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Let~s tlk bout helthy wy of life

Работа добавлена на сайт samzan.net: 2016-03-13

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1. Let’s talk about healthy way of life. What can you do to become a healthier person? The life of modern man is endangered by many factors. One is the increasing pollution of the environment by industry and transport; another one is sedentary lifestyle of people living in cities and towns. The third one is the quality of food we eat and water we drink. The fourth one is that living in big cities leads to epidemics of many catchy illnesses.

Physical fitness is a general state of good physical health. For anyone who really wants to be healthy, fitness has become an integral part of their lives. It is a well-known fact that even moderate physical activity can protect you from heart diseases and strokes, obesity and influenza. There are many ways of keeping fit. Firstly, you could visit health and fitness clubs. Secondly, regular exercise is necessary. People of different ages can choose or design exercises that will fit them. Some people do aerobics or yoga; others prefer weight training in a gym. Many people prefer walking or jogging which are the cheapest and most accessible sports.

A healthy diet is an important part of staying healthy, too. This diet contains reduced amounts of cholesterol, fat, sugar and salt. It helps protect our body from a wide range of diseases; the most dangerous are heart diseases, liver diseases, and cancer. To stay healthy one must, of course, keep off smoking.

2. Do you agree that smoking is an unhealthy habit? Why (not)? Of course, I agree. Smoking is harmful for all people and especially for children. Smoking may cause heart diseases and spoil your teeth and skin. So it is better not to begin smoking.

3. What questions will you ask a person who keeps to a slimming diet? What do you need to eat? How often are you going to visit a fitness club? Will aerobics and yoga be helpful to lose weight?

4. What can you advise a person who wants to lose weight? I can advise to have regular exercises and to move as much as possible, to eat more fruits and vegetables and reject junk food, to eat in small portions at regular hours and be positive in your attitude towards your appearance. I think people should love themselves and take care of their souls and bodies.

5. What is the best way to promote a healthy way of life among young people? Why is it important to stay healthy? There are many ways of keeping fit. Firstly, you could visit health and fitness clubs. Secondly, regular exercise is necessary. People of different ages can choose or design exercises that will fit them. Some people do aerobics or yoga; others prefer weight training in a gym. Doing some sport or other on a regular basis is the best way of keeping fit. 

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