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Subjects English nd foreign lnguge literture seprtely отечетсвенная nd foreign plus specil profile subjects the bsics of journlism news reporting nlyticl journlism publicism

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1). in our country journalistic education in the tradition - with philological bias. Among the main items that need to know when you receive - the Humanities: literature, Russian language, stylistics and history. And the main thing - without experience, without publications in Newspapers or on the radio people do not even allow to exams! - so with someone need to cooperate even before the receipt. Edition now willing to take a freeters in their ranks. main subjects - English and a foreign language, literature (separately - отечетсвенная and foreign), plus special profile subjects - the basics of journalism, news reporting, analytical journalism, publicism... the Rest (ethics, psychology) is also there, but not paramount. Additional items depend on the specialty - if the author of the newspaper articles, then important stylistics, Russian. If the correspondent - FOTODELO, if the operator -, respectively, видеодело, coder - knowledge of programs for typesetting (Publisher and other). And if the correspondent of the radio then added diction, items on the development of speech, rhetoric...

2). 1. International school of multimedia journalism

Programme: training course consists of ten months and consists of two semesters with mandatory examination sessions. After each of them students will month practice in RIA Novosti and Interfax», as well as protection of the degree project. Classes are held in the evening, 4 days a week. In addition, МШМЖ conducts weekly intensives on the topics of «Effective communications with the media: tools, methods, approaches, «the Organization of the Department of news», «Конвергетная edition», «Business journalism: how to write and talk about the economy», «Universal journalist» and others.

3. Sports journalism school PFUR

Program: during the seminar, employees of the newspaper conduct lectures on the theme «Exclusive in the era of multimedia: not a fact, and analysis», «New values to the world leaders of business information», «Business journalism as a new for Russia, specialization», «Components of success of the business of the journalist: knowledge, skills, sources of information», «Illegal sources of information» and others.

4. Academy of business journalism of the newspaper «Vedomosti»

Program: at the journalism faculty held the lecture on «the Structure of the business magazine», «Modern journalism through the eyes of «the Russian reporter», «Modern periodical press in the context of communicative processes», «Modern media and globalization processes», «the Specifics of the work of journalist-freelancer in the region» and others.

5. Faculty of journalism, SPbSU

Program: courses are designed for 2 months and include interactive lectures (webinars) on disciplines: practical journalism, stylistics and literary editing, economy and media law, ethics and history of journalism. In each course includes practical exercises and workshops with journalists practitioners that allows you to learn the profession.

Teachers: editor of the portal RuTube.ru Ekaterina Сапович, editor of the magazine «Cosmopolitan» Tatiana Ezhova, business journalist of the newspaper«Vedomosti» and «Kommersant» Marina Ховратович, editor of the newspaper «Novye Izvestia», the author of the book «Practical journalism» Alexander Kolesnichenko.

6. Institute of modern journalism

Program: courses are designed for 2 months and include interactive lectures (webinars) on disciplines: practical journalism, stylistics and literary editing, economy and media law, ethics and history of journalism. In each course includes practical exercises and workshops with journalists practitioners that allows you to learn the profession.

Necessary professional skills and knowledge

ability to work with information (explore, discover, select, analyze, compare and evaluate facts);

ability in the amount of information to allocate the main thing;

ability to find the explanation of facts;

the ability to speak or write quickly, easily, and it is interesting and not banal;

the use of professional equipment and technique, necessary for work of a journalist (recorder, camera etc);

knowledge of the Law on mass media and the ability to use it;

the ability to ask the right questions and dig to the bottom of the problem;

professional ethics and tact.

Personal qualities

ability to Express their thoughts clearly and precisely;

active participation in public life;

the ability to quickly switch from one job to another;

the ability to analyze the events and phenomena;

a broad Outlook;

the ability to do the job quickly and on time;

sociability, charm;

efficiency, perseverance;



communicability, ability to work in a team;


hard work and diligence;

endurance, resistance to stress.

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2. .1] Демонстраційний хімічний експеримент [3
3. История государства и права зарубежных стран2
4. Тема- 1. Ортодонтичні та ортопедичні конструкції в дитячому віці Ортодонтія як частина ортопедичної стомат
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6. Права человека
8. Отчет по производственной практике Выполнил- Тюмень 2013 Содержание- Хара
9. Реферат- Понятие и перспективы стратегического управления персоналом
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11. Создание педагогических условий реализации социокультурной компетенции при обучении иностранному языку и ее роль в приобщении детей к новому социальному опыту и воспитанию толерантного отношения к иной культуре.html
12. Структура и функции государственного аппарата
13. Изучение химии в России
14. Личность Петра I и Екатерины II
15. Физвоспитание Преподаватель кафедры находятся в штатном расписании кафедры и работают под руководс
16. е гг много внимания уделялось истории классовой борьбы рабочих и крестьян нашей страны в годы пятилеток ис
17. низко луна же и подавно виснет чуть не над самыми колокольнями делаясь похожа на яблоко нашей прославленной
18. РЕФЕРАТ дисертацiї на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата iсторичних наук Київ2000 Дисерт.
19. Реферат- Технологии создания имиджа
20. тема методов и стратегий с помощью которых общество направляет поведение индивидов