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Вариант 5 St Petersburg 1

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7. Найдите в тексте и напишите словами все числительные. Вариант 5 St. Petersburg

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  1.  The beautiful city of St. Petersburg is built on water, which gives a
    magical and romantic atmosphere. Poets and writers often call it "The northern
    Venice", "The Pearl of the Baltics". The city was born and grew up on 42
    islands. Now they are linked by 363 bridges. It stretches along the Neva River.
  2.  It was the Tsar's fancy to build a city on a swampy land at the mouth of
    the Neva river. Peter I believed that the new city would provide a port for trade
    through the Baltic Sea giving Russia a "window on Europe". In May, 1703 Peter
    I founded a fortress on a small island called Zayachy. The fortress was named
    after Saint Peter and gave its name to the future northern capital of Russia.
  3.  At the beginning of its  construction the city charged everyone an
    obligatory tribute. Those who arrived by carriage were to bring three stones, and
    those who came by river or sea — ten stones. Many famous European and
    Russian masters did their best work while constructing the city. Palaces,
    cathedrals, buildings of rare beauty rose along straight avenues and streets,
    squares and parks.

4. The first monumental ensemble of the city, Peter and Paul fortress, attracts
lots of tourists. The Cathedral of Peter and Paul fortress built by architect Tresini
in 1712-1733 became the necropolis of Russian tsars. St. Peresburg displays a
remarkable richness of architecture. Its Winter Palace, the Kazan and St. Isaac's
Cathedrals, Vorontsov and Stroganov Palaces are world famous. Museums are
the city's pride. One of the most famous museums, the State Hermitage, is
situated here. Its collection boasts of tsar's treasures, works of world-known
artists, and paintings from private galleries. Some 2,5 million masterpieces of
various epochs, countries and nations are located in more than one thousands
halls. It is one of the largest museums in Europe.

5. St. Petersburg has played a vital role in Russian history. It was the scene of
the February Revolutions in 1917 and was fiercely defended during World War
II. It was renamed 3 times  - Petrograd, Leningrad and, again, St. Petersburg.
Now, the city plays an important role in Russian economy, culture and
international cooperation.


6. Great Federico Fellini, who once visited St. Petersburg said, "I'm happy that I was born in Italy and worked in Rome, but, probably, I would be twice as happy if fate would let me have a nook in Russia, in St. Petersburg. I fell in love with the city. Somehow, I understand it". If you have a chance to visit this great city, you will fall in love with it, too.

  1.  Перепишите и письменно переведите 2,3 и 4 абзацы.
  2.  Перепишите следующие предложения, содержащие разные формы
    сравнения   и   переведите   их   на   русский   язык,   укажите   степень

  1.  The beautiful city of St. Petersburg is built on water, which gives a
    magical and romantic atmosphere.
  2.  One of the most famous museums, the State Hermitage, is situated
  3.  St. Petersburg is more beautiful then most other cities in Russia and
  4.  It is one of the largest museums in Europe.

4. Перепишите   следующие   предложения,   определите   в   них

видовременные формы глаголов и укажите их инфинитив; переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1.  At the beginning of its construction the city charged everyone an
    obligatory tribute.
  2.  The first monumental ensemble of the city, Peter and Paul fortress,
    attracts lots of tourists.
  3.  Its Winter Palace, the Kazan and St. Isaac's Cathedrals, Vorontsov
    and Stroganov Palaces are world famous.
  4.  St. Petersburg has played a vital role in Russian history.

5. Перепишите следующие предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, оформленные окончанием -s, и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т.е. является

  1.  показателем 3-го лица, ед.числа глагола в Present Simple
  2.  признаком множественного числа имени существительного
  3.  показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного

- Its collection boasts of tsar's treasures, works of world-known
artists, and paintings from private galleries.

Now, the city plays an important role in Russian economy, culture


international cooperation.

Some 2,5 million masterpieces of various epochs, countries and

nations are located in more than one thousands halls.

The first monumental ensemble of the city, Peter and Paul fortress,

attracts lots of tourists.

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