Поможем написать учебную работу
Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.

Предоплата всего

Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.
Предоплата всего
Тестовые вопросы и задания по английскому языку на 2013-2014 учебный год,
Специальность: 5В072900 «Строительство», 5В073000 «Производство строительных материалов», 5В073200 «Стандартизация, сертификация и метрология», 5В072400 «Технологические машины и оборудование», 5В070800 «Нефтегазовое дело»
русский, казахский
семестр III курс II группа ССМ 21,22, НГД 21,22, ПСМ 21,22, ТМО 21,22,23.
Преподаватель, ответственный за разработку тестов Букесова Р.М.
№ |
Уровень сложности |
Вопросы |
Раздел Тема |
A)правильный |
Ответ B) |
Ответ C) |
Ответ D) |
Ответ E) |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “to be”: It … easy to make a decision. |
1 |
is |
were |
are |
will be |
am |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “to be”: … Victor free in the evening? |
1 |
is |
am |
are |
will be |
were |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “to be”: … your summer plans interesting?. |
1 |
Are |
shall be |
was |
is |
am |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to be”: ... you be at home in the evening ? |
1 |
will |
Was |
shall be |
am |
is |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to be”: History … my favourite subject at school.. |
1 |
was |
is |
Are |
were |
will be |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to be”: Where … you yesterday? |
1 |
were |
is |
Am |
was |
will be |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to be”: History … the first lesson tomorrow. |
1 |
will be |
is |
Are |
was |
were |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to be”: Mathematics … an exact science. |
1 |
is |
are |
Am |
was |
were |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to be”: There … a lot of sheep in the field. |
1 |
are |
is |
Am |
will be |
were |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to be”: Knowledge … power. |
1 |
is |
am |
Are |
will be |
shall be |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to be”: It … snowing now. |
1 |
is |
are |
Am |
was |
were |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to be”: There … many students in the classroom. |
1 |
are |
is |
Am |
will be |
were |
I |
Put the verb into Simple Tenses: He always …for a walk in the evening. |
1 |
goes |
go |
gone |
went |
will go |
I |
Put the verb into Simple Tenses: The building of the trade centre … a month ago. |
1 |
began |
begin |
begins |
will begin |
beginning |
I |
Put the verb into Simple Tenses: Your brother … to the exhibition next Sunday |
1 |
will go |
went |
go |
goes |
going |
I |
Put the verb into Simple Tenses: Every winter Nick … to the Swiss Alps to ski. |
1 |
goes |
go |
gone |
went |
will go |
I |
Put the verb into Simple Tenses: He … them an interesting story |
1 |
told |
tell |
Is told |
Shall tell |
telling |
I |
Put the verb into Simple Tenses: We … a letter to my cousin next week. |
1 |
will write |
will be write |
writing |
will writing |
was writing |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to have”: … your friend a family? |
2 |
has |
have |
Had |
shall have |
will have |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to have”: They … English lesson yesterday. They had biology. |
2 |
had not |
will not have |
Has not |
shall not have |
have not |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to have”: We … a nice room in a hostel. |
2 |
have |
had |
shall have |
has |
will have |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to have”: My friends son … many toys. |
2 |
has |
shall have |
will have |
had |
have |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to have”: His parents … a nice house in a village. |
2 |
have |
had |
will have |
shall have |
has |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to have”: She … some interesting books last week. |
2 |
had |
has |
have |
will have |
shall have |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to have”: Her daughter … much work now. She is free. |
2 |
has not |
shall not have |
will not have |
had not |
have not |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to have”: … this student a nice room in the hostel? |
2 |
has |
shall have |
have |
will have |
had |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to have” … they examinations last winter? |
2 |
had |
shall have |
has |
will have |
have |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to have”: These students … five examinations. |
2 |
have |
has |
had |
will have |
has not |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to have”: John … a good friend. |
2 |
has |
had |
have |
will have |
shall have |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to have”: I … a comfortable flat next month. |
2 |
shall have |
have |
has |
had |
have had |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to have”: Nick … many friends at the Institute. |
2 |
has |
had |
have |
will have |
shall have |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to have”: … you a big house in the country? |
2 |
have |
has |
will have |
shall have |
had |
I |
Give the right variant of the verb “ to have”: Mary … six lessons tomorrow. |
2 |
will have |
have |
Has |
had |
shall have |
I |
Choose the right Antonym : Short |
5 |
long |
fresh |
little |
warm |
cold |
I |
Choose the right Antonym: Cheap |
5 |
expensive |
clean |
annual |
educational |
easy |
I |
Choose the right Antonym: Wide |
5 |
narrow |
arable |
dairy |
main |
hot |
I |
Choose the right Antonym: Appearance |
5 |
disappearance |
tropical |
enable |
unimportant |
pearance |
I |
Choose the right Antonym: Often |
5 |
seldom |
yet |
already |
always |
full |
I |
Choose the right Antonym: Careless |
5 |
careful |
suitable |
valuable |
objective |
expensive |
I |
Choose the right Antonym: Warm |
5 |
cool |
salty |
harmful |
blue |
dark |
I |
Choose the right Antonym: Slow |
5 |
rapid |
cloudy |
narrow |
main |
empty |
I |
Choose the right Antonym: processing |
5 |
treating |
forming |
growing |
dried |
narrow |
I |
Choose the right Antonym: to graduate |
5 |
To enter |
To order |
To grade |
To be born |
To examine |
I |
Choose the right Synonym: Different |
5 |
various |
fertile |
scientific |
big |
easy |
I |
Choose the right Synonym: Chief |
5 |
main |
low |
house |
dry |
cold |
I |
Choose the right Synonym: Sophisticated |
5 |
complex |
simple |
rely |
subject |
digital |
I |
Choose the right Synonym: Finish |
5 |
end |
horse |
output |
bring |
find |
I |
Choose the right Synonym: Aim |
5 |
purpose |
subject |
production |
method |
main |
I |
Choose the right Synonym: Evaluate |
5 |
estimate |
expected |
exist |
satisfy |
sandy |
I |
Choose the right Synonym: Vapor |
5 |
steam |
place |
Sky |
moon |
view |
I |
Choose the right Synonym: Rapid |
5 |
quick |
fresh |
salty |
important |
slowly |
I |
Choose the right Synonym: Substance |
5 |
matter |
main |
object |
return |
chiefly |
I |
Choose the right Synonym: Breathing |
5 |
respiration |
transpiration |
assistance |
cut |
air |
I |
Choose the right Antonym: To begin |
5 |
to end |
to approve |
to measure |
to pay |
to like |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: Станок/Құрылғы |
6 |
machine-tool |
machine part |
facility |
drilling |
milling |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: Давление/қысым |
6 |
stress |
brittle |
failure |
ability |
trend |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: трещина /жарық |
6 |
crack |
stress |
rigid |
trend |
bar |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: инженер механик |
6 |
mechanical engineer |
civil engineer |
naval engineer |
chemical engineer |
electrical engineer |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: обработка /өңдеу |
6 |
processing |
carrying |
integration |
digital |
cutting |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: Медь /мыс |
6 |
copper |
iron |
cast iron |
brass |
tungsten |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: Хранение / сақтау |
6 |
storage |
substance |
matter |
production |
store-room |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: Лошадиная сила / ат күші |
6 |
horse power |
hardness |
powerful |
horse |
copper |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: Изобретение/Ойлап табу |
6 |
invention |
decrease |
dimension |
density |
achievement |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: Трение / |
6 |
friction |
observation |
reliability |
combustion |
preparation |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: Вещество / зат |
6 |
substance |
resistance |
assistance |
solution |
shaft |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: Луч/сәуле |
6 |
ray |
bearing |
bolt |
nut |
turret |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: наблюдение /бақылау |
6 |
observation |
presentation |
preparation |
improvement |
development |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: Точность /дәлдік |
6 |
accurate |
resistance |
reliable |
fault |
bearing |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: Расщеплять/бөлу |
6 |
to split |
to burn |
to develop |
to overcome |
to heat |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: твердость /қаттылық |
6 |
hardness |
lightness |
toughness |
useless |
attractive |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: Азот |
6 |
nitrogen |
carbon |
oxygen |
cast iron |
copper |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: углерод /көміртек |
6 |
carbon |
oxygen |
nitrogen |
hydrogen |
brass |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: мастерская /ұстақана |
6 |
shop |
tool |
trend |
mill |
store-room |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: оборудовать /жабдықтау |
6 |
to equip |
to mill |
to grind |
to last |
to bore |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: важный /маңызды |
6 |
important |
possible |
common |
improvement |
development |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: Сложный /қиын |
6 |
complex |
index |
internal |
external |
property |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: предлагать /ұсыну |
6 |
to suggest |
to give |
to mill |
to deal |
to grind |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: Заменять /ауыстыру |
6 |
to replace |
to rewrite |
to remain |
to make |
to require |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: искусственный /жасанды |
6 |
artificial |
natural |
global |
essential |
important |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: Пружины /сертпе |
6 |
springs |
shafts |
bearings |
tools |
bars |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: уменьшение /азайту |
6 |
decrease |
increase |
fracture |
tension |
dimension |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: Современный /қазіргі |
6 |
up-to-date |
old |
various |
important |
global |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: Смазка / майлау |
6 |
lubrication |
casting |
fatigue |
technique |
twisting |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: зубчатое колесо /тісті дөңгелек |
6 |
Gear |
bearing |
rigid |
stress |
strain |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: Форма/түрі |
6 |
shape |
shear |
amount |
fluid |
beam |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: Развитие /даму |
6 |
development |
achievement |
improvement |
drilling |
accurate |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: Жидкость /сұйықтық |
6 |
fluid |
hardness |
solid |
gas |
trend |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: взрывной /жарылғыш |
6 |
explosive |
extensive |
expensive |
replacement |
indication |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: коленчатый вал |
6 |
crankshaft |
attach |
adjust |
flywheel |
gear |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: горный инженер/ тау инженері |
6 |
mining engineer |
chemical engineer |
mechanical engineer |
electric engineer |
tool engineer |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: раствор /ерітінді |
6 |
solution |
complicated |
approach |
observation |
dimension |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: Получать/қабылдау |
6 |
to obtain |
to drill |
to mill |
to give |
to bring |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: сопротивление /кедергі |
6 |
resistance |
detector |
friction |
fault |
accurate |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: отвечать требованиям /талапқа сәйкес келу |
6 |
to meet demands |
to meet friends |
to meet friendly |
to keep up |
to win |
I |
Give the right English equivalent:сжигать, гореть/жану,өртену |
6 |
to burn |
definition |
windmill |
improvement |
digging |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: уровень /деңгей |
6 |
level |
tube |
deep |
sand |
clay |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: движение /қозғалыс |
6 |
traffic |
speed |
degree |
accident |
safety |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: исследование/ зерттеу |
6 |
research |
refuse |
remain |
ray |
close |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: шахта |
6 |
mine |
war |
own |
time |
level |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: уважать/сыйлау |
6 |
to respect |
to expect |
to require |
to name |
to injure |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: оправдывать /ақталу |
6 |
to justify |
to threaten |
to cause |
to introduce |
to meet |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: выигрывать/жену, жеңіске жету |
6 |
to win |
to offer |
to build |
to grow |
to meet |
I |
Give the right English equivalent:двигатель внутреннего сгорания /іштен жану двигателі |
6 |
internal combustion engine |
gear |
shear |
hole |
mill |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: поршень /поршын |
6 |
piston |
ray |
tool |
range |
invention |
I |
Give the right English equivalent: отапливать /жағу, жандыру |
6 |
to heat |
to split |
to obtain |
to drill |
to refuse |
II |
Choose the right variant of the Degrees of comparison:The … you get up, the more you can do. |
8 |
earlier |
early |
earliest |
more early |
the early |
II |
Choose the right variant of the Degrees of comparison:John knows Russian as … as English. |
8 |
well |
better |
worse |
more good |
most well |
II |
Choose the right variant of the Degrees of comparison: London is one of … cities in the world. |
8 |
the biggest |
bigger |
more big |
most big |
big |
II |
Choose the right variant of the Degrees of comparison: This sentence is … than the first one. |
8 |
more difficult |
difficulter |
difficultest |
difficult |
most difficult |
II |
Choose the right variant of the Degrees of comparison: This mountain is … in Europe. |
8 |
the highest |
higher |
more high |
most high |
high |
II |
Choose the suitable Modal verb: You…..not smoke here. |
7 |
must |
can |
am |
may |
would |
II |
Choose the suitable Modal verb: He ……answer the question. |
7 |
can |
able to |
am |
will |
are |
II |
Choose the suitable Modal verb: When Pete was a boy, he …..swim very well. |
7 |
could |
can |
may |
must |
need |
II |
Choose the suitable Modal verb: ... I come in? |
7 |
may |
could |
can |
must |
should |
II |
Choose the suitable Modal verb: Her grandmother ... knit very well. |
7 |
can |
should |
ought |
might |
to be able to |
II |
Choose the suitable Modal verb: It ... be very difficult to learn Chinese. |
7 |
must |
may |
to be allowed |
can |
should |
II |
Choose the verb in Simple tenses : Where … you … usually your holidays? |
12 |
do … spend |
did … spending |
do … to spend |
to … spend |
is … spending |
II |
Choose the verb in Simple tenses: She usually…a lot of time on her English. |
12 |
spends |
to spend |
spending |
spent |
spended |
II |
Choose the verb in Simple tenses: My friend … the Medical Institute last year. |
12 |
entered |
enter |
enters |
will enter |
shall enter |
II |
Choose the verb in Simple tenses: We … at college together some years ago. |
12 |
studied |
study |
studies |
will study |
shall study |
II |
Choose the verb in Simple tenses: Diligent students always … hard. |
12 |
work |
works |
worked |
working |
do working |
II |
Choose the verb in Simple tenses: What … a student …? |
12 |
does … do |
do … does |
is … do |
was … do |
did … did |
II |
Choose the right form of Simple tense: This group … to the theatre next month. |
12 |
will go |
go |
goes |
shall go |
went |
II |
Choose the right form of Simple tense: I … with my teacher tomorrow after classes. |
12 |
shall speak |
speak |
spoke |
has spoken |
speaks |
II |
Choose the right form of Simple tense: The teacher … the new grammar rule at the next lesson. |
12 |
will ask |
asked |
asks |
ask |
shall ask |
II |
Choose the right form of Simple tense: They … in a month. |
12 |
will return |
returned |
returns |
return |
have return |
II |
Choose the right form of Simple tense: He … at home tomorrow. |
12 |
will not be |
is not |
was not |
are not |
were not |
II |
Choose the verb in Simple tense: We always … dinner at this canteen |
12 |
have |
had |
has |
have had |
is having |
II |
Choose the right form of Simple Tense: We …a picnic yesterday. |
12 |
had |
has |
having |
will have |
have had |
II |
Choose the right form of the Past Tense: We …. books from the library last week. |
7 |
got |
get |
gets |
will get |
shall get |
II |
Choose the right form of the Past tense: Three weeks later I … for Moscow |
7 |
left |
to leave |
will leave |
leaves |
leave |
II |
Choose the right form of the Past Tense: I … up early yesterday. |
7 |
woke |
wake |
wakes |
will wake |
shall wake |
II |
Choose the right form of the Past Tense: Two years ago Ann … a car . |
7 |
bought |
buy |
buys |
is bought |
will buy |
II |
Choose the verb in Past Simple: My friend … the Medical Institute last year. |
7 |
entered |
enter |
enters |
will enter |
shall enter |
II |
Choose the right form of the verb in the Passive Voice: This picture … … in 19th century. |
8 |
was painted |
painted |
were painted |
will be painted |
will painted |
II |
Choose the right form of the verb in the Passive Voice: The letter ... yesterday |
8 |
was received |
will received |
received |
receive |
is receiving |
II |
Choose the right form of the verb in the Passive Voice: Nick … to Moscow next week. |
8 |
will be sent |
will send |
will sent |
sent |
was sent |
II |
Choose the right form of the verb in the Passive Voice: I … at the lesson yesterday. |
8 |
was asked |
will asked |
were asked |
asked |
ask |
II |
Choose the right form of the verb in the Passive Voice: I …. a very interesting book at the library yesterday. |
8 |
was given |
will be given |
give |
were given |
given |
II |
Choose the right form of the Future Tense: My elder sister …. school next year. |
7 |
will finish |
finishes |
finish |
finished |
shall finish |
II |
Choose the right form of the Future Tense: The population of our city … one million by 2006. |
7 |
will reach |
reaches |
reach |
reached |
shall reach |
II |
Choose the right form of the Future Tense: If Dad buy a new car, we … to the sea-side by car next summer. |
7 |
shall go |
go |
went |
goes |
gone |
II |
Choose the right form of the Future Tense: You … in Paris tomorrow evening. |
7 |
will arrive |
arrives |
arrive |
arrived |
is arrived |
II |
Choose the right form of the Future Tense: If he isnt busy tomorrow, he probably … to the cinema with you. |
7 |
will go |
goes |
went |
gone |
to go |
II |
Choose the right form of the Continuous Tense: We …. in silence when he suddenly asked me to help him. |
13 |
were walking |
was walking |
is walking |
walked |
walks |
II |
Choose the right form of the Continuous Tense: She …. all the evening tomorrow. |
13 |
will be working |
is working |
was working |
will being worked |
is being worked |
II |
Choose the right form of the Continuous Tense: When Misha came to the stadium, we … football. |
13 |
were playing |
was playing |
played |
is playing |
was being played |
II |
Choose the right form of the Continuous Tense: They … a difficult problem now. |
13 |
are solving |
is solving |
was solving |
solved |
solves |
II |
Choose the right form of the Continuous Tense: They …. tennis now. |
13 |
are playing |
played |
will be played |
play |
were playing |
II |
Put the following into the Past Continuous Tense: She … the rooms when I … home. |
18 |
was doing/came |
is doing/came |
were doing/ come |
were done/came |
Are doing/camed |
II |
Put the following into the Present Continuous Tense: Tom is in his room. He … the piano. |
18 |
is playing |
was playing |
am playing |
played |
plays |
II |
Put the following into the Past Continuous Tense: They … their homework when we came to see them. |
18 |
were doing |
was doing |
done |
did |
was being done |
II |
Put the following into the Present Continuous Tense: I still … at my report. |
18 |
am working |
work |
works |
are working |
is working |
II |
Put the following into the Future Continuous Tense: When I come home tomorrow, my family … supper. |
18 |
will be having |
have |
has had |
is having |
has |
II |
Put the following into the Perfect Tense: He ….. ……. a letter. |
14 |
has received |
receive |
will receive |
received |
are receiving |
II |
Put the following into the Perfect Tense: They … the club before we came. |
14 |
had left |
has left |
have left |
leave |
left |
II |
Put the following into the Perfect Tense : Yes. I know Jim. I … him for more than ten years. |
14 |
have known |
had known |
has known |
knows |
knew |
II |
Put the following into the Perfect Tense: It … before we came there. |
14 |
had happened |
has happened |
happened |
will happened |
have happened |
II |
Put the following into the Perfect Tense: He … already what to do with the cassettes. |
14 |
has decided |
had decided |
have decided |
decides |
decide |
II |
Put the following into the Perfect Tense: How many pages you… by five oclock tomorrow? |
14 |
will … have read |
have … read |
Has … read |
is … reading |
shall … be reading |
II |
Put the following into the Perfect Tense: I … to Moscow since last year. |
14 |
havent been |
hasnt been |
have been |
didnt be |
was not |
II |
Choose the right form of the Perfect Tense: He … his work by next month. |
14 |
will have finished |
will has finished |
had finished |
have finished |
to finish |
II |
Choose the right form of the Perfect Tense: … you …. to Italy this year? |
14 |
have … gone |
had … gone |
did … go |
do … go |
will … go |
Choose the right variant: If I … any help I … my friend. |
13 |
need, 'll phone |
needs, phones |
needed, 'll phone |
'll need, 'll phone |
'll need, phone |
Choose the right variant: I want to go shopping but if you … to come, you … . |
13 |
don't want, needn't |
not want, needn't |
doesnt want, need |
do want, needn't |
want, need |
Choose the right variant: If you … on this tram it'll take you to the downtown. |
13 |
get |
'll get |
got |
have got |
gets |
II |
Choose the right form of the verb in the Passive Voice: The equipment ... from steel. |
8 |
is made |
made |
make |
are made |
making |
II |
Choose the right form of the verb in the Passive Voice: The work ... at last. |
8 |
has been finished |
is finished |
is being finished |
been finished |
finishing |
II |
Choose the right form of the verb in the Passive Voice: The hostel ... near the University. |
8 |
is built |
build |
are built |
building |
to build |
II |
Choose the right form of the verb in the Passive Voice: The young engineers ... a new laboratory by the Dean yesterday. |
8 |
were shown |
was shown |
showed |
is shown |
will show |
II |
Choose the right form of the verb in the Passive Voice: Many new houses for farmers ... in my village now. |
8 |
are being built |
is built |
built |
to build |
building |
Choose the right variant of the Participle I: ... the girl by the hand, she led her across the street. |
9 |
taking |
to take |
took |
takes |
is taking |
Choose the right variant of the Participle I: I picked up the pencil ... on the floor. |
9 |
lying |
to lie |
are lying |
lain |
is lying |
Choose the right variant of the Participle II: Name some places ... by you last year. |
9 |
visited |
visiting |
visit |
to visit |
are visited |
Choose the right variant of the Participle II: Read the ... sentences once more. |
9 |
translated |
translates |
to translate |
translating |
are translated |
Choose the right form of the Infinitive: (To know) foreign languages well we must work much. |
10 |
to know |
know |
knows |
to known |
knowed |
Choose the right form of the Infinitive: It is necessary (to use) new machines on the collective farm. |
10 |
to use |
to uses |
to used |
use |
was use |
Choose the right form of the Gerund: The machine needs (to clean). |
11 |
cleaning |
has clean |
have clean |
clean |
is clean |
Choose the right form of the Gerund: He seemed sorry for (to be) inattentive to his child. |
11 |
being |
been |
to been |
is been |
are being |
Choose the right form of the Gerund : She confessed to (to forget) to send the letter. |
11 |
forgetting |
forget |
is forget |
are forget |
am forgetting |