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Hiking Trvel brodens the mind

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To travel by air / plane

To travel by sea / boat / ship

To travel by rail / train

To travel by car, by coach

To travel on foot


Travel broadens the mind.

New insights into another culture

To travel at peak time

To arrive at / to reach one’s destination

To be up to one’s expectations

Compare: journey, trip, travel, tour, cruise, voyage, flight, crossing, excursion, outing, expedition

The train journey from London to Edinburgh, to go on / to make a journey,

To take / to go on a business trip

To go on a Mediterranean cruise

To go on a sightseeing tour, a guided tour

To take flight SAS 343

To have a rough crossing from England to France

To go on a voyage from Britain to America

To go on an excursion

To go for an outing to the zoo

To go on  an expedition

To travel

Single ticket BrE / one way ticket AmE

Return ticket BrE / round-trip ticket AmE

Fixed date ticket, Ant: an open date ticket


To book a flight from … to …

The flight is fully booked

To cancel the flight

To have an open round-the-world ticket

No restriction on the ticket

A tourist / economy class ticket

To travel / fly first class, business class, etc.

A domestic, an international flight

A scheduled flight

The flight leaves at…

The time of arrival, departure

To depart from terminal 4

Check in one hour before departure

At the check-in counter / check-in desk

To check in and weigh one’s baggage on the scales

The baggage allowance is 20 kilos, two pieces

To be over the allowance

To be 3 kilos overweight

To go under one’s seat

To pay an excess baggage charge

To put on a conveyor belt

To give a boarding pass / card

A window, aisle seat in a non-smoking section / area with extra leg room

To label the suitcases

To go through the security check

A security guard

To search one’s carry-on / hand luggage

To go through the scanner

To go into the duty-free shop

To buy something duty free

A departure lounge

To wait for the flight to be called / announced

To see on the departure board

To catch a plane, to board / get on the plane Ant: to miss the plane / flight

“Flight 158 to Tokyo now boarding at Gate Three.”

To go through the departure gate

To take off

To be on board a plane

To welcome passengers aboard flight 179

Steward/ stewardess / flight attendant / air hostess

To fasten one’s seat belts, Ant: to unfasten

To give out immigration forms

To fill in / out, to complete immigration forms

The cabin crew looks after the passengers

To go through some turbulence (to be a bit bumpy)

In the cockpit

To make a perfect landing on the runway

To land / to touch down

To go through passport control

A passport officer

To come into the Green, Red Channel

To have nothing to declare

To claim the gift allowance, to use the gift allowance

To be within the allowance

To pay duty / tax / customs on smth

The purpose and length of one’s visit


To book a train ticket to …

To reserve 2 seats in the ticket / booking office

To reserve seats on the London train

Business class, first class, second class

To take / occupy / book / reserve a berth

A lower, upper berth

A return berth

First class, second class, sleeping compartment / a sleeper

Seats in the first compartment in the second carriage

Railway fare

The departure and arrival times

To be delayed for 5 hours

The 9.05 train is due to arrive

To leave on time

To get on / to board Ant: to get off a train

To catch / take / get a train

A direct, through, express, overnight, inter-city train

To change trains

To have to change in Berlin for Paris

To change from train to boat

To go direct to London

To leave cases in the left-luggage office

At the ticket barrier the ticket collector clips the tickets

A porter helps with the luggage

To push a trolley

To look up at the large departure board

To walk towards platform 12

At the rear of the train

To put your cases on the luggage rack

A buffet car / a restaurant car / a dining car / a diner

The train moves off

To leave the railway station

To pull into the station on time

The passengers get off


To travel by sea / on a ship

To be at sea

Calm, rough / stormy / heavy sea

To go on a Mediterranean cruise

To go on a voyage

An around-the-world voyage

On board a ship

On deck a ship

To go up / to come on deck / to go on board

To look out at the sea through a porthole

To sail from

To stop over

To call at a port

To go / come ashore

To promenade on the quay

To disembark

To steer the ship

To catch the ferry to the island

Cargo-ship, ferry

To feel / be seasick / to suffer from seasickness / to be a bad sailor


Holiday-makers, a true traveler, a stay-at-home type / a home-lover / a home-stay type, a sun-worshipper, a culture hunter, an action man / woman, a watersports enthusiast, a camper, a beach lover, an art lover

A seaside holiday, an adventure holiday, a package holiday

To go on a sightseeing tour, to go on a package tour

Blessed-out days

Stressed-out lifestyles

A romantic getaway / hideaway

To escape the daily grind of work and day-to-day pressures

To get away from one’s usual sources of stress

To relax one’s body, renew one’s energy and refresh one’s spirits

To migrate to sunnier climes, visiting historical and cultural attractions

To take the best of the local cuisine

To indulge in sports activities

To spend precious time on your own

To spend time with people you like and love

To look for peace and quiet to soothe away stress

To look for a holiday romance

Holiday must-haves

To be completely off the beaten track

In the middle of nowhere

Place swarming with people

A sun-drenched island

Lazy days under the azure blue sky

The gentle lapping of waves on a palm-fringed beach

Sand dunes and rich-scented pine trees

Homely food

Large tropical gardens lead directly onto the beach

To be a stone’s throw away

To have wonderful views over the sea

To overlook a vast beach / to look out on to / look on to /to have a wonderful view of the sea

To give you an atmosphere of good fellowship, humour and romance

To get away from it all

To gaze at the sea

To laze around on the beach

To sunbathe / to bronze oneself / to bask under the sun

To look round the city

To enjoy scuba-diving and windsurfing

To indulge one’s appetite for encounters

To feel refreshed

To benefit from resorts

That doesn’t appeal to me

That doesn’t sound like my scene at all

I much prefer doing…

To make travel arrangements

Last minute cancellation

Holidays at reduced rates

To set off

To pick smb up

To drop smb off at a hotel

To get back to London

To be unable to give a refund

To give a ten per cent discount on next year’s holiday

To reduce traveling expenses

To go youth hostelling

To offer simple and cheap (Ant: costly) accommodation

To spend the coming weekend at a camp

To put up tents / to pitch and to make a camp


A five-star hotel, a chalet, a youth hostel, a boarding house, a guest-house, bed and breakfast,  self-catering accommodation, a campsite, a resort

To phone up a hotel

To book / to reserve a room/ to make a reservation, to confirm a room in writing

To book a room for 2 nights, to stay for 3 days

The booking is for Mr…

To have plenty of vacancies

To put on a waiting list

To hold one’s reservation for another 2 days

It’s $85 a night, which includes breakfast, tax and service charge

A single, twin / double room with bath and shower, with private bath

Accommodation facilities:

Central heating

Air conditioning

A direct dial telephone

An in-house video

Tea / coffee making facilities

TV lounges

Private car park

Night porter

Outdoor heated swimming pools and tennis courts

Nightly, weekend entertainment

The hotel receptionist

Reception desk / reception

To check-in / to register / to fill in the forms

To put down the dates and the names of the guests

To get a porter to take your luggage up

To pick up your key at reception

To leave letters or a telephone message with Reception

To have, to give a call in the morning

To serve dinner in a restaurant

To check-out by noon

To charge for a double room

To be charged for another day

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