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free zone is prt of the territory which is regrded s being outside the Customs territory

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The  law of supply

The  law of supply states that sellers will offer more goods at a higher price and less at a lower price.

It is connected with the aim of every producer – to make a profit.

The higher the price, the greater the incentive to produce and sell the product.

The law of demand

Demand is a consumer’s ability and willingness to buy a  goods or service at a particular time and place.

The law of demand describes the relationship between prices and the quantity of goods and services that could be bought at each price.

It says that in case of equal situations more items will be sold at a lower price than at a higher price.

Free trade zone

In order to encourage the development of the country and to promote its foreign trade free trade zones are usually set up. "A free zone" is a part of the territory which is regarded as being outside the Customs territory. Relief from Import duties and taxes in respect on these goods is granted. The customs ensures that the operations are in accordance with the Customs regulation.

Free trade zone is an area, where goods may be landed, handled, manufactures or reconfigured and re-exported.

Most FTZs are located in developing countries in underdeveloped parts. Usually, these zones are set  up in underdeveloped parts of the host country.

Free-trade zones are organized around seaports, international airports, and national frontiers - areas with many geographic advantages for trade. Free Trade Zone can be defined as labor intensive manufacturing centers that involve the import of raw materials or components and the export of factory products.

Famous people who worked for Russian customs

Customs business has always been important and prestigious.   Russian tsar Alexei Mikhailovitch was the head of the Russian state for more than 30 years. He did a lot to develop customs laws. For example, his Decree “On levying customs duties on goods in Moscow and other cities”.     The well-known Russian poet G. Derzchavin worked as President of Commerce Board which was engaged in foreign trade and customs. He worked out customs tariffs which came into force in 1800.     Russian writer Radishev also worked for the Customs and was appointed the head of St.Petersburg Customs House.       Dmitry Mendeleev was a great Russian chemist and a public figure. He was sure that protectionist tariff would serve the development of the country.

Economy of the US

The USA is the largest and most important economy in the world. The united states is rich in mineral resources and fertile farm soil,and it is fortune to have a moderate climate.

  The USA is the world’s largest manufacturer. Its manufacturing output is greater than of Germany, France, India, and Brazil combined. Main  industries include petroleum, steel, automobiles , construction machinery, aerospace, agricultural machinery, telecommunications, chemicals, electronics, food processing , consumer goods , lumber, and mining.

The economy of the USA is a mixed economy. As of 2012 , the country remains the world’s largest  manufacturer, representing a fifth of the global manufacturing output.

Despite leading the world’s  economy for more than a hundred years, the US economy is now facing its greatest ever challenge since World War 2. The US economy has  found it harder to recover from the 2008 financial crisis, that was the worst financial crisis  since the Great Deoression.

On the international front ,it is increasingly likely that the US will lose its status as the world’s largest economy..

Economy of the Russia

Russian economy  is today considered by IMF and world bank a developing one. Russia has an abundance of natural gas,oil,coal, and precious metals.

The two fundamental and independent goals – macroeconomic stabilization and economic restructuring – are indicators for such a transition.  By joining the World Trade organization (WTO) . Russia has reaffirmed its course on the modernization of its economy and liberalization of its trade with other countries.

Russia is the largest country in the world in terms  of area. Russia shares its borders with Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China and North Korea. .Russia  is also the ninth most populous nation in the world  with more than 142 million inhabitants.

Russia is one of the most  industrialized of the former Soviet republics .Russia is now the world’s  third-largest exporter of steel and primary aluminum. Russia inherited most of the  defense industrial  base of the Soviet Union ,so armaments remain an important export category for Russia.

In 2009, Russia experienced the first recession after 10 years of experiencing a rising economy. The economy has not been as seriously affected by  the global financial crisis ,  because of the integration of short-term macroeconomic policies

Economics. Macro-  and  microeconomics

Economics is as the social science that describes and analyzes how society chooses from among scarce resources to satisfy its wants. But as the resources are limited.

Economists have two ways of looking at economics and economy. One is the macro approach, and the other is the micro one.

Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole. It examines questions such as how fast the economy is running, how much total income is, etc.

Microeconomics examines cause-and effect relationships that influence choices of individuals, firms and society. It is concerned with production and consumption. Much attention is paid by microeconomists to the study of prices.

Economic systems

Economic system is the way in which a country uses its available resources (land, workers, natural resources, etc.) to satisfy the wants of its inhabitants for the goods and services.

There are three main types of economic systems: planned economies, market economies, mixed economies.

Planned economies are also called “command economies” because the state commands the use of the resources as the state owns factories and land. The are economies with a large amount of central planning and direction.

Market economies. In a true market economy the government plays no significant role in the management of the economy. The  system is based on private enterprise with private ownership of the means of production and private supplies of capital.

Mixed economies contain elements of both market and planned economies. Some resources are controlled by the government. The aim of mixed economies is to avoid the disadvantages of both systems and to enjoy the advantages that these systems can offer.

Duty collection

Revenue collection and protection of economic interests of the country have always been the principle functions of the Customs. Throughout its history the customs has supplied the federal budget with the revenue necessary for investment in the economy and in   the country’s basic infrastructure.

The legal act the Customs applies to fulfill its fiscal function is the Statute «On Customs Tariff».

Tariff is a duty or a tax, levied on goods that are imported or exported across the border of a country or a customs union. There are two kinds of duty: specific and ad valorem.

If the duty is imposed according is the physical quantity of the goods it is called specific duty.

If they are levied according to the value of the goods, they  are known as ad valorem duties. The value of the goods includes freight, insurance, commission, packing, containers and other costs.In the Russian Federation all Customs duties are payable both in Russian and foreign currencies. Payments are accepted in cash and by cheque.



The unlawful bringing in or taking out of the country of such articles as currency, bonds, jewelries, precious metals and stones, antiques, explosives, drugs, weapons, firearms and ammunition, etc., is considered contraband.

In some cases the above articles are declared, but the value the number or the description of the articles are stated false. Such actions are also considered smuggling.

One of the main duties of the Customs officer is to prevent of smuggling. Smuggled goods can enter the country together with passengers, cargo, or with transport means.

The Customs officer can examine baggage, cargo, means of transport and passengers. He has a reason to believe that the person is carrying about himself contraband. The search can be made only with the permit of the Customs Office Chief in the presence of two witnesses. The protocol of the search is to be made and signed by the officer-in-charge, two witnesses and the person accused.

A person accused may be taken to Court and punished by a fine or jailed.


Customs and other law enforcement agencies round the world use dogs for detection work.

The traditional working dog for many enforcement agencies are German shepherd dogs, Retrievers, Labradors, Collies, Spaniels. Dogs must not be aggressive and they must have a strong natural instinct to hunt and retrieve.

The motivation is praise and affection from their handler. The handlers are trained with the dog because they are a team, which will work together. A handler should love and understand dogs. He should be able to interpret the dogs behaves and indications. If he can’t do it, they will be no success.

Dogs can be trained to detect drugs, to detect firearms, ammunition and explosives, to work among passengers and not in public areas.

Dogs can help make search quicker with less damage. There is no equipment, which can replay the dog. Dog’s sense of smell is one million times better than the man’s.


Customs warehouses are very important for international trade. Goods are kept in a bonded warehouse if importers can’t pay the customs duty. Goods can be kept for two month.

Traders can use customs warehouses to improve the packaging and marketable qualities of the goods and to prepare them for shipment. For example: for repacking, sorting and grading, breaking bulk, grouping of packages.  

Bonded warehouses give traders a number of advantages. They can import goods in bulk, at discounted prices and that re-export this goods at higher prices. They consolidate small import order from different companies and import consignments in bulk. Exporters can obtain refunds of import duties and taxes before the actual exportation of the goods. Bonded warehouses offer a higher degree of security.

(Customs warehouses may be either public or private. “Public warehouses” is available for use by any trader. “Private warehouse” is reserved by a warehouse-keeper who must authorized by the Customs.)

Factors of production

The  resources that are used for the creation of goods and services are called the factors of production. They include natural resources (or “land”), human resources (or “labour”), capital and entrepreneurship.

Natural resources are the things which are provided by nature. They include minerals, wildlife and timber resources.

Labour is the physical and mental effort that people put into the creation of goods and services. A factory, machine tools and equipment are capital resources. The term capital is money which is used to buy  factories and other resources. Payment for the use of capital is called interest. Entrepreneurship is the managerial skills needed to produce goods and services.

The Economy of the UK

The UK is the 6th largest economy is the world in 2010 according to the nominal GDP.

Presently UK’s economy includes those of its home nations – England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The Isle of Man and the Channel Isles are also considered to be part of the British Isles but have offshore banking statuses.

As a member of the EU, the UK is part of a single market that ensures the free movement of people, goods, services, and capital within member states.

The UK still maintains its own economy and has chosen to continue using the Pound Sterling as its national currency.

The UK has one of the world’s most globalized economies. London is the world’s largest financial Centre alongside New York.

The aerospace industry of the UK is the second-largest national aerospace industry. The pharmaceutical industry plays an important role in the UK economy. The British economy is boosted by North Sea oil and gas reserves, valued at an estimated &250 billion in 2007.

Today, the UK economy recovers from the 2008 financial crisis. Presently, the recovery effort has been slow. The IMF slashed its 2011 growth forecast for UK’s economy to 1.75 percent.

Corruption Market

Corruption destroys the state and society. Corruption should necessary fight.


WTO will change the economy of the country and we have to be ready. Joining the WTO means that will be lowered trade tariffs for countries.

Real Estate

Development of the real estate a tax low in different ways will affect certain segments of society. Families who have state aid proposes exception.

Ukrainian Gas

Ukraine trying to reduce gas import from Russia, but it does not save money at the same time.  Russia requires only a fixed price.

Ukraine in Customs Union Talks

Ukraine is required to make a choice between the EU and the customs Union in the near future. Ukraine risks remain between them. Russia must find common language with Ukraine.

Cypriot Crisis

The situation in Cyprus is dangerous. It raises the question of trust between the organization and people.


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1. 1. Настоящая глава Правил распространяется на распределительные устройства РУ и низковольтные комплектные
2. методологічні питання
3. РЕФЕРАТ на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата медичних наук Київ ~ Дисер
4. Розробка технологічної схеми абсорбційної очистки повітря від сполук аміаку
5. 1 Ми живемо в оточенні машин і так до них звикли що не можемо уявити собі як обійтись без цих багаточис
6. Функциональная направленность контроля учебного процесса
7. ru Все книги автора Эта же книга в других форматах Приятного чтения Crlos Fuentes Din O L Czdor Solitri
8. Лекція 1 Визначення операційних процесів та їх роль у класичному понятті 1
9. . Ведение2 2
10. Реферат- Опыт Резерфорда
11. велика трудомісткість розрахунків ресурси виділяють не під кінцевий а під проміжний результат немо
12. Управление движением кадров на предприятии
13. На тему- Валидация и верификация имитационной модели Содержание-
14. Проект создания общества с ограниченной ответственностью Энергия и его экономическое обоснование
15. е гг. в нашей стране произошли существенные изменения
16. широко известная торговая марка или товарный знак отражающие индивидуальность компании и ее товаров
17. ~арсылы~ керсеттi
18.  Будучи христианами мы должны учиться не проходить мимо а уважать жертвенное решение таких пар
19. телекоммуникация Сост
20. КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА по дисциплине- Управление системой мотивации и стимулирования труда персонала