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Subjects here In the Lyceum we do not hve to wer ny uniform

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  1.  Let’s talk about education. What can you tell me about the place where you

study? I study at the Lyceum of Light Industry. I am already a second-year

student. Entrance to the Lyceum is competitive based on the average mark in the general certificate. The Lyceum provides the qualification of seamstress and the qualification of supply and trade agent and also a computer operator. I want to be a … . We study both general and professional subjects here. In the Lyceum we do not have to wear any uniform. The Lyceum is a boarding school and it provides a room in the hostel for students from other places. It accepts applications from boys and girls who finished the 9th grade or the 11th grade. Besides lessons students can take part in extracurricular activity, such as different concerts, fashion shows. Students have an opportunity to attend additional classes in tennis, volleyball, sewing, knitting and many others. After graduation I can either work or study further at a college or a university.

2. Does your school have any traditions? It is a tradition in our Lyceum to give concerts devoted to both most important state holidays and inner school holidays. State holidays include New Year, The Army Day, The Women’s Day, the Victory Day. In the Lyceum the Autumn Fair is held every year. Each group prepares pastry and decorations for it. We may also participate in fashion shows and then demonstrate our collections at different fashion contests. The clothes for collections are made by students under supervision of their mentors. Many times the collections of the Lyceum won prizes.

3. Ask me about my school life. What did you like best while studying at school? What was your favourite subject? Have you ever been to your school after finishing it?

4. What can you advise a student who is not very good at languages to do to achieve better results? I can advise him to listen to British radio programmes, to watch films and to read books in the original.

5. Nowadays some young people complain that they have lots of problems at school. Do you agree with them? If they do not want to have such problems they should respect their teachers and classmates and work much harder.

1. Конспект лекций по дисциплине Анализ и диагностика финансовохозяйственной деятельности предприятия
2. Беспроводной интернет
3. . Этика менеджмента бизнеса и предпринимательства 2
4. Этика приветствия в деловом мире
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