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English Boxing Rules- Since its publiction in 1867 the Mrquess of Queensberry rules were the min source of regultion Boxing mtches

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Boxing (from the English. box - box, a box, a ring) is a contact sport, a martial art in which athletes fight each other with their fists in the special gloves. The referee controls the fight that lasts from 3 to 12 rounds. Victory is achieved if the opponent is knocked down and unable to get up for ten seconds (Ko) or if he is injured to continue to fight (technical knockout). If after a set number of rounds of the fight has not been terminated, then the winner is determined by the judges ' scorecards.

The earliest evidence of such competitions depicted in Sumerian, Egyptian and Minoan reliefs. Tournaments, fist fights, reminiscent of the box, took place in Ancient Greece. For Boxing as a sport martial arts in 688 BC, when fights were for the first time included in the program of the ancient Olympic games. Modern Boxing originated in England in the early XVIII century[1].

In some countries there own versions of Boxing (savate in France, летхвей in Myanmar, Muay Thai in Thailand), so often used the term «English Boxing».


Since its publication in 1867, the Marquess of Queensberry rules were the main source of regulation Boxing matches.

As a rule, rounds lasting 3 minutes (although in the UK were used and a 2-minute rounds). Each boxer enters the ring of the allotted to him corner, and after each round, he come to relax, get the advice of a coach and the necessary medical help. The referee controls the battle: when the ring, he monitors the behavior of fighters, counting нокдауны and fines for violation of the rules. Up to three referees can be next to the ring to assign participants glasses.

A participant of the fight may become the winner, sending his opponent into the knockout. If the boxer shot down to the ground with a blow and touches the floor with any part of the body except the legs, the referee starts the countdown. If, within 10 seconds, it rises - the struggle continues, if not - it is considered нокаутированным, and his opponent is the winner. Also is possible by technical knock-out: it is recognized by the referee, a doctor or an angle boxer if he was injured or cannot defend itself. Sometimes, the rule of three knockouts (title fights under the auspices of the WBA), when this number is equal to the technical нокауту. When the fight ended, and none of the participants gained a preschedule victory, the outcome is decided by the judges. The winner will be the athlete who receives the highest number of points, but sometimes the draws.

Boxers do not apply blows below the belt, keep one another, pushing, biting, spitting and fighting. Also, you cannot beat the leg, head, knee and any other part of his hand except a clenched fist (elbow, shoulder, forearm, wrist, with an open hand). Forbidden to hit in the back, back of the neck and head, and kidneys. You can't hold to the rope or an opponent during a strike, and do Pochards below the belt. If an argument breaks referee, both fighters before the strike, should make a full step back. When a boxer is " down", the second has to move to a neutral corner and wait for the judge's decision.

Shall be punished for violation of the rules of warning and removal, points or even disqualification. Deliberate action against the rules, and causing injury to the opponent and to stop the fight, as a rule leads to the last and the most restrictive least. Boxer, who received an occasional blow below the belt, can restore forces for 5 minutes. If after the allotted time he is not ready to continue the fight, he admits нокаутированным. A special paragraph of the rules is accidental clash of heads, resulting in trauma, it makes impossible or dangerous continued fighting. If the event occurred within the first round, the fight will be deemed void or invalid (what the result will be negotiated before the fight). If the event occurred after the fourth round, the fight is stopped, and the judges consider to vote for a full rounds. Intentional clash of heads is considered a violation is penalized.


Training of Amateur boxers often occur in groups. In the beginning of the training athletes warm up. At the direction of the trainer can be carried out: development of technology strike combat combinations, sparring, development of technology in pairs or exercises on shells (Boxing bag, pear). Practised by a large number of exercises on special physical training exercises with a rope, printed ball, Gil, stamped from the bar,on a horizontal bar,parallel bars, and so on.

Professional Boxing:

Before the main reason for the fights were money - the participants competed for prizes, and spectators have bet. The modern Olympic movement revived interest in Amateur Boxing, in 1904 again became an Olympic sport, and in 1920 was finally included in the program of the Games.

Now Amateur fights are limited to three or four rounds, and the winner is determined by the number of points scored for exact housing and opponent's face. Boxers spend fight in a protective helmet, affects the possibility of injury, knockdown or knockout. Nearly all the world professional Boxing gained more popularity, but in Cuba and some former Soviet republics prevails Amateur option. For most boxers speech at the Olympics becomes the source of the experience necessary for their future career in a professional manne.

Amateur Boxing:

Amateur Boxing at the highest level can be seen at the Olympic games, Commonwealth Games and many other competitions sanctioned by the Association of the sport. Amateur Boxing is scoring system, assigned for direct hit to the head of the contender. At the Olympic games, Commonwealth Games and other competitions held by the Association of Amateur Boxing, fight consists of 3 rounds of 3 minutes. Between rounds break 1 minute.

In 1924, was organized by the international Federation of Amateur boxers (FIBA), who in 1946 became known as the AIBA. The first championship of Europe held in the year of opening Federation in 1924, and the world championship took place in 50 years - in 1974. Until 1991 world Championships were held every four years, and after that - like the European championship, was held once in two years[15].

Record for most victories in world championship - Cuban, speaking heavyweight champion Felix Savon (6 times champion), recognized by the best boxer-lover last decade of the XX century[16]. Becoming three-time Olympic champion after victory in Sydney in 2000, he caught up with this indicator Teofilo Stevenson and Laszlo pappa. The best in European competitions remains Polish boxer Zbigniew Петшиковски, who won 4 gold medals.

Members wear protective helmets and gloves with a white stripe around the knuckle. Stroke counts only as the fist of the batter for the opponent white stripe. Referee watching the battle, to boxers use only the permitted methods. Belt of participants shows the lower level of shock: he who purposefully beats below it, will be disqualified. Also the referee checks that the boxers not held each other in order to avoid the battle, and stops the match if a player is injured, much inferior to his opponent, or in the case of large difference in the account[17].

Scoring of the Amateur Boxing formula has mathematical addition. Boxers who left on a ring, have zero points and attacking, respectively trying a certain number of points. For inclusion in the asset kick boxer-lover needed to three out of five arbitrators simultaneously recorded it on their computers.

Professional Boxing:

Fights in professional Boxing, as a rule, much longer than Amateur - from 10 to 12 rounds, although inexperienced boxers are fights less than 10 rounds, but, as a rule, not less than 4. Until the beginning of XX century met fights, not limited by the number of rounds, they generally resulted in a knockout one of the boxers or stop a fight also. Later it was decided to set the upper limit of 15 rounds, and in 1982, after the death of Duk Koo Kim, organization of the WBC (world Boxing Council) limited the maximum number of rounds twelve[18]. In 1987-1988, followed by two other influential organizations - WBA and IBF.

In professional Boxing helmets are prohibited, but the referee may stop the fight, if he sees that one of the boxers is not able to defend themselves because of injury. In this case the opponent is named the winner by technical knockout. Also technical knockout assigned if the participant receives dissection, not allowing to continue the fight. For this reason boxers often hire staff (катменов), whose job is to stop the bleeding until the referee stopped the fight. Unlike Amateurs, professionals coming into the ring in zone naked[19].

Scoring of the professional Boxing operates on the countdown with the subsequent addition. Left on a ring boxers have 10 points each. The winner of the round reserves the 10 points, the loser gets 9 points, thus forming a bill for one round 10-9. If a boxer has visited a boxer, it is removed from it two points, and the round ends (one нокдауном) from 10-8. If the boxer was knocked down two times, the score is 10-7, if three, 10-6. If the round was a draw (some Boxing organization consider a draw incompetent judge, but, all the same, it takes place), the linesman invoice 10-10. In rare cases so that the boxer who has been knocked down, won a round. In this case, account must be 10-9 in favor of him who sent opponent to the canvas, according the rule number 10 should always be present.

Styles boxing:

There are many different styles boxing. Style develops when the athlete chooses which of action suitable to him he will improve. There are many terms that define styles. But boxer does not necessarily belong to any of them: it can be инфайтером and аутфайтером simultaneously (one of the bright examples Bernard Hopkins.


Heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali

A fighter of this style is trying to keep distance with an opponent. He uses a fast long strokes, often jab. Therefore аутфайтеры usually win on points and not knockouts, although there were reverse cases. Fighters of this style must have high speed, excellent response and good move on their feet.

Notable аутфайтерами were: Jean Tanni, Willie PEP and Mohammed Ali[22].


Boxer-puncher seeks to fight for the middle distance, and combining technique and strength, he tries to knock out the contender series, and sometimes even a single blow. Their movement and tactics are similar to аутфайтерами (although often they are less mobile). Fighters of this style usually don't win on points and the knockouts, and must have excellent sports form.

Excellent boxers-панчерами were: Joe Gans, Sam Langford, Joe Louis, sugar ray Robinson, a young Mike Tyson.

Do not confuse this term with just puncher, or a puncher like Ernie Шейверса or David Tua.

Свомер or fighter

are keeping a close distance to the opponent and put a few combinations consisting of hooks and uppercuts, in a row. Good инфайтер must be able to withstand the attack, because this style бия implies getting under jab before you can come close. Свормер very aggressive and elaborates on trainings excellent endurance. As a rule, he has great technique, because it loses control of his emotions. Many инфайтеры low and protection often bend at the waist and do biases. The most important quality: aggressiveness, endurance and the ability to withstand attack.

Excellent инфайтерами were: Jack Демпс, Henry Armstrong, Joe Frazier, Ricky Hatton.

Браулер or slugger

Слаггеру often lack the tricks and good work feet, which is compensated by the force of the blow. Many of them are not very mobile so that they experience any difficulties when fighting with the opponent, who quickly move around the ring. Also слаггеры can neglect combinations in favor of blows with one hand, hooks and апперкоты). The slowness and predictable manner strikes often leaves fighter open for counter attacks. The most important quality for слаггера: the power and the ability to withstand attack will always remain ready to hit.

Notable слаггерами were: David Tua, Stanley Кетчел,Max Baer, rocky Graziano, George foreman.


As the main part of Boxing are the blows, measures are taken to avoid injury to your hand. Most coaches do not allow his players to participate in sparring without bandages and Boxing gloves. The use of this equipment allows to spray stronger blows, and the possibility of injury decreases. Before the battle boxers agree about the weight of the gloves, as an easier option allows cause more severe damage. To protect your teeth, gums and jaw fighters are worn.

Boxers improve skills on two main types of pears. For testing the speed of blow is used pneumatic pear, and to increase the force of the blow - heavy bag. Boxing bag can be suspended or outdoor. Training of the boxer includes a number of General exercise: work on the rope, running, weight lifting exercises.

Helmet is used in Amateur Boxing, as well as professionals in sparring to avoid splits and bruises.


Hour - is the most convenient location of the body to attack or taking protective action. Modern hour front boxer very different from the one used in the XIX and early XX century. Molino against Крибба (1811), The Крибб (head of XIX century),

Modern hour front boxer

Left-side front (front right-handed) left leg boxer is ahead. Right leg is located on one step behind and half a step to the right. Legs slightly bent at the knees, the weight of the body is almost evenly distributed on both feet, but a little more loaded right. Left, bent at the elbow, hand, is withdrawn before the torso, the elbow is omitted, left fist is about at the level of the shoulder joint. Right hand bent at the elbow and the right fist is on the right side of his chin and turned inside[28].

The right-hour front (front left-handed) - a mirror image of left-handed; it followed the same principles, only the front are right arm and right leg.

A third type of rack - front. It is used in melee.

Racks may vary slightly depending on the Constitution of a soldier and his manners to fight. Having mastered a typical rack, an experienced boxer can develop its own. Some boxers, for example, prefer to keep both hands on the head level, however, there is a threat to the enclosure.

Racks can be divided according to the degree of grouping open and closed, and the height of rise of the common centre of gravity of the high and low[29].

for example, prefer to keep both hands on the head level, however, there is a threat to the enclosure.


In Boxing there are four main blow: the jab, cross, hook and uppercut.

Fight with a shadow:

Fight with a shadow - fighting with an imaginary opponent during a workout boxer. Used in Amateur and professional Boxing.

Boxer is in the ordinary boxer stand and can use all the known impacts and protection, but the coach may give the direction to use only some of them. In this battle, all the blows and protection is used for developing technology and warming up the muscles before the fight with a partner or with a pear. Also for the convenience can use bandages or Boxing gloves.

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