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Subject it is- Objectivity toms consist of- elementry prticles uthor of the words-

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"Atom" in Greek is:A) *Indivisible
About the eternity of motion in nature spoke about:A) *Empedocles and Heraclitus

Absolutization of a role and value of sensual data in scientific-theoretical knowledge is connected with: A) * Sensationalism

Any variation, transformation, process is: A) *Movement

As the truth is independent of the knowing subject, it is:A) * Objectivity

Atoms consist of:A) * elementary particles

Author of the words: "There is nothing but atoms and pure space ":A)* Democritus
Author of opening in 1666 - white light is composed of light of different colors:A) Newton

Analysis:A) * Separation

Axiom is: A) *Statement, proof of the truth of which is not required

A revolution in natural science to the XX century. was associated with the openingA) * of radioactivity

Anticipation of activity and its result from the point of view of development of ideals, decisions, programs, norms and the plan of forthcoming activity is :A) *Projection

Astrology applies to: A) * Synthetic route linking the scientific and pseudo-scientific knowledge

Branching in a trajectory of movement of system in the certain point:A)* Bifurcation

Complex of cooperating elements: E) *System

Causation is:A) *Causality

Criteria of scientific knowledge related to the presence of ways of checking the information receivedA) * Validity

Cognition with focused perception of the world is:A) *Monitoring

Deduction - is the provision that:A) *Of the total knowledge of the case that a particular character

First Cause of things:A) * Substance

Fundamental principle, original cause real:A) * Substance

Formalizing knowledge in science - is the use of:A) *Formulas and symbols

General scientific philosophical category denoting the accuracy of the phenomenon or object:A)* Fact

God can not be the object of scientific knowledge, as the information about him has no criterion of scientific:A) * Objectivity

General logical method of investigation is:A) * Abstracting

In the Enlightenment nature of heat generated during the heating bodies due to the presence of some small bodies of liquid in the pores between the particles of matter, which they named is:A)* Fluid

Induction - is the provision that:A) *From private parcels follows the conclusion of a general nature

In the philosophy of science "agnosticism" means:A) * Full or partial denial of the fundamental possibility of knowledge
In this work, the first in ancient thought, as the basis of all that was supposed to be about numbers is:A) *Teachings of Pythagoras

Identity verification by experiment or theoretical analysis:A) * The principle of verification

Knowledge, which were the starting point of all knowledge about the nature of the ancientA)*Physics

Knowledge in Modern Philosophy is:A) * Conditioned practice the acquisition and development of knowledge

Macro world is:a)  *world, including macro body

Maximum form of organization, orderliness:D) * Systematic

Mega world is:A) * World of star systems

Modern epistemological studies suggest: A) * Theoretical and methodological pluralism

Mechanism is:A) *A reduction of the complex to the simplest forms

Modern naturalistic world view is based primarily on science:A) * Physics

News, the message, the description of the facts:C) *Information

Normal science is a notion of A)T. Kuhn*

Natural philosophy – Philosophy is about:A) *Nature

Opposite of the meaning of "truth" in epistemology:A) * Delusions

Objective, mimic the real phenomena is:A) *Law

Paradigm is a notion of A) T. Kuhn*

Philosophical directions denying causal conditionality of the phenomena:B) *Indeterminism

Physics is related to the sciences:A) * Natural

Possibility taken from its quantitative side:A) * Probability

Physics relates to the science of:A) *Nature

Practical nature of the functions of science is:A) *A function to be a productive force

Proof of the impossibility of movement the ancient Greek philosophy  is devoted to:A) *Zeno's paradoxes

Relational concepts of space and time:A) *These special attitudes between objects and processes and outside of them not existing

Recovery , the union of any parts into a whole is:A) *Synthesis

Science is:A) *A component of spiritual culture
Science is:A) *A branches of scientific knowledge

Section of philosophical knowledge, dedicated to philosophical understanding of scientific knowledge is:A) *A philosophy of science

Scientist who formulated the basic laws of classical mechanics is:A) * Newton

Set of stable attitudes and communications between elements of system:A)*Structure

Sociology of Science is:A) * Philosophy direction

Space in the understanding of modern physics:A) * attribute of matter, certain bonds and relationships of motion of bodies

Substantial space and time:A) *Space time considered, how special the essence, existing irrespective of material objects

Synergetic – a science about:A) *Self organized systems

Scientists who proposed the first rigorous physical and theoretical basis infinity of the world is:A) *Newton
Scientists who put forward the idea of ​​"first impulse" by which God has "launched" the movement of the universe is:A) *Aristotle
Simple and hard principle, replacing the Enlightenment idea of ​​Newton's extremely rarefied world of matter, does not result in a significant inhibition of the planets is about:A) *Long-range

Search and identification of meaning in the knowledge is:A) *Understanding
System operations, consistently applied by certain rules for a specific task or problem:A) * Algorithm

Scientific knowledge is based on the method of reflecting the world:A) * Rational
Scientific knowledge is formed in the first place, on the basis of:A) * Knowledge-Information

Science of universal communication and development is:A) * Dialectic

Scientific paradigm is:A) * Single point of view shared by the scientific community

STPA) * Scientific and technical progress

The concept of physics means:A) *Nature
The value of the phrase "philosophy - the Queen of Sciences" is evaluated to:A) *A foundation of all science
The author of Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes (MSRP)B) I. Lacatos*  

The corpuscular conception of light was first put forward by:A) *I. Newton
The wave theory of light suggested by:A) *C. Huygens
The basis of the differential and integral calculus, along with the method of  G.W Leibniz, was about:A) *"Method of fluxions" Newton
The hypothesis of the electrical nature of lightning and the lightning rod idea was first proposed by:A) *B.Franklin
The magnitude of the forces between electric charges, was first established by:A) *Sh.Kulon
The chronological framework of classical science happened in:A) *XVII century. - The end of the nineteenth century.
The chronological framework of the non-classical science happened in:A) *The first half of XX century.
The chronological framework post non-classical science happened in:A) *End of the XX century.
Two levels of scientific knowledge are:A) *Empirical and theoretical
The similarity in any relationships between objects and phenomena is:A) *Analogy
The reduction of the complex to the simple, compound - to the elementary is:A) *Analysis
The term, which means the emergence of the birth:A) * “Genesis”
The denial of an objectively true content in our knowledge:A) * Relativism
The method of the empirical level research is:A) * Measurement
The method of the theoretical level of research is:A) * Idealization
The revolution in the development is:A) * Rapid qualitative changes
The founder of the methodology of natural science of XVII century is:A) * F. Bacon
The most accurate understanding of the scientific revolutionA) * Restructuring research strategies defined grounds of science
The author of the concept of research programs is:A) * I.Lakatos
The main feature of scienceA) * Objectivity
The problem of moral responsibility of the scientist today are in the area of formationA) * Scientific Culture
The creator of special and general relativity is:A)* Albert Einstein

The modern physics totals elementary particles: A) *200 and more

The most famous philosophical quote must be "Cogito ergo sum". Who said that?A)Descartes*

The philosopher who stressed the importance of theory of proliferation D) P. Feyerabend*

The philosopher, according whom, falsifiability provides a demarcation criterion between the   

The philosophical category, meaning any change:A) * Traffic

The picture of the world, the first in the history of science isA) *Metaphysical
The idea of a single material on the world around us was proposed by:A) *The ancient Greek philosopher of Milesian school
The science as specific type of spiritual manufacture and social college has arisen during an epoc: A) *New time

The set of stable relationships and connections between the elementsa) *Determinism

The situation in the post-modern science is concerned with:A) * Proliferation of theories

The subject of knowledge of a modern science:A) * Abstract individual

The thinker concerning a category of sociologists of a science is:A) * T.Merton

Time in understanding the theory of relativity:A) * The sequence of changes in material things

Universal norm of a science is: A) * Scientific partiality

scientific and the non-scientific D) P.


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