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Let~s tlk bout friendship Wht role do friends ply in your life s we live in society we meet lot of people during our lives

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1. Let’s talk about friendship. What role do friends play in your life? As we live in society, we meet a lot of people during our lives. We communicate with all these people, but our attitudes towards each of these people are different. Usually I classify people I know as acquaintances, friends and close friends. I'm going to tell you about the best friends of mine. They are Victor Danilov and Dmitri Petrov.

Victor is a good-natured guy of medium height, strong in body, light-haired with light blue eyes. Usually he is the life and soul of the party. Victor is fond of foreign languages. Not so long ago he decided to study English. He worked on it persistently, and now he speaks English well. Victor also likes music. He is a good singer; he plays mouth organ and dances better than Michael Jackson.

Dmitri is rather slim, not very tall, his hair is brown, and his eyes are grey. Usually he wears T-shirts with emblems of football clubs. He is an enthusiastic football fan. Dmitri is an extremely sociable person. By means of e-mail he corresponds with many people from different countries. They discuss political and economic issues. Dmitri is also interested in philosophy. He often cites Confucius's utterances.

My friends are very interesting to talk to. Both of them possess great charm, they are both very clever and educated guys, they are open-hearted and social, well-mannered and tactful. I respect them for their fairness, strong will, intellect, and modesty. People usually like them. I'm happy to have such friends as Victor and Dmitri.


2. Can you rely on your best friends? Everyone knows the proverb “A friend in need is a friend indeed” – according to the old saying a good friend should always help us in difficulties, cheer us up and raise our spirits when we are down, troubled or when nothing is going right. Trust is the most important aspect of any relationship. I believe I can trust my best friend and rely on him.

3. What questions do you usually ask when you want to get acquainted with someone? Have we seen each other before? Where are you from? How do you usually spend your holidays?

4. What can you advise a teenager who has no friends? Frankly speaking it’s not a usual case. Probably, a person with such problems needs advice on behalf of a psychologist. But if someone asks me to help, I will recommend her or him to join some kind of a club or a society to meet people with the same interests.

5. They say: “A person has just one true friend”. What do you think about this? In the reality there are very few true friends. A real friend, on the other hand, is usually one person who shares your life. You can rely on your friend to tell you the truth, even if it’s not always fully pleasant. True friends are hard to find, and are worth holding on to. They are worth more than gold.

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