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If he not - recognize his work I sk him bout it myself

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Variant IV

I. Open the brackets.

A modern picture

A rich American (go) to Paris and (buy) there a very strange picture which was painted by a fashionable modern artist. The American (think) that the picture was fine because he (pay) a lot of money for it. When he (come back) to his hotel, he (try) to hang it, but he (can / not say) which the top or which the bottom of the picture (be). So he thought of a plan. He (hang) the painting in the dining-room and invited the artist to dinner. When the artist came, they (sit down) to dinner. White they (eat), the artist looked at the picture several times bat (say) nothing. It seemed that he (never / see) it before. The American thought: "If he (not / recognize) his work, I (ask) him about it myself. I (make) him (speak). But at that very moment the artist (rise) from his chair and came up to the painting. "Why, my friend," he said, "What you (do) with my picture? You (put) it upside down!" The American smiled. "Why you (not / tell) me about it at once? I was sure I (do) it properly." "Well, you see, I wasn't sure myself at first," answered the artist, "but now, I must say that we both (make) a mistake."

II. Choose the correct answer.

1. My parents decided that we (celebrate) my birthday on Saturday.

a. would celebrate

b. shall celebrate

c. celebrated

2. Mike hoped that his friend (help) him with his car.

a. would help

b. will help

c. helped

3. We didn’t know the score, but we were sure their team (lose) the game.

a. has lost

b. had lost

c. lost

4. The problem (study) for three years, but they haven’t got any results.

a. has been studied

b. has being studied

c. was studied

5. Dad phoned us and asked if our luggage (already / pack).

a. was already being packed

b. had already been packed

c. was packed

6. The doctor said that Tommy’s leg (X-ray) the following day.

a. will be X-rayed

b. would be X-rayed

c. will have been X-rayed

7.”Ann’s sister did nothing except complain,” remarked Tim.

a. Tim remarked that Ann’s sister had done nothing except complain.

b. Tim remarked that Ann’s sister did nothing except complain.

c. Tim remarked Ann’s sister had done nothing except complain.

8. Shop assistant: Would you wait half an hour, please?

Customer: All right.

a. The shop assistant asked whether the customer would wait half an hour. The customer said that it was all right.

b. The shop assistant asked if the customer would wait half an hour. The customer agreed to wait.

c. The shop assistant asked whether the customer would wait half an hour. The customer said it would be all right.

9. Mrs. Smith said to Mr.Smith, “Don’t wear your best trousers in the garden.”

a. Mrs. Smith told Mr. Smith not to wear his best trousers in the garden.

b. Mrs. Smith said to Mr. Smith that he didn’t wear his best trousers in the garden.

c. Mrs. Smith told Mr. Smith not to have worn his best trousers in the garden.

10. “If I were you, I’d stop smoking,” Jeff said.

a. Jeff said that if he were him he would have stopped smoking.

b. Jeff said that if he had been him he would stop smoking.

c. Jeff advised him to stop smoking.

11.”I hate both of them,” the boy said.

a. The boy said that he hated both of them.

b. The boy said that he hates both of them.

c. The boy told that he hated both of them.

12.”Who gave you, Annie, permission to give away my gingerbread?” she asked.

a. She asked Annie who gave her permission to give away her gingerbread.

b. She asked Annie who had given her permission to give away her gingerbread.

c. She asked Annie who had given her permission to give away my gingerbread.

13.”Switch off the light,” she told him.

a. She told him to switch off the light.

b. She asked him to switch of the light.

c. She told him switch off the light.

14.”Behave yourselves, please, till I come back,” said Mary to the children.

a. Mary told the children to behave themselves till she comes back.

b. Mary asked the children to behave themselves till she came back.

c. Mary asked the children that they would behave themselves till she came back.


  1.  Read this article about Ted Turner, the American television entrepreneur. Do exercises that follow.


BORN IN CINCINNATTI, Ohio in 1938, Ted Turner became a CEO at the age of only 25 when he took over his father’s advertising company.

In 1970, he moved into television when he bought a small Atlanta TV station, WJRJ. He later changed its name first to WTBS, then to TBS. In 1976, WTBS was the first TV station in the USA to transmit to cable systems nationwide via satellite, in the same year, Turner bought the Atlanta Braves baseball team.

1977 was another sporting year for Ted Turner. He bought a basketball team this time, the Atlanta Hawks. He was also captain of the boat Courageous, which sailed to victory in the America’s Cup.

In 1980 he launched CNN (Cable News Network), which is now recognized as the leader in instant coverage of world events. Six years later he bought the MGM / United Artists Entertainment Company, and then founded a new TV company, TNT (Turner Network Television) in 1988. In 1990 he created his own charity organization, the Turner Foundation.

In 1996 Time Warner bought TBS for $7.5 bn, and Ted Turner was no longer in charge. “I've been a CEO for thirty-three years, and that’s a long time for anyone,’ he said at the time. ‘I’m married to Jane Fonda, so I know what it’s like to be number two.”

1. True or false?

1. Ted Turner became CEO at the age of 40.

2. In 1970 he moved into television.

3. Turner bought two baseball teams in 1976 and in 1977.

4. CNN is one of the best news channels.

5. Turner sold his TV company to Time Warner.

6. He has been a CEO for thirty-three years.

2. Answer the questions.

1. When was Ted Turner born?

2. Where was he born?

3. What did his father do?

4. Did Ted Turner work in advertising?

5. When did he move into television?

6. What was the name of the first TV station he bought?

7. What does the abbreviation CNN mean?

8. When did Turner create his own charity organization?

9. Why did he sell TBC?

3. Translate the text.


  1.  Read the text and answer the questions that follow.


Powdered instant coffee was devised by Satori Kato but his idea was exploited by others. The practice of drinking coffee was invented earlier in Arabia where it was reported by ar-Razi, an Arab doctor in the 10th century. Coffe is produced in many countries. The coffee bush was found originally in Arabia and Ethiopia, but it is now grown in Brazil, Colombia, the Ivory Coast, Uganda, Angola, Kenya and Central America. The beans are ground and coffee is used in most countries as a breakfast drink. The first coffee house was opened in Paris in 1643 and was followed by others in Oxford (1650) and London (1652).

Coffee   bushes   produce   berries   which   contain   one   or   two beans. The berries are picked by hand and are put through a pulping machine. The beans which come out are placed in large tanks where the pulp ferments. The beans are then washed and spread out to dry in the hot sun. After two weeks the beans are put      through a machine which removes the last of the skin. It is not until the coffee beans
have been roasted that they get their fragrant scent. After roasting the beans are ground between steel rollers. The best coffee is made from freshly roasted and ground beans.

1. Are these statements true or false?

1. Powdered instant coffee was devised by Satori Kato.

2. The practice of drinking coffee was invented in Brazil in the 10th century.

3. The coffee bush was found originally in Kenya.

4. The first coffee house was opened in Paris.

5. Each coffee berry contains about ten beans.

6. The best coffee is made from freshly roasted and ground beans.

2. What do the following numbers refer to? Make a sentence about each number.

1. 10

2. 1650

3. 1-2

4. 1643

5. 2

3. Translate the text.

1. Тема 1 Предмет і структура курсу ldquo;Міжнародна економікаrdquo; 1
2. Медичний коледж - Медична хімія - Quizzes - Біонеорганічна хімія - Review of ttempt 2 Біонеорган
3. 1 где коэффициент теплоотдачи конвекцией
4. А приобрела в марте текущего года у организацииизготовителя 10 т
6. К востоку от Эдема Джон Стейнбек К востоку от Эдема Максим Бычков К востоку от Эд
7. Петербургский национальный исследовательский университет информационных технологий механики и оптики Сп2
8. Обучение и развитие в дошкольном возрасте
9. интеллектуалами для одурачивания молодых парней несогласных быть рабамибаранами престарелых ЧИНовмара
10. Понятие сравнительного правоведения
11. тема Республики Беларусь и филиал ОАО Белагропромбанк Брестское областное управление.
12. проектировать относится к процессу возникновения и развития плана относительно продукта структуры систем.
13. вариантов использования Определение прецедентов вариантов использования Разработку спецификаций прог
14. Местная анестезия
15. РЕФЕРАТ дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата юридичних наук Одеса ~ Дис
16. Охрана труда Безопасность эксплуатации силовых трансформаторов класса напряжения 110-35 кВ
17. оттепелью т. е. в 1964 1968 гг.html
18. і Дохід дивіденд число яке вказує на вигоду з інвестування тобто який дохід приносить одиниця інвесту
19. Система электроснабжения вагоностроительного завода
20. Госпожа АбуСимбела Кристиан ЖакГоспожа АбуСимбела Серия- Рамзес ~ 4 OCR Usts Redchec