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Full disk the video is not visible the menu is not vilble

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  1.  Luvian Wu:

18:47 Dec 13,2013

Or you can change to another one?

18:47 Dec 13,2013

Hi.I'm really sorry to make you trouble.We check all products before sending.I think it is broken on the way.Pls send it back to us and I can change a new one and a new card to you.Or refund you the full money.

  1.  Me:

02:14 Dec 13,2013


  1.  Luvian Wu:

02:07 Dec 13,2013

Hi.ok.I will reply you later.

  1.  Me:

01:38 Dec 13,2013

Hello. Made the video. Inserted the card into the DVR, there is the inscription "full disk", the video is not visible, the menu is not available. In a computer, the card is opened, but there is a problem communicating with the card. When formatting is also an error occurs. The same result was obtained when testing on other computers.

  1.  Luvian Wu:

20:02 Dec 12,2013

my mailbox is l@i-saddle.com
Or you can upload to YouTobe.and give me the link

  1.  Me:

10:57 Dec 12,2013

Made the video, the volume of 1.6 GB. Tell me how I can send it.

  1.  Luvian Wu:

20:42 Dec 11,2013

Hi.You mean that it can't be formatted?Could you take a video of your situation?For the motion function,The factory haven't put the new firmware out for this model.I can refund you $5 for your unhappy.OK?

  1.  Me:

10:06 Dec 11,2013

Hello. Unfortunately, the card is not formatted. Maybe you can offer a special program for the restoration of your card?

  1.  Luvian Wu:

01:57 Dec 11,2013

Hi.I'm sorry for this situation first.You can format the card and try it again.Or you can use this card to another DVR.It is good quality.For the function,I will test it and reply you.


01:40 Dec 11,2013

Hello. Got a DVR. After the first shooting 32GB memory card is not readable, not formatted. Besides in the description and on the box there is motion detection function, but in fact it is not. That do not know, do not want to confirm the order with such a card memory. I will be glad to hear your suggestions to address the issue, because I would not like to bring the case to the dispute.

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