which of the following?

I. Unusual visual or sound effects emanating from the computer

II. An unaccountable increase in the size of executable files

III. The computer sending out e-mail messages on its own

 (a) I and II only

(b) I and III only

(c) I, II, and III   v?

(d) II and III only

86.  Intruders can gain information about a computer system by which of the following means?

I. Creating an excessive amount of network traffic

II. Capturing network packets

III. Asking users for information  

 (a) II only

(b) I, II, and III   

(c) I and II only

(d) II and III only ********

87.  Which of the following is (are) true regarding computer viruses?

I. A computer virus is a set of program instructions that attaches itself to a file, reproduces itself, and spreads to other files.

II. A computer virus contains self-executing program code to spread itself from one computer to another.

 (a) None

(b) I and II    v

(c) II only

(d) I only

88.  Modification of network packets by intruders to make the packets appear to be coming from inside a private network is an example of a _____ attack.  

 (a) brute force

(b) cracking   

(c) social engineering

(d) spoofing **********

89.  Which of the following is (are) true regarding worms in the context of computer attacks?

I. Worms are designed to spread from computer to computer, taking advantage of communications networks.

II. Worms can deliver malicious payloads that cause damage to data stored on a computer.

 (a) I and II   v?

(b) None

(c) I only

(d) II only

90.  The identification of individuals based on their physiological or behavioral characteristics is known as _____ identification.  

 (a) digital-identifier

(b) biometric   v

(c) digital-signature

(d) SSL

91.  Which of the following URLs make(s) use of the SSL protocol?

I. http://abc.com/ssl/def.htm

II. https://ghi.com/jkl.html

III. https://mno.co.in/pqr/stu.jsp  

 (a) II and III only   v

(b) II only

(c) I and III only

(d) I, II, and III

92.  The set of all possible keys for an encryption algorithm is known as its  

 (a) keyspace********

(b) cryptography factor

(c) cipher count

(d) brute force

93.  Which of the following is (are) true regarding smart card chips used for authentication?

I. They contain a tiny microprocessor.

II. They can retain state even without power.

III. They are susceptible to attacks via network.  

 (a) I and III only

(b) II and III only

(c) I, II, and III????

(d) I and II only

94.  The set of standards and services that govern the use of public-key cryptography and the system of certificates is called  

 (a) PKI  ****************

(b) SSL protocols   v?

(c) the digital certificate

(d) the certificate authority

95.  Assume that a full backup is taken on Saturdays and a differential backup is taken on all other days of the week. If a disk crash occurs on Thursday, which of the following backup disks would be needed for restoration?

I. The full backup disk taken the last Saturday before the crash

II. The differential backup disk taken on Wednesday (the day before the crash)

III. The differential backup disks taken on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday

 (a) II only

(b) I and II only***************

(c) I only

(d) I, II, and III

96.  Which of the following is (are) true regarding the use of backup software?

I. The type of backup software that is needed depends on the backup plan.

II. Backup software is available that can enable the scheduling of automatic backups of predetermined files and folders at predetermined times.

 (a) None

(b) II only  *******

(c) I and II

(d) I only

97.  Which of the following is (are) true regarding the use of floppy disks as backup devices?

I. Taking backups using floppy disks is very expensive.

II. Floppy disks do not provide enough capacity to store most digital-photograph and music files.

 (a) None

(b) I and II *********

(c) I only

(d) II only

98.  A backup that makes a fresh copy of only those files that were added or changed since the last full backup is known as a(n)  

 (a) incremental backup

(b) complementary backup

(c) change backup

(d) differential backup  ********

99.  A backup that makes a fresh copy of only those files that were added or changed since the last backup of any kind is known as a(n)  

 (a) complementary backup

(b) differential backup  

(c) change backup

(d) incremental backup ********

100.  Information that can be included in computer intrusion detection signatures includes which of the following?

I. A TCP state

II. Bytes in the IP header

III. A byte stream in a packet  

 (a) II and III only

(b) I and III only

(c) I, II, and III

(d) I and II only *********

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