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Topics- Music; Environmentl Problems

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Dear student!       Speech Practice

This term the course covers the following topics: Music; Environmental Problems. The 3rd year students will have to study a number of authentic texts, listen to audiotapes and then fulfill various tasks. This will help you to improve your command of English, develop your speaking, reading and listening skills, and broaden your cultural horizons.

At the beginning of the each term you will have to write the entrance test; at the end — the final test, which will check the progress of your independent work. Please, mind the fact that the exercises in your tests are meant for independent work and are part of the training procedure. To get ready for the tests, you are expected to do the exercises in the guides to the texts and tapes and practise the vocabulary units.


Course size — 8 hours, independent work — 22 hours

1. Learning objectives

The second part of the course is intended for our students to:

  1.  achieve greater fluency in speaking and reading;
  2.  widen their vocabulary and general background knowledge;
  3.  learn to plan their work individually and in teams;
  4.  acquire some understanding of certain aspects of life in Great Britain;
  5.  raise their awareness of cross-cultural differences.

2. Essential Study Materials

  1.  “Horizons. Aspects of Modern Life” Mikhalyova E.P., Lapteva O.A., Petrashkevich N.P.
  2.  “Horizons. Word Practice” Lapteva O.A., Sharabchieva E.V.

The manuals are available at “Lexis” book-shop in MSLU.

3. Content

During the 6th term students are expected:

  1.  to read 8 authentic texts;
  2.  to listen to 2 audiotapes;
  3.  to keep the student’s language learning diary;
  4.  to accomplis home and class tests.


Course Map II (Class Work)




Music festivals.



Air pollution (global warming).

Energy crisis.



The major environmental problems confronting Britain today.

The Green Movement.



Environmental problems in Belarus (Chernobyl).



Forms of presentation: Narration. Description.



Forms of presentation: Characterization; Dialogue.



The tone of the literary work


Credit test.

4. Course examination

At the end of the term you will have to write the final test, which will check the progress of your independent work. Besides, to get your credit in the discipline, you are expected to do the exercises in the guides to the texts and tapes, practise the vocabulary units, keep the student’s language learning diary.

5. Student Activity

The course presupposes thorough and conscientious independent and class work on behalf of the student. The course offers you different types of work:

— classroom activities (including group discussions and projects);

— learning independently using recommended books and tapes;

— home tests with self-check keys and class tests.


Step 1. Working independently in February-May, you are supposed to read the indicated information in the course book Horizons and compile a file of useful information and vocabulary items, which will help you to cover the examination speaking points. For better time management and effective learning, we suggest a weekly scheme of independent work.

Step-by step guide:



Study Material


Creative task: *choose one of the following and get ready for class presentation

01-14. 02.

Read the texts “Proms ride a wave of classical popularity”;

“The history of the Proms” Horizons, pp.98-100;

Word study, Ex.9 p.40; Ex.11 p.41

Find some information about other music festivals in the UK, USA and Belarus for the speaking point “Music festivals”.

Write an advertisement of the Proms (5-10 sentences) “You can’t miss it!”

15-21. 02.

Read the text “From North to South”; Horizons, pp. 101.

Describe the pictures after the text and write captions for them. Be ready to make a “musical tour” round Britain as a guide.

Write about yourself: “The last time I went to a concert / was at a music festival”

22-28. 02.

Listen to the tape Morris Dancers; Word study Ex.6-8 p.50; Ex.9 p.51.

Follow the guide to the tape.

Read the text “Folk Music” (see below). Sum up the information:

a) about the origin and history of folk music

b) folk instruments and dances.

Make a small vocabulary / content test for your group mates based on the text “Folk Music”.



Vocabulary revision. Put down the vocabulary definitions in the language learning diary.

Plan or write down the speaking point “Music festivals in GB”.

Speak about your favourite composer \ musical genre \ group. You may present a piece of music in class.

09-16. 03.

Vocabulary revision.

Plan or write down the speaking point “Folk Music in GB”


Environmental Issues


Study Material


Creative task: *choose one of the following and get ready for class presentation

17-31. 03.

Read the texts “Environmental protection – nationwide concern”; “Welcome to the new world”, Horizons, pp. 149, 152-153;

Word study Ex.4, p.98;

Ex.5-7, p.99-100.

Plan or write the speaking point “The major environmental problems confronting Britain today”.

Conduct an opinion poll among your friends / colleagues / pupils about the environmental problems that worry them most. Make up you own questionnaire.

01-08. 04.

Listen to the tape “Talk about the problems of pollution”;

Word study, Ex.8, p.103-104.

Do the test “Talk about the problems of pollution”.

Write an essay “Warmer than ever?” about the problems of global warming

09-24. 04.

Read the text “The Friends of the Earth”, Horizons, pp. 154-155.

Find some extra information about environmental organizations, e.g. Greenpeace, etc. Plan or write down the speaking point

The Green Movement”.

Answer the questions in the written form or plan a lecture:

1) Which environmental pressure group would you join / organize? Enumerate the campaigns / fundraising events you would like to participate in.

2)Plan a talk/lecture for school pupils on the theme “I can make the difference” about the role of an individual in improvement of the environment


Read the text “Chernobyl’s deadly legacy”, Horizons, pp. 161-165;

Word study, Ex.1,2, p.108; Ex.6, p.109; Ex.10, p.111.

Write the speaking point “Environmental problems in Belarus (Chernobyl)”

Find some information about the ecological situation in your town and plan a project  “Ecological problems of my town”



Read the text “Bright new dawn” Horizons, pp. 165-166.

Plan or write the speaking point “Energy crisis”.

Find some information on the internet about the alternative sources of energy in different countries or ways to save energy and make a short presentation in class.



Test for unit “Environmental Issues”

Vocabulary revision

Put down the vocabulary definitions in the language learning diary.

Step 2. Listen to the recordings “Talk about the problems of pollution”; “Morris Dancing”. The tapes are available in room A -317 (MSLU).

Study the vocabulary. Do the guide to the recordings “Talk about the problems of pollution”. Add to the file of useful information and vocabulary items.

Step 3. Find some additional information and plan а project.

Project Work

Ecological problems of your town / city


A. Find some information about the ecological situation of your town / city. Present it in class. Choose some of the following points or add some of your own:

  1.  the population of your town
  2.  the main industries / polluting enterprises
  3.  rivers or other bodies of water
  4.  the condition of water in the river / tap water
  5.  the amount of traffic
  6.  air pollution
  7.  rubbish in the streets / rubbish containers
  8.  bottlebanks
  9.  radioactive contamination (Chernobyl)

Think of the vocabulary you will need

B. In your presentation answer the following questions:

  1.  Which environmental problems are the most urgent in your town?
  2.  Which of them worry you most and why?
  3.  How do the authorities try to solve them?
  4.  What do you do as an individual / teacher to improve the environmental situation in your town?

C. *Additional task.

1) You may conduct an opinion poll among your friends, colleagues, pupils and relatives asking them the questions above.

2) As a teacher, make a plan of a conversation with your pupils that would raise their environmental awareness.

Presentation Tips

  1.  Before your presentation you may need to explain some new words to other students. Write them on the board or prepare hand-outs.
  2.  Structure your presentation logically, make an introduction, draw a conclusion at the end.
  3.  You may involve other students asking about their opinion. Thus you can make your presentation interactive and the listeners will be more interested and attentive.
  4.  To observe the time limit of 5-7 minutes you must be fluent but try not to read it all!
  5.  The students may vote for the best project presented in class.

Step 4. Get down to Home Test 1. After you are through with the test, check your answers with the key given below.

Step 5. Study the list of the relevant vocabulary items. Make sure you are able to explain the meaning of each item in English (consult a good English-English dictionary if necessary). Put down the definitions in English in your language learning diary.

Vocabulary Items

Term 6


Middle-of–the-road audience




Worthy of attention

To obey the dictum

To sell like hot cakes




The Proms

The Last Night

To cater for \ to appeal to

To revive

To be traced back to

To hand down from generation to generation

Morris Dancing


Lay \ layman \ amateur

Environmental Issues


on the edge of



to vanish

to dwindle

natural resources

oil slicks

marine pollution

global warming

greenhouse effect

ice caps

ozone layer

to deplete

fossil fuels

Ghetto blasters




to have a design flaw

conform to safety


to contaminate


to be politically impartial

to hit the headlines


a fund-raising event

exhaust fumes


noise offender

sewage sludge

to dump the wastes

reproductive disorders

GM food

The language learning diary is a document to help you learn the material more effectively and focus on your objectives, and a learning style that suits your needs. It helps you to think about how you learn; it is a summary of your language learning experience; it is a record to show other people (your teacher) your language abilities and progress, to assess your overall language level.

Term II

Examination Speaking Points

  1.  Musical traditions in Great Britain. Music festivals.
  2.  Musical traditions in Great Britain. Folk music.
  3.  Air pollution (global warming).
  4.  Energy crisis.
  5.  The major environmental problems confronting Britain today.
  6.  The Green Movement.
  7.  Environmental problems in Belarus (Chernobyl).


1. Структура школьного курса экономики и методика его преподавания
2. Исследование и синтез системы управления ООО
4. Метод Бокового каротажа
5. Подари Рождество детям Место проведения акции- ТЦ КоронаУручье Дата- 21 декабря 2013 Продукты питания
6. .ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННАЯ ШКОЛА ТЕРАПЕВТОВ Матвей Яковлевич Мудров 17721831 создатель русской школы терапевтов рассмат
7. Имей мужество пользоваться собственным умом.html
8. Экономическая характеристика действующих свободных экономических зон на территории РФ
9. На тему- Возможности судебномедицинской идентификации травмирующих предметов по следам повреждением
10. Тема- Микроскоп Цель работы- Ознакомиться с устройством и правилами работы с микроскопом правилами приг
11. Курсовая работа- Проблемы эмоциональной устойчивости у пилотов гражданской авиации
12. Перечень вопросов для студентов 5 курса специальности Реклама по дисциплине Информационные технологии в рекламе
13. Остеопороз
15. процессуальные функции следователя как направления виды компоненты части его деятельности обусловленные
16. Промышленность Португалии
17. Основы технической эксплуатации защищённых телекоммуникационных систем
18. Протестантская концепция культуры предпринимательства Макса Вебера
19. Лабораторная работа 4 Система управления базами данных Microsoft ccess Цели- познакомиться с СУБД MS ccess
20.  Гемофилия А клиника диагностика лечение