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Multiplying Opportunities to Rech nd Enrich Volunteers 1927 pril 2014 rmeni The ecct p

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                                                              Training Course

“M.O.R.E. Volunteers” 
-Multiplying Opportunities to Reach and Enrich Volunteers-


                                                   19-27 April 2014, Armenia

The ecact place of venue will be anounced soon

This application form should be completed by EACH participant and sent by e-mail to


!!! The deadline for submission is 14th of March 2014

Personal Details







Please select one:  female    male





Skype - Name



Personal and Professional background

Please describe your involvement in youth work (national and international level)


Do you have any experience of participating in projects in the framework of the Youth in Action Programme? Please describe shortly.

Please describe your knowledge and experience about volunteering.

  1.  What is your motivation to join this training, both personally and professionally? What expectations do you have towards this training?

  1.  Please mention topics/themes that you are especially looking forward to discover during the training?

  1.  How do you expect to share the competencies gained during the training AFTER it?

Information about organisation

Title of organisation

in original language AND in English):

Full address:




Target groups:

Main activities:

Please describe your functions/role in your organisation (youth worker, board member, youth leader, ...):

Describe if and how your organization is related to volunteer work:

What are the skills, knowledge and experience that your organization would still need to be more effective in volunteer management?

Special Needs, Emergencies, Conditions

Special Needs or Requirements:

 Please let us know if you require any special arrangements or if there are things we need to be aware of (vegetarian, allergies, impediments,  ...):

Please indicate us the name and full contact details of a person to be contacted in case of emergency during the training course:


Complete address

Postal code


[with full international dial codes]

[with full international dial codes]


Please take note of the following conditions that will apply as you send this application form and will take part in the training course:

  1.  I have read carefully the practical information regarding the training and am aware about the conditions of participation in the training.


  1.  I commit myself to participate in the whole process, including:
  •  to prepare myself carefully for the training course and to do all remote preparation work the team will ask for,
  •  to take part in the full duration of the training course1 
  •  to participate in the whole evaluation process
  1.  I am aware that obtaining a health and a full travel insurance are my own responsibility and at my own expenses. I understand that the information I provided on my special needs does not remove my own personal responsibility for ensuring my own health.
  2.  If I cancel my participation, I abide myself to inform about it immediately the organizers and find a suitable replacement.


We look forward to your early reply. For inquiries and additional information, please contact:


1 In case of skipping parts of the programme, participants will not be reimbursed the travel expenses.

4 | Application form for TC “Multiplying Opportunities to Reach and Enrich Volunteers”



LOGO of organisation

1. Порядок исчисления и уплаты в бюджет налога на имущество предприятий
2. Screen portrit of the President for its cover cme out within months of his murder.
3. файлообменник называется он- Многие его конечно знают и не раз оттуда скачивали файлы а многие и за
4. Тема Трудовое право как отрасль права Нормы трудового права распространяются на отношения между наемны
5. Методики исследования агрессивности
6. Глобальное изменение климата Земли
7. Система позашкільної освіти в Україні
8. Периодизация спортивной тренировки легкоатлета
9. Реферат- Разработка и внедрение автоматизированных систем управления технологического оборудования минипекарень
10. 60 по схеме; Провести испытания для разной формы электродов меняя расстояние между ними; Результаты ис
11. Реферат- Филдинг Генри
12. Меня зовут Владимир или Kriss
13. з курсу Політологія- Структура роботи повинна містити наступне- титульний аркуш; зміст; перел
14. Философия Древнего Китая (Даосизм)
15. Парадоксы правосубъектности предприятий
16. Споруди транспорту АВТОМОБІЛЬНІ ДОРОГИ
17. логисты или логистики; они занимались распределением продуктов питания
18. Гимназия ’1 г. Чебоксары Задачи урока- Развитие социокультурной компетенции через знакомство учащихс.html
19.  Финансовые методы- Финансовое планирование 2
20. Тема- Проектирование подсобного хозяйства по содержанию 16 коров симментальской породы и 20 поросят на откорм.