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Международного конкурса-игры

по английскому языку «Английский лев»

Конкурсное задание состоит из 60 вопросов. Каждое задание содержит только один верный ответ, который нужно занести в Бланк ответов.

На выполнение заданий – 60 минут.

Правильные ответы будут опубликованы на сайте конкурса www.nic-snail.ru в апреле 2013 года и разосланы с итогами конкурса-игры по электронным адресам координаторов. Желаем удачи!          10–11 класс

1. Занимательный английский

Лео очень любит английский язык. Особенно он любит занимательные задания, над которыми нужно поломать свою голову. Приглашаем вас посоревноваться с Лео.

Задание 1.

1. Rearrange the following letters to make a word and choose the category in which it fits:  F A D L O F D I

1) city  2) fruit  3) flower 4) vegetable

2. Find the answer that best matches the stem pair in the analogy: sedative – drowsiness

1) epidemic – contagiousness

2) vaccine – virus

3) laxative – drug

4) anesthetic – numbness

5) therapy – psychosis

3. Only one of the group of five letters below can be rearranged to spell out a five-letter English word. Find the group.


4. Choose just one word from the five words that is closest in meaning to the word in capitals. IRRATIONAL

1) intransigent

2) irredeemable

3) unsafe

4) lost

5) nonsensical

5. Choose just one word from the five words that is closest in meaning to the word in capitals. MODERATION

1) reticence

2) equanimity

3) humility

4) care

5) delicacy

6. Choose just one word from the five words that is most opposite in meaning to the word in capitals. CHECK

1) stay 2) accelerate  3) monitor 4) foil  5) win

7. Choose just one word from the five words that is most opposite in meaning to the word in capitals. BRUTAL

1) civil 2) humane  3) patient 4) varying 5) happy

8. An analogy is a similitude of relations where it is necessary to reason the answer from a parallel case. Questions may take the form ‘A is to B as C is to?’

HELMET is to protection as

TIARA is to:

1) adornment 2) queen 3) hair  4) royalty 5) head

Задание 2. Match the names 1–12 with the sentences 9–20 they occur in.

9. By ! Those two girls must be twins!

10. I never want to see you again! Hit the road, !

11. The detective is trying to determine who the victim is. For now, she’s just .

12. That guy said that I owe him money. I don’t know him from ….

13. Every … in Hollywood thinks he’s going to be a movie star.

14. I need you to put your … at the bottom of this contract.

15. You should see Rachel’s new boyfriend. He’s a ….

16. You’d better be good because … will be here tomorrow.

17. Mike never gives donations to charities. He’s such a …!

18. My sister called the police because she saw a … outside her window!

19. It’s shocking how much money … takes out of my paycheck each week!

20. Tiffany used her credit card to pay off the debt to her mother. All she did was !

1) Uncle Sam

2) Joe Blow

3) Saint Nick

4) John Hancock

5) Adam

6) Jack

7) Peeping Tom

8) Scrooge

9) Don Juan

10) George

11) rob Peter to pay Paul

12) Jane Doe

2. Полезные незнакомцы

Задание 3. Do you like fruit and vegetables? What if a person called you a carrot? Would you be angry? Leo likes to speak about people using «fruit and vegetable» words. Match the pictures 1–13 with the sentence 21–33 these words occur in and find out if these words offensive or not.


1)  2)   3)   4)


5)    6)   7)  8)


9)   10)  11)  12)  13)

21. Our new president is as American as … pie.

22. You can’t compare those two situations. You’re comparing apples to …!

23. The crowd went … when their favorite singer walked on stage.

24. The boss wants me to work in our New York office, so he dangled a … in front of me. He’s offering me twice my salary if I accept.

25. When the thief was interrogated by the police, he was as cool as a ….

26. Carol was really angry that Nancy won the prize. It’s just sour …, but Carol needs to grow up!

27. If you don’t stop spending hours in the sun, you’re going to turn into a ….

28. Hi, ! How are you?

29. Joe is such a couch …. All he does is watch TV all day.

30. I bought a new car yesterday and it already broke down! What a …!

31. Carl and Wendy have all the same interest. They’re like two … in a pod.

32. I had such a bad week. Well, I guess life isn’t always a bowl of ….

33. Is John your brother? For … sake! I didn’t know that!

Задание 4. Leo's life is full of colours: red, orange, purple, white, brown, blue, pink, yellow, raspberry, green, black and grey. He often uses such «coloured» words in his everyday speech. Can you understand what he is saying? Match the colour 112 with the sentence 3440.

1) red;

2) orange;

3) purple;

4) white;

5) brown;

6) blue;

7) pink;

8) yellow;

9) raspberry;

10) green;

11) black;

12) grey.

34. He didn’t even see the driver who hit me. He appeared out of the ….

35. When my girlfriend found out that I was seeing someone else, she gave me a … eye.

36. I don’t know how to answer that question because it’s a … area.

37. I was sick for a week, but I’m finally in the ….

38. John was … with envy when he saw my new car.

39. There was so much … tape I had to go through in order to get a new passport.

40. I didn’t want to go to Tom’s party, so I told him a … lie. I said that I wasn’t feeling well.

3. Страноведение

Задание 5. Very often Leo quotes famous people sayings. Are you good at it? Let’s check it up! Match the quotes 4145 with their authors 15.


1) Lewis Carrol 2) George Orwell  3)Elizabeth II


4) Elizabeth I  5) Oscar Wilde

41. I have to be seen to be believed.

42. A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read.

43. Sentence first verdict afterwards.

44. All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.

45. Fear not, we are of the nature of the lion, and cannot descend to the destruction of mice and such small beasts.

Задание 6. In England they say: brevity is the soul of wit. Sometimes Leo uses in his letters initial words. Decipher initial words 46–50 and choose the right variant 1, 2 or 3.

46. A.C.

1) automobile centre 2) air conditioning 3) at the corner

47. B.L.T.

1) a popular sandwich 2) be late today  3) buy at low tariff

48. F.Y.I.

1) find your item  2) fix your index 3) for your information

49. L.A.

1) lost articles  2) left arm  3) Los Angeles

50. R&B

1) read and buy  2) rhythm and blues 3) roads and bends

4. Английский каждый день

Задание 7. Leo is going to be a writer some day. He would like to write detective stories, but he doesn’t know how to do that. Help Leo to learn how to write the Perfect Crime Novel: read the text and then select the correct answer 1, 2, 3 or 4 instead of the spaces 51–60.

Write the Perfect Crime Novel

Most people are born with the natural ability to tell stories, but only a rare few have the determination to become professional authors, and even fewer have the joy of seeing their novels top the (51) ... of bestselling books. Some of the world's famous crime writers have achieved the (52) ... success of all. Who can (53) ... the appeal of famous detectives like Sherlock Holmes, Miss Marple or Hercule Poirot? Even if you haven't read the (54) ... books you will have seen them in films or on the TV.

If you have an ambition to become the (55) ... Agatha Christie what should you do? The best starting (56) ... is to read lots of examples of crime fiction written by good authors. You will need a notebook to carry around with you or, (57) ... better, some loose (58) ... of paper that you can (59) ... notes on and then file into a folder. After all, the most everyday situation – for example, watching a woman get (60) ... a train – may be the inspiration for your first bestseller.

Like any good recipe you have to know the main ingredients of a successful novel. These are: an original story, strong characters and a memorable setting.

51. 1) queue   2) list  3) row   4) line

52. 1) largest   2) greatest  3) highest   4) prime

53. 1) deny   2) refuse  3) insist   4) hide

54. 1) first   2) initial  3) early   4) original

55. 1) next   2) following  3) subsequent  4) later

56. 1) spot   2) tip  3) point   4) mark

57. 1) even   2) still  3) very   4) so

58. 1) strips   2) sheets  3) layers   4) pieces

59. 1) complete  2) do  3) fill   4) make

60. 1) out   2) down  3) off   4) from


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