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Wht is the purpose of preventive dentistry I know 3 types of prevention

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                                                                Preventive Dentistry

1.What is the purpose of preventive dentistry?

I know 3 types of prevention. They are primary (involes those measures which prevent onset of the disease) , secondary ( is recognizing the disease early in it’s progress and repairing damages while they are minimal), tertiary(involves those measures taken after the disease process has done cansiderable damage).

2.What types of prevention do you know? Describe each of them.

Primary prevention is prevention in the obsolute sense, while secondary and tertiary prevention are relative terms because they must include those reperative and curative measures which arrest the disease process and prevent it’s spread and increased severity.

3.What is the prevention of dental caries?

The most effective approach to the prevention of disease has always been that which involves the least patient effort. Hence, the public health measures of water fluoridation has always been the preferred first lime of defense against dental caries.Therefore those personal preventive remain important for any person who desires to prevent or control the main dental diseases.

4.Why is removing of plaque important?

Plaque in not a single entity.Certain types of plaque appear to be associated with invitation of dental caries, others with formation of caleus and still others with certain inflammatory responses.

5.What preventive measures do you know?

Five general strategies are key to preventing cavities : good oral hygiene proper diet, flüoride, sealants and antibacterial therapy.

6.What are the methods of brushing and interproximal cleaning?

There are following methods of brushing: side-to-side method, roll method, Bass method (effective for patients with gingival inflammation). The method recommended should be individualized according to the patients weds.

7.What is the benefit from flossing?

The importance of flossing to clean the areas between the teeth. Floss is the most useful in cleaning the interproximal areas of the teeth from the contact point down to the sulcus.There are methods of interdental cleaning: floss, wooden sticks, interdental brushes, interspace brushes.

8.Why is flouride water useful for teeth?

Flouride can make the teeth, particularly the enamel, more resistant to the acid that helps cause cavities.Fluoride taken internaly is particulary effective while the teeth are growing and hardening until about age 11. İf a water supply has too much flouride, the teeth can because spotted or discolored.

9.How can diet influence the teeth?

All simple sugars have the some effect on the teeth, including table sugar(sucrose), the sugar in honey(levulose and dextrose),fruits(fructose) and milk (lactose). Whenever sugar comes in contact with plaque. Streptococcus mutants bacteria in the plaque produce acid for about 20 minutes.The plaque acids dissolve the mineral structure of teeth.

                                                       Conservative Dentistry

10. What is caries?Speak about its causes, clinical picture, treatment, prevention.

The most common decay-causing bacterium is streptococcus mutants.

11.What are the types of  tooth decay?Describe each of them.

The types of decay are: smooth surface decay, pit and fissures decay, root decay (begins on the bone-like tissure covering the root surface that has been exposed by receding gums, usually in people past middle age).

12. What is pulpitis? Speak about its couses, clinical picture, treatment, prevention.

 Smooth surface decay, the most preventable and reversible type, grows the slowest. İn smooth surface decay, a cavity begins as a white spot where bacteria are dissolving the calcium of the enamel.Smooth surface decay between the teeth usually begins at the age of 20 or 30. Pit and fissures decay, which usually starts during the teen years in the permanent teeth is for meds in the narrow grooves on the chevy surface.This decay progresses rapidly. Many people can’t adequately clean these cavity areas because the grooves are narrow than the bristles of a tooth-brush.

13. What are the differences between reversible and irreversible pulpitis?

It is inflametion of pulp.

14.How long does it take cavity to penetrate the enamel in case of root decay?

 Decay in enamel, progresses slowly. Although a cavity may take 2 or 3 years to penetrate the enamel, or can travel from the dentine to the pulp in as little as a year.Thus, root decay that starts in the dentine can destroy a lot of tooth structure in a short time.

15.What may toothaches result from?

Toothaches may result from roots that are exposed but not decayed excessively forceful chewing or fractured teeth. Sinus congestion can make the upper teeth sensitive. Usually a cavity in the enamel causes no pain, the pain starts when the decay reaches the dentine.A person may feel pain only when drinking something cold or eating candy.

16.When does usually pain start?

Usually a cavity in the enamel causes no pain, the pain starts when the decay reaches the dentine.A person may feel pain only when drinking something cold or eating candy.

17.What is the treatment of caries? Name the steps of filling the cavity.

If decay is treated before it reaches the dentine, the enamel can repair it self and the white spot on the tooth disappears.Once decay reches the dentine, the decayed part of the tooth must be removed and replaced with restoration.

                                                    Gingivitis and Periodontitis

18.What is gingivitis? Speak about its causes, clinical picture, treatment,prevention.

Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums.

19.What are the types of gingivitis?Speak about their symptoms.

Causes of gingivitis accumulation plaque and tartar between and around tooth, smoking, family history, poor oral hygiene.

20.What is the difference between gingivitis and periodontitis?

İn simple gingivitis (gums look red,puffy over bleeding); vitamin deficiency(bleeding);acute herpetic gingivostomatitis(pain,the gums bright red, White or yellow sores inside the mouth); gingivitis of pregnancy (pregnancy tumor-jump-like overgrowth of gum tissue); Desquamative gingivitis(the gums become so loose that the outer layer can be rubber away);gingivitis of leukemia(bleeding continues for several minutes or more).

21.What is periodontitis?Speak about its causes,clinical picture,treatment,prevention.

Simple gingivitis(good oral hygiene, tartar tooth paste). Vitamine C deficiency can be treated with vitamin  supplement and diet.Acute herpic gingivostomatitis usually gets better in 2 weeks without treatment. İntensive cleaning doesn’t help.A dentist may recommend an anesthetic mouth rinse to relieve discomfort.if pregnant women are neglecting oral hygiene a dentist can suggest ways to keep the teeth and gums clean without nausea.Tumors can be removed surgically but they can recur until the end of pregnancy. İf desquamative gingivitis develops during menopouse, hormone replacement therapy may help. Otherwise a dentis may prescribe corticosteroid tablets or paste, which  is applied to the gums.To prevent bleeding, a person with leukemia should gently wipe spouge instead of brushing and flossing.

22.Which cases need surgery?

Most periodontitis results from a long term accumulation of plaque and tartar between the teeth and the gums.Pockets are formed between the teeth and gums extend downward bone.These pockets collect plaque.

23.Why are periodontal diseases dangerous?

As more and more bone is lost, the teeth loosen and change position.

                                                                        Dental Anxiety

24.What are the factors of dental anxiety?

The etiological factors are influenced the deutal environment and so are constantly changing. There are a dental trauma, attitude of parents, friends, or the extend to which dental anxiety is part of an overall personality trait, will gain greater importance.

25.What are the reasons of fear in children?

The age and psychological development of children are also of great importance in the development of dental anxiety.Traumatic dental events leave deep-rooted fears whitin the patiend.

26. What are the two methods for managing dental anxiety?Describe each of them.

Various methods for managing dental anxienty are available but day can be reduced to two classes:

Pharmacologic and behavioral. Behavioral- it’s clear from any reflection on the dentist-patient relation ship that dentists have always used “psychology’’ to help their patients.Talking give some extra time, brief rest periods after discomfort. Complicated treatment, severe pain, physical or mental disorders may be indications to anaesthesia. Countra- indications deal with cardiovascular diseas, disorder of respiratory, traet allergy to anaesthesia, using strag-effective drugs by the patient.

27.What is the relation between patient’s age and gender and anxiety?

28. What is the difference between anaesthesia, deep sedation and conscious sedation?

General anaesthesia was defined as a countrolled state of unconsciousness accompanied by partial or complete loss of protective reflexes; deep sedation as a depressed level of consciousness with some depression of protective reflex, conscious sedation as a light level of sedation in which the patient retains the ability to respond to verbal command.

29.What are indications and contraindications fort he use of anaesthesia?

Extensive and complicated treatment, acute pain and trauma, physical disabilities may be indications for sedation or general anaesthesia. Contra-indications to the use of general anaesthesia or sedation lie almost exclusively in the nature and severity of the patient’s medical risk factors.

30.What are the side-effects of anesthesia?

                                                                                                                                    Aids in Dentistry

31.What is AIDS? What is the caouse of AIDS?What are its strains?

AIDS, acquired immune deficiency syndrowe; Has 2 strains: HiV1 and HiV2. HiV1 is now called a plaque of the 20th century. HiV in Africa. if decreases the function of immune system.

32.When did the first diagnosis of AIDS appaer?Who discovered the virus?

The first diagnosis of AIDS appeared in 1981 in the USA.The studies went on and in 1983 in France, 1984 in the USA the caouse of disease was found. Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo discovered a virus called HiV(Human immunadeficiency virus).

33.What does the virus affect?

The virus affect cells with a special receptive CD4 protein-antigen.

34.How many periods are there in AIDS flow?

There are 6 periods in AIDS flow: 1-is infection with the virus;2-(2-5 weeks) is incubation period;3-(2-3 weeks)is acute AIDS;4-(3-5 years) is the latent period(for 5-15 years);5- (night sweats) is pre-AIDS;6- (a person slowy ares) is AIDS it self.

35.What are the ways of getting the virus into human body?

The ways AIDS virus gets into human body are the following: it can come with infected blood or blood preparations, sexual way, through placenta, milk and dilivery water.The virus can’t  be transmitted through handshaking, common swimming pool, toilet.

36.What dental disorders are associated with AIDS?

There are oral lesions associated with HiV infections: candidiasis, hairy leukoplakia, kaposi's sarcoma, periodontal diseoses necrotising gingivitis, ulcerative periodontitis.

37.What procedures souldn’t an infected dentist perform?

The infected dentist shouldn’t be into invasive procedures: surgical procedures, extraction of teeth , cutting or removal of any oral or periodontal tissures,during which bleeding may ocur.

38.What measure of prevention of this disease do you know?

The control of cross-infection and indudes barrier measures such as the comprehensive wearing of surgical gloves or facial masks.

39.What is oral candidiasis?What are its 5 main categories?

Oral candidosis has taken on a new and sinister significance as an indicator of HiV infection and as a predictor of the course of disease.The disease has been classified into 5 main categories;

1-Acute pseudomembranous candidosis 2- Acute atrophic candidosis 3- Chronic candidosis 4- Chronic hyperplastic candidoses 5- Candida – associated angular cheilitis

40.What are the clinical variants and symptoms of oral candidiasis?

There are 4 clinical variants suchas; - pseudomembranous candidosis erythematous candidosis(red lesion) hyperplastic candidosis angular cheilitis

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