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I The costline stretches for 1160 kilometers

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Geographical position.

Krasnodarskiy region is situated in the south of Russian Federation, in the south-western part  of the northern Caucasus. The region is a part of Southern federal area. Its territory is approximately 76 000 square kilometers. According to the latest statistical data, its population is more than 5 billion people. The region’s position is quite unique as it is washed by 2 seas: the Black and the Azov.

Azov-black sea coast is a recreational region formed a long time ago along the south – western border of Russia. The coastline stretches for 1160 kilometers. The unique subtropical climate has formed there. This is the northernmost subtropical region in the world.  
The climate pattern of the Krasnodarskiy region resorts are exhibited with such layouts of normal parameters which are considered most comfortable. The pattern creates best conditions for strengthening people’s health and enhances the effects of sanatorium-resort procedures.

Krasnodarskiy region is highly developed. It has quite a lot of modern industries as well as agricultural sector and resort complex. Their development is supported by high level railways net, air and sea ports.

All in all, recreational resources of the region have high esthetic, educational and recreational value and can be used as base for different kinds of tourism.

Level of development and its peculiarities in Krasnodarskiy region

The level of development is pretty high for Russian Federation but, compared to the other countries it leaves much to be desired. To promote the resorts of the region among Russian and foreign tourists, the brand Krasnodarskiy Region Resorts was established. The project was started in 2001. As a result -  the tourist flow since 2002 to 2009 grew from 5 to 12 billion people a year. The overall volume of investments for that period – respectfully from 67 to 320 billion rubles.

At the present moment the federal program ”Development of inbound and domestic tourism” in Krasnodarskiy region for years from 2011 till 2018 is functioning. According to it, 1 678 billion rubles will be assigned to the cause of promotion of Krasnodarskiy region resorts.

Tourist organization and healthcare resorts are able to accommodate 212 thousand guests per year. But, there is a problem of those funds not being renovated over last 20 years. Though we can expect some improvement connected with the inevitable influx of visitors for Sochi Olympics in 2014.

Tourism in Krasnodarskiy region is represented by a variety of destinations and offers in different spheres.

The most promising spheres of tourism in the region are:

Beach tourism.



Ethno tourism.

Beach tourism.

Beach tourism is represented by multiple resorts all along the Azov and Black sea coasts. Some of them are:
Anapa has the title of the resort with the most quantity of  sunny days during the year. The total amount comes to approximately 280 days of sun per year. The city is situated 160 kilometers from Krasnodar. The total length of sandy beaches comes to 40 kilometers. Anapa is the city with where the longest natural sandy beach is situated as well. Beach season lasts from May till October.
In Anapa area there is also the ecologically cleanest part of the Black sea. It is even suitable for clams and oysters which are being grown on special farms in the region.

The second city I would like to describe is Novorossiysk. It is situated in the Cemessky creek and surrounded by The Caucasus Mountains. It boasts multiple historical monuments as well as natural landmarks. For example, lake Abrau, which is the biggest one in the Caucasus. Or one of the largest water parks. Along with beach tourism in Novorossiysk there are a lot of opportunities for educational and historical tourism. The hero – city is known as one of the most frequented places for people who are interested in battle actions during World War II.

The 3rd city I would like to mention is Sochi. It is a resort of federal importance as well as the longest-stretching city in Europe (146 kilometers). Mountain ranges protect Sochi from cold northern winds. Beach season  lasts for almost half a year from the beginning of May till the very end of  October.

Federation island . Investment project  of creating sea resort on the man-made island near Sochi. The project is named so because the shape of it will copy the shape of Russia. It is planned to have been fully functional by 2014 before Sochi Olympic Games.

Agritourism. (or “How many times you milk a cow”)

It is a modern trend highly popular among Europeans. Tourists go to farms in the villages and work there: milk cows, pick oranges, make wine and cheese and so on. “Wine” tours are very popular as well featuring excursions to “Abrau -Durso”, “Muschako”, “Kuban wine” and many more.

The highlight of unprecedented beauty is the conservancy area of Abrau – Durso near Novorossiysk. That was the exact place in Russia to first start the production of champagne according to the original technology. If you happen to come there you will find out multiple ways of making wine in Abrau, wine classification and special wine characteristics and the original technology of making wine from France.  You will also visit wine cellars and taste local wines.


Trekking in the Caucasus is an outstanding experience for those who want have some fresh air and enjoy stunning beauty of the mountains. It is widespread in the region and continues to attract thousands of tourists every year to different competitions or just for the sake of travelling in the mountains.
To attract more tourists there is an annual competition called “Southern cliffs”

There are also multiple travel routes available for those who want to try and storm the mountains by themselves. They are situated in the areas of  Dombai, Lago-naki, Fisht  and Krasnaya poliana villiage.

In case you want to try trekking it is not recommended to start climbing the mountain right away. It requires lots of training and some special skills to be safe in the mountains and reach the destination.

Ethno tourism

It is now the fastest – developing kind of tourism in the Krasnodarskiy region. To prove that you need only one fact. The overall volume of investments in ethno tourism  has grown 20 times in 5 years.

Nowadays people of more than 100 ethnic groups live in the Krasnodarskyi region. Each one keeps its traditions, customs  and culture. But is no easy matter for others to get to know them. That’s why the ethno tourism is so popular.
While being on an ethnic tour, tourists live in traditional houses in circumstances close to the everyday way of life of the shorthorns.
Every tourist can take part in traditional celebrations, try national cuisine  and purchase various souvenirs. Along with sightseeing and studying national traditions, you can do some crafting, horse-riding, trekking, fishing and many more activities depending on the place you are at.

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