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But we mustn~t confuse these 2 words becuse Englnd is only prt of the country which full nme is the United Kingdom of Gret Britin nd Northern Irelnd

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Great Britain

   The United Kingdom is country, which gave birth to the English language; therefore it is often called “England” by mistake. But we mustn’t confuse these 2 words, because England is only a part of the country which full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and   Northern Ireland. The U.K. is situated on 2 large island and group of smaller ones called the British Isles situated to the northwest off Europe. The largest island is Great Britain consisting of 3 parts: England, Scotland, Wales and the smaller is Ireland. Butonly the northern part of Ireland belongs to the U.K. Its larger southern part is independent of the U.K. It’s called Irish Republic. The country is washed by seas from all sides: by the Northern Sea in the east and Irish Seain the west. The seas around the British Isles are shallow. The Northern Sea is nowhere more than 600 feet deep. This shallowness is in some ways on advantage. Shallow water is warmer than deep and helps to keep the shores from extreme cold. It is too the home of millions of fish and more than a million tons are caught every year.

   England occupies the largest part of the island of GB. Its capital is London. London is the capital of the whole UK as well. It’s the political, financial cultural center of the country. About 10 mln people live in and around London. They are mainly occupied in industry, business and politics.

The other largest cities of the country are Birmingham,Manchester and others.

   The rivers of GB are not long. They are the Thames, the Severn, the Trent and others.  The Severn is the largest river. It flows southwest into the Irish Sea. England is devided into 46 counties and its population is more than 46 mln people. There are many large ports including Bristol, Liverpool, and London.Seaports play a great part in the life of GB. Hundreds of ships carrying goods and passengers arrive there every day. Therefore shipbuilding is an important industry in GB.

   The northern part of GB is called Scotland. Scotland, or “the Land of Lakes “ is a country of beautiful Highlands and Lowlands, covered with forests and numerous lakes ,called “loch” y the Scots. The most beautiful of all the lakes is Loch Lomond called “the diamond among all the Scottish lakes”. If I had a choice where to travel I’d like to choose Scotland and its capital Edinburgh, one of the most ancient cities of GB. Scotland is devided into 3 regions: the Highlands with beautiful lakes; then the Lowlands, the region of the fertile soil useful for agriculture. Finally, there are the southern uplands with their rounded hills where the sheep wander. Sheep farming is one of the main branches of the British agriculture. There are no high mountains in GB but the highest mountain Ben Nevis is in Scotland. Lakes are mostly situated in Scotland too. The inhabitants of Scotland call themselves “the Scots” and they are proud and independent people who are fond of their country, language, and traditions.

In the west of Britain lies one of the most beautiful parts of the British Isles- Wales. Wales’s surface is largely mountainous and the highest mountain is Snowdon. 6% of wales is covered with forests and much of the country is pasture- land for sheep and cattle. South Wales is highly industrialized with iron- and steelwoks, chemical plants and other heavy industries. Wales is called a “Land of Song”. The Welsh people like to sing very much. Their national music festival Eisteddwordis well known all over the world.

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