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Britin is the country where dily newsppers re delivered t the door before brekfst

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More daily newspapers are sold in Britain than in other countries of the world. Britain is the country where daily newspapers are delivered at the door, before breakfast. There are about 135 daily papers and Sunday papers. A lot of people buy a morning paper, an evening paper and a Sunday paper.  

National newspapers have a circulation of about 16 million copies on weekdays and about 18 million copies on Sundays.  

The newspapers are divided into two main groups: quality papers and popular papers.

Quality newspapers are: “The Times”, “The Guardian”, “The Independent”, “The Financial Times”, “The Observer”, “The Sunday Times”. They publish national and international news. The popular papers are: “The News of the World”, “The Sun”, “The Daily Mirror” and others. They publish sensational news which shocks the reader.


More daily newspapers are sold in Britain than in other countries of the world. Britain is the country where daily newspapers are delivered at the door, before breakfast. There are about 135 daily papers and Sunday papers. A lot of people buy a morning paper, an evening paper and a Sunday paper.  

National newspapers have a circulation of about 16 million copies on weekdays and about 18 million copies on Sundays.  

The newspapers are divided into two main groups: quality papers and popular papers.

Quality newspapers are: “The Times”, “The Guardian”, “The Independent”, “The Financial Times”, “The Observer”, “The Sunday Times”. They publish national and international news. The popular papers are: “The News of the World”, “The Sun”, “The Daily Mirror” and others. They publish sensational news which shocks the reader.


More daily newspapers are sold in Britain than in other countries of the world. Britain is the country where daily newspapers are delivered at the door, before breakfast. There are about 135 daily papers and Sunday papers. A lot of people buy a morning paper, an evening paper and a Sunday paper.  

National newspapers have a circulation of about 16 million copies on weekdays and about 18 million copies on Sundays.  

The newspapers are divided into two main groups: quality papers and popular papers.

Quality newspapers are: “The Times”, “The Guardian”, “The Independent”, “The Financial Times”, “The Observer”, “The Sunday Times”. They publish national and international news. The popular papers are: “The News of the World”, “The Sun”, “The Daily Mirror” and others. They publish sensational news which shocks the reader.


More daily newspapers are sold in Britain than in other countries of the world. Britain is the country where daily newspapers are delivered at the door, before breakfast. There are about 135 daily papers and Sunday papers. A lot of people buy a morning paper, an evening paper and a Sunday paper.  

National newspapers have a circulation of about 16 million copies on weekdays and about 18 million copies on Sundays.  

The newspapers are divided into two main groups: quality papers and popular papers.

Quality newspapers are: “The Times”, “The Guardian”, “The Independent”, “The Financial Times”, “The Observer”, “The Sunday Times”. They publish national and international news. The popular papers are: “The News of the World”, “The Sun”, “The Daily Mirror” and others. They publish sensational news which shocks the reader.

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