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1. Слова наизусть

to get frightened


to cry

плакать, кричать


интересующийся, обеспокоенный

to look forward

с нетерпением ждать чего-либо

a solemn look

торжественный вид

an outfit

одежда, «прикид»

a paper cone

бумажный конус





a pencil case


to feel embarrassed


a detention

оставление после уроков (в качестве наказания)

a whiteboard

белая доска для письма фломастерами

a “no talking room”

комната для провинившихся учеников, в которой запрещено разговаривать

a chilly day

холодный день

to expect something

ждать чего-либо

away from home

далеко от дома

to enter the classroom

войти в класс

to get scared

быть испуганным

as fast as I can

настолько быстро, как только могу

behind me

позади меня

most of the day

большая часть дня

to seem concerned

казаться занятыми

to be nervous




tasty things

вкусные вещи

what a treat!

Какое удовольствие!

without a doubt

без сомнения

an eraser

Стёрка, ластик

I wonder


2. Запишите имена говорящих


2. _________________________

3. __________________________

3. Какие предложения не звучали в записи?

  1.  All necessary things are in the rooms like a desk, a bed plus they get a computer with the Internet access in the room.
  2.  And when she smilingly gave me my green shiny cone.
  3.  I also remember seeing a boy playing with Lego making a truck.
  4.  I entered the classroom with a solemn look, and I noticed all the children dressed in their best outfits, sitting quietly in their seats.
  5.  I remember feeling very proud!
  6.  I remember I was in class sitting at a green table with a girl who’s name I won’t mention. Now I feel very embarrassed about it.
  7.  I wonder why I remember these things?
  8.  It was a chilly September day in 1995, we lived in Richmond, Virginia.
  9.  Local schools are absolutely unsatisfactory.
  10.  My teacher picked me up, and took me back in.
  11.  So, she left me with my teacher.
  12.  So, what I really remember is being nervous and frightened and crying a lot.
  13.  The discipline is perfect there, I think.
  14.  The staff is very professional there.
  15.  They send marks to parents each week.

4. Чьи это слова?

  1.  Without a doubt this day stayed in my mind as one of the sweetest.
  2.  I picked a spot next to a friendly-looking girl.
  3.  I was so frightened because I didn’t know what to expect.
  4.  We were going to receive a paper cone on the first day of school.
  5.  I remember seeing a boy Lego making a truck.
  6.  I remember crying a lot.
  7.  I remember sitting at a green table with a girl.
  8.  Some other kids who seemed concerned played with me.
  9.  Good thing all I had to do for detention was to clean the whiteboard.

5. Вставьте предлоги

  1.  I still remember my first day ____ school.
  2.  It was a chilly September day ____ 1995.
  3.  I had never been away ____ home.
  4.  I think that was just big stress ____ me and I was very shy.
  5.  Anxiously, I picked a spot ____ to a friendly- looking girl.
  6.  We were going to receive a school cone ___ the first day of school.
  7.  I was handed ____ from my mom ____ my first teacher.
  8.  She called me stupid so I threw my pencil case ___ her.
  9.  I remember I was in class sitting ____ a green table with a girl whose name I won’t mention.

6. Соедините части предложений

  1.  I remember how frightened I was mostly…

A) for me and I was very shy.

  1.  We drove up to that huge school building…

B) lined up along the walls.

  1.  When we entered the classroom…

C) but I said that I didn’t know how to.

  1.  I think that was just big stress …

D) because I didn’t know what to expect

  1.  Some other kids who seemed concerned…

E) as one of the best and sweetest in my life.

  1.  I noticed all the children …

F) so I threw my pencil case at her.

  1.  I hardly noticed the parents …

F) and a bit scared.

  1.  It is a paper cone …

G) played with me and we became good friends.

  1.  Without a doubt this day stayed in my mind…

H) and the teacher was trying to teach him how.

  1.  She was telling me to do my handwriting …

I) and my mom walked me in.

  1.  He couldn’t pronounce the word “truck” properly …

J) I ran as fast as I could outside.

  1.  She called me stupid …

K) dressed in their best outfits, sitting quietly in their seats.

  1.  I was excited …

L) embarrassed about it.

  1.  But as soon as she did it…

M) with different tasty things.

  1.  Now I feel very …

N) there was so much noise

1. бизнес действительно глобален Фанкибизнес ~это повсеместное усиление конкуренции Фанкибизнес тр
2. Исламская республика Иран
3. Однако широкое применение современных медицинских технологий не позволяет более связывать происхождение
4. тематики В 4 классе
5. Тема 5. Правове становище інших господарських товариств
6. ЭлекомНТ профессионально осуществляет установку систем видеонаблюдения различного назначения и любой ст
7. Мозговая атака с точки зрения криминалистики
8. технической отраслевой информации; патентной информации; информации по стандартизации метрологии и
9. Французское барокко - особенности развития стиля
10. Оценка рыночной стоимости для целей реструктуризации
11. Технология выращивания кукурузы на зерно
12. Как выбрать растения для декоративного аквариума
13. Бухгалтерский учет, контроль налогообложения и судебно-бухгалтерская экспертиза
14. Стресс Факторы стресса, зависящие от работника и от организации
15. Главные особенности природы земного шара
16. нормальная формаЗамечание
17. Разность масштабов снимков не должна превышать 16 от их величины условие не является обязательным если
18. проживание и осознание возникающего в межличностном взаимодействии опыта которая не сводима ни к традиц
19. Курсовая работа- Государство и экология
20. Лабораторная работа 6