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Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.
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A Foreword from the
We are thrilled to present you with this 9-player
A FEAST FOR CROWS expansion for Christian
Petersen’s excellent A GAME OF THRONES
board game.
We obviously love A GAME OF THRONES, or
we wouldn’t have spent the inordinate amount of
time we did to create this. You clearly love it as
well - you spent the time to download it - so we
hope this will only make you love the game even
The game was created by four of us over several
sleepless weeks late in October 2005.
We took all the graphics from the game itself,
and then from Amok’s wonderful artwork
(http://www.amoka.net). We trust we will not be
begrudged that.
Now prepare your hearts to head back to Westeros,
in the company of Arryns, Tullys and Targaryens.
And, oh, we’ve added in the dragons. Enjoy!
Until next time - Hear us roar,
Mark Stark
Lugi Lannister
Austin & Dylan Bolton
West, Inc. - “Because we are”
Reformation Day 2005
Creating the Game
To play A FEAST FOR CROWS, you will need two copies of the
original A GAME OF THRONES, as well as one copy of the
A CLASH OF KINGS expansion. (That should make Fantasy Flight
happy!) One copy of AGOT will stay exactly as it is. The other will
most certainly not.
Take 2 knights, 1 footman, and 1 ship from each house in the second
copy and add them to the original units in the first copy. Set aside one
green ship, one black ship, and one white ship to create the three
Targaryen dragons. Then divide and paint the remaining units to
create 24 units each for House Tully (blue) andHouse Arryn (sky
blue), and 23 for House Targaryen (violet). (Targaryen recieves one
less knight, but also three dragons for a final total of 26 units.)
Take away one siege engine from each of the six colors, and paint
two for each of the three new houses.
Remove 4 power tokens from each house in the second copy, and
add them to the original amount. Then divide and paint the remaining
tokens to create 24 for each of the three new houses.
Color 3 sets of “areas of influence” markers, 3 supply markers, and
the backs of 3 sets of orders from the second copy to make order
tokens for the new houses. (Note: You will also need to paint 4
wooden units orange to add to House Martell, as well as coloring
4 additional power tokens for them)
So you should end up with:
- 12 footmen, 7 ships, and 2 siege engines for each of nine houses
- 4 knights and 3 dragons (formerly ships) for House Targaryen
- 5 knights for the each of the other eight houses
- 24 power tokens for each house
- The standard 15 order tokens for each house
The following are included in A FEAST FOR CROWS, and need to be
printed out to play:
- New house, start, Westeros & tactic cards on 14 double-sided sheets
(these are formatted to fit cards from http://www.protoparts.com)
- The new 44” x 33” map (this will fit exactly onto the back of your
two AGOT maps, or print it on some rollable, durable material)
- 15 new square special order tokens
- 1 Tactics Chart
- These rules (1 folded-in-half glossy double-sided 22” x 11” sheet)
- Bonus: 9 player mats (print onto 8.5” x 11” tan cardstock)
- Bonus: AFFC cover to paste over your second AGOT box.
You should discover that from your 3 boxes, the following items
are no longer needed to play any version of the game:
- 2 footmen units
- 4 power tokens
- 2 sets of orders
- 2 supply markers
- 6 “areas of influence” markers
- 1 each of the large Blade, Raven, and Throne tokens
- 1 each of the three neutral house tokens
- 1 turn marker
- 1 Wildling Attack marker
This game uses only the alternate house cards from the ACOK
expansion. Note also that the port tokens are no longer needed,
as ports are printed directly on the new map. The standard 9
fortifications are available in the course of the game.
Okay, now breathe. Trust us, you spent less time doing all that
than we did. Now it’s on to the regular kind of fun...
(Note: We designed this variant to use all the optional rules
from the A CLASH OF KINGS expansion. Except that we
dislike options 7 & 8 , and never play with them. But that is
no reason they cannot be used in the course of a 9-player game
if you so desire.)
Preparing to play
Place the Westeros card decks (Deck IV is an addition) along
the artwork strip on the board, leaving every other space for a
discard pile.
As Decks I-III are not drawn from until the second turn, Deck
IV cards are not drawn from until the fifth turn. Turn five on
the turn track has a “IV” printed over it to remind you to begin
drawing from this new deck. These events are generally more
impactful than the normal Westeros cards, but each event will
only come up once per game. A detailed explanation of each
event can be found on p.4 of these rules.
Place the turn marker and Wildlings Attack marker as normal.
Note that the Wildlings Attack track now moves by increments
of three rather than two, and the turn chart goes to 14 turns
rather than ten. The game now ends at the conclusion of turn
14, unless a player gains the requisite seven castles to win.
The neutral house markers are not used in A FEAST FOR
Players should now each draw one of the new 9-player setup
house start cards. Each house has a corresponding player mat
for players to place their units and power on during the course
of the game. Each player recieves the normal five power
tokens to start from his 24 available. The Targaryen player
then dances a jig since he will be recieving dragons during the
course of the game. (Optional rule: If the player is unwilling
to perform this jig, cards should be redrawn until someone
willing recieves House Targaryen)
Each player sets up according to his house start card. The only
oddity here is the special fortification in Moat Cailin which is
noted on the Stark start card. At the beginning of the game, an
unoccupied fortification piece is placed on Moat Cailin. This
is the only time in the game a fortification is allowed to be
unoccupied. The first player to enter Moat Cailin in the course
of play recieves the benefits of this fortification immediately,
just as if he had built it himself. House Stark moves before any
other houses adjacent to this space (as per its position on the
Iron Throne track) and should therefore be able to claim this
area first. When the first owner leaves Moat Cailin, the
fortification is removed as per the normal rule.
The Home Regions
On the board are delineated home regions for each of the nine
houses. They are the colored borders surrounding various areas,
including that house's starting shield. During the course of play,
that house will recieve a +1 bonus in all combat that takes place
in an are within this region. There is no bonus to support coming
from one of these regions, so it is never possible to gain this +1
advantage more than once per battle. The bonus only applies if
the actual battle is located within the home region - in other
words, the defender's army must be the one located in the bonus
area. Because of this, the home region bonus never applies to
ships, as fleets cannot be attacked in port, and no sea areas are
part of any house's home region. Additionally, these bonuses are
not transferrable. You cannot offer another player the use of
your regional bonus, and if two players are fighting in a third
player's home region, there would be no effect. (Home regions
example: The Stark player marches into Moat Cailin with a
footman on his first move of the game, as he should. His
defensive strength if attacked in that space is 3: 1 footman
strength +1 fortification bonus + 1 home region bonus. On the
next turn, he cold place a defense +2 order, and the individual
footman would then defend at a strength of 5!)
Targaryen Dragons
Dragons are a special unit available only to House Targaryen.
The Targaryen player should recieve three to muster at the
beginning of the game, represented by the black, green and
white ships placed upright on their sterns. These three are a
limit - dragons cannot be remustered once removed from the
board. When a dragon is lost, place it back in the box and out
of play. Dragon units have a base strength of three on attack and
defense, but still only count as one unit against supply. A dragon
may be mustered only by upgrading a knight at the cost of one
mustering point. You cannot muster a dragon from a footman,
even if you have two mustering points available at a stronghold.
Dragons can never be created from siege engines.
Dragons are land units, but they are capable of attacking sea
areas as well as supporting sea battles. They cannot, however,
occupy a sea area at the end of their move (even if a friendly
fleet is located in that sea area). Dragons can use sea transport
to attack just as other units.
If a dragon attacks a sea area and loses the battle, they may
retreat as normal (unless killed by sword icons). For this retreat,
ship transport may be used. If they win the battle, they must
either return to the space they made the attack from, or redeploy
into an open or friendly land area directly adjacent to the sea
area in which the battle was fought. For this redeployment, ship
transport may not be used (unless returning to the area of
origination) - the dragon(s) must move into an area physically
adjacent to the sea area. Multiple dragons must all move into the
same area. They may not move into an area containing enemy
forces, or an enemy power token. In this manner, a dragon can
defeat an enemy fleet and take an open adjacent area in a single
move. Dragons may never enter ports.
Dragons may never switch sides under any circumstances.
Cards that might allow this do not affect dragon units.
Note that if an army containing dragon(s) is given a support
order, the army's entire strength would be applied while
supporting an adjacent land battle - but only the dragon's
strength would be applied to an adjacent sea battle.
Optional Rules
Division of Power
If players are eliminated from the game, their 24 power tokens
are divided among the remaining players. This power would
beome that house's, and become available to them as part of
their pool. This would be resolved in iron throne order, one
token at a time, meaning that if there was a remainder after
dividing the lost house's power tokens, the houses with the
highest iron throne positions would recieve the extras.
Secret House Cards
Play with people's house cards being secret - both their hand
and discard pile. In this way, card-counters are rewarded, just
as house lords who kept an eye on their enemies would be.
Additionally, it adds another layer of diplomacy and lies as
others call out what cards a player has available during a battle.
Road Movement
There are three road areas on the map: Kingsroad, Roseroad,
and Goldroad. These special spaces allow units from different
houses to coexist in the same area without fighting. Once an
army has moved into a road area, it can only place march and
raid orders. Special orders may not be placed in a road area.
Players marching into a road area can decide to attack or not
to attack any armies present. Only one house’s army may be
attacked at once. Armies in road areas are subject to supply -
each house may have only one army in the area. You may,
however, attack another army in a road area with an outside
army, even if you already have an army in that road area. That
army simply may not move in beyond your supply if victorious.
Tactic Cards (or, “Rock, paper, scissors on crack”)
When it comes time for a battle, players
secretly play one of their nine provided
tactic cards in addition to playing a house
card. On the tactics chart, cross reference
the card the attacker played against the
defender’s card. A halberd indicates a +1
bonus for the attacker, and a helmet
indicates a +1 for the defender. This
bonus is applied immediately and
modifies the battle accordingly. A blank
space on the chart results in no bonus for either side. The
interactions of each tactic are also printed directly onto the
cards, in two columns: one if the card is played as an attack
tactic, and the second if the card is played by the defender. If
a unit icon is located in the upper left of the tactic card, that
card can only be played if your army contains that type of unit.
Note that “arrow volley” can be played if your army has either
footmen or ships. If there is no unit icon, that tactic can be
played by any fleet or army irrespective of its composition. If
a player plays a tactic card illegally, his opponent recieves the
+1 bonus automatically. Tactic cards are never discarded.
The New Westeros Cards
Others Attack
Each player must choose one house card from his
discard pile and remove it from play for the remainder
of the game. If a player’s cards are all currently in his
hand, the card does not affect him.
Soothsayers Dissent
In Iron Throne order, each player may change one enemy
order on an enemy army or fleet located adjacent to or
within his home region. Orders must be exchanged with
the enemy’s unused orders. One army’s order may be
changed multiple times in the same turn in this process.
Night’s Watch Grows
All mammoth symbols that came up in this turn’s draw
are ignored. However, this is still resolved in event deck
order, so if the wildlings attack card comes up in deck III
on the same draw, any mammoth symbols from decks
I and II would still take effect.
Choppy Seas
Ships do not provide combat strength to an adjacent battle
while supporting this turn. (Note: a +1 support order
would still provide its bonus as usual)
All three impassable rivers on the board are now fordable,
and can be crossed as though they were normal area
borders. Bridges are therefore irrelevant for the turn.
Half of each player’s ships at sea are destroyed.
Ships in port are not affected, nor do they count for
the calculation. Fractions should be rounded up.
Death & Taxes
Each player must immediately forfeit back to his pool
an amount of power equal to his supply level. If he is
unable to do so, he moves down one space on the
supply track.
Wolves Attack
Half of each player’s knights are reduced to footmen
(fractions are rounded up). If a player does not have the
footmen in stock to replace his knights, they are lost. If
a player has no knights, there is no effect for him.
Abundant Harvest
Each player’s supply moves up one space on the supply
track. This remains so until the supply card comes up
Sea Doldrums
Ship transport may not be used this turn by any player.
Naval battles and support are unaffected, but land forces
(including dragons) cannot move or retreat through ships.
Winter is Coming (variant option)
If you would like the possibility of event deck IV cards
recurring, this may be added to the deck at the start of
the game.
Winter Comes (variant option)
If you would like more uncertainty as to the timing of
game’s end, this may be added to the deck at the start of
the game. It should introduce more conflict as players are
more interested in consistently maintaining a lead rather
than biding their time preparing for a quick strike.
New Special Orders
Wildfire (Raid) Targaryen Only
Adds one sword icon to all Targaryen leaders played in
combat in or adjacent to the area placed. Can be placed on
land or sea, and affects both. In this way land forces could
assist in a sea battle.
The Falcon’s Fury (Raid) Arryn Only
During this turn, no player but Arryn may attack the Eyrie or
Bloody Gate.
The River Rises (Raid) Tully Only
House Tully’s regional bonus is increased from the normal +1
to +2 for the duration of the turn, both on attack and defense.