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Do you gree or disgree with the following sttement person should never mke n importnt decision lone.

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16. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person should never make an important decision alone. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

We make many decisions in our life, whether it is a big decision, such as what career to study, or a small decision, where to go in the weekend, the choices we make could affect our life in different ways. Most of the people thought that making an important decision alone is high risk action. Other people feel that they are the best person to take their important decision. I agree with the statement which says that person should never make an important decision alone.

First of all, a person had better get plenty of information from other people by talking to them. If a problem is personal, some people may want to decide a solution about the problem alone. However, it leads to bad decisions from time to time. For instance, when I was a high school student, I thought to make up my mind to choose a university to enroll at by myself at first. However, I talked with other people such as my teacher and friends, and I could know some valuable information. With the information, I could eventually find a best university. If I decided my university alone, I might regretted its choice now.

Secondly, you would not have to repent later for your adamant behavior, had you consulted others before taking the decision which is very important for your life. For example, one of my friends found a good job while he was an undergraduate. He alone took the decision of quitting the university and did not inform about his decision to his parents or to the friends. Had he disclosed his idea to others, he may have got a different feedback from them. However, today he suffers for his adamant decision because his decision has hindered him from opportunities for his career advancement. He also repents for not consulting others who could have prevented him from taking this decision which negatively impacted on his life.

In conclusion, my opinion is that we each have to make our own important decision our self alone after all; no one can help us to do that. Therefore, learning to listen to others' advice and always seek for good ones before making any important decision is a crucial skill which is not only good for oneself but other people around .  We can learn from others to be aware of risks. We don’t have enough experience to make an important decision alone. There are many risks we don’t know and never attempt. While others, such as our parent, have many experiences, they can help us avoid mistakes and also point out some risks relate to our decision.

17. What are the important qualities of a good son or daughter? Have these qualities changed or remained the same over time in your culture? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

It is commonly known that parents expect to see their children behaving decently and respectfully. It is extremely important for parents to provide to their kinds a clear explanation of what is bad and what is good. Hence, by having parent’s support and advices, children could achieve the important qualities that later their parents could be proud of. In my opinion, the basic qualities of being a good son or daughter have been remaining the same over years.

The most important quality, I think, is that we should respect our parents. It was our parents who brought us into the world and brought us up. They provided us food and clothes, and send us to schools to be educated. They tried their bests to make our life happy and comfortable. Accordingly, it was our responsibility to respect our parents, including their efforts and opinions. We should not spend too much money on useless items because the money comes from parent’s hard work. At the same time, we must listen to the right advices from parents and don’t act according to our own wishes and desires the objection of our parents.

The second quality for a good son or daughter is that we should take care of our parents when they become old. Nowadays we have already attended the university, usually far away from parents. So we should keep in touch with them by telephone, letter and email, not making them feel lonely. We may talk about their life at home, such as their work and their health. In fact every time when I give a call to my parents, I may feel that the call brings them happiness. The reason is that not only can they know that I am doing well, but also they know that their daughter cares about his parents.

A good son or daughter should have many merits. From my point of view, respecting the parents and caring for them are the most important for everyone. What’s more, these values cannot be changed with the development of the society because they are the fundamental qualities of a good son or daughter.

18. You have decided to give several hours of your time each month to improve the community where you live. What is one thing you will do to improve your community? Why? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.

People can volunteer and spend part of their time to enhance their community. Volunteering a few hours each week to some community activity is an important way of investing

in the future of our society. I would  spend my time working with school children

helping them to learn to read. Developing good reading skills will help these students keep up with

their classmates, open new worlds to them, and help them succeed in life.

Students who are not good readers cannot keep up with their studies. They will not understand the

lessons; they will come to school unprepared; they will not be able to perform. By learning to

read, students will be on equal footing with their classmates. They will be active participants in


Books on different lifestyles, occupations, cultures, or governments will open new doors to

students. Students who can't read will only know what they see around them. Students who can

read will be able to travel to new worlds and experience new ideas without ever leaving their


Today, a person who can't read is severely handicapped. A non-reader will have to work at the

most menial jobs. Readers, especially good readers, have the whole universe open to them. They

will have the possibility to learn any job that interests them.

By volunteering to help an elementary school child learn to read, I can help him or her not only

today, but for the rest of his or her life. I can help them keep pace with their peers and explore

the world and themselves through books.

19. Every generation of people is different in important ways. How is your generation different from your parents’ generation? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.

Present young generation is always different from their parents’ generation. There are many ways in which both generations are different. This difference does not mean that one is good and other is bad. Both generations have some negative and positive aspects. In my view, these are the following things in which both generations are different.

Today present generation is completely based on computers. Present generation very well knows the use of internet and chatting on computers. They mostly prefers the use of computers. But our parents’ generation do not depend on computers. Infact, I would like to say most of the parents do not know to operate computers.  Young people has forgotten letter writing. They are using only e-mails. But our parents’ generation is still using letter writing. I have seen the good example of this in my home. My parents and my in-laws both do not know the use of computers. But youngsters have a command on computers.

In the present generation, even children are using mobile and other electronic items like IPOD, MP3 etc. On the other hand, our parents’ generation is still using land line connections and other simple instruments. Parents’ are not crazy for these electronic items. In my home we have an MP3 player but my parents’ never use it.

What I like the most in my parents’ generation is that they know how to make the relationships in family and neighbourhood. But today’s generation do not have that quality. Present generation always thinks about oneself and only for family members. Present generation do not think for their relatives and neighbours.  They are globalized but our parents’ generation pass their whole life at one place. They do only one type of job. They don’t like any change in their living. Our present generation have the habit to study and get knowledge. Therefore, we find good opportunities to progress in life. Wherever, the present generation finds a better job they ready to go. If we see the ratio of people who go abroad, we will find it to be higher for the present generation as compared to our parents’ generation.

Finally I would like to say there are many differences in both generations. But it will be good, if we learn good things from our parents’ and parents’ learn from young generation. This will be good not only for a person and a family but also for the progress of a country.

20. A foreign visitor has only one day to spend in your country. Where should this visitor go on that day? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.

Traveling is a good way to find out more about different countries with different traditions and customs. Some travelers prefer to spend in one country just a few days or one day and then leave for another country. This way of traveling allows people to visit more countries in fewer days. Unfortunately, in this case such travelers have to hurry in order to visit more places.

Kazakhstan  is a very beautiful country. I would recommend the visitor to go to Khan Shatyr Shopping and Entertainment Center that  is a new symbol of the capital of Kazakhstan .There is a combination of shopping, entertainment center, different world tastes in restaurants, Aquapark,a real beach, which has a tropical atmosphere , as well as massage and therapy rooms, beauty salon, sauna, jacuzzi, pools and fitness center are also available for visitors.

At the morning,  they  can enjoy many water games on  the wonderful Sky beach club.  Children can play in  third floor which dedicated to children - playground with attractions.

At the end of the day, they can  go shopping and fetch some wonderful souvenir for their family and friends. A good place for shopping in european cloths brands such as Zara, Massimo Dutti, Mango there is also some turkish brands as Waikiki.


In conclusion,the Khan Shatyr  is an impressive and beautiful centre. I think it is worth to spend there a whole day and I believe that after that a foreign visitor can claim with a proud that he or she saw Kazakhstan.

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