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S there ws no evidence the judge dismissed the Так как не было никаких доказательств судья отклонил

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Англ. язык

  1.  Соответствие

To win a case                           выиграть дело        

Parties to the legal action     стороны правового акта

Guilt                                          вина

Reasonable doubt                   разумное основание

To suspect                                подозревать

Tort                                            деликт

Family low                                семейное право

  1.  Заполните пропуски «As there was no evidence, the judge dismissed the …» 

(Так как не было никаких доказательств, судья отклонил ... )

  1.  Court
  2.  Case
  3.  Trial
  4.  Decision решение

  1.  The Anglo American legal system of common law is based on … rather than on formal code. (Anglo American правовой системы общего права основана на ..., а не на формальном кодe.)
  2.  Count decision and custom

(не видно)

  1.  Соответствие

Избирательный округ              a constituency

Мажоритарная система          a majority system

Всеобщие выборы                    General Election

  1.  Соответствие

Burglary                         кража со взломом

To try                              рассматривать дело в суде

To prevent                     предотвращать

To cause harm              причинять вред

Manslaughter               простое убийство

A property crime          преступление против собственности

  1.  Заполните пропуски «The Supreme Court Judicature consist of…»

 (Судоустройстве Верховный суд состоит из..)

  1.  The Court of Appeal and the Hide Court of justice

  1.  Правильный вариант ответа на вопрос:

What laws deal with, relates to of focuses on this area of law practice?

This law is considered a branch of public law. It is also knows as penal laws...

  1.  International law
  2.  Constitutional law
  3.  Criminal law
  4.  Administrative law

  1.  Соответствие между началом и концом

At the end of the debate at the second reading …

The first reading is in effect merely an announcement that …

If the Parliament agrees to a bill …

The first reading of a bill followed by …

The second reading is …

It will be passed before the Queen for signature

The main debate on the general principles of built

A debate in general principles

A vote is taken

The bill is coming up discussion

В конце обсуждения во втором чтении ...

Первом чтении, по сути, просто объявление, что ...

  Если парламент согласится на счет ...

Первое чтение законопроекта последующим ...

Второе чтение ...

Он будет принят перед королевой для подписания

Основная дискуссия на общих принципах построена

Дебаты в общие принципы


Счет идет вверх обсуждения

  1.  Соответствие

To be empowered         быть наделенным властью

Conditional bail              условное поручительство

Unconditional bail         безусловное поручительство

To create                         создавать

Judicial function             судебные функции

To modify the law          изменять право 

  1.   Заполнить пропуск «Lay magistrates are …»

(Мировые судьи являются ... )

  1.  Persons from the local community
  2.  Senior judges
  3.  Professional judges
  4.  Qualified law

  1.   Соответствие

To doubt                        сомневаться

Branches of law           отрасли права

Constitutional law       конституционное право

Public law                      общественное (публичное) право

A plaintiff                      истец

Human rights                права человека

Trust                               распоряжение имуществом по доверенности

  1.   Заполните пропуски «The head of the judicial system of GB is …»

(Глава судебной системы ГБ ... )

  1.  The Solicitor General
  2.  The Attorney General
  3.  The Lord Chancellor
  4.  The Lord Advocate

  1.    Заполните пропуски « County Courts are presided over by …»

(«Окружные суды возглавляются ...»)

  1.  A bench of Lay magistrates
  2.  Either a District a Circuit Judge
  3.  Judges of High Court
  4.  Stipendiary magistrates  

  1.   Соответствие

To abolish the law                      отменить право

A supreme lawmaking body     высший законодательный орган

A hierarchy of courts                  иерархия судов

Binding                                          обязательный

Reassessments                            пересмотр

A legal action                               судебный процесс

  1.   General elections in Britain are held every … years

(Всеобщие выборы в Великобритании проводятся каждый год ...)

  1.  4
  2.  7
  3.  5
  4.  2

  1.    Заполните пропуски « The Crown Court is a criminal court of…»
  2.  Both original and appellate jurisdiction
  3.  Original jurisdiction
  4.  Appellate jurisdiction
  5.  Limited jurisdiction

  1.   Соответствие

To deal with              иметь дело с

Minor offences         мелкие правонарушения

Points of law             правовые вопросы

A legal document     юридический документ

Factual points            фактические вопросы

Legislative work         законодательная работа

  1.   Правильно ответьте на вопрос

What law deals with relates to or focuses on this area of law practice?

It deals with wrong committed by one individual another individual's property or reputation

  1.  Administrative law
  2.  The law of Torts
  3.  Criminal law
  4.  Family law

  1.   Правильно ответьте на вопрос

It is the part of the law to deal with constitutional and functions  of the organs central and local government…

  1.  Private law
  2.  Public law
  3.  Family law
  4.  Contracts law

  1.   Соответствие

A treaty                     договор

To hear appeals       заслушивать апелляции 

Contested cases       спорные дела

A signatory                сторона, подписавшая документ

Legislative powers    законодательные полномочия

Legal services             правовые службы

  1.   In … it’s judge who takes part in the creation of law by providing legal solutions to the cases for which he is required to make a decision
  2.  International law
  3.  Administrative law
  4.  Statute law
  5.  Common law       ?

  1.    What court is it? This court consider criminal cases against people under 17. It is not opened to the public for observation only the parties involved in a case being admitted.
  2.  The Corner’s Count
  3.  The Juvenile Count
  4.  The Magistrates Count
  5.  The Crown Count

  1.  Under American law, a person is considered … unless he is proved guilty.
  2.  Innocent
  3.  Suspected
  4.  Accused
  5.  Free

  1.   Соответствие

Защищать                                     to defend

Лишать                                         to deprive         

Смягчение наказания                mitigation 

Превентивные меры                 preventive measures

Грабеж                                          robbery

Обвинение                                   charge

  1.   The Lord Chancellor is …

  1.  Both a minister and the head of the judiciary
  2.  One of the JPs
  3.  Lower in rank than the Lord advocate
  4.  Lower in rank than the Lord Justice of England

  1.   … of the European Conventional of Human Rights can applied by the UK courts
  2.  Provisions
  3.  Matters
  4.  Major points
  5.  Decisions

  1.   Соответствие

A criminal                  преступник

Guilt                           вина

To commit a crime  совершить преступление

To sentence to         приговорить к

Innocence                 невиновность

To find guilty           признать виновным

  1.   Правильный ответ на вопрос

This law is a primary source of legislation. It deals with the wrongs commuted by one individual against another individual’s person property or reputation.

  1.  The law of Torts

  1.    Соответствие

Reading                      A stage thought which a bill has to go before in becomes an …

of parliament

To delay                  To put off until later

A bill                        A proposal for a law

Legislature             Elected officials who make laws

An amendment     A change made in or suggested for a bill or law

  1.   The state and it’s officials often cannot prosecute the wrongdoer unless the victim reports what has happened and gives …  against the attacker
  2.  Reports
  3.  Complaint
  4.  Argument
  5.  Evidence

Государство и его чиновники часто не может преследовать нарушителя, если жертва не сообщает, что произошло и дает ... против атакующего

• Отчеты

• Жалоба

  • Аргумент

• Доказательства

  1.   The Family Division of the High Court of Justice deal with …
  2.  Minor civil offences
  3.  Disputes about contracts or torts or land
  4.  Complex matters such as disputes about wills, settlements and trust, bankruptcy, land law intellectual property and corporate law
  5.  Divorce and child welfare matters also with the administration of wills


  1.   During the trial jurymen give their common-sense  … whether the accused is guilty or not
  2.  Verdict
  3.  Agreement
  4.  Statement
  5.  Reason

  1.   What court is it? The court of higher status. It consists of three decisions. It function both as a civil court at first instance and a criminal appellate court for cases from the subordinate courts.

The Crown Court

The magistrate’s court

The high court of justice

The supreme court of justice

  1.   What offence is it? The crime of attacking someone physically.



Him and run


  1.    Правильно ответьте на вопрос

This is a native product of Britain which has absolved only a few rules of Roman law. It based…

Common law  

  1.    In London and other 11 big cities, The Magistrates Courts are composed of … - full-time professional lawyers.

Lay magistrates

Senior judge

Judge and jury

Stipendiary magistrates

  1.   Unlike judge made common law … is produced be legislative body

Statute law

Canon law

Equity law

Case law

  1.   Civilized  societies have created various system of defending an individual from …


Car theft


Criminal conduct

  1.   Соответствие

To impose fines                 назначать штрафы

To solve the disputes        решать споры

A claim                                 иск

A judicial review                судебный пересмотр

To consider wrongs           рассматривать споры

Quarrels                               споры

  1.    The real governing body of the UK is …

The house of lord

The cabinet

The House of Commons 

The Supreme Court

  1.    In is the judge who hikes pin in the creation of law by providing legal solutions to the cases for which he is required to make a decision.

О administrative law

О statute law

О international law

О common law

  1.   … of the European Convention of Human Rights can be applied by the UK courts

О Decisions

О Matters

О Major points

О Provisions

  1.   Правильно ответьте на вопрос

This law is considered a branch of public law It is also known as penal law It deals with the wrongs which even committed against an individual. Are considered to plant the well-being of society in general this is the law by which the slate regulates the conduct of its citizens, the behavior of individuals and groups in relation to the norms of society.

О Criminal Law

О Constitutional Law

О Administrative Law

О International Law

  1.   A person who commits a criminal offence is called a criminal or ...
  2.   «offender»
  3.   «hooligan»
  4.  «citizen»
  5.  «scoundrel»

  1.   Соответствие
  2.  The House of Lords may delay certain bills  ...  but cannot veto them
  3.  The Conservative Party is   …  have made the one of the world 's richest women
  4.  All the ministers must be members   …  one of the leading political parties in GB
  5.  The most important role of the House of Lords …  to review laws proposed by the House of Commons.
  6.  All the ministers are individually  …  and collectively responsible to the Crown and Parliament

  1.   It is necessary for the UK to…  the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice in matters of EU law.
  2.  modify
  3.  recognize
  4.  exclude
  5.  abolish
  6.  felt

  1.   What is the most important role of the House of Lords?
  2.    write public laws
  3.  review laws proposed by the House of Commons
  4.  veto laws proposed by the House of Commons
  5.  abolish laws proposed by the House of Commons


1.  2012г ПРОГРАММА вступительных испытаний в магистратуру по направлен
2. Статья 1. Предмет регулирования настоящего Федерального закона Настоящий Федеральный закон регулирует отн
3. Техника воображения Глава 2
4. по теме- Весна Звук [С] в словах индивидуальное логопедическое занятие для дошкольника старшего возрас
6. Краткий справочник по Таиланду
7. Назначение наказания при наличии судимости за ранее совершенное преступление
8. Мотив зрение в текстах метаметафористов
9. Российско-грузинские отношения в 1992-2006 гг
10. Управление рекламой