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I But I don~t know her

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Восьмой урок английского языка по методу доктора Пимслера.


A ‐ Oh, hi, Susan! How are you?

B ‐ I’m fine, thanks. And you?

A ‐ Not bad. Where are you going?

Школа Разведчика


B ‐ I’m going to see some friends, Maria and Filipe Martinez. They are both from Mexico but they’ve

lived here for a few years now.

A ‐ They live here in the city? Where?

B ‐ On East 52ndstreet. Do you want to walk there with me?

A ‐ You are going to walk? Why don’t you take a taxi?

B ‐ Taxis are too expensive and I like to walk.

New York city.

There’s a colleague of mine.

A colleague of yours?

What’s your colleague’s name?

His name is Filipe Martinez.

He is Colombian.

And his wife is from Mexico.

His wife’s name is Maria.

But I don’t know her.

They live in the United States now.

They’ve lived here for two years now.


They both lived here for two years.

No, wait.

She arrived later.

He’s lived here for two years.

He’s lived here for two years.

But she’s lived here

She’s lived here for one year.

His wife has lived here for one year.

How long has she lived here?

For one year.

Школа Разведчика


They’ve lived here for one year.


They both speak English very well.

But sometimes

Sometimes we speak Spanish together.

What’s your colleague’s name?

Felipe, his name is Felipe.

And his wife’s name is Maria.

She’s lived here for one year.

They both live in Washington DC.

Sometimes I go to Washington.

Because my colleague lives there.

Why don’t we go to the Garden café?

We can have some coffee.

Or a glass of wine.

Школа Разведчика


All right, I like the garden café.

I often go there.

I often go to the Garden café.

We can walk there.

Or we can take a taxi.

But my car is at home.

We can walk or take a taxi.

Or we can take the subway.

We can take the subway.

The subway is fast.

And it’s not expensive.

In the city I sometimes take the subway.

And I often walk.

But my car is at home.

We can take the subway.

Школа Разведчика


Yes, of course.

Of course, we can take the subway.

Do you want to take the subway?

Not today.

Today I’d like to walk.

Of course.

We can walk to the café.

And we may have a glass of wine.

And then

I have to go to a department store.

I want to buy a few things.

For my son.

The older one or the younger one?

The younger one.

The older one doesn’t need anything.

Школа Разведчика


Do you want to go to the store with me?

Of course, I do.

I often go to the department store.

On Park Avenue.

How far is it?

How late?

How late are the stores open?

Until eight o’clock.

How late are the stores open?

Until ten o’clock.

Sometimes they are open until ten o’clock.

Then we have a lot of time.

Would you like to have something to drink first?


Школа Разведчика


Would you like to have something to drink first?

Yes, of course.

Of course I would.

I’d like to have something to drink first.

Then why don’t we go to the Garden Café?

Wе can walk.

Or we can take a subway.

Or a taxi.

But my car is at home.

Today my wife needs the car.


Because a friend is coming to visit.

A friend of yours?

Yes, a friend from Mexico.

What’s your friend’s name?

Anita Lopez. Her name is Anita Lopez.

Школа Разведчика


I don’t think you know her.

Her husband is coming to visit too.

He’s Mexican.

For ten years.

And she’s lived in Mexico.

She’s lived in Mexico for ten years.

They both speak English very well.

When did they arrive in the United States?

They arrived last night.

They have to go to Boston.

But want to see New York first.

They both want to see New York.

What time is it?

It’s three o’clock.

Three o’clock? Then I have to leave.

Школа Разведчика



I have to go to a department store.

How late are the stores open?

Today they are open until six o’clock.

I’d like to go with you.

I have to buy a few things.

For my friends in Mexico.

Of course, we can go together.

Do we have time for coffee first?

All right. Why don’t we take a taxi?

I often take the subway.

But today we can take a taxi.

It’s more expensive, but it’s faster.

Это конец восьмого урока.

Школа Разведчика


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