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Video from portble cmers is nlyzed to clculte the distnce of obstcles nd predict the movements of people nd crs

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Sound imaging:  clever acoustics help blind people see the world

Key words:  obstacle, three-dimensional, apparently, to transform, acoustic map, to conceive, to navigate, to incorporate, trial, to pinpoint, commercially viable, product, to complement, aids.


  Do the written translation


Video from portable cameras is analyzed to calculate the distance of obstacles and predict the movements of people and cars. This information is then transformed and relayed to a blind person as a three-dimensional “picture” of sound. The concept is apparently simple and two prototypes have been successfully tested. Laser and digital video cameras become the eyes for the blind man and see the objects and activity going on around him.

Researchers from the University of Bristol have developed powerful real-time image processing and some clever algorithms to then identify objects and obstacles, such as trees, street furniture, vehicles and people. The system uses the stereo images to create a “depth map” for calculating distances. The system can also analyze moving objects and predict where they are going.

So much for the image processing, but how do you present this visual information to a blind person? Technology developed at the University of Laguna in Spain makes it possible to transform spatial information into three-dimensional acoustic maps.

A blind person wears headphones and hears how sounds change as they move around. The stereo audio system makes it possible to place sounds so that the brain can interpret them as a point in space.

Sounds get louder as you walk towards objects, quieter as you move away. Objects to your right are heard on your right, and if you move your head the sound moves too. And if something is heading right for you, you’ll hear it coming, with a tone that tells you to get out of the way.

The full picture

The EU-funded CASBLiP project was conceived to integrate the image processing and acoustic mapping technologies into a single, portable device that could be worn by blind people and help them to navigate outdoors.

The University of Laguna worked to adapt its acoustic mapping system and the University of Bristol refined its image processing algorithms. The device also incorporates a gyroscopic sensor developed by the University of Marche, Italy. This component, called the head-positioning sensor, detects how the wearer moves his head. It feeds back the position of the head and the direction it is facing, so that the relative position of the sounds being played to the wearer also move as expected. For example, if you turn your head towards a sound on the right, the sound must move left towards the centre of the sound picture.


      Vision for the future

After three years, the consortium has produced two prototype devices mounted on a helmet. They have been tested successfully in trials by blind people in several real-world environments, including busy streets. Two blind institutions (the German Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted and the Francesco Cavazza Institute, Italy) were heavily involved in the testing programme.

The first design (M1) uses a laser sensor developed by Siemens and originally intended to detect passengers in cars. It can calculate the distance to objects within 0 to 5m in a 60° field of view. The system is

mounted inside glasses and cannot be seen by others because it uses infrared light. The M1 has been extensively tested by blind users who are able to recognize items, such as chairs and trees, from the sound picture they receive. A second version (M2) adds two digital video cameras to either side of a helmet. It can detect moving objects and predict their path.

The University of Marche has also worked closely with the Cavazza Institute to build a complementary GPS location system. This technology could be used to pinpoint the location of a blind person and integrate the device with additional data sources, such as mapping services. It could provide the wearer with verbal directions to their destination.

“We know that the technology works”, says Guillermo Peris-Fajarnés, who coordinated the project from the Research Group on Graphic Technologies at the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia. “Our tests have been very successful and blind people have been able to navigate comfortably in controlled tests and even along a normal street”. “There is still a lot of development work to do before this could go on the market, especially to prove that the system is 100% reliable”, Peris-Fajarnés notes. “You can’t risk it going wrong while a user is crossing the road”. He says the consortium has decided to continue work on this aspect beyond the end of the EU funding period.

Nevertheless, Peris-Fajarnés is confident that the device could be commercialized: “We are now looking for manufacturing partners to explore the possibilities for a commercially viable product. There’s no other system like this available and it should complement existing aids, such as the white stick. But its commercial success will depend on miniaturizing the system and mounting the cameras onto glasses”.

I)    Answer the questions:


  1.  What do you know about blind people’s extra abilities?
  2.  Have you ever tried to walk with your eyes closed?
  3.  What do you think could help you find the way or find things?
  4.  What is used by this technology to help a blind person?
  5.  What is the idea of the invention?
  6.  How does a blind person get the information?
  7.  What are the two versions of the design?
  8.  How can GPS help?
  9.  What does the project need to be commercialized?
  10.  What devices for disabled people do you know? How can they be improved?

II)   Read the text again. Underline the participles. Discuss their use.

Participles      I                           II





being written


having written

having been written




Как переводить разные формы причастия на русский язык                           |

Формы причастия

Как их переводить






having read




being read


(т. е. который читают)

будучи читаемым

(т. е. когда его читали), будучи прочитанным (т. е. когда его прочитали)

having been read



будучи прочитанным (т. е. когда его прочитали)





Обратите внимание на способы перевода на английский язык русских причастий и деепричастий



действительный залог



бросающий, бросавший


совершенный вид



страдательный залог

несовершенный вид


being thrown

совершенный вид



| Деепричастие

действительный залог








having thrown

страдательный залог



будучи бросаемым

being thrown



будучи брошенным

being thrown having being thrown         

1 Действительное причастие совершенного вида (а также не совершенного вида прошедшего времени) может быть переведено на английский язык только придаточным определительным  предложением (who threw, who has thrown, who had thrown)

1. Переведите следующие русские причастия и деепричастия на английский язык.

Приносящий, принесенный, принося, принеся, переводящий, переведенный, переводя, переведя, давая, написав, читающий, берущий, данный, прочитав, сделанный, пьющий, сказанный, будучи потерянным, нарисовав, написавший, делая, взятый, взяв, рисуя, выпитый, сделав, идя, пишущий, прочитанный, дав, рисующий, делающий, нарисованный, выпив, говорящий, беря, написанный, читая, идущий, дающий, сказав, сидевший, посмотрев, будучи забыт, строящий, строящийся, играя, поиграв, рассказанный, рассказавший, видя, принесший, будучи принесенным, построенный, продав.

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму причастия.

1. (to translate) by a good specialist, the story preserved all the sparkling humour of the original. 2. (to approve) by the critics, the young author's story was accepted by a thick magazine. 3. (to wait) for some time in the hall, he was invited into the drawing-room. 4. (to wait) in the hall, he thought over the problem he was planning to discuss with the old lady. 5. They reached the oasis at last, (to walk) across the endless desert the whole day. 6. (to lie) down on the soft couch, the exhausted child fell asleep at once. 7. She went to work, (to leave) the child with the nurse. 8. (to phone) the agency, he left (to say) he would be back in two hours. 9. (to write) in very bad handwriting, the letter was difficult to read. 10. (to write) his first book, he could not help worrying about the reaction of the critics. 11. (to spend) twenty years abroad, he was happy to be coming home. 12. (to be) so far away from home, he still felt himself part of the family. 13. She looked at the enormous bunch of roses with a happy smile, never (to give) such a wonderful present. 14. (not to wish) to discuss that difficult and painful problem, he changed the conversation.

3. Замените выделенные части предложений причастными оборотами. Изменяйте конструкцию предложения, где необходимо.

1. When he arrived at the railway station, he bought a ticket, walked to the platform and boarded the train. 2. As he was promised help, he felt quieter. 3. After he was shown in, he was told to take off his coat and wait for a while. 4. Robinson started the building of the house at once and finished it before the season of rains set in. 5. He poured out a cup of coffee, sat down in an armchair and looked at the woman who was sitting opposite him. 6. When he had left the house and was crossing the street, he suddenly stopped as he remembered that he had forgotten to phone his friend. 7. He looked at me and hesitated: he did not know what to say. 8. As he had long lived in those parts and knew the place very well, he easily found his way to the market-place. 9. He has no language problems, because he has been studying English for a long time. 10 After I had written this exercise, I began to doubt whether it was correct. 11. Take care when you cross the street. 12. Students should always be attentive while they are listening to the lecturer. 13. There are many students who study music. 14. Don't you feel tired after you have walked so much?

1. Тема Строение и функции эндокринной системы Задание 1
2. совокупность организационных и экономических мер по привлечению инвестиций с целью возрождения экономики
3. Балды~ Ханзадасы ж~не Ханшайымы атты бай~ау~а ~атысу~а 2013 жылы С
4. А Преподаватель ассистент Битин М
5. Её знали в Древнем Китае
6. Учение о государстве и праве социалистического исторического типа в отечественной юриспруденции
7. 32 The Crew of commnd nd control ship ldquo;Slvutyshrdquo; of the Ukrinin nvy hs prevented ttempt to seize the vessel by the rmed Russin ggressors
8. Современные методики обучения иностранным языкам в системе двухуровневого образования
9. Стандартизация и сертификация услуг, их правовые основы.html
10. а функции если существует окрестность точки такая что для всех из этой окрестности выполняется неравенс
11. процесу за допомогою інструментів структурнофункціонального моделювання повинні бути визначені основні в
12.  Sigmund Freud in Historicl Context Professor Pul Bloom- Oky
13. Философия как мирровозрение.html
14. Каналы распределения и товародвижения
15. Преамбула Принимая во внимание что народы Объединенных Наций вновь утвердили в Уставе свою веру в основ
16. Контрольная функция финансов признается представителями почти всех научных концепций
17. Из Повести временных лет
18. Между завтраком и обедом
19. Тема 9 Міжнародні валютнокредитні відносини План 1
20. В Карлов кандидат исторических наук доцент кафедры общественных наук