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Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.

Предоплата всего

Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.
Предоплата всего
2013-2014 оқу жылына ағылшын тілінен тест сұрақтары мен тапсырмалары/Тестовые вопросы и задания по английскому языку на 2013-2014 учебный год
Мамандық/ Специальность: 5B120100«Ветеринарлық медицина/ Ветеринарная медицина», 5B120200 «Ветеринарлық санитария/ Ветеринарная санитария», 5B080400 «Балық шаруашылығы/ Рыбное хозяйство», 5B080200 «Мал шаруашылығы өнімдерін өндіру технологиясы/ Технология перерабатывающих производств животноводства»
Оқыту тілі/ Язык обучения: қазақ орыс/ казахский, русский
семестр III, курс II
Топтар/ Группы - ВМ21,22,23,24,25(инд); ВС21,22,23,25;РХ 21,22,23 (инд); ТППЖ 21,22(инд);
Тест тапсырмаларына жауапты оқытушы / Преподаватель ответственный за разработку тестов Кенжегалиева А.Г.
№ |
Уровень сложности\ Күрделілік деңгейі |
Вопросы\Сұрақтар |
Раздел Бөлім |
Ответ\ Жауап а) правильный дұрыс |
Ответ\ Жауап b) |
Ответ\ Жауап c) |
Ответ\ Жауап d) |
Ответ\ Жауап e) |
I |
Choose the right variant of the article: This is … wonderful small computer in … front of … you. |
1 |
a, 0, 0 |
the,0, 0 |
0,0,0 |
a, a, a |
the, a, 0 |
I |
Choose the right variant of the article: I get up at … half past seven in … morning and go to … bed at … quarter to eleven in … evening. |
1 |
0, the, 0, a, the |
a, 0, the, a, the |
the, 0, 0, the, a, |
0,0,0,0,the |
0, 0, the, a, the |
I |
Choose the right variant of the article: When do you leave … home for … work. |
1 |
0,0 |
a, the |
0, the |
0,a |
the, the |
I |
Use the necessary article: This morning I had … apple and some toasts for … breakfast. |
1 |
an, - |
the, the |
an, a |
a, an |
a, the |
I |
Choose the necessary article: Saturday is … sixth day of the week. |
1 |
the |
an |
0 |
that |
a |
I |
Choose the right variant of the article: This is … pineapple. … pineapple is delicious. |
1 |
a, the |
the, a |
0, the |
the, the |
a, a |
I |
Choose the right variant of the verb to be: They … in the library tomorrow. |
2 |
will be |
shall |
is |
am |
was |
I |
Choose the right variant of the verb to be: My aunt … very depressed last Sunday. |
2 |
was |
is |
were |
am |
will be |
I |
Choose the right variant of the verb to be: The students … in the Hermitage last month. |
2 |
were |
was |
is |
are |
will be |
I |
Choose the right variant of the verb to be: My sister … not … at home tomorrow. |
2 |
will … be |
is … to be |
shall … be |
was … to be |
will … have |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to be”: … Nick and Tom good football players? |
2 |
are |
am |
is |
were |
shall be |
I |
Choose the right variant of the verb to have: Mary … six lessons tomorrow. |
3 |
will have |
have |
has |
had |
shall have |
I |
Choose the right variant of the verb to have: … they examinations last winter? |
3 |
had |
shall have |
has |
will have |
have |
I |
Choose the right variant of the verb to have: How many exams do you … this term? |
3 |
have |
had |
will have |
shall have |
has |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to have”: … your uncle a car? |
3 |
has |
have |
had |
shall have |
will have |
I |
Choose the right variant of the noun in Plural form: a child |
4 |
children |
childrens |
childryns |
childriens |
childs |
I |
Choose the right variant of the noun in Plural form: a tooth |
4 |
teeth |
toothes |
tooths |
tooths |
toothes |
I |
Choose the right variant of the noun in Plural form: a deer |
4 |
deer |
deers |
deeres |
deers |
deere |
I |
Choose the right variant of the noun in Plural form: a baby |
4 |
babies |
babys |
babyis |
babys |
babyes |
I |
Choose the right variant of the noun in Plural form: an ox |
4 |
oxen |
oxes |
oxs |
oxens |
oxs |
I |
Choose the right variant of the noun in Plural form: a mouse |
4 |
mice |
mouses |
micen |
mouses |
mouse |
I |
Choose the right variant in Possessive Case my sister/ flat |
5 |
my sisters flat |
my sister flat |
my sister flats |
my flats |
my sisters flat |
I |
Choose the right variant in Possessive Case my friend/ mother |
5 |
my friends mother |
my friends mother |
my friend mothers |
my friend mother |
my friends mother |
I |
Choose the right variant in Possessive Case student/ report |
5 |
students reports |
students reports |
students reports |
studentes reports |
studentss reports |
I |
Choose the right variant in Possessive Case my sister/ voice |
5 |
my sisters voice |
my sister voice |
my sisters voices |
my sisters voices |
my sisters voice |
I |
Choose the right variant of the Degrees of Comparison: This sentence is … than the first one. |
6 |
more difficult |
difficulter |
difficultest |
difficult |
most difficult |
I |
Choose the right variant of the Degrees of Comparison: My father is … in our family. |
6 |
the oldest |
more old |
older |
the most old |
old |
I |
Choose the right variant of the Degrees of Comparison: … late than never. |
6 |
better |
gooder |
more good |
the most good |
good |
I |
Choose the right variant of the Degrees of Comparison: The island of Great Britain is … than Greenland. |
6 |
smaller |
smallest |
more small |
the most small |
small |
I |
Choose the right variant of the Degrees of Comparison: Where is … post office, please? |
6 |
the nearest |
more nearer |
nearer |
the most near |
nearest |
I |
Choose the right variant of the Degrees of Comparison: This is … building in the city. |
6 |
the most beautiful |
beautiful |
beautifuller |
more beautiful |
beautifullest |
I |
Choose the right variant of the Degrees of Comparison: Cattle are … of the animals domesticated by men. |
6 |
the most important |
more importanter |
important |
importanter |
more important |
I |
Choose the right variant of the Degrees of Comparison: He makes … than you do. |
6 |
more |
many |
morest |
much |
most |
I |
Choose the right variant of the Degrees of Comparison: Your farm is not so … as our farm. |
6 |
big |
bigger |
biggest |
most big |
more big |
I |
Choose the right variant of the Degrees of Comparison: December 22 is ... day of the year. |
6 |
the shortest |
more shorter |
short |
shorter |
most short |
I |
Give the right synonym: Different |
7 |
various |
fertile |
scientific |
big |
cold |
I |
Give the right synonym: Aim |
7 |
purpose |
subject |
production |
method |
victory |
I |
Give the right synonym: Rapid |
7 |
quick |
fresh |
salty |
important |
slow |
I |
Give the right synonym: Substance |
7 |
matter |
main |
object |
return |
last |
I |
Give the right synonym: Breathing |
7 |
respiration |
transpiration |
assistance |
cut |
air |
I |
Give the right synonym: Limit |
7 |
restrict |
air |
energy |
apply |
help |
I |
Give the right synonym: Deciduous |
7 |
broadleaf |
root |
stream |
test |
roof |
I |
Give the right synonym: Injure |
7 |
harm |
plant |
field |
salt |
iron |
I |
Give the right antonym: cheap |
8 |
expensive |
clean |
annual |
educational |
strong |
I |
Give the right antonym: wide |
8 |
narrow |
arable |
dairy |
main |
clever |
I |
Give the right antonym: often |
8 |
seldom |
yet |
already |
always |
usually |
I |
Give the right antonym: careless |
8 |
careful |
suitable |
valuable |
objective |
famous |
I |
Give the right antonym: cold |
8 |
warm |
cool |
harmful |
blue |
dark |
I |
Give the right antonym: slow |
8 |
rapid |
cloudy |
narrow |
main |
thick |
I |
Give the right antonym: wild |
8 |
domestic |
homeless |
growing |
dried |
worse |
I |
Give the right antonym: shortage |
8 |
excess |
active |
sunshine |
growth |
subject |
I |
Give English equivalent: Крупный рогатый скот/ ірі қара малы |
9 |
cattle |
draft animals |
fur-bearing animals |
half-wild buffaloes |
draft power |
I |
Give English equivalent: Домашнее животное/ үй жануары |
9 |
pet |
wild animals |
cattle |
fur-bearing animals |
fog |
I |
Give English equivalent: Грубые корма/ құнарсыз жем |
9 |
roughage |
grain |
seed |
crop |
cereal |
I |
Give English equivalent: Сырое мясо/ шикі ет |
9 |
flesh |
fresh |
feed |
fish |
fin |
I |
Give English equivalent: Домашняя птица/ үй құсы |
9 |
poultry |
home bird |
wild bird |
crow |
swan |
I |
Give English equivalent: Пушные звери/ мамық жүнді хайуандар |
9 |
fur-bearing animals |
draft animals |
domestic animals |
wild animals |
home animals |
I |
Give English equivalent: Питание/ тамақтану |
9 |
nutrition |
feeding |
food |
alimentation |
invalid food |
I |
Give English equivalent: замораживать/ қатыру |
9 |
freeze |
thaw |
retard |
culltivate |
overcome |
I |
Give English equivalent: Существование/ тіршілік ету |
9 |
existence |
summary |
escape |
life |
protection |
I |
Give English equivalent: Заразный/жұқпалы |
9 |
infectious |
mammal |
natural |
advanced |
clinical |
I |
Give English equivalent: Рабочий (тягловый) скот/ жұмыс малы |
9 |
draft animals |
fur-bearing animals |
domestic animals |
wild animals |
home animals |
I |
Give English equivalent: Ягнёнок/ қозы |
9 |
lamb |
sheep |
cattle |
goat |
horse |
I |
Give English equivalent: Разведение домашних животных/ үй жануарын өсіру |
9 |
livestock breeding |
sheep breeding |
horse breeding |
poultry breeding |
cattle breeding |
I |
Give English equivalent: Добавка к кормам/ жемге үстеме |
9 |
additive |
diary |
nutrition |
feeding |
food |
I |
Give English equivalent: Теленок/ бұзау |
9 |
calf |
lamb |
cow |
camel |
horse |
I |
Give English equivalent: Молочный жир/ сүт майы |
9 |
butterfat |
dairy |
milky |
dairy produce |
milk porridge |
I |
Give English equivalent: Чувствительность/ сезімталдық |
9 |
sensitivity |
carefulness |
imagination |
surface |
dream |
I |
Give English equivalent: Молочный/ сүтті |
9 |
diary |
nutrition |
feeding |
food |
invalid food |
I |
Give English equivalent: Животноводство/ мал шаруашылығы |
9 |
animal husbandry |
sheep breeding |
horse breeding |
poultry breeding |
livestock breeding |
I |
Give English equivalent: Ячмень/ бидай ұнтағы |
9 |
barley |
wheat |
cereal |
grain |
crop |
I |
Give English equivalent: Овес/ сұлы |
9 |
oat |
grain |
crop |
cereal |
barley |
I |
Give English equivalent: Вскармливать/ азықтандыру |
9 |
to suckle |
to eat |
to chew |
to gape |
to laugh |
I |
Give English equivalent: Животный мир/ жануалар әлемі |
9 |
wildlife |
nature |
environment |
surroundings |
climate |
I |
Give English equivalent: Разведение лошадей/ жылқы өсіру |
9 |
horse breeding |
poultry breeding |
livestock breeding |
cattle breeding |
sheep breeding |
I |
Choose the right variant of Preposition: Mrs. Jackson lived … Kazakhstan. |
10 |
in |
at |
to |
before |
upon |
I |
Choose the right variant of Preposition: I havent seen her … Monday . |
10 |
since |
at |
to |
under |
during |
I |
Choose the right variant of Preposition: You shouldnt depend … Tom, he is always late. |
10 |
on |
with |
till |
to |
of |
I |
Choose the right variant of Preposition: In winter I usually go … bed … ten oclock. |
10 |
to, at |
at, at |
in, in |
to, in |
to, to |
I |
Choose the right variant of Preposition: … summer I lived … the country. |
10 |
in, in |
at, in |
on, in |
at, at |
in, at |
II |
Choose the verb in Present Simple: … she get up early every day? |
11 |
does |
is |
has |
do |
have |
II |
Choose the verb in Present Simple: I cook meal and my sister … dishes. |
11 |
washes |
wash |
is washing |
is wash |
has wash |
II |
Choose the verb in Present Simple: I always … chess after dinner. |
11 |
play |
plays |
playing |
is playing |
was playing |
II |
Choose the verb in Present Simple: The boys usually … home together. |
11 |
come |
coming |
has come |
to come |
have coming |
II |
Choose the verb in Present Simple: Mike always … hockey in winter. |
11 |
plays |
played |
playing |
was play |
was playing |
II |
Choose the verb in Present Simple: Where … you … usually your holidays? |
11 |
do … spend |
did … spending |
do … to spend |
to … spend |
is … spending |
II |
Choose the verb in Past Simple: Yesterday she … to her office |
11 |
walked |
walks |
will walk |
have walked |
is walked |
II |
Choose the verb in Past Simple: Ann … her holidays in Kiev last year. |
11 |
spent |
spend |
spended |
spending |
is spend |
II |
Choose the verb in Past Simple: They … five days ago. |
11 |
returned |
returning |
return |
returns |
to return |
II |
Choose the verb in Past Simple: Last year I … to the seaside. |
11 |
went |
gone |
does |
go |
goes |
II |
Choose the verb in Past Simple: When … she come back yesterday? |
11 |
did |
have |
were |
was |
has |
II |
Choose the verb in Past Simple: .. you read a newspaper yesterday? |
11 |
did |
do |
are |
have |
has |
II |
Choose the verb in Future Simple: My elder sister …. school next year. |
11 |
will finish |
finishes |
finish |
finished |
shall finish |
II |
Choose the verb in Future Simple: If Dad buy a new car, we … to the seaside by car next summer. |
11 |
shall go |
go |
went |
goes |
gone |
II |
Choose the verb in Future Simple: You … in Paris tomorrow evening. |
11 |
will arrive |
arrives |
arrive |
arrived |
is arrived |
II |
Choose the verb in Future Simple: … I … some bread for you? |
11 |
shall … buy |
will … bought |
shall … buying |
do … shall buy |
does … buy |
II |
Choose the verb in Future Simple: My mother … to the doctor next Monday. |
11 |
will go |
shall go |
shall went |
to go |
going |
II |
Choose the verb in Present Continuous Tense: … they … to the radio? |
11 |
are … listening |
was … listening |
will … listening |
were … listening |
shall … listening |
II |
Choose the verb in Present Continuous Tense: Tom is very busy now. He … his composition. |
11 |
is writing |
was written |
do writing |
shall writing |
will writing |
II |
Choose the verb in Present Continuous Tense: Look! All the children … hockey. |
11 |
are playing |
is playing |
play |
having played |
being play |
II |
Choose the verb in Present Continuous Tense: What game … they… now? |
11 |
are … playing |
is … playing |
play |
have … been playing |
been … played |
II |
Choose the verb in Present Continuous Tense: Its 5 oclock. She … tea. |
11 |
is having |
have |
having |
has |
am having |
II |
Choose the verb in Present Continuous Tense: Listen! Somebody … the piano now. |
11 |
is playing |
plays |
have playing |
are playing |
isnt playing |
II |
Choose the verb in Past Continuous Tense: We … at the stadium from six till eight yesterday. |
11 |
were training |
trains |
train |
shall be training |
will train |
II |
Choose the verb in Past Continuous Tense: James … his bicycle the whole day yesterday. |
11 |
was repairing |
were repairing |
shall repairing |
will repairing |
do repairing |
II |
Choose the verb in Past Continuous Tense: What were your brothers doing while you … tea? |
11 |
were cooking |
was cooking |
is cooking |
am cooking |
are cooked |
II |
Choose the verb in Past Continuous Tense: What were you doing while she … her homework? |
11 |
was doing |
is done |
are doing |
shall be doing |
will doing |
II |
Choose the verb in Past Continuous Tense: When I came home the children … . |
11 |
were dancing |
is dancing |
are dancing |
be dancing |
was dance |
II |
Choose the verb in Future Continuous Tense: I … at seven oclock tomorrow. |
11 |
shall be sleeping |
will sleeping |
is slept |
sleeping |
were sleeping |
II |
Choose the verb in Future Continuous Tense: I … from 9 till 12 next Monday. |
11 |
shall be working |
will worked |
working |
is working |
to work |
II |
Choose the verb in Future Continuous Tense: When I come home tomorrow, my brother … his homework. |
11 |
will be doing |
shall doing |
am doing |
do doing |
is done |
II |
Choose the verb in Future Continuous Tense: Where … you … for me tomorrow at 6 oclock? |
11 |
will … be waiting |
is … waiting |
was … wait |
was … waiting |
do … be doing |
II |
Choose the verb in Future Continuous Tense: My friends … for me downstairs. |
11 |
will be waiting |
shall waited |
is wait |
waited |
do waiting |
II |
Choose the right form of derivative pronoun: … knew anything about America before Columbus discovered it. |
12 |
nobody |
somebody |
anybody |
everybody |
everything |
II |
Choose the right form of derivative pronoun: Are there … new buildings in your street? |
12 |
any |
some |
anybody |
somebody |
no |
II |
Choose the right form of derivative pronoun: Is there … in this room? |
12 |
anybody |
somebody |
anything |
nobody |
nothing |
II |
Choose the right form of derivative pronoun: There is … white in the box. What is it? |
12 |
something |
anybody |
nobody |
nothing |
somebody |
II |
Choose the right form of possessive pronouns: It isnt my pen. … is here. |
12 |
mine |
you |
he |
him |
his |
II |
Choose the right form of possessive pronouns: It isnt my book, it is … . |
12 |
yours |
my |
him |
we |
I |
II |
Choose the right form of possessive pronouns: Where are … parents? |
12 |
your |
mine |
me |
she |
they |
II |
Choose the right variant of Numerals: five thousand seven hundred and sixty one |
13 |
5761 |
5067 |
5701 |
5851 |
7561 |
II |
Choose the right variant of Numerals: two thirds |
13 |
2/3 |
2.3 |
3/2 |
1/2 |
3.2 |
II |
Choose the right variant of Numerals: point two |
13 |
0.2 |
2/0 |
2 |
1/2 |
3/0 |
II |
Choose the right variant of Numerals: 368 |
13 |
three hundred and sixty eight |
three hundred and sixteen eight |
four hundred and sixty eight |
six hundred and sixty eight |
three hundred and sixteen eighteen |
II |
Choose the right variant: The oldest part of London is - |
14 |
the City |
the West End |
the East End |
the North End |
the South End |
II |
Choose the right variant: When Christopher Columbus discovered America ? |
14 |
in 1492 |
in 1566 |
in 1666 |
in 1998 |
in 1500 |
II |
Choose the right variant: What is the national symbol of the USA? |
14 |
the eagle |
the statue of liberty |
the tree |
the turkey |
the rose |
II |
Choose the right variant: Who is the head of the British State? |
14 |
the Queen |
the King |
the President |
the Lord |
the Prime Minister |
II |
Choose the right variant: Sir Christopher Wren built |
14 |
St. Pauls Cathedral |
Westminster Abbey |
the tower of London |
the English Channel |
the Buckingham |
II |
Choose the right variant: Great Britain is separated from the continent by: |
14 |
the English Channel |
the Pacific Ocean |
the Irish Sea |
the Atlantic Ocean |
the Black Sea |
II |
Choose the right variant: When was the Great Fire of London? |
14 |
in 1666 |
in 1555 |
in 1777 |
in 1766 |
in 1556 |
II |
Choose the right variant: Industrial district of London is called … |
14 |
the East End |
the West End |
the City |
the South End |
the North End |
II |
Choose the right variant: What is the national symbol of Canada? |
14 |
the maple leaf |
the eagle |
the magnolia tree |
the rose |
the egg |
II |
Choose the right variant: What is the capital of Australia? |
14 |
Canberra |
Sydney |
Melbourne |
Spain |
Tokyo |
II |
Choose the right variant: What is the biggest state of the USA? |
14 |
Texas |
Rhode Island |
California |
Florida |
New York |
II |
Choose the right variant: What is the longest river of the USA? |
14 |
Mississippi |
Amazonka |
Nyle |
Missouri |
Severn |
II |
Choose the right variant: What is the capital of Wales? |
14 |
Cardiff |
London |
Belfast |
Edinburg |
Oxford |
II |
Choose the right variant: The animal symbol of Australia is… |
14 |
a kangaroo |
a lion |
a fox |
a cow |
a dog |
II |
Choose the right variant: Where are the Rocky mountains situated? |
14 |
Northern Ireland |
Australia |
Great Britain |
Mexico |
II |
Choose the right variant: What is the oldest University in Britain? |
14 |
Oxford |
Cambridge |
Lugano |
Scottish |
Alabama |
Choose the right variant of modal verbs: … I take your book? |
15 |
may |
can |
must |
could |
should |
Choose the right variant of modal verbs: He … not speak English last year. |
15 |
could |
can |
must |
may |
should |
Choose the right variant of modal verbs: She … work hard at her French. |
15 |
should |
may |
might |
can |
could |
Choose the right variant of modal verbs: You … study the material thoroughly. |
15 |
must |
could |
might |
may |
can |
Choose the right variant of modal verbs: Bob is ill, he … stay in bed. |
15 |
should |
mustnt |
may |
can |
could |
Choose the right variant of modal verbs: He … answer the question. |
15 |
can |
may |
was |
able |
could |
Choose the right variant of modal verbs: You … not smoke here. |
15 |
must |
may |
are |
be able to |
does |
Choose the right variant of modal verbs: He is … to do it today. |
15 |
able |
can |
be |
be able |
did |
Choose the right variant of modal verbs: When Peter was a boy, he … swim very well. |
15 |
could |
can |
must |
does |
is able to |
Choose the right form of the verb in Perfect Tense: I … my homework by 6 oclock tomorrow. |
16 |
shall have done |
shall doing |
to do |
had doing |
is done |
Choose the right form of the verb in Perfect Tense: By the time we came to see him, he … home. |
16 |
had returned |
have returned |
is returning |
has returned |
returns |
Choose the right form of the verb in Perfect Tense: He … just … his work. |
16 |
has finished |
had finishing |
is finishing |
to finish |
have finishing |
Choose the right form of the verb in Perfect Tense: I … already … my homework. |
16 |
have done |
did |
doing |
do |
has done |
Choose the right form of the verb in Perfect Tense: She … yet today. |
16 |
hasnt eaten |
eat |
is eating |
eaten |
ate |
Choose the right form of the verb in Perfect Tense: Susan … a new dress for her birthday. |
16 |
has made |
making |
make |
will make |
maked |
Choose the right form of the verb in Perfect Tense: She … them an interesting story. |
16 |
has told |
telled |
is telling |
will tell |
tells |
Use the verb in Passive Voice: Hockey … in winter. |
17 |
is played |
was playing |
will played |
play |
played |
Use the verb in Passive Voice: We … to a concert last Saturday. |
17 |
were invited |
are invited |
shall be invited |
was invited |
inviten |
Use the verb in Passive Voice: The postbox … yesterday. |
17 |
was emptied |
were emptied |
will be emptied |
are emptied |
shall be emptied |
Use the verb in Passive Voice: Yesterday he … to prepare a speech. |
17 |
was told |
is told |
are told |
will be told |
were told |
Use the verb in Passive Voice: These trees … last autumn. |
17 |
were planted |
is planted |
are planted |
will be planted |
shall be planted |
Use the verb in Passive Voice: Mushrooms … in autumn. |
17 |
are gathered |
will gather |
gathers |
gathering |
is gathered |
Use the verb in Passive Voice: I … a very interesting book at the library last Friday. |
17 |
was given |
shall be given |
am given |
were given |
give |
Use the verb in Passive Voice: His new book … next year. |
17 |
will be finished |
is finished |
are finished |
finishes |
finish |
Use the verb in Passive Voice: Flowers … in shops and in the streets. |
17 |
are sold |
Sells |
is sold |
is selling |
was sold |
Use the verb in Passive Voice: Moscow University … by Lomonosov |
17 |
was found |
will be found |
were found |
are found |
was find |
Choose the right variant of Participle I: the workers (to build) a new house |
18 |
building |
Built |
builded |
is built |
is building |
Choose the right variant of Participle I: the student (to study) foreign language |
18 |
studying |
studyed |
studied |
is studied |
are studying |
Choose the right variant of Participle I: (to use) new methods |
18 |
using |
Used |
to use |
use |
is used |
Choose the right variant of Participle I: (to move) at high speed |
18 |
moving |
to move |
to moved |
moves |
is moving |
Choose the right variant of Participle II: the book (to leave) at home |
18 |
left |
leaving |
to leave |
leave |
leaves |
Choose the right variant of Participle II: all (to develop) countries |
18 |
developed |
develops |
developing |
being developed |
have developed |
Choose the right variant of Participle II: the research (to make) in the laboratory |
18 |
made |
make |
making |
makes |
maked |
Choose the right variant of Participle II: the railway (to build) between two towns |
18 |
built |
Build |
building |
to build |
have built |
Choose the right variant of the Gerund: He likes … fairy tales. |
19 |
telling |
be telling |
told |
to tells |
is telling |
Choose the right variant of the Gerund: After … from the Institute he worked in the Far North. |
19 |
graduating |
is graduated |
to be graduated |
to graduate |
to be graduating |
Choose the right variant of the Gerund: At the meeting they discussed different ways of … their work. |
19 |
improving |
improved |
is improving |
was improved |
to improve |
Choose the right variant of the Gerund: He talked without … |
19 |
stopping |
have stopped |
have stop |
to stop |
stops |
Choose the right variant of the Gerund: She accused him of … her purse. |
19 |
stealing |
is stealing |
are steal |
was steal |
am stealing |
Choose the right variant of the Gerund: He was sorry for … inattentive to his child. |
19 |
being |
Been |
to been |
is been |
are being |