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Тема- Спорт 6 класс Практическая цель- формирование навыков пользования лексикой по теме Спорт gol.html

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Тема: «Спорт» (6 класс)

  1.  Практическая цель:
    формирование навыков пользования лексикой по теме «Спорт» (
    goal, score, strong, excellent,  favour, win, lose) для того, чтобы
    прокомментировать результаты игры,
    описать правила игры.
  2.  Воспитательная цель:
    воспитание привычки внимательно слушать речь товарищей и
    делать логические выводы.
  3.  Образовательная цель: расширение знаний о национальных видах спорта в стране изучаемого языка.

Развивающая цель: развитие догадки по контексту.

  1.  Приветствие 

Hello, class.

Hello, Pete. How are you? (I’m fine, thanks. And you?) I’m all right, thank you.

  1.  Беседа с дежурным. 

Who’s on duty today? (I am) Who’s absent? (All are present./ … is/are absent)

What day of the week is it today? What date is it today?

       Today you will learn how to describe your favourite games? To say how they are played. And you will also learn some new facts about English national games. During the lesson you must listen to your friends attentively, it will help you understand what game they are speaking about.
      So, shall we speak about your favourite games or about the latest competitions? Will you read about English national games or will you hear about them?


способы семантизации: 



а) догадка по форме слова: We use this word when we speak about football. What does it mean?


б) наглядная семантизация (картинка - футбольное поле): The word  “goalhas another meaning. This is a goal too.



a) догадка по контексту: The score of the football match was 4 to 1. What does the word “score” mean?

забить гол 

б) догадка по контексту: Our team scored four goals in the match. What does the word “score” mean?



наглядная семантизация (картинка – штангист): This man is very strong. He can lift more than a hundred kilograms. What is the Russian for “strong”? 



толкование на английском языке: It means very very good. When you get a “five” we say that you have got an excellent mark.


в пользу кого-либо 

догадка по контексту: The score was 3 to 1 in our favour, it was not in favour of the other team. What is the Russian for “in favour”?

to win (won,won)



догадка по контексту: The score was 3 to 1 in our favour, so we won the game. 

to lose



догадка по контексту: The score was 5 to 3 not  in our favour, so we lost the game. What is the Russian for “win”, “lose”?

Сообщение коммуникативной цели урока.

  1.  Today you will learn how to describe your favourite games? To say how they are played. And you will also learn some new facts about English national games. During the lesson you must listen to your friends attentively, it will help you understand what game they are speaking about.
  2.  So, shall we speak about your favourite games or about the latest competitions? Will you read about English national games or will you hear about them?
  3.  Упр. 1. Фонетическая зарядка.
  4.  Look at the words on the blackboard and say them after the teacher:
  5.  Доска:
  6.  Упр. 2. Группировка слов. 
  7.  Now name all the summer kinds of sports; name all the games, name all the events.
  8.  Слова на доске (упр. 1)

Упр. 3. Семантизация новой лексики.
Guess the meanings of the words and write them in your vocabularies:

Упр. 4. Имитация новых слов.

  1.  Say the new words after the teacher all together. Now read them on your own. 
  2.  Доска  2.

Упр. 5 Совершенствование ритмических навыков и навыков воспроизведения новых слов в контексте предложения.

Pronounce the sentences after the teacher (back-reading): 

  1.  The score was 4 to 3 in our favour.
  2.  We won the game.
  3.  The other team lost the game.
  4.  Tretyak was an excellent goal-keeper.
  5.  He is a very strong man.

Упр. 6. Условно-коммуникативная беседа с подстановками в режиме T-P1-P2 как реакция на смысл реплики учителя в условиях ограниченного выбора.

  1.  Make conclusions. 
  2.  Образец 1: 

T.: Our team scored 4 goals. The other team scored 2 goals.

P 1: I see. The score was 4 to 2 in our favour.

P 2: So we won. It’s excellent! 

  1.  Образец 2: 

T.: Our team scored 2 goals. The other team scored 3 goals.

P 1: I see. The score was 3 to 2 not in our favour.

P 2: So we lost. It’s bad!

  1.  Реплики учителя:

Our team scored 2 goals. The other team scored 1 goal.

Our team scored 3 goals. The other team scored 2 goals.

Our team scored 4 goals. The other team scored 3 goals.

Our team scored 1 goal.  The other team scored 4 goals.

Our team scored 5 goals. The other team scored 1 goal.

Упр. 7. Аудирование рассказов об английских национальных спортивных играх.

  1.  Now I will tell you about popular English games. Listen and get ready to answer my questions. 
  2.  A. One of English favourite games is golf. Golf is not a team game. It is played with a stick and a small ball. There are no goals in the field. But there are 9 or 18 holes in the field. And the ball must get into each hole. The player wins if he is the first to place the ball into each hole. He must do very few strokes. 

Now answer my questions, give short answers:

Is golf a game for two or is it a team game?

2. Is it played with a a stick or with a racket? with a big ball or with a small ball?

3. How many holes are there in the field?

4. Must the ball get into each hole or into some holes?

5. One player got the ball into each hole with  20 strokes, the other – with 25 strokes. Who won?

B. Another game is rugby. Rugby is a kind of football. It is played with a big oval ball. The players can play it with their feet, but they can also take the ball in their hands and give it to another player. There are fifteen players in each team. There are two goals, as in football. The players can also catch other players by the legs.

Now answer my questions:

1.Is rugby a team game or a game for two?

2. Is it played with a round ball or with an oval ball?

3. Can the players take the ball in their hands?

4. Are there 11 or 15 players in each team?

5. How many goals are there in the field?

Упр. 8. Аудирование с целью, угадать  о какой игре идет речь.

Guess what game I’m telling you about and write its name in the crossword puzzle: 

Доска 3:












































A. It is a team game. There are 6 players in each team. There are 2 goals.  It is played with a ball. We play it only with our hands. It is an indoor game. The team wins if it scores more goals than the other team.
Б.                                          Etc.

Упр. 9. Обучение составлению описания заданного объекта по схеме.

The vertical line in the crossword puzzle gives us “hockey”. Describe this game. Here is a plan of your answer:


  1.  It is (not) a team game.
  2.  (There are … players in each team).
  3.  It is played in winter (in summer).
  4.  It is an indoor (outdoor) game.
  5.  The players must be very strong.
  6.  There are two (no) goals.
  7.  It is played with a ball (a stick, a racket)
  8.  We play it with our hands (feet).
  9.  The team (player) wins (loses) a point if it (he) can’t send the ball over the net (sends the ball back, scores a goal, makes a basket).

Упр. 10. Обучение составлению описания согласно собственному коммуникативному намерению.

Describe any game you like. The others must listen and say what game is described.

1. выпячивание слизистой
2. варианты разборных легкопереносимых конструкций покрываемых как правило шерстью или кожей юрта палатка
3. Лечебная магия коми-зырян и коми-пермяко
4.  Начальная фаза- возникновение разногласий; 2
5. Тихому человеку
6. Технико-экономическое обоснование выбора варианта ремонта детали- входной вал автогрейдера Д-710А и Д-710Б
7. Функціональне відображення поведінки споживача.html
8. Мораль форма общественного сознания в которой находят свое отражение взгляды и представления нормы и о
9. Тема- ldquo;Проектирование участка по изготовлению диска четвертой ступени компрессора высокого давленияrdquo;
10. Недостаточность трехстворчатого клапана Сложные многоклапанные пороки сердц