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Subject You hve considered the hypothesis in light of the evidence-dt You hve formed considered nd logicl rgument

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Writing a persuasive essay using Sources

The aim of a successful essay is to argue and convince the reader of the validity of your opinion.

Sources are crucial in supporting your opinion. If you do not use sources to support your opinion then all you are saying to the reader is ‘YOU SHOULD AGREE WITH ME BECAUSE I SAY SO’.

In Academia, you cannot use this approach.

You should use sources to show:-

  1.  You have properly researched the subject
  2.  You have considered the hypothesis in light of the evidence/data
  3.  You have formed a considered and logical argument.

Remember that you should use a variety of sources in your essay to show the depth and the quality of your research. Obviously include sources that support your opinion on the Hypothesis, however, you must also use Sources that support other viewpoints so you can show an awareness of these views and then discredit these alternate academic views.

How can we tell if a source is useful?

It’s as easy as A-B-C!

  1.  AUTHOR

Who is the Author? Can we trust this person? What is their identity? (Religion/Political View/Position of Authority or Responsibility/etc...) Have they any reason to tell a very one sided version of events? What are the Author’s qualifications to speak on the subject? Could the Author of the data/information be trying to prove a point? Was the Author there at the time?

  1.  BIAS

What evidence is there of BIAS in a Source? Does the Author use extreme language? Do they use sympathetic language?


Does the information in the Source correlate with other information you have on the subject? Is the CONTENT information, propaganda or opinion? Is the Source written logically? Does the Source contain enough information on the topic being considered? Who is the information in the source being aimed at? Is there substantial information in the Source? Does the Source provide you with additional information to that which you already know?

If you conduct this questioning of the Source presented to you, it will help you analyse if the Source is useful in your essay writing against a hypothesis.

You will not be able to make judgements on all these questions for every source but these are certainly the kinds of enquiries you should be making regarding Sources when you use them.

Remember, Sources are there to support your opinion not to form your opinion for you. If a Source does not provide the information or opinion that you require for your essay, then keep looking for another Source. Do not change your opinion to match the Source.

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