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Theme- unit II Step II t the dentist Grmmr- Revision of tenses The ims- to develop pupils skills nd hbits in speking nd uding reding writing; Tlk bout medicine

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Lesson plan№20

Class/level : 11

Theme: unit II. Step II. At the dentist

Grammar: Revision of tenses

The aims: to develop pupils skills and habits in speaking and auding, reading, writing; Talk about medicine. To learn new words

Method of the lesson: explanation, speaking, listening.

Visual aids: methodical book, grammar tables.

Procedure of the lesson

  1.  Organization moment: 

Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What date is it today? What day is the week today? Can you name the days of the week please?                                         What season is it now? How many seasons are there in year? Can you name the seasons of the year?

II. Checking up the home task:

Now we'll check our home task. I hope that you are ready. What was your home task? Ok, let's start from….

P: home task was to make up dialogue “at the dentist”  

  1.  Warm-up: 

Courage- мужество, смелость

Maid- горничная, мед.сестра

Surgery- хирургия

Injection- инъекция

Syringe- шприц

Liquid- жидкость


Forceps- шипцы

Grip- захват

Spit- плевать

Ex 4 p.53. Talk to your partner.

1. What is the main idea of the story ?

2. Have you ever been in the same situation as the narrator?

3.  Dentist use different methods to calm people.

  1.  Presentation:

Ex. 8 p.53. Read the texts.

Условными предложениями называются сложноподчиненные предложения, в которых в придаточном предложении называется условие, а в главном предложении - следствие, выражающее результат этого условия. И условие, и следствие могут относится к настоящему, прошедшему и будущему. Придаточные предложения условия чаще всего вводятся союзом if если.

Общепринято делить условные предложения на три типа в зависимости от того, какую степень вероятности выражает конструкция.

Тип I-(а) - реальные события (Придаточное – Present Indefinite;   Главное – Future Indefinite.).

If I have a lot of money, I will by a car.

Если у меня будет много денег, я  куплю машину.

Тип I-(б) - маловероятные события (Придаточное –  Subjunctive II-2 (should + инфинитив); Главное – Future Indefinite.).

If I should have a lot of money, I will buy a car.

Если вдруг у меня  будет (случись так, что у меня будет) много денег, я куплю машину.

Тип II - почти нереальные события (Придаточное –  Subjunctive I (Past Subjunctive);  Главное –  Subjunctive II-1 (would + инфинитив).

If I had a lot of money, I would buy a car.

Если бы у меня  было много денег, я  бы  купил машину.

Тип III - абсолютно нереальные события (Придаточное –  Subjunctive I (Past Perfect Subjunctive); Главное –  Subjunctive II-3 (would + Perfect инфинитив).

If I had (I’d) had a lot of money, I would have bought a car last year.

Если бы у меня  было много денег, я  бы купил машину в прошлом году.

Существует еще и  смешанный тип условных предложений (Придаточное –  Subjunctive I (Past или Past Perfect Subjunctive); Главное –  Subjunctive II-1,3 (would + инфинитив или Perfect инфинитив).

If I had (I’d) had a lot of money yesterday, I would buy a car now.

Если бы у меня  было много денег вчера, я  бы купил машину теперь.

If I earned a lot, I would have bought a car long ago.

Если бы я много  зарабатывал , я  бы уже давно  купил машину.

V. Practice:

Ex. 9p.54. Put the words in the right order to complete the sentences.

If I should read much , I will get a headache too

If I become a doctor, I will treat people

If I didn’t eat much, I wouldn’t put weight too

Giving marks:

V. Home task: ex. 11-13 p54-56

VI. Conclusion: Ok. Children, what do we learn today? How can we use it (them)? Thank you for your participation. You have been very active today. You may have a rest! Bye!

Lesson plan№19

Class/level : 11
Date: 14.11.2013

Theme: unit II. Step II. At the dentist

Grammar: Revision of tenses

The aims: to develop pupils skills and habits in speaking and auding, reading, writing; Talk about medicine. To learn new words

Method of the lesson: explanation, speaking, listening.

Visual aids: methodical book, grammar tables.

Procedure of the lesson

  1.  Organization moment: 

Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What date is it today? What day is the week today? Can you name the days of the week please?                                         What season is it now? How many seasons are there in year? Can you name the seasons of the year?

II. Checking up the home task:

Now we'll check our home task. I hope that you are ready. What was your home task? Ok, let's start from….

P: home task was to make up dialogue “at the dentist”  

  1.  Warm-up: 

Courage- мужество, смелость

Maid- горничная, мед.сестра

Surgery- хирургия

Injection- инъекция

Syringe- шприц

Liquid- жидкость


Forceps- шипцы

Grip- захват

Spit- плевать

Ex 4 p.53. Talk to your partner.

1. What is the main idea of the story ?

2. Have you ever been in the same situation as the narrator?

3.  Dentist use different methods to calm people.

  1.  Presentation:

Ex. 8 p.53. Read the texts.

Условными предложениями называются сложноподчиненные предложения, в которых в придаточном предложении называется условие, а в главном предложении - следствие, выражающее результат этого условия. И условие, и следствие могут относится к настоящему, прошедшему и будущему. Придаточные предложения условия чаще всего вводятся союзом if если.

Общепринято делить условные предложения на три типа в зависимости от того, какую степень вероятности выражает конструкция.

Тип I-(а) - реальные события (Придаточное – Present Indefinite;   Главное – Future Indefinite.).

If I have a lot of money, I will by a car.

Если у меня будет много денег, я  куплю машину.

Тип I-(б) - маловероятные события (Придаточное –  Subjunctive II-2 (should + инфинитив); Главное – Future Indefinite.).

If I should have a lot of money, I will buy a car.

Если вдруг у меня  будет (случись так, что у меня будет) много денег, я куплю машину.

Тип II - почти нереальные события (Придаточное –  Subjunctive I (Past Subjunctive);  Главное –  Subjunctive II-1 (would + инфинитив).

If I had a lot of money, I would buy a car.

Если бы у меня  было много денег, я  бы  купил машину.

Тип III - абсолютно нереальные события (Придаточное –  Subjunctive I (Past Perfect Subjunctive); Главное –  Subjunctive II-3 (would + Perfect инфинитив).

If I had (I’d) had a lot of money, I would have bought a car last year.

Если бы у меня  было много денег, я  бы купил машину в прошлом году.

Существует еще и  смешанный тип условных предложений (Придаточное –  Subjunctive I (Past или Past Perfect Subjunctive); Главное –  Subjunctive II-1,3 (would + инфинитив или Perfect инфинитив).

If I had (I’d) had a lot of money yesterday, I would buy a car now.

Если бы у меня  было много денег вчера, я  бы купил машину теперь.

If I earned a lot, I would have bought a car long ago.

Если бы я много  зарабатывал , я  бы уже давно  купил машину.

V. Practice:

Ex. 9p.54. Put the words in the right order to complete the sentences.

If I should read much , I will get a headache too

If I become a doctor, I will treat people

If I didn’t eat much, I wouldn’t put weight too

Giving marks:

VI. Conclusion: Ok. Children, what do we learn today? How can we use it (them)?

 V. Home task: ex. 11-13 p54-56

Thank you for your participation. You have been very active today. You may have a rest! Bye!

Lesson plan №22

Class/level : 11

Theme: First aid. Part II

The aims: to develop pupils’ skills and habits in speaking and auding, reading, writing; talk about first aid, how can we do it? Learn new words. 

Type of the lesson: new lesson

Method of the lesson: explanation, speaking, listening.

Visual aids: methodical book, grammar tables.

Procedure of the lesson

  1.  Organization moment: 

Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What date is it today? What day is the week today? Can you name the days of the week please?                                         What season is it now? How many seasons are there in year? Can you name the seasons of the year?

II. Checking up the home task:

Now we'll check our home task. I hope that you are ready. What was your home task? Ok, let's start from….

III. Warm-up: 

Reassure- успокойть

Victim  – жертва  

Clamp  –  прижать

Nostril –  ноздри

Provoke – провоцировать


Talk to your partner.

Do you know anyone who has had an accident at home?

What sort of accident was it?

Write down five accidents that can happen to children in the home?

IV. Presentation:

Ex.9 p 59. Match the word with the correct first aid response.

  1.  Bruise синяк       E
  2.  Poisoning  отравление D
  3.  Burn ожог A
  4.  Nosebleed кровотечение из носу B
  5.  Bite укусить  C
  6.  Broken bones сломать кость F

The third conditional

If +Past Perfect + would + Past Participle

(нереальное условие в прошедшем времени)

Противоположность настоящему

V. Practice 

Ex. 10 p59. Read the problems and write some first aid treatments for each case with your partner

Ex.12 p60. Red the conversation.

V. Conclusion

Ok. Children, what do we learn today? How can we use it (them)?

VI. Home task: ex13-16p60-61

Giving marks:

Thank you for your participation. You have been very active today. You may have a rest! Bye!

Lesson plan№27

Class/level : 11

Theme: The world of chess

Grammar: Revision of tenses

The aims: to develop pupils skills and habits in speaking and auding, reading, writing; talk about world champion matches and world champion chess players.

Method of the lesson: explanation, speaking, listening.

Visual aids: methodical book, grammar tables.

Procedure of the lesson

  1.  Organization moment: 

Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What date is it today? What day is the week today? Can you name the days of the week please?                                         What season is it now? How many seasons are there in year? Can you name the seasons of the year?

II. Checking up the home task:

Now we'll check our home task. I hope that you are ready. What was your home task? Ok, let's start from….

P: home task was to make up dialogue “at the dentist”  

  1.  Warm-up: 

Ex 2 p.68. Talk to your partner.

Can you play chess?

If yes, are you good at it?

Can you name some famous chess players?

What do you know about the history of chess?

  1.  Presentation:

Ex. 4 p.69. work in a small groups.

Ex. 5p. 70. work in a small groups.  Read the texts.

                         Group A            Group B


Ex. 6p.70.answer the questions.

When did he become an international grandmaster?

What’s he like?

What can you say about two chess player?

Ex 7. P. 70 . Finder a partner from other group. Compare two chess players.


V. Conclusion: Ok. Children, what do we learn today? How can we use it (them)?

Giving marks:

VI. Home task: ex. 11-13 p54-56

Thank you for your participation. You have been very active today. You may have a rest! Bye!

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16. в тіні що обумовлено несприятливим регуляторним середовищем
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