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Owned-operted resort locted in the hert of the Jckson Hole vlley on the Snke River inside the boundries of Grnd Teton Ntionl Prk nd just 40 miles south of Yellowstone Ntionl Prk

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Dornan’s In Moose

Moose, Wyoming


Employer Description: Dornan’s is a third, fourth, and fifth generation, family-owned/operated resort located in the heart of the Jackson Hole valley, on the Snake River inside the boundaries of Grand Teton National Park, and just 40 miles south of Yellowstone National Park. The western ambiance is an essential part of Dornan’s, we have a host of services ranging from two restaurants, an outstanding wine selection, alcohol and beer options, grocery and deli, gasoline, ATM, gifts and dining to guest lodging, and adventure sports equipment rental and sales during the summer.  Also, on site is Moosley Seconds: climbing gear and soft goods; as well as Will Dornan's Snake River Angler Fly Shop; and Barker-Ewing scenic float trip booking desk. The winter months see the addition of the rental of cross-country skis as well as snowshoes. The Chuckwagon, Adventure Sports, and Moosley Second close during the winter months. The Dornan family has been serving folks in northwestern Wyoming for over sixty years.  

Job Types: Restaurant/Kitchen Help, Retail (Grocery/Deli)

Job Descriptions:

Restaurant/Kitchen Help - Waiting on customers, answering questions, writing down lunch and dinner orders, serving food, dealing with U.S. currency, setting and clearing tables. Washing dishes, cleaning the kitchen, mopping floors, taking out garbage, chopping vegetables, assisting the cook.

Retail (Grocery/Deli) - Working the cash register, dealing with U.S. currency, attending to customers and guests.

Number of Positions: 10 to 12

English Requirement: Strong English

Work Dates:

Arrival Dates – May 1st to June 10th

End Dates – September 1st  to October 15th

Male/Female, Couples, Friend Groups: No preference for male/female ratio, couples ok, friend groups ok.

Salary: $6.85 per hour plus tips for tipped positions, dependent on position up to $9.65 per hour plus bonus.

Chuckwagon position: $6.85 plus tips. Retail position: $8.65 per hour. Pizza Pasta Company kitchen position: $9.65 per hour.

All positions eligible for $2.00 per hour bonus for all hours worked in season, paid at end of agreement (performance based).

Work Hours: 40 hours per week.

Housing Information: $300 per month, payroll deduction, includes all meals & snacks.  Housing is on property.  $100 housing deposit, complete refund if housing left in fit condition.

Uniform: Shirts provided by employer. Students must bring nice jeans (not too baggy/torn) and/or khakis, and comfortable shoes, as staff will be on their feet all day.

Area Description: Located in northwestern Wyoming, Grand Teton National Park preserves a spectacular landscape rich with majestic mountains, pristine lakes and extraordinary wildlife. The abrupt vertical rise of the jagged Teton Range contrasts with the horizontal sage-covered valley and glacial lakes at their base, creating world-renowned scenery that attracts nearly four million visitors per year. (from www.nps.gov/grte)

1. Анализ продукта- цельное пастеризованное молоко, деревенское отборное
2. Согласование результатов оценки получаемых от разных подходов к оценке машин оборудования и транспортных
3. Стебель Побег
4. Проблемы экологического бизнеса в биоэнергетике
5. Виховання патриотизму
6. Роль СМИ в жизни общества
7. аналог давно существующего в библиотечном деле понятия картотеки английское слово file и означает картотеку.html
8. Проблемы оценки социальноэкономической эффективности природоохранных мероприятий
9. РЕФЕРАТ з дисципліни Фізична реабілітація у педіатрії за темою Застосування фізичної реаб
10. Контрольная работа- Сельскохозяйственные рынки
11. Медуллобластома червя мозжечка с метастазами с оболочное пространство спинного мозга
12. Происхождение и развитие морали
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14. Животноводство как важнейшая отрасль сельского хозяйства1
15. мозжечок Мозчечек и мост являются единой структурой
16. Уфимский государственный авиационный технический университет ПЛАНЫ СЕМИНАРСКИХ З
17. Гаутама Сиддхартха (Будда).html
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19. Структура сервисной деятельности и удовлетворение потребностей. Материальные и духовные потребност
20. Реферат- Задачи по экологическому праву