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Work in time ~ Нам необходимо сделать эту работу вовремя

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Поможем написать учебную работу

Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.

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It’s important for the resume to be good looking – Важно, чтоб резюме было аккуратно оформлено

He spoke loudly for them (for people) to hear him – Он говорил громко, чтобы они (люди) его слышали.

It is necessary for us to do this work in time – Нам необходимо сделать эту работу вовремя.

He is fit to do the job – Он сможет сделать эту работу. (Он подходит для выполнения этой работы.)

Doesnt it sound fantastic? – Разве это не великолепно?

Its worth the expense – Это стоило понесенных расходов.

So do I/ Neither (Nor) do I – И я тоже. (после утвердительного/после отрицательного)

As for as long as memory can stretch – И сколько люди помнят

He is about to graduate – Он скоро заканчивает университет

Exercise 1.  Translate into English using for + smb + to do.

  1.  Вам необходимо быть здесь завтра в 5 часов.
  2.  Ему легко это сделать.
  3.  Нам трудно сделать эту работу в такой короткий срок.

4. Для вас важно написать хорошее резюме.

  1.  Для вас важно правильно оценить свои возможности.
  2.  Вам нужно решить, какую карьеру выбрать для себя.
  3.  Вам нужно вызвать к себе интерес работодателя.
  4.  Вам необходимо получить интервью.

Exercise 2. Translate into Russian.

1. He is fit to do the job.

2. None of the applicants fitted our requirements.

3. The equipment is not fit to install.

4. My education is unfit to fulfill this job.

5. And for as long as memory can stretch our students try to find jobs when they are about to graduate.

6. Doesn’t it sound fantastic to be trained at such a well known firm!

7. This job is worth the efforts.

Exercise 3.  Imagine that you are talking to your friend. You have the same ideas, tastes, circumstances etc. as your friend. Use So... or Neither....

Example:  - I'm very busy. -  So am I.

                 - I don't like the boss. - Neither do I.

  1.  I don't feel good about the job.
  2.  I can't decide what job to look for.
  3.  I can't decide what career to pursue.
  4.  I'm not ready to start working.
  5.  I wrote a good resume. .
  6.  I've got an interview.
  7.  I've found a good job.


Nouns and phrases with them

1. ability  - способность

2. adult – взрослый

3. applicant - лицо, обращающееся с просьбой о предоставлении работы

4. application заявление с просьбой о предоставлении работы

5. aptitudes - склонности

6. attempt - попытка

7. attitude — отношение

8. auditor  - аудитор

9. austere – строгий, суровый

10.bidder – лицо, предложившее наиболее выгодные условия работы

11. broker  брокер

12. career  - карьера

13. choice of occupation - выбор рода занятия

14. citizen  гражданин

15. communicator of knowledge – передающий знания

16. consultancy – консультационные услуги

17. cooperation - сотрудничество

18. CV (curriculum vitae) - резюме

18. faults - недостатки

19. flexibility – гибкость

20. “Fringe benefits” – дополнительные льготы

21. hint  - намек 

22. honesty - честность

23. insurance company—страховая компания

24. job counseling – консультации по устройству на работу

25. job creation – создание рабочих мест

26. job description - должностная инструкция; характер выполняемой работы; описание рабочего задания

27. job opportunities - возможность получения работы или продвижения по службе

28. job prospects – планы на будущее, связанные с работой

29. job satisfaction – удовлетворение от работы

30. job security - обеспеченность работой

31. kind - вид, род

32. kindness - доброта; сердечность; любезность; благожелательность

33. level of unemployment – уровень безработицы

34. loan officer – банковский служащий, занимающийся выдачей ссуд

35. loan officer — банковский служащий, занимающийся выдачей ссуд

36. loyalty - верность, преданность

37. model of competence – образец компетентности

38. part-time/full-time job - работа неполный рабочий день/полный рабочий день

39. personal characteristics — личные качества

40. personnel department - отдел кадров

41. personnel department – отдел кадров

42. personnel manager – кадровик

43. qualification  подготовленность, квалификация

44. respect - уважение

45. responsibility – ответственность

46. resumeрезюме, анкета CV (curriculum vitae) – резюме

47. securities firm — фирма, работающая с ценными бумагами

48. self-assessment  - самооценка

49. team  - команда

50. temporary/permanent job – временная/постоянная работа

51. under pressure – зд. в напряженном режиме

52. under pressureзд. в напряженном режиме

53. underwriter  - «андеррайтер» (поручитель, гарант)

54. vacant position — свободное место (рабочее)

55. vacant position – свободное рабочее место

56. work permit – разрешение на работу

57. workforce – рабочая сила

Verbs and phrases with them

1. accept a job, to take up a job – согласиться на работу

2. advertise  - рекламировать

3. apply for – обращаться с чем-то, претендовать

4. apply for a job - подавать заявление о приёме на работу [на вакантную должность]

5. arouse interest - вызвать интерес

6. associate – связывать, ассоциироваться

7. be ensured – обеспечиваться, гарантироваться

be in transition to a market economy – быть на этапе перехода к рыночной экономике

8. be of interest to smb– представлять интерес для кого-то

9. encourage  – поощрять

10. equip  — зд. снабдить

11. experience - испытывать

12. explore  — исследовать, изучать

13. feel good (about) smth. - быть удовлетворенным

14. feel good (about) smth. – быть удовлетворенным

15. fill a vacancy — заполнить свободное место (вакансию)

16. find a job – найти работу

17. fit  - подходить, гадиться

18. flourish - процветать

19. foster – воспитывать, побуждать

20. gain an interview — получить приглашение на интервью

21. get a job – получить работу

22. give up – отказаться, бросить

23. give up smth — бросить, отказаться от чего-л.

24. hire  — нанимать на работу

25. leave ones job - бросить работу, уйти с работы

26. liquidate ignorance – ликвидировать неграмотность

27. look for a job, to seek a job – искать работу

28. lose a job – потерять работу

29. maintain relations — поддерживать отношения

30. make a career — сделать карьеру

31. make a choice — сделать выбор

32. move from job to job- переходить с работы на работу

33. offer smb. a job – предложить кому-нибудь работу

34. perform a task - выполнять задачу

35. pursue a career - осуществить карьеру

36. recruit  — нанимать на работу

37. regard - учитывать

38. remove – снимать (ограничения)

39. require – требовать

40. seek – искать, ожидать

41. shape – формировать

42. sum up  – суммировать

43. temper – сочетать

44. turn to – обратиться к кому-либо/куда-либо


1. accurate - правильный, точный

2. associate  - связывать, ассоциироваться

3. chief главный

4. competent – опытный

5. competitive  - конкурентный

6. good-looking – зд. аккуратно оформленный

7. grudging – недовольный

8. over-generous - слишком щедрый

9. permanent – постоянный

10. potential потенциальный

11. rewarding  - стоящий

12. self-employed  - занимающийся индивидуальной трудовой деятельностью

13. separate  - отдельный

14. specific – конкретный

15. temporary – временный

16. tempting заманчивый


Exercise 1. Pronounce the words correctly paying attention to the pronunciation of the vowels.

[iə] career, experience, austere, atmosphere

[o:] rewarding, explore, perform, auditor, faults

[o] honesty, authority

[e] self-assessment, ‘resume, personnel, pressure, accept, temporary, competitive, tempting, benefit, attempt, respect, separate, generous

[juə] security, [uə] insurance, ensured

[ju:] pursue, ‘interview, opportunity [u:] lose, move, remove

[æ] accurate, attitude, adult, character, rapid, applicant, satisfaction, advertise

[ai] apply, kindness, neither, find, underwriter, vitae, environment

[۸] discover, flourish, encourage, consultancy, company, grudging, discourage

[ei] relationships, regulated

[i] liquidate, equipped

Exercise 2. Pronounce the words correctly paying attention to the pronunciation of the consonants.

[k] career, specific, vacancy, competent, recruit, qualifications, characteristics, accurate, broker, security, company, accept, prospects, description, satisfaction, equip, application, creation, encourage, counseling, economic, consultancy, discover, cooperation, curriculum

[] cooperation, shape, ensure, flourish, transition, associate, position, insurance, pressure, relations, occupation

[f] fit, fill, find, foster, faults, flexibility, self-employed, workforce, flourish, satisfaction, full-time, offer, officer, perform, specific, self-assessment

[r] require, regulated, character, respect, responsibility, remove, creation, rapid, country, fringe, temporary, prospects, underwriter, broker, arouse, separate, rewarding, resume

[g] good-looking, get, regulated, gain, growth, give

[d] job, fringe, encourage


Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.

a) to seek

1. In the U К young people wishing to get training grants should seek advice from government advisers.

2. New companies are seeking markets for their goods.

3. Many graduates seek good employment.

4. All businesses seek profits.

5. My friend is seeking my help in the matter.

  b) personal vs personnel

1. The letter was marked "Personal".

2. The president made a personal visit to the local university and spoke with the students.

3. These are my personal belongings.

4. The personnel department deals with recruitment and problems of the staff.

5. She gave up her job for personal reasons.

6. We need to change the management personnel of the company

Exercise 2.  Provide an appropriate conversational context for the following (to give up)

1. ... finally, he gave up smoking.

2. ... in the end, he gave up his job.

3. ... but she didn't give up hope.

4. ... to my regret she gave up her studies.

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the sentences using synonymous expressions: a hint, to take the hint, to hint at

1. The nurse didn't want to upset the woman and she only said in an indirect way that her daughter was not feeling quite well.

2. What do you imply?

3. What are you trying to imply?

4. What do you mean?

Exercise 4. . Answer these questions using: interest, to be of interest, to arouse interest, to show an interest, to have (an) interest, to express (an) interest, to lose interest

1. How can one arouse employer's interest?

2. Do you show an interest in politics?

3. What subjects on your curriculum are of particular interest to you?

4. What are your interests and hobbies?

5. Are people losing all interest in election?

Exercise 6. Translate into Russian and answer the questions, using:

 а) relations (отношения), attitude (отношение)

1. Do people have a more relaxed attitude to their work these days?

2. Are attitudes towards older people changing in our country?

3. With what countries do we traditionally have good relations?

b) to succeed in (smth, doing smth)

1. What skills do people need to succeed in today's economy/in finance/in business?

2. What personal qualities do people need to succeed as managers?

3. Do you hope to succeed in the career you've chosen?

4. Do you always succeed in examinations?

5. Do you know people who succeed anywhere?

 c) failure, to fail

1. Have you (or your friends) ever failed (to pass) an examination? If yes, how can you account for (объяснить) the failure?

2. Do you sometimes feel a failure? Is it difficult to admit failure?

3. Has any of your friends ever failed you?

4. Have you ever failed your friends?

5. Have you ever failed in your attempts to do something?

Exercise 7. Translate into English, using

a) to make/ to do

1. Это упражнение сделано правильно.

3. Вы сделали успехи в учебе.

4. Прочитайте эту книгу, она принесет вам пользу.

5. Они сделали большие усилия, чтобы улучшить свою работу.

 b) most and most of.

  1.  Большинство моих друзей уже окончили институты.
  2.  Большинство из нас планируют поступить в институт.
  3.  Большинство выпускников нашего института уже нашли работу.
  4.  Большинство компаний стараются принять на работу лучших студентов, предлагая им хорошую зарплату.
  5.  Большинство компаний ведут конкурентную борьбу за студентов.
  6.  Большинство выпускников институтов сейчас имеют практический опыт работы.

7. Большинство кандидатов имеют необходимую квалификацию.
 c) to compete

1. Фирмам приходится конкурировать на рынке.

2. Рынок труда в Великобритании остается  конкурентным.

3. Конкуренция на рынке труда усилилась (to intensify) за последние месяцы.

4. Они столкнулись с острой (stiff) конкуренцией.

5. Кто ваши конкуренты на рынке?

6. Конкуренция за рабочие места стала более острой (fiercer).

Exercise 8. Fill each gap with a suitable word from the box:

1.   spend (2), get, start, gained, enjoy, leave, take

Most people ... a third of their lives at work. So it is important for people to ... their work. And enjoying work means choosing the right career in the first place.

People in Britain can ... work at the age of sixteen, though many young people stay at school after this age. When young people ... school at the age of sixteen they can ... a low-paid job working in a shop or a factory. At the sametime they can ... one day a week at a college of further education. Many young people wishing to ... a practical skill - for example, car mechanics, hairdressers etc. — do this. At the end of their college training they... a qualification. It is a good beginning to ... a career because such young people have ... practical experience in their job which is important for their promotion.

2.  abilities, to liquidate, to communicate, respect, conditions, fostering, industry, praised, relationship, to shape, to regard, attitude, capacity.

1) One of the most important tasks of the Revolution was … illiteracy in Russia.

2) Russian school creates the best possible … education for the younger generation.

3) We must envisage the … of feeling of patriotism.

4) To make his work more successful a teacher should … his pupils’ interests.

5) Together with educations pupils learn how … with each other.

6) His report was good and the teacher … him.

7) I … him for his broad erudition and knowledge.

8) Thanks to his … he could prepare for exams in a short period of time.

9) What is your … to this new teaching method?

10) Many films tell about … between teachers and pupils.

11) Children’s …can be developed in the course of studies.

12) The teacher helps … a child’s character

13) Psychologists say that there is no limit to the … of our memory

Exercise 9. Give advice for a friend on a) how to find a job;   b) how to write a resume. Use the suggested ideas.

a) assess your interests and abilities; decide what job to look for; explore (study) the job market; visit job centres; talk to friends; read advertisements about vacancies; write and send out CVs; try to gain an interview.

b) write your resume accurately; plan and organize your resume: make your resume good-looking; think about what your possible employer would want to know about you and write about it; write about your experience and skills in detail; give basic information about yourself; describe your education in detail; mention your previous employment (if any);

Exercise 10. Read the text, insert prepositions where necessary, say what the Employment Service in Britain does for people seeking jobs.

There are many ways in which people find jobs. These include replying ... advertisements in the national, local or specialist press; direct approaches ... employers and through a job centre or employment agency.

A lot of governments provide a range of services ...job seekers ... employment services.

The Employment Service in Britain gives information ... job opportunities, vocational training programs, about how to raise skill levels. Much attention is given ... school-leavers, students, and graduates who are seeking jobs because ... some areas of Britain a lot of young people are out of work. There are areas with high youth unemployment. The British government has introduced a large number... programs to give school-leavers and young people a better chance ... getting full-time or part-time jobs. Besides, those who fail to find a job, get unemployment benefits.

American students are also fond ... getting temporary or part-time jobs, especially... the summer. Many students work as counselors in summer camps ... young children. Most students work ... supermarkets or in fast food restaurants. Others take jobs as messengers, delivery people or sales clerks. Occasionally, students work ... some of these jobs during the school year as well as during the summers.

Exercise 11. Match the pairs of equivalents from two columns:

cushy job        

 не пыльная работа

demanding job    

ответственная работа

out of job        

постоянная работа

full-time job        

низкооплачиваемая работа

menial job   

не полный рабочий день

part-time job

полный рабочий день

steady job

без работы

Text 1

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.


Teaching is a very difficult job of great responsibility and most specific character. There is a wide variety of work in teaching. A good teacher is not only a communicator of knowledge but a model of competence. He forms attitudes to his subject and attitudes to learning, becoming himself a symbol of education process, a person who is learning as well as teaching. While communicating with children a teacher studies them closely to discover their interests, their strengths and weaknesses, their needs and abilities. Thus a good teacher always regards capacities his pupils have, trying to temper his teaching methods to children’s abilities and aptitudes. He builds his work upon what he learns about his children.

An environment should be created to stimulate children to develop their abilities and satisfy their interests. “Climate” of a classroom depends on the nature of personal relationships between a teacher and his pupils. These relationships should be founded on respect for a person. Thus a primary condition of creating a good atmosphere in class is that everybody in it respects everybody in it. Teacher’s authority will be ensured by respect of his pupils, because his knowledge and skill are greater and better coordinated and his thinking is at a higher level than that of his pupils. His commands are likely to be respected and obeyed then.

It is a purpose of education to liquidate ignorance. But it is also the function of education to help children to live in the community, to prepare them for real life situations. Social development is paid just as much attention to as intellectual development. School becomes a place of work and play, of living and learning. A teacher takes an active part in shaping of a child’s character, fostering honesty, kindness, loyalty, cooperation and respect for ideals.

Quintilian, the prominent Roman school master, wrote in his work published about 95 AD the following about a teacher and his work: “Let him adopt a parental attitude to his pupils. Let him be free from vice himself. Let him be strict but not austere, kind but not too familiar: for austerity will make him unpopular while familiarity breeds contempt. He must control his temper without shutting his eyes to faults requiring correction. His instruction must be free from affection, his industry great, his demands on class continuous, but not extravagant. He must be ready to answer questions and to put them unasked to those who sit silent. In praising the answers of his pupils he must be neither grudging nor over-generous. In correcting faults he must avoid sarcasm and above all abuse to discourage industry.”

Here is an exacting job, but those who are well equipped for it will have a happy and satisfying life.

Exercise 2. Give Russian equivalents to the following:

A wide variety of work, a model of competence, to study closely, to temper methods to children’s abilities, to form an attitude, the nature of personal relationships, his command are likely to be respected and obeyed, a primary condition, to create an environment, at a higher level, to foster honesty, to shape a child’s character, familiarity breeds contempt, continuous demands on class, he must be free from vice, neither grudging, nor over-generous, above all, to adopt an attitude, to discourage industry.

Exercise 3. Give English equivalents of:

 Создать хорошую атмосферу, сформировать характер ребенка, трудолюбие, хвалить, способности, уважать, первостепенное условие, открывать, ликвидировать, на высоком уровне, личные взаимоотношения, окружающая среда, уважать, контролировать себя, прививать, учитывать.

Exercise 4. Complete the following sentences from the text.

1. Teaching is …

2. Thus a good teacher always regards …

3. “Climate” of a classroom …

4. Teacher’s authority …

5. A teacher takes an active part …

6. School becomes …

Exercise 5. Explain the meaning of:

 A communicator of knowledge, to temper teaching methods to children’s capacities, climate of a classroom, social development, to be free from vice, familiarity breeds contempt, neither grudging nor over-generous, those who are well equipped for this job.

Exercise 6. Combine words into sentences and translate into Russian.

1. upbringing, a, should, children’s, all, regard, of, teacher, aspects.

2. is, respect, of, necessary, part, pupils, the, teacher, and, on.

3. development, and, provided, physical, for, social, the, conditions, full, psychological, are, child’s.

4. the, regarded, teacher, generally, and, treated, as, friend, a, is

5. discover, on, school, new, a, entering, children, world.

6. with, character,, child’s, growing up, of, along, shaping, his, goes.

7. helps, a, communicate, play, peers, child, his, with, to.

8. school, attitude, a, forms, in, positive, to, pupils, labour.

 Exercise 7. Answer the following questions.

1. What can you say in general about teacher’s work?

2. A teacher forms attitudes to his subject and to learning, doesn’t he?

3. What does a teacher have to regard in his job?

4. Is it necessary for a teacher to know his pupils’ abilities and aptitudes? Why?

5. Why is it important to create a good atmosphere in class?

6. What does “climate” of a classroom depend on?

7. Should personal relationships between the teacher and pupils be founded on respect or fear?

8. What do children mostly respect their teacher for?

9. When are teacher’s commands likely to be obeyed?

10. What are the chief tasks of education?

11. Which qualities does the teacher foster in children?

12. Do you think that school should become a place of living and learning?

13. When does teaching bring satisfaction and happiness?

Exercise 8. Say whether you agree with Quintilian’s words about the teacher’s work. Prove your point.

Text 2


Exercise 1. Read the text.

To be a good teacher, you need some of the gifts of a good actor; you must be able to hold the attention and interest of your audience; you must be a clear speaker, with a good, strong, pleasing voice which is fully under your control; and you must be able to act what you are teaching, in order to make its meaning clear. Watch a good teacher, and you will see that he does not sit motionless before his class; he stands the whole time he is teaching, he walks about, using his arms, hands and fingers to help him in his explanations, and his face to express feelings. Listen to him, and you will hear the loudness, the quality and the musical note of his voice always changing according to what he is talking about.

The fact that a good teacher has some of the qualities of a good actor does not mean that he will indeed be able to act on the stage; for there are important differences between the teacher’s work and the actor’s one. The actor has to speak words which he has learned by heart; he has to repeat exactly the same words each time he plays a certain part; even his movements and the ways in which he uses his voice are usually fixed before. What he has to do is to make all these carefully learnt words and actions seem natural on the stage.

A good teacher works in quite a different way. His audience takes an active part in his play: they ask and answer questions. The teacher, therefore, has to understand the needs of his audience, which is his class. He cannot learn his part by heart, but must invent it as he goes along.

There are many teachers who are fine actors in class but are unable to take part in a stage-play.

Exercise 2. Say what common and what different features these two professions have. What’s your opinion?

Text 3


Exercise 1. Read the text.

Notes: omniscient – всеведущий

zest – живость, энергия

mature – зрелый, сформировавшийся

abreast – в ряд, не отставая, на уровне

 The education of children in their formative years is a difficult and important task, which places a considerable burden of responsibility on the teacher. The qualities that have enabled teachers to carry out this responsibility are not easy to define.

Qualities of heart and head go together in making of a good teacher. Her whole attitude is optimistic and cheerful. She does not pretend to be omniscient, but is lively, keen and receptive, enjoying her work and sharing with her pupils their zest for new discoveries. The fact that her interests are far from wider than the school curriculum helps to make her interesting as a teacher. She can explain a difficult point clearly, knows many ways of presenting information, and is resourceful in creating situations in which the pupils make discoveries for themselves.

Out of her daily contacts with children comes the understanding on which the mature teacher relies. She is sympathetic, patient especially with slow pupils, and fair to all, avoiding any appearance of favourites. Her sympathy is genuine but unsentimental, she can be firm when the situation demands it.

Above all, the good teacher is alive to the possibility of improving the content and method of her teaching, and therefore keeps abreast of new developments, gives them adequate trial, and absorbs whatever elements are suited to her own situation. She herself is able through the discoveries which she makes in her classroom, to contribute to the body of knowledge upon which educational progress depends.

The influence of the successful teacher extends beyond her own classroom in yet another way – through the help which she is able to give to inexperienced colleagues who may at first find difficulty in translate educational theory into classroom practice. In return she is quick to appreciate the value of contacts with younger teachers trained in advanced methods.

Exercise 2. Suggest an alternative title.

Exercise 3. Give a rough summary of the text. In your summary answer the following questions:

1. Why does education place a great responsibility upon a teacher?

2. What makes a good teacher?

3. How far does the influence of the successful teacher extend?

Text 4


Exercise 1. Read and translate the text

        In many countries, businesses, the private sector, provide the majority of jobs. But one could also make a career in government or in the not-for-profit sector. Career is more than just a job. It is something that may include many separate jobs. People, as a rule, move from job to job during their lifetime.

 A career involves choices of occupation. There is work that we enjoy and feel good about. And there is work that we don't enjoy. Every career includes some work of both kinds. How much of each kind there is in your career depends very much on decisions that you yourself make.

Seeking work (particularly first job) that is interesting and rewarding requires effort and careful thought. What can help to make career choices? What makes people give up their jobs? How to take the first steps in starting a career? These questions are very often asked. Here are some hints that may be useful.

First you must assess your interests and abilities. Self-assessment is useful in helping you decide what to look for, what career to pursue. When you have a clear idea of the kind of work you would like to do and you are ready to look for a specific job, you should explore the labour market, visit job centres, talk to friends, read advertisements about vacancies. After that you must start writing and sending out resumes or CVs. Your resume not only sums up your experience and education but also advertises you to potential employers. Its purpose is to arouse employer's interest in you and thereby to gain an interview.

Employers want to hire people who fit the job; they want to fill the vacancies with competent people. If there is a personnel department in the company then the staff help to recruit a qualified applicant. Employers usually consider professional qualifications and personal characteristics. Preference is given to applicants who can maintain good relations, who have positive attitudes, who can work in a team and under pressure.

It is important for the resume to be good-looking and accurate.

Before writing your resume, ask yourself what an employer would want to know about you, what tasks you could perform, what kind of experience you have had, what skills you can offer and what job you expect the employer to give you.

Exercise 2. Find in the text English equivalents for these words and word combinations: 

 карьера, сделать карьеру, как правило, получать удовольствие, зависеть от, принимать решение, требовать усилий, выбор карьеры, бросить (отказаться), самооценка, реклама, таким образом, нанимать, предпочтения, кандидатура, наниматель, банковский служащий,  страховая компания, отдел кадров, поручитель, опытный.

Exercise 3. Find in the text Russian equivalents for these words and word combinations:  

move from job to job, feel good about, to require effort, give up one’s job, to assess one’s interests, to pursue a career, to look for a job, to gain an interview, a personnel department, explore the labour market, advertisement, to send out one’s resume, loan officer, security firm.

Exercise 4. Complete the following sentences. Consult the text:

1. A career involves....

2. A person is ready to look for a specific job when... .

3. Self-assessment is useful in... .

4. Employers want to hire people who... .

5. A resume sums up... .

6. The purpose of one’s resume is to arouse... .

7. It is important for the resume to be ... .

8. Before writing your resume ask yourself what... .

9. There are many jobs in the financial systems, such as... .

10. Seeking job requires... .

Exercise 5. Give answers to the questions.

1. Where can young people make a career?

2. Do people change jobs, occupations and careers? What makes them do it?

3. How can one make the first steps in starting a career?

4. What should precede writing resumes?

5. What is the purpose of a resume?

6. What employees do employers want to hire?

7. What skills are appreciated by employers?

8. Are there many interesting jobs in the financial system?

Text 5


Exercise 1. Read the text.

One of the chief aims of education is to equip future citizens with all they require to take their place in adult society, The "place in society" is associated first of all with a well-paid job with good prospects. Now the labour market in Britain is highly competitive and it will remain competitive for the years to come. Big companies compete with each other to recruit best students offering them tempting salaries and "fringe benefits". Recruiting tactics of this kind have led to the "brain drain", the process by which highly skilled people offer their services to the highest bidder. And for as long as memory can stretch British students have been competing for jobs in this market. They start applying for jobs before they leave university. Companies advertise their vacant positions inviting applications for the jobs. The company personnel managers go through the written applications deciding which of the applicants have the right qualifications for the post and prepare the so-called "short list". Short lists include about five or six applicants who look most promising and who will subsequently be interviewed. Only one of the applicants will succeed. That means that most applicants will be unsuccessful. British students have learned to live with failure, they do not lose heart, do not feel depressed and embarrassed. Let us imagine a third-year (i.e. final year) university student, Richard.

Richard is thinking about a career in administration. He would like to help organize and run something but he isn't quite sure what. He is about to graduate with a degree in economics, and he has taken a special computer course. Each day he reads the jobs section in one of the national papers. So far he has found twenty-five possible jobs. He writes off for an application form, reads the details about the job, fills in the form, includes a copy of his CV and a stamped addressed envelope and posts off the letter. Usually he has a brief reply, thanking him for the letter and saying that he has not been selected for interview.

But one day he received a letter containing a request to go for an interview. Unfortunately he failed because one of the candidates selected for the interview had a better degree in economics, he had also helped to run the student "shop" during his course, as a result he has practical experience in accounting and in handling people.

Having made twenty-five applications and having failed the interview, Richard starts his search again.  Such an experience is completely typical for students who have just graduated in contemporary Britain.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions.

1. What is one of the chief aims of education?

2. Is the labour market in the UK influenced by big companies?

3. How do personnel managers choose applicants for interviews?

4. How do young people learn about job openings?

5. How do applicants know that they are not selected for interview?

6. Why did Richard fail the interview?

7. Did Richard lose his heart?

8. Is Richard an exception?

Exercise 3.

1) Describe the process of looking for a job by British students.

2) Give an example of such a process from the text.

3) Say how Russian students usually find their jobs.

Text 6

Exercise 1. You will hear a telephone message, containing the information about an applicant for the job. Write down the missed information, use figures, words or word-combinations.

A. Name _________________________

B. Age __________________________

C. Education ______________________

D. Language ______________________

E. Last job _______________________

F. Character: confident and __________

G. Telephone _____________________

Exercise 2.  You will here a story of a teacher. While listening choose the correct variant of the ending of each sentence.

1. The narrator was afraid that her students wouldn’t accept Daniel because he

1. acted strangely  2. wore poor clothes  3. had bad manners

2. According to the narrator the residents of the village

1. were fabulously rich 2. were well-to-do  3. lived in misery

3. Daniel came up to Charles during the game to

1. encourage  2. show him how to hit the ball 3. tease him

4. The narrator thought that her students

1. were gentle most of the time 2. could be indifferent at times 3. could be cruel at times

5. When Daniel gave his Christmas gift to the narrator she

1. was taken aback 2. was disappointed  3. got fairly excited

6. the narrator thinks of Daniel

1. only at Christmas 2. once in a while  3. very often

7. The narrator’s daughter loves her mother’s story about Daniel because she

1. can do the end of the story herself 2. admires Daniel’s personal qualities

   3. knows Daniel has become successful

Text 7

Exercise 1. Read the text, state the main idea of the text and headline it.

The greater part of promising students studying in industrialized countries does not return home upon graduation and stay on there. Besides, most intelligent people, especially scientists, wishing to make more money and improve their living and working conditions go to other countries.

Afro-Asian and Latin American countries as well as Central European countries in transition lose lots of skilled specialists annually. Western powers drawing numbers of specialists out of poorer countries benefit a lot. For example, in some years, the profits received by US corporations from the use of Third World experts exceeded their "aid for development". Russian students engaged in research at universities want to continue it upon graduation.

Text 8


Exercise 1. Read the text and give the gist of the article.

Britain has a lower level of unemployment than any other major European Union (EU) country. The total workforce is almost 30 million. Features of the labour market include the growing proportion of women in the workforce and increases in part-time and temporary employment among both women and men.

"Teleworking" — working from home using information technology - is also becoming more widespread, for example, in journalism, consultancy and computer programming.

About 3.3 million people are self-employed in Britain. The sectors with the highest concentrations of self-employed people are agriculture and construction.

Britain now has one of the least regulated labour markets among the major industrialized nations. The aim of the government is to create an economic climate in which business can flourish. It is done by increasing the flexibility of the labour market, by removing regulations which have restricted job creation, by encouraging better training and by tax policy.

Exercise 2. Compare the situation with the situation in Russia.

Text 9

Exercise 1. Read the dialogue.


Foreigner: I hear your friend Mary has left for France. She's taken up a job there.

Russian: France? She can't have done that. I don't believe it. She is so shy.

F.: Neither did I when I heard it.

R.: I don't think I could ever do the same. If I went abroad I'd be homesick, I'd miss my family and friends.

F.: By the way, many British university graduates work abroad though the level of unemployment in Britain is low now and job creation is widely encouraged by the government. I, for one, will work in China soon.

R.: In China? But you don't speak Chinese, do you?

F.: No, I don't. English is spoken in Chinese international companies. I've got the company's invitation. Doesn't it sound fantastic?

R.: Sure, it does. And what about a work permit?

F.: The company that invited me to work in China has arranged for the work permit.

R.: How did you contact them?

F.: I turned to an employment agency in London. They sent my resume to China.

R.: The job counselling must have cost a lot of money.

F.: Yes, it did, but it's worth the expense. China is in transition to a market economy. It has experienced rapid economic growth lately. My work will probably be interesting. Have you found anything? Have you been  invited to an interview?

R.: No, not yet. I want a good job, with opportunities for advancement, attractive fringe benefits and short trips.

F.: I see. You should have told me. Why not make another attempt and turn to my employment agency!

R.: Good idea, thank you, but I want to work in Russia.

Exercise 2. Find in the dialogue English equivalents for these word combinations and sentences:

1. согласиться  на работу. 2. уехать за границу. 3. тосковать по родине 4. скучать по семье. 5. уровень безработицы. 6. поощряется правительством. 7. Я, например. 8. Разве это не великолепно! 9. разрешение на работу. 10. возможность  продвижения.

Exercise .3. Quote the sentences in which these words and word combinations are used in the dialogues.

take up a job, neither, level of unemployment, international companies, fantastic, a work permit, a lot of money, an interview, another attempt.

Exercise 4. Give the answers to the questions: 

1. Why were the friends surprised at the news that Mary had taken up a job in France?

2. Do many British university graduates work abroad?

3. What arrangements did the foreign student make to get an invitation from a Chinese company?

4. Does China offer good employment opportunities for foreigners?

5. What job does the Russian student want to get?

Exercise .5. Speak about getting job abroad. Share your attitudes on this point with your group mate. Say if you are for or against it. Prove you statements if possible.


Exercise 1. Speak on the profession of a teacher. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this job? Would you like to work as a teacher? Why/why not?  

Exercise 2. Speak on the following topics.

a) What kind of work do you think you’ll be doing after you finish your university?

b) What do you think is an ideal job? Give reasons.

c) Would you prefer a dangerous but well-paid job or a safe but less paid job? Why?


Exercise 1.  a) Look at the following model of RESUME.

A resume presents information in inverse chronological order, that is, beginning with the most recent item and moving back through time. The resume begins with your name and address, followed by your job objective. Then it lists your employment and education experiences. Read the example below.


Ann Quinn

14 Cherry Street

Saginaw, MI 48606


Job Objective: Marketing Researcher

Work Experience:

2004-2006, Marketing Researcher,

Sagnaw Plastics Co., Sagnaw Michigan

- Developed and administrated surveys to consumers and distributors

- Collected and interpreted data from salespeople.

2002-2004, Sales Department Assistant,

Polonia Chemicals, Inc., Clare, Michigan

- Prepared scheduling of products-Presented firm at trade


B.S., Central Michigan University, 2002

Marketing major

b). Write a resume.

Exercise 2.  Comment the following statements:

1. Some people prefer to have a dangerous but well-paid job, others think that it is better to have safe but less paid-job. What do you think about it? Give your reasons.

2.  The most popular professions nowadays are the professions of a lawyer, a bookkeeper, a journalist. What’s your opinion? What professions are the best from your point of view? Give your reasons.

1. Для будівництва 4 доріг використовується гравій із 3 кар~єрів із запасами 600 780 та 420 ум
2. Реферат- Япония - страна контрастов
3. Мы миллионы людей рабочего населения чуть только станем сами ступать на ноги бываем брошены отцами и матер
4. Гатчинская средняя общеобразовательная школа 4 с углублённым изучением отдельных предметов Н
5. Рабочая программа по изобразительному искусству (1- 4 классы)
6. Внутренняя и внешняя политика Франции в период Консульства 1799-1804 гг
7. Тема- Общая характеристика сердечнососудистой системы
8. Белорусский государственный педагогический университет имени Максима Танка
9. ~Вертите головой~ Остеохондроз грудного отдела позвоночника ~Расправьте плечи~ Остеохондроз поясн
10. Сацыяльна-эканамічнае развіццё Беларусі ў складзе Расійскай імперыі ў другой палове ХІХ стагодзя