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I.Smirnitsky. Prts of speech s lexicogrmmticl clsses of words

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Grammatical  issues  to be studied for summer oral examination

  1.  Morphology and syntax as parts of grammar. Units of grammar, their functions and types of relations between them in language and speech.
  2.  Grammatical meaning and grammatical form. Means of form-building. Synthetic and analytical forms.
  3.  Structure of words. Grammatically relevant types of morphemes.
  4.  Grammatical categories. Method of opposition (A.I.Smirnitsky).
  5.  Parts of speech as lexico-grammatical classes of words. 3 principles of classifying words into parts of speech.
  6.  Morphological and syntactico-distributional classifications of words into parts of speech (H.Sweet, O.Jespersen, Ch.Fries).
  7.  Notional and functional classes of  words.
  8.  The category of number of the English noun.
  9.  The category of case of the English noun.
  10.  The category of article determination.
  11.   Adjective. The category of degrees of comparison.
  12.   The category of tense.
  13.   The category of order.
  14.   The category of aspect.
  15.   The category of voice.
  16.   The category of mood.
  17.   The dual nature of non-finite forms of the verb. Morphological categories of  verbals.
  18.   Finite and non-finite forms of the verb. The category of representation.
  19.   Phrase. Principles of classification (H.Sweet, O.Jespersen, L. Bloomfield).
  20.  Classification of phrases according to the types of syntactic relations between the constituents.
  21.   Predicativity. Predication. Constructions with secondary predication.
  22.   Syntactic structure of the clause (simple sentence). The model of the members of the sentence.
  23.   Structural models of sentence analysis. Distributional model and types of distribution.  IC-model.   
  24.  Transformational model of sentence analysis. Types of transformations.
  25.   Semantic structure of the sentence.
  26.   Communicative structure of the sentence.
  27.   Functions of word order in English and types of inversion.
  28.   Principles of classification of simple sentences.
  29.   Compound sentence. Logico-semantic relations between clauses.
  30.   Complex sentence. Structural and functional classifications.

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