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Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.
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Сборник иностранных текстов
для студентов II курса
специальности «Товароведение и экспертиза товаров ( в таможенной деятельности)»
Астрахань 2010
В.Н.Лопухова, ассистент кафедры «Иностранные языки в инженерно-техническом образовании»
Л.Н. Спехова, ст. преподаватель кафедры «Иностранные языки в инженерно-техническом образовании»
Казанцева С.В., доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки в инженерно-техническом образовании»
Сборник иностранных текстов предназначен для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов II курса специальности «Товароведение и экспертиза товаров ( в таможенной деятельности)». Основной целью сборника является овладение навыками чтения текстов профессиональной направленности.
В сборник входят два тематических раздела, каждый из разделов проиллюстрирован соответствующим текстами и комплексом упражнений, направленным на овладение навыками чтения, перевода и развития устной речи по определённым темам. Предлагаемые тексты содействуют дальнейшему закреплению полученных навыков и усвоению специальной терминологии.
Данный сборник предоставляет широкий диапазон для активной аудиторной и внеаудиторной работы, имеет практическую ценность, отвечает современным требованиям методики обучения иностранному языку в вузе.
Сборник иностранных текстов утвержден на заседании кафедры “ИЯИТО” протокол № 11 от 26.05.10
© Астраханский государственный технический университет
transform [ tr@ns#fO:m] v, ingredient [ in#gri:dj{nt ] n, ferment [ #f{:m{nt] n, vacuum [ #v@kju{m] n, pasteurization [ ,p@st{rAi#zei{n] n, saccharin [ #s@k{ri:n] n, diabetic [ ,dAi{#betik] n, microorganism [ #mAikrou#O:g{nizm ] n, nitrite [ #nAitrAit ] n, sulphite [ #s[lfAit] n, hygiene [#hAidZi:n] n, vitamin [ #vit{min] n, pathogenic [ ,p@Tou#dZenik] a, equivalent [ i#kwiv{l{nt] a
technique [tek#ni:k] техника, технические приёмы
human человек, человеческий, социальный
utilize утилизировать, использовать
element элемент, стихия
standard стандарт, знамя, норма
food пища, питание, корм
consumption потребление, расход
animal животное
harvest урожай
slaughter убой, первичная переработка
butcher [ butS{] разделывать
removal удаление, устранение
unwanted ненужный, лишний
layer слой
outer внешний, наружный
peeling очистка от кожуры или кожицы
skinning удаление кожуры или кожицы
peach персик
chopping измельчение, рубка
slicing резка ломтиками
mincing измельчение, приготовление фарша
maceratin [ ,m@ns{#reitiN ] вымачивание, мацерирование
liquefaction разжижение
emulsification эмульгирование
cooking тепловая обработка, варка
boiling варка, кипячение
broiling жарение на открытом окне
frying жарение в жире, обжаривание
steaming обработка паром, варка на пару
entrainment унос, увлечение
proofing расстойка
delicate [ #delikit] лёгкий, нежный
deadly смертельный
nugget [ # n[git] нугат
crude сырой, необработанный
roasting жарение, обжаривание
oven baking выпечка в хлебопекарной печи
warrior [ #wOri{] воин
advent [ #@dv{nt ] приход, наступление
bottling розлив в бутылки
troops [ tru:ps] войска
tinning консервирование в жестяных банках
hazardous [ #h@z{d{s ] рискованный
staple основной продукт
ensure обеспечивать, гарантировать
artificial sweetener искусственное подслащивающее вещество
colorant красящее вещество
preservative консервант
instant мгновенный
pursuit [ p{#sju:t ] погоня
benefit польза, выгода
flavour вкус
perishable скоропортящийся
nutrient [ #nju:tri{nt] питательное вещество
drawback недостаток
adverse неблагоприятный
harbour укрывать
A |
B |
1 attractive |
a) foods |
2 prehistoric |
b) soup |
3 industrial |
c) materials |
4 micro-biological |
d) products |
5 instant |
e) revolution |
1. fibre a) a colouring matter
2. spoilage b) to put or preserve in a can
3. instant c) matter from the best tissue or other parts of plants
4. colorant d) immediate, urgent, readily prepared
5. can (n) e) decay that which is spoiled
known legal - aggressive -
wanted mobile - responsible -
regular - perishable - developed
Food processing is the set of methods and techniques used to transform raw ingredients into food for consumption by humans and animals. The food processing industry utilizes these processes. Food processing often takes clean, harvested or slaughtered and butchered components and uses these to produce attractive and marketable food products. Similar processes are used to produce animal feed.
Common food processing techniques include:
~ removal of unwanted outer layers, such as potato peeling or the skinning of peaches
~ chopping or slicing , of which examples include potato chips, diced carrot, or candied peel
~ mincing and macerating
~ liquefaction, such as to produce fruit juice
~ cooking, such as boiling, broiling, frying, steaming or grilling
~ mixing
~ addition of gas such as air entrainment for bread or gasification of soft drinks
~ proofing
~ spray drying
Extreme examples of food processing include the delicate preparation of deadly fugu fish, preparing space food for consumption under zero gravity, winemaking , hot dogs, chicken nuggets.
History. Food processing dates back to the prehistoric ages when crude processing incorporated slaughtering, sun drying, preserving with salt, and various types of cooking (such as roasting, smoking, steaming and oven baking). Salt- preservation was especially common for foods that constituted warriors and sailors diets, up until the introduction of canning methods. These crude processing techniques remained especially the same until the advent of the industrial revolution.
Modern food processing technology in the 19-th and 20-th century was largely developed to serve military needs. In 1809 Nicolas Appert invented a vacuum bottling technique that would supply food for French troops, and this contributed to the development of tinning and then canning by Peter Durand in 1810. Although initially expensive and somewhat hazardous due to the lead used in cans, canned goods would later become a staple around the world. Pasteurization, discovered by Louis Pasteur in 1862, was a significant advance in ensuring the micro-biological safety of food.
In the 20-th century WWII, the space race and rising consumer society in developed countries ( including the United States) contributed to the growth of food processing with such advances as spray drying, juice concentrates, freeze drying and the introduction of artificial sweeteners, colorants, and preservatives such as sodium benzoate and saccharine. In the late 20-th century products such as dried instant soups, reconstituted fruits and juices, and self cooking meals were developed.
Because the 20-th century witnessed a rise in the pursuit of convenience, food processors especially marketed their products to middle- class working wives and mothers. Frozen foods found their success in sales of juice concentrates. Processors utilized the perceived value of time to appeal to the postwar population, and this same appeal contributes to the success of convenience foods today.
Benefits. Benefits of food processing include toxin removal, preservation, improving flavor, easing marketing and distribution tasks, and increasing food consistency. In addition, it increases seasonal availability of many foods, enables transportation of delicate perishable foods across long distances, and makes many kinds of foods safe to eat by removing the microorganisms. Modern supermarkets would not be feasible without modern processing techniques, long voyages would not be possible, and military campaigns would be significantly more difficult and costly to execute. Modern food processing also improves the quality of life for allergic, diabetics, and other people who cannot consume some common food elements. Food processing can also add extra nutrients.
Drawbacks. Food processing can lower the nutritional value of some foods. Some preservatives added or created during processing such as nitrites and sulphites may cause adverse health effects on some consumers. In addition, high quality and hygiene standards must be maintained to ensure consumer safety and failures to maintain adequate standards can have serious health consequences.
In general, fresh food that has not been processed other than by washing and simple kitchen preparation, may be expected to contain a higher proportion of naturally occurring vitamins, fiber and minerals than the equivalent product processed by the food industry. However, fresh materials are more liable to early spoilage and are often unsuited to long distance transportation from source to shelf. Fresh materials, such as fresh products and raw meat are also more likely to harbor pathogenic microorganisms (e.g. Salmonella) capable of causing serious illnesses.
Food processing industries and practices include:
meat packing plant
industrial rendering
vegetable packing plant
Notes to the text
food processing industry пищевая перерабатывающая промышленность
marketable food products пригодные для продажи пищевые продукты
animal feed корм для животных
potato chops хрустящий картофель
diced carrot морковь кубиками
candied peel цукаты из кожуры
hot dog булочка с горячей сосиской
(What materials/ to be liable to/)?
(What/ to cause/ adverse effects/)?
(What/ to contribute/ the growth/)?
(When/ to appear/ food processing/)?
(Where/to be used/ methods and techniques/)?
Model. 1. Scientists introduce new methods of preserving food. |
New methods of preserving food are introduced by scientists. |
2. Students cannot verify the solution of this equation easily. |
The solution of this equation cannot be verified by the students. |
jam [ dZ@m] n, jelly [ #dZeli] n, characteristic [ ,k@rikt{#ristik] n, generate [ #dZenereit] v, organic [O:#g@nik ] a, blanching [ #bla:nSin ] n, pesticide [ #pestisAid] n, pollution [ p{#lU:S{n ] n, contribution [ ,kOnsen#treiS{n ] n, system [ #sistim ] n, minimize [ #minimAIz] v, concentrate [ #kOnsentreit] v, municipal [ mju:#nisip{l ] a, hydraulic [ hAi#drO:lik ] a, problem [ #prObl{m ] n, biofilter [ ,bAi{#filt{ ] n.
process процесс, обрабатывать
agent агент, фактор
control контролировать, управлять
separate отдельный, сепаративный
adopt принимать, усыновлять
III. Read and remember the following words
processing обработка, переработка
canning консервирование
drying сушка
freezing замораживание
juice сок
preparation предварительная обработка
cleaning очистка, мойка
trimming обрезка, доочистка
peeling очистка от кожуры
cooking тепловая обработка
waste отходы, потери, отбросы
effluent [ #eflu{nt] очищенные сточные воды
solid твёрдый
load груз, нагрузка
cleansing [ #klenziN] очистка, мойка
fiber клетчатка, волокнистый слой
soil грязь, земля, почва
residue [ #rezidju:] остаток, осадок
discard выбрасывать, отбрасывать
odor запах
onion [ #[nj{n] лук
meal еда
prevention предотвращение
implementation выполнение
procure [ pr{#kju{] обеспечивать
countercurrent противоток
steam пар
quantity [ #kwOntiti] количество
treatment обработка
tradeoff уступка
remove [ ri#mu:v] удалять, устранять
by-products побочные продукты
consumption потребление, расход
similarly похоже
carrot морковь
feasible возможный
core (v) удалять сердцевину (из плода)
yield производить, приносить
benefit выгода, польза
preliminary предварительный
screen просеивать, процеживать
sieve просеивать, сортировать
recover извлекать, выделять
pulp пульпа, мякоть плода
grit крупа
adjustment регулировка
nuisance [ nju:sns] неприятность
deterioration порча, ухудшение
suitable годный, подходящий
discharge выливать
cause вызывать
emission выделение
scrubber скребок, скруббер
assessment оценка
justify подтверждать
facilitate [ f{#siliteit] способствовать
fertilizer удобрение
secure безопасный, надёжный
ambient окружающий
IV. Choose the correct definition that best keeps its meaning in the right hand column
1 freeze a) to heat food and make it ready for eating
2 dry b) something of no value that is thrown away
3 cook c) not wet; without water
4 waste d) liquid in apples, oranges, lemons and other fruit and vegetables
5 dirt e) to become hard because of the cold as when water turns into ice
6 juice f) mud, soil or earth
7 steam g) the cloud- like gas that water turns into when it boils
V. Choose the proper Russian equivalent in B of the following words in A
A |
B |
1 shelf life |
a) фруктовые соки |
2 solid wastes |
b) консервированные фрукты |
3 canned fruit |
c) побочные продукты |
4 fruit juices |
d) сырьё |
5 frozen vegetables |
e) сохраняемость, срок годности |
6 raw materials |
f) твёрдые отходы |
7 by- products |
g) замороженные овощи |
use fix -
circulate fit -
new acceptable -
make - equal
Industry description and practices. Processing (canning, drying, freezing and preparation of juices, jams and jellies) increases the shelf life of fruit and vegetables. Processing steps include preparation of the raw material (cleaning, trimming and peeling followed by cooking, canning or freezing). Plant operation is often seasonal.
Waste characteristics. The fruit and vegetable industry typically generates large volumes of effluents and solid waste. The effluents contain high organic loads, cleansing and blanching agents, salt, and suspended solids such as fibers and soil particles. They may also contain pesticide residues washed from the raw materials. The main solid wastes are organic materials, including fruits and vegetables. Odor problems can occur with poor management of solid wastes and effluents; when onions are processed and when ready- to- serve meals are prepared.
Pollution prevention and control. Reductions in wastewater volumes of up to 95% have been reported through implementation of good practices. Where possible, measures such as the following should be adopted:
As an example, recirculation of process water from onion preparation reduces the organic load by 75% and water consumption by 95%. Similarly, the liquid waste load from apple juice and carrot processing can be reduced by 80%. Solid wastes, particularly from processes such as peeling and coring, typically have a high nutritional value and may be used as animal feed.
Target pollution loads. Implementation of cleaner production processes and pollution prevention measures can yield both economic and environmental benefits.
Treatment technologies. Preliminary treatment of wastewaters should include screening ( or sieving to recover pulp) and grit removal, if necessary. This is followed by pH adjustment and biological treatment of the organic load.
The flows are frequently seasonal, and robust treatment systems are preferred for onsite treatment. Pond systems are used successfully to treat fruit and vegetable wastes, but odor nuisance, soil deterioration, and groundwater pollution are to be avoided. The quality of the effluent is normally suitable for discharge to municipal systems, although peak hydraulic loads may cause a problem. Odor problems can be avoided by using gas scrubbers or biofilters.
Emissions guidelines. Emissions levels for the design and operation of each project must be established through the environmental assessment process on the basis of country legislation. All of the maximum levels should be achieved for at least 95% of the time that the plant or unit is operating, to be calculated as a proportion of annual operating hours.
Liquid effluents. Pesticides may be present in significant levels; testing should therefore be performed, and, if pesticides are present at levels above 0.05 milligrams per liter (mg/l), corrective action should be taken. The best course may be to switch to a supplier that provides raw materials without pesticide residues.
Ambient noise. Noise abatement measures should achieve either the levels given below or a maximum increase in background levels of 3 decibels. Measurements are to be taken at noise receptors located outside the project property boundary.
Notes to the text
shelf life сохраняемость, лёжкоспособность
raw material сырьё
solid waste твёрдые отходы
suspended solids суспендированные твёрдые отходы
ready- to- serve готовый к употреблению
take into consideration принимать во внимание
in terms of в смысле, с точки зрения
a) conclude b) include c) involve
2. Monitoring data should be analyzed and reviewed at … intervals.
a) undue b) annual c) regular
3. Organic wastes should be used in the production of animal feed or … fertilizers.
a) organic b) inorganic c) new
4. Pond systems are used successfully to treat fruit and vegetable ….
a) odor b) wastes c) loads
5. … problems can be avoided by using gas scrubbers or bio-filters.
a) quality b) biological c) odor
(What/ to include/)?
(Why/ to be seasonal/)?
(When/to be carried out/)?
(What/ to be analyzed with/)?
(What/to reduce/)?
V. Make up a plan for retelling the text. Be ready to discuss it according to plan.
handling обработка
spoilage порча
maintain сохранение
foodborne illness - заболевание пищевого происхождения
nutritional value питательная ценность
density - густота; плотность; концентрация
flavor - 1) вкус; привкусы; 2) вкусовое вещество, ароматизирующее вещество, ароматизатор, отдушка
refrigeration - охлаждение; замораживание
to retard - замедлять; задерживать; тормозить
freezing - замораживание
reduction - снижение, понижение, сокращение
drying - высушивание; сушка
curing - консервирование, маринование, соление
packaging - упаковка
oxygen tension - давление кислорода
to inhibit - задерживать, сдерживать, препятствовать
lactic fermentation = lactic-acid fermentation - молочнокислое брожение
sucrose - сахароза
inactivation - лишение, подавление активности
ethanol - этиловый спирт, этанол
steeping - 1) замачивание; вымачивание; размачивание 2) пропитывание
emulsification - эмульгирование, эмульсация; эмульсификация
nutrient limitation - лимитирование питательными веществами
water-in-oil emulsion - эмульсия типа "вода в масле
radurization - консервирование ионизирующим излучением
radicidation - радиационная стерилизация (продуктов питания)
radappertization - радаппертизация, стерилизация ионизирующим излучением
hydrostatic pressure - гидростатическое давление
fungi (fungus) - грибы, плесень
discolo(u)ration - изменение цвета; обесцвечивание, выцветание
browning - чернение
recontamination - повторное загрязнение или заражение
denature - изменять естественные свойства
oxidation - окисление, оксидирование
dehydration - дегидратация; обезвоживание; сушка
spray drying - распылительная сушка
freeze drying - сублимационная сушка, сушка сублимацией
vacuum packing - упаковывание в вакууме
canning - консервирование
pickling - квашение, засол; маринование
smoking - копчение; обжарка в дыму
Food preservation is the process of treating and handling food in such a way as to stop or greatly slow down spoilage to prevent foodborne illness while maintaining nutritional value, density, texture and flavor.
Preservation Processes
Method |
Effect on microbial growth or survival |
Refrigeration or |
Low temperature to retard growth |
Freezing |
Low temperature and reduction of water activity to prevent growth |
Drying, curing and conserving |
Reduction in water activity sufficient to delay or prevent growth |
Vacuum and oxygen free modified atmosphere packaging |
Low oxygen tension inhibits strict aerobes and delay growth of facultative anaerobes |
Carbon dioxide enriched modified atmosphere packaging |
Specific inhibition of some micro-organisms by carbon dioxide |
Addition of weak acids |
Reduction of the intracellular pH of micro-organisms |
Lactic fermentation |
Reduction of pH value in situ by microbial action and sometimes additional inhibition by the lactic and acetic acids formed and by other microbial products. (e.g. ethanol, bacteriocins) |
Sugar preservation |
Cooking in high sucrose concentration creating too high osmotic pressure for most microbial survival. |
Pulsed electric field processing (PEF treatment) |
Short bursts of electricity for microbial inactivation |
Ethanol preservation |
Steeping or cooking in Ethanol produces toxic inhibition of microbes. Can be combined with sugar preservation |
Emulsification |
Compartmentalisation and nutrient limitation within the aqueous droplets in water-in-oil emulsion foods |
Addition of preservatives such as nitrite or sulphite ions |
Inhibition of specific groups of micro-organisms |
Pasteurization and appertization |
Delivery of heat sufficient to inactivate target micro-organisms to the desired extent |
Food irradiation (Radurization, radicidation and radappertization) |
Delivery of ionising radiation |
Application of high hydrostatic pressure (Pascalization) |
Pressure-inactivation of vegetative bacteria, yeasts and moulds |
Preservation usually involves preventing the growth of bacteria, fungi and other micro-organisms, as well as retarding the oxidation of fats which cause rancidity. It also includes processes to inhibit natural aging and discolouration that can occur during food preparation such as the enzymatic browning reaction in apples which causes browning when apples are cut. Some preservation methods require the food to be sealed after treatment to prevent re-contamination with microbes; others, such as drying, allow food to be stored without any special containment for long periods.
Preservation processes include:
Common methods of applying these processes include drying, spray drying, freeze drying, freezing, vacuum-packing, canning, preserving in syrup, sugar crystallisation, food irradiation, adding preservatives or inert gases such as carbon dioxide.
Other methods that not only help to preserve food, but also add flavor, include pickling, salting, smoking , preserving in syrup or alcohol, sugar crystallisation and curing.
III. Make up different kinds of questions to the text. Ask your partner about the food preservation (Work in pairs or groups)
I group (Yes/No-questions)
Is food preservation the process of treating and handling food?
II group (Wh-questions)
What is food preservation?
III group (Tag-question)
IV. a) Read and translate the text:
Drying, smoking and freezing
One of the oldest methods of food preservation is by drying, which reduces water activity sufficiently to delay or prevent bacterial growth. Most types of meat can be dried. This is especially valuable in the case of pig meat, since it is difficult to keep without preservation. Many fruits can also be dried; for example, the process is often applied to apples, pears, bananas, mangos, papaya, and coconut. Zante Currants, sultanas and raisins are all forms of dried grapes. Drying is also the normal means of preservation for cereal grains such as wheat, maize, oats, barley, rice, millet and rye.
Meat, fish and some other foods may be both preserved and flavoured through the use of smoke, typically in a smoke-house. The combination of heat to dry the food without cooking it, and the addition of the aromatic hydrocarbons from the smoke preserves the food.
Freezing is also one of the most commonly used processes commercially and domestically for preserving a very wide range of food stuffs including prepared food stuffs which would not have required freezing in their unprepared state. For example, potato waffles are stored in the freezer, but potatoes themselves require only a cool dark place to ensure many months' storage. Cold stores provide large volume, long-term storage for strategic food stocks held in case of national emergency in many countries.
b) Find the Russian equivalents for the English ones:
use of smoke, to ensure, water activity, strategic food stocks, aromatic hydrocarbons, bacterial growth, a smoke-house, valuable, food stuffs, cereal grains, unprepared state
V. a) Read and translate the text:
Vacuum-packing stores food in a vacuum environment, usually in an air-tight bag or bottle. The vacuum environment strips bacteria of oxygen needed for survival, hence preventing the food from spoiling. Vacuum-packing is commonly used for storing nuts.
Salting or curing draws moisture from the meat through a process of osmosis. Meat is cured with salt or sugar, or a combination of the two. Nitrates and nitrites are also often used to cure meat.
Sugar is used to preserve fruits, either in syrup with fruit such as apples, pears, peaches, apricots, plums or in crystallised form where the preserved material is cooked in sugar to the point of crystralisation and the resultant product is then stored dry. This method is used for the skins of citrus fruit (candied peel), angelica and ginger. A modification of this process produces glacé fruit such as glacé cherries where the fruit is preserved in sugar but is then extracted from the syrup and sold, the preservation being maintained by the sugar content of the fruit and the superficial coating of syrup. The use of sugar is often combined with alcohol for preservation of luxury products such as fruit in brandy or other spirits. These should not be confused with fruit flavoured spirits such as Cherry Brandy or Sloe gin
Pickling is a method of preserving food by placing it or cooking it in a substance that inhibits or kills bacteria and other micro-organisms. This material must also be fit for human consumption. Typical pickling agents include brine (high in salt), vinegar, ethanol, and vegetable oil, especially olive oil but also many other oils. Most pickling processes also involve heating or boiling so that the food being preserved becomes saturated with the pickling agent. Frequently pickled items include vegetables such as cabbage (to make sauerkraut and curtido), peppers, and some animal products such as corned beef and eggs. EDTA may also be added to chelate calcium. Calcium is essential for bacterial growth.
Sodium hydroxide (lye) makes food too alkaline for bacterial growth. Lye will saponify fats in the food, which will change its flavor and texture. Lutefisk and hominy use lye in their preparation, as do some olive recipes.
b) Find the English equivalents for the Russian ones:
вишнёвая наливка, этиловый спирт, упаковывание в вакууме, консервировать мясо, задерживать, растительное масло, хранить, цукаты, кислая капуста, потребление человеком, воздухонепроницаемый, крепкий щелочной раствор, сахаристость, рассол, порча, ароматный, уксус
VI. a) Read and translate the text:
Canning involves cooking fruits or vegetables, sealing them in sterile cans or jars, and boiling the containers to kill or weaken any remaining bacteria as a form of pasteurization. Various foods have varying degrees of natural protection against spoilage and may require that the final step occur in a pressure cooker. High-acid fruits like strawberries require no preservatives to can and only a short boiling cycle, whereas marginal fruits such as tomatoes require longer boiling and addition of other acidic elements. Many vegetables require pressure canning. Food preserved by canning or bottling is at immediate risk of spoilage once the can or bottle has been opened.
Lack of quality control in the canning process may allow ingress of water or micro-organisms. Most such failures are rapidly detected as decomposition within the can causes gas production and the can will swell or burst. However, there have been examples of poor manufacture and poor hygiene allowing contamination of canned food by the obligate anaerobe, Clostridium botulinum which produces an acute toxin within the food leading to severe illness or death. This organism produces no gas or obvious taste and remains undetected by taste or smell. Food contaminated in this way has included Corned beef and Tuna.
b) Compose appropriate word combinations according to the text:
sterile |
fruits |
gas |
protection |
remaining |
cooker |
poor |
cans |
high-acid |
bacteria |
natural |
production |
short boiling |
toxin |
canning |
manufacture |
pressure |
cycle |
acute |
process |
VI. a) Read the text:
Food may be preserved by cooking in a material that solidifies to form a gel. Such materials include gelatine, agar, maize flour and arrowroot flour. Some foods naturally form a protein gel when cooked such as eels and elvers, and sipunculid worms which are a delicacy in the town of Xiamen in Fujian province of the People's Republic of China. Jellied eels are a delicacy in the East End of London where they are eaten with mashed potatoes. Potted meats in aspic, (the gel made from arrowroot flour) were a common way of serving meat off-cuts in the UK until the 1950s
Meat can be preserved by jugging, the process of stewing the meat (commonly game or fish) in a covered earthenware jug or casserole. The animal to be jugged is usually cut into pieces, placed into a tightly-sealed jug with brine or gravy, and stewed. Red wine and/or the animal's own blood is sometimes added to the cooking liquid. Jugging was a popular method of preserving meat up until the middle of the 20th century.
Irradiation is the treatment of food with x-rays or gamma radiation to kill bacteria and mold. It may be combined with vacuum packing to seal out microbes.
As with sunlight, exposure to the intense light from the lamps used for food irradiation is harmful to human skin. As with sunlight, the light from the lamps used for food irradiation does not make the food "radioactive." Food irradiation is effective against a wide variety of pathogens including bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites.
A 1950s issue of Popular Mechanics details the impending arrival of "food irradiation". But the implications of irradiation are not fully understood, and the use of the technology is limited. Irradiation of potatoes, strawberries, and meat is common in many countries where refrigerated facilities and trucks are not. In 2002, the Food and Drug Administration permitted irradiation of meat and poultry to reduce the spread of E. coli and salmonella.
In the US and most of Europe, irradiation of spices is common, as the only alternative (treatment with gas) is potentially carcinogenic. The process is called "cold pasteurization" because it is feared that the label "irradiation" would hurt sales. Foods may also carry labels saying "Picowaved For Your Protection" as food processors may not want to openly label their foods as being irradiated.
It should be noted that although irradiation is effective at killing bacteria, fungi and other pathogens, there is still a danger that the food may contain some of their toxins.
b) Translate the sentences from English into Russian:
1. Potted meats in aspic were a common way of serving meat off-cuts in the UK until the 1950s.
2. Jugging is the process of stewing the meat in a covered earthenware jug or casserole.
3. Irradiation is the treatment of food with x-rays or gamma radiation to kill bacteria and mold.
4. Food irradiation is effective against a wide variety of pathogens including bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites.
5. Irradiation of spices is common, as the only alternative (treatment with gas) is potentially carcinogenic.
6. The Food and Drug Administration permitted irradiation of meat and poultry to reduce the spread of E. coli and salmonella.
7. Although irradiation is effective at killing bacteria, fungi and other pathogens, there is still a danger that the food may contain some of their toxins.
c) Ask questions to indicated words:
VII. a) Read and translate the text:
Modified atmosphere is a way to preserve food operating on the atmosphere around it. Salad crops which are notoriously difficult to preserve are now being packaged in sealed bags with an atmosphere modified to reduce the oxygen (O2) concentration and increase the carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. There is concern that although salad vegetables retain their appearance and texture in such conditions, this method of preservation may not retain nutrients, especially vitamins.
Grains may be preserved using carbon dioxide. A block of dry ice is placed in the bottom and the can is filled with grain. The can is then "burped" of excess gas. The carbon dioxide from the sublimation of the dry ice prevents insects, mold, and oxidation from damaging the grain. Grain stored in this way can remain edible for five years.
Nitrogen gas (N2) at concentrations of 98% or higher is also used effectively to kill insects in grain through hypoxia. However, carbon dioxide has an advantage in this respect as it kills organisms through both hypoxia and hypercarbia, requiring concentrations of only 80%, or so. This makes carbon dioxide preferable for fumigation in situations where a hermetic seal cannot be maintained.
Many root vegetables are very resistant to spoilage and require no other preservation other than storage in cool dark conditions, usually in field clamps.
Some foods, such as many traditional cheeses, will keep for a long time without use of any special procedures. The preservation occurs because of the presence in very high numbers of beneficial bacteria or fungi which use their own biological defences to prevent other organisms gaining a foot-hold.
b) Find the meaning of the English words or word combinations:
edible |
избыток газа |
fumigation |
предпочтительный |
dry ice |
сохранять питательные вещества |
sealed bags |
кислородная недостаточность |
beneficial bacteria |
содержание углеводорода |
preferable |
обеззараживание |
hypoxia |
благотворные бактерии |
retain nutrients |
сухой лёд |
excess gas |
герметичные пакеты |
carbon dioxide concentration |
съедобный, годный в пищу |
с) Compose the sentences from the given words. Be atentive! There can be odd words.
1. to preserve, are, crops, sealed, the oxygen, with, Salad, an atmosphere, packaged in, to reduce, bags, concentration, modified.
2. bottom, of, placed, dry, the, a block, is, ice, in.
3. is, to, grain, used, insects, gas, in, kill, Nitrogen, effectively.
4. require, dark, vegetables, conditions, Many , in, storage, cool, root.
5. a long time, of, keep, presence, for, bacteria, the, of, beneficial, will, because, Cheeses.
VIII. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words or word combinations according to the delivered texts and translate them:
A commodity is something that is relatively easily traded, that can be physically delivered, and that can be stored for a reasonable period of time. It is a characteristic of commodities that prices are determined on the basis of an active market, rather than by the supplier (or other seller) on a "cost-plus" basis. Examples of commodities include not only minerals and agricultural products such as iron ore, crude oil, ethanol, sugar, coffee, aluminium, rice, wheat, gold, diamonds, or silver, but also so-called "commoditized" products such as personal computers.
In the original and simplified sense, commodities were things of value, of uniform quality, that were produced in large quantities by many different producers; the items from each different producer are considered equivalent. It is the contract and this underlying standard that define the commodity, not any quality inherent in the product.
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