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Note future ction in cluses of time nd condition fter when s soon s fter ect in scheduled ctions to sy how smb looks or feels now 2

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1. Present Simple

I/we/you/they     +  V1             - don’t V1        ?   do x V1

He/she/it             +  V1 + (e)s   -  Doesn’t V1  ?   Does x V1

  1.  customary repeated actions
  2.  actions characterizing the given person
  3.  universal truths
  4.  instead of Present Perfect Continuous
  5.  action going on at the present moment with verbs not used in the cont. form
  6.  when the fact is important non the process
  7.  Instead of Future Simple to denote a future action
  8.  in clauses of time and condition after when as soon as after ect…
  9.  in scheduled actions
  10.  to say how smb looks or feels now

2. Present Continuous

+ I am V+ing       We/you/they V+ing                He/she/it is V+ing

- I’m not V+ing    We/you/they aren’t V+ing     He/she/is isn’t V+ing

? Am I V+ing        Are We/you/they/ V+ing       Is He/she/it V+ing

  1.  an ation is going on at the present moment/ present period, temporary action, certain state or quality of a person at the given moment.
  2.  out of 2 actions action in proogress is expressed by Present Continuous and the habitual action is expressed by Present Simple.
  3.  future action – personal plan for the nearest future
  4.  continual process
  5.  action imagined like a continual process
  6.  to say how smb looks or feels now

3. Present Perfect

+ I/we/you/they have V3          - I/we/you/they haven’t V3       ? Have  I/we/you/they V3  

+ He/she/it   has V3                 - He/she/it  hasn’t V3               ? Has   He/she/it  V3

  1.  a completed action connected with the present
  2.  instead of Present Simple in clauses of time to denote an action completed before a definite moment in the past
  3.  (Inclusive) Instead of Present Perfect Continuous to denote an action which began in the past, has been going on up to the present and is still gong on. Either the starting point or whole period of the action is indicated (by since or for).

This use realized in:

  1.  with verbs not used in the Cont. form
    1.  in negative sentences when the action itself is negated
    2.  with non terminative verbs

4. Present Perfect Continuous

+ I/we/you/they have been V+ing       - I/we/you/they haven’t been V+ing            ? have I/we/you/they been

+ He/she/it has been V+ing                - He/she/it hasn’t been V+ing                    ? has  He/she/it been

  1.  (Inclusive) an action which began in the past has been going on up to the resent and is still going on.
  2.  in negative sentences when the action is negated partially, not completely
  3.  (exclusive) an action which was recently in progress but no longer going on at he present moment

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