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Themerdquo; EU~s Foreign nd Security Policy Rolesrdquo;

Работа добавлена на сайт samzan.net: 2015-12-27

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Kazakh Abylai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages


Faculty  of International Relations

Chair of International Relations

  Head of chair _______________Ivashov A.A.

                                      050202 - "International Relations"

Project work

                       On the theme” EU’s Foreign and Security Policy Roles”


                                                                                                          Developed by:  

                                                                              Scientific consultant: Askhat. G


                                                  Almaty 2013

Theme:” EU’s Foreign and Security Policy Roles”


Problem: Over recent years, the EU has begun to emerge as a prominent foreign and security policy actor in global politics. The EU Member States have strove to consolidate the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and the EU started to become an important actor in global politics. The EU Member States’ efforts to make the EU as an effective and credible actor in the areas of foreign and security policy which commenced in the late 1990s have been accelerated over recent years in order to meet the challenges to global and European security. The EU started to become one of the key actors in the global arena which has the ability to use a full range of instruments, including military ones in addition to civilian one for crisis management and conflict prevention.

The aims: The purpose of this project is to find out which roles the EU has assigned to itself as a foreign and security actor (role conceptions) over recent years by using content analysis method. The foreign and security policy role conceptions of the EU will be identified by analyzing the content of the general foreign policy speeches delivered by the principal EU foreign policy officials and the EU official documents concerning foreign and security policy of the EU during the years extending from 2001 to 2007.

As a result of content analysis, seven role conceptions have been identified: ‘force for good’, ‘force for international peace, security and stability’, ‘promoter of values and norms’, ‘developer’, ‘promoter of effective multilateralism’, ‘partner for the UN’ and ‘builder of effective partnership with key actors’.

Keywords: European Union, Role Conceptions, European Union Foreign and

Security Policy, Content Analysis


Deal with crisis situations in different parts of the world;

Develop the ability of students to understand and the concept of “security”;

The stages of the project:

Stage I: "Immersion" into the problem (choice and awareness of the problem)

Stage II: Gather information

Phase III: Develop your own solution to the problem

IY stage: Preparation and submission of the project;

Y stage: Project presentation;

VI Step: Reflection (self-analysis and self-evaluation of the work done, the impressions).

List of literature:

1. Мертвые души НВ
2.  ТЕОРЕТИЧНА ЧАСТИНА Вказати правильнуі відповідьді у тестах 1
3. на тему- Античные и византийские монеты Выполнила- студентка 5 курса 52 группы Саранцева Ольг
4. Смерть свою найдешь Смерть и я ~ The fllen ngel shows the signs He is no strnger in your eyes He is immortl He is forever From the portl his de
5. Львівська політехніка Інститут права та психології Кафедра цивільного права та процесу
6. Идеологическое освоение действительности
7. БЕКІТЕМІН КЕЛІСІЛГЕН ШТПК директоры Шпикбаева
8. 10 Red the numbers- 0 ' zero 6 six 1 ' one 7 seven 2 ' two 8 eight 3 ' three 9 nine 4 ' four 10 ten 5
9. Сентиментализм в творчестве Томаса Грэя
10. Государственный надзор за соблюдением норм трудового права
11. тематики 25 сентября 2013г
12. Социальный смысл басен И.А. Крылова
13. тематична логіка теорія алгоритмів і дискретна математика Автореферат дисертац
14. тематических знаний
15. 20 Суббота 12
16. Тематический план дисциплины п-п Наименован
17. Тема 1- Гигиена воздуха
18. Развитие и размещение ведущих отраслей промышленности Центрального федерального округа
19. 1 2013 г
20. Шекспир Гамлет проблемы героя и жанра