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Yersold historyrdquo; wrote President Mintimer Shimiev in one of his rticles.html

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 There are several key factors distinguishing the model of Tatarstan, and among those, the historical, ethic and political factors. The historical factors greatly influences the mentality of Tatars, who well remember the roots of their statehood – the Bulgar Khanate, the Golden Horde and the Kazan Khanate. The ethic factor and the religious factor generally coincide. Tatarstan has two almost equal ethic groups – Muslim Tatars (48.5 per cent) and Ortodox Chistian Russians (43.3 per cent). The majority of both ethic groups live beyond the territory of the Republic and this is an important feature of Tatarstan. Another feature of the republic is general misinterpretation and misunderstanding of its history.

“It is probably difficult to find another nation, whose history would be so entangled as that of the Tatars. Even in Russia itself, where the Tatars constitute the second largest nation, little is known about their rich 1000-years-old history,”- wrote President Mintimer Shaimiev in one of his articles.

If the elected leader of a pioneering nation whose recent achievements placed it into the spotlight of not only Russian and CIS, but also world media, has to add his political weight to the question of who his people actually are, there can be only two possible explanations.

The first, and somewhat skeptical, rationalization of his desire to personally present his nation might be that this nation is actually completely unknown, and the political weight of its leader came about only by chance, through the circumstances of the prevailing political currents of the time. Indeed, a person might be world famous, without any aspect of his background being generally known. Otherwise, would it be possible for the world , s community to admire the ballet genius of Rudolf Nureyev, to enjoy the music of Sofia Gubaidulina, or to appreciate the academic accomplishments of the former head of the USSR Space Research Institute, Roald Sagdeev, and remain happy with the philistine notion that Tatarstan is “inhabited by descendants of Genghis Khan”? Recall Genghis Khan – and the notion of ruthless nomands springs to mind, people whose militant charisma could bring about a victory crowned by destruction, but not by consistent, expedient and constructive civilization.

Rudolf Nureyev and Sofia Gubaidulina are both real Tatars, like President Mintimer Shaimiev. However, their worldwide fame did not really change anything in terms of the habitual bias against the Tatar nation.

The second explanation may be much be much deeper and worthier of the president , s personal attention. He wrote an article addressed to the pan – Russian media and political circles, which were, and, indeed, are often still busy instilling to people , s minds traditionally negative and contradictory attitudes towards the Tatars and their true history. In this article he states:

Certain publicists and politicians time and again recall “The Tatar – Mongol yoke”, “The Tatar levy” and so forth, thus promoting a negative attitude towards the Tatars. Modern historical textbooks obligatory in the Russian school curriculum sometimes give the Tatars appreciation incompatible with workings of civilized society (sic).

One cannot treat the historical memory of people arbitrarily…. The Tatars are especially sensitive to the unfair recounting of their history. It is difficult to comprehend the policies of the Federal Centre in this respect. If Russia is a multinational state, as is written into the Constitution, then you ought to promote a civil society, and teach children not hatred towards the Tatars and other nations, an the objective understanding of  the events of the past.

In order to judge the workings of a politician, one ought to present different and even polar estimates of those workings by independent observes and outright opponents. These various judgements are easily available and will be put in place where it is required. But present such a juxtaposition of current political opinions is often mush simpler than to expound an impartial view of  one , s own history of Tatars.

To rid himself of any suspicions of impartiality in the touchy political context of present – day Russia, this author will further refer, in this regard, to the mainly Western sources and let them speak for themselves. In the light of understanding the political and economic situation in Tatarstan, as well as the position of the president, the “ancient and splendid Islamic civilization” of this country plays an immensely important role.

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