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2013 Задания и методические указания к выполнению контрольной работы сос

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для выполнения контрольной работы

по учебной дисциплине

“Английский язык”

для студентов 1 курса

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Задания и методические указания

к выполнению контрольной работы составлены

в соответствии с рабочей программой

по учебной дисциплине

“Иностранный язык”

по специальности 030912 “Право и организация

социального обеспечения”

С.С. Чернядьевой

Одобрены на заседании

ПЦК общеобразовательных дисциплин

 Настоящее учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для организации самостоятельной работы студентов заочной формы обучения в межсессионный период и включает методические указания для выполнения контрольной работы (по вариантам) и список рекомендуемой литературы.


Основная цель обучения студентов английскому языку предполагает формирование умения самостоятельно читать литературу. Для контроля понимания прочитанного, в качестве способа передачи полученной при чтении информации, а также как средство обучения используется перевод.

Особенностью заочного обучения является то, что объём самостоятельной работы студента по выработке речевых навыков и умений значительно превышает объём практических аудиторных занятий с преподавателем, поэтому для того, чтобы добиться успеха, необходимы систематические самостоятельные занятия.

           Самостоятельная работа студента по изучению иностранного языка включает в себя заучивание лексических единиц, овладение правилами словообразования и грамматики, чтение текстов вслух в соответствии с правилами чтения, построение вопросов и ответов к текстам, перевод на русский язык (устный и письменный).

           Работая над учебным материалом, подлежащим обязательному изучению в течение семестра, студент должен вести словарь, выписывая слова с транскрипцией и в словарной форме.

3. Перед тем, как выписывать английское слово и искать его значение в словаре, установите, какой частью речи оно является.

4. Выписывая слово, находите его исходную (словарную) форму. Для имен существительных - форму общего падежа единственного числа; для прилагательных и наречий - форму положительной степени; для глаголов - неопределенную форму.

5. Помните, что в каждом языке слово может иметь несколько значений. Отбирайте в словаре подходящее по значению слово родного языка, исходя из его грамматической функции и в соответствии с контекстом.

Прежде чем приступить к выполнению контрольной работы, следует изучить и закрепить с помощью упражнений грамматический материал семестра. Контрольные работы должны выполняться аккуратно, четким почерком. При выполнении контрольной работы следует оставлять в тетради широкие поля для замечаний рецензента.

Результаты обучения

(освоенные умения, усвоенные знания)

Формы и методы контроля и оценки результатов обучения

В результате освоения дисциплины обучающийся должен


общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы;

переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности;

самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас.

В результате изучения учебной дисциплины «Английский язык» обучающийся должен


– лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности.

Формы контроля обучения:

– домашние задания проблемного характера;

– практические задания по работе с информацией, документами, литературой;

–защита индивидуальных и групповых заданий проектного характера.

Методы оценки результатов обучения:

традиционная система отметок в баллах за каждую выполненную работу, на основе которых выставляется итоговая отметка.

II. Задания и методические указания

к выполнению контрольной работы


1. Перевести текст на русский язык.


A man went to an insurance office to have his life insured. * The manager of the office asked him how old his parents were when they died. "Mother had a bad heart and died at the age of thirty. Father died of tuberculosis when he was thirty-five."

"I am sorry," said the manager, "we cannot insure your life as your parents were not healthy."

As the man was leaving the office, depressed, he met a clerk who had overheard the conversation. "You must not be so frank and tell the truth," said the clerk, "no office will insure you if you speak like that. Use your imagination a little."

The man went to another office and was shown 2 into the manager's room. "Well, young man, how old were your parents when they died?" "Mother was ninety three, and she died from a fall off her bicycle. Father was ninety eight and he died while he was playing football."

The manager immediately agreed to insure the man's life. (167 слов)

2. Ответить на вопросы:

а) Where did a man go to?

b) What did the man answered the manager?

c) Were the man’s parents sick?

d) What did another manager advise the man?

e) The man was insured at last, wasn’t he?

3. Составьте вопросы четырех типов к каждому предложению:

 а)  My friend studies two foreign languages.

b)  They lived in Kiev before.

c)  In a month he will go to Moscow.

d)  We are preparing for the control work.

e)  Ann and Steve were playing chess from 5 till 7.

4. Напишите существительные во множественном числе:

story          fish          vase      man         cargo        bush       hat          bank       

              page          child         boy       chair         


5. Поставьте прилагательные в сравнительную и превосходную степени:

 an old man,  an interesting book,  a big toy,   a small shop,  a high house   

a good girl    an easy homework     a short time   

6. Выберете и вставьте глагол в нужном времени.


Don’t go to Tom’s place now, he (works, is working). He (finished,      

will finish) his home work at 9 o’clock. You already (finished, have  finished) your homework?  I (shall finish, shall have finished) it by 6 o’clock..


  1.  Перевести текст на русский язык.


The famous sculptor Michaelangelo lived in Florence. He was well known all over Italy s for his beautiful work and the Governor of Florence made up his mind to ask the famous sculptor to make a statue out of a large piece of marble. A sculptor had tried to do this before him, but had only spoiled the marble. Michaelangelo worked for two years, and at last he completed the beautiful statue which he called David. The day the statue was ready a large crowd of people gathered in the square. The Governor of Florence came too. He stood for a long time looking at the statue.

Then he said that he didn't like it, as David's nose was too long.

Michaelangelo made up his mind to please the governor and not to spoil the statue. He went up to the statue with a handful of marble dust. He pretended to be changing  the shape of the nose and at the same time dropped some of the marble dust ,which he had taken with him. The governor thought that this was marble dust from the nose of the statue. When Michaelangelo had finished, the governor said: "That's excellent! Now you have given more life to the face," and the people, who understood what Michaelangelo had done, shouted with joy.

This statue is one of Michaelangelo's best works. (216)

2. Ответьте на вопросы:

a)  What was Michaelangelo?

b)  What did the  Governor of Florence ask Michaelangelo about?

c)   The  Governor didn’t like the statue of David for the first time, did he?

d)  How did Michaelangelo deceive the  Governor?

e)  What was the reaction of the people?

3. Составьте вопросы четырех типов к каждому предложению:

a)  Fifteen minutes later everyone will be hard at work.

b)  She makes mistakes many in her  dictation.

c)  Only 17 percent of all Americans live in large cities.

d)  He is translating an article now.

e)  They will be watching the TV when I come.

4. Напишите существительные во множественном числе:

office   plan  article  wall  coast  enemy  suit  way  contry  leaf

5. Поставьте прилагательные в сравнительную и превосходную степени:

an important idea    a warm weather    a hot month   a harmful activity   a light thing

a loud voice    a little boy    a busy day   a red rose    a democratic system

6. Выберете и вставьте глагол в нужном времени:

She (has not written, didn’t  write) the exercise yet. If you (will wait,  wait) for me, we (shall go, go) together to the cinema. Children (came, have come) home already. When you (come, came) home they  (will sleep, will be sleeping).



  1.  Перевести текст на русский язык:


Once upon a time  there lived a king whose name was Midas. He was very fond of gold, he loved it better than anything else in the world, except his daughter. Midas spent the days counting the pieces of gold he. had collected. Once, when he was engaged in counting his money, a stranger entered the room and said: "Midas, you are the richest man in the world. You have everything you can wish for. But are you really happy?" "No, I am not," answered Midas, "I shall never be happy until everything that I touch becomes gold."

"You shall have what you wish!" exclaimed the stranger.

The next morning Midas woke up when the sun was rising. While he was dressing, he noticed that his clothes turned into gold. This made him very happy. He went into the garden and everything that he touched, the trees and the flowers, turned into gold. Soon he sat down to breakfast; his daughter was sitting beside him. Midas lifted his cup of coffee to his mouth, but the coffee became hard and yellow. This frightened him.

"What is the matter with you,  Father?" asked his daughter, running up to him and taking his hand, but she also turned into gold. "What have I done?" cried Midas. "It was madness to want more riches. Now I have lost my daughter."Suddenly he heard the voice of the stranger: "Midas, which would you like to have now: “your gold or your daughter?"

"Give me back my child!" exclaimed Midas. "I shall never want gold again."

"I shall help you," said the stranger.

  1.  Ответьте на вопросы:

a)  What was Midas fond of?

b)  What happened when he was engaged in counting his money?

c)  What Midas’ wish was?

d)  Did everything turn into gold that Midas touched?

e)  When was his daughter turned into gold?

  1.  Составьте вопросы четырех типов к каждому предложению:

 a)  His wife watered plants in the garden.

 b)  Everyday she cooks breakfast, dinner and supper.

 c)  They will go to the theater tomorrow.

 d)  In a month at this time you will be going to Germany.

 e)  From 5 till 6 Ann is playing piano.

4. Напишите существительные во множественном числе:

 niece     stewardess    uncle     brother    queen      eye     scarf       

vase    volcano      week

5. Поставьте прилагательные в сравнительную и превосходную степени:

blue eyes       a green cucumber     a large room   a short skirt     a red blouse

fat meat         a nice girl   a thin boy    a dirty  street

6. Выберете и вставьте глагол в нужном времени

When the ship (was crossing, crossed) the ocean, a great storm (breaks, broke) out. I (gave, shall give) you this book as soon as I (shall finish, finish) reading it.  I (learnt, have learnt) the poem already and can tell you. He said that he (has seen, had seen) the film already.


1. Перевести текст на русский язык:

ROBIN HOOD and the golden arrow

Robin Hood was a legendary hero who was well known and loved by the poor people of England. He lived in a forest, far from the towns, and when the poor were oppressed by the rich, he helped them and gave them food and shelter. The sheriffs tried to arrest him but never succeeded in doing so. At last the Sheriff of N. decided to organize a shooting contest in order to catch him. He knew that Robin Hood was a very good shot and hoped that he would take part  in the contest. The prize was a golden arrow. Robin Hood gathered his men and discussed whether they should take part in the contest or not. Finally it was decided that although the risk was great they should all go, Robin Hood among them. The day of the contest was fine and clear. The town was decorated with flags and the field for the contest was full of people. The Sheriff looked everywhere for Robin Hood and his men. He knew that they were always dressed in green. To his disappointment he could not find anybody who looked like them. The contest was won by a fellow dressed in red, who had come from a village with a whole company of young men. He received the beautiful golden arrow and left the town. Nobody ever thought that it was Robin Hood. While leaving the town Robin Hood shot an arrow through the Sheriff's open window. There was a paper attached to it with the following words: "Robin Hood thanks the Sheriff for the Golden Arrow."

  1.  Ответьте на вопросы:

What do you know about Robin Hood?

The Sheriff of N. decided to organize a shooting contest in order to catch Robin Hood, didn’t he?

What prize was at the contest?

Did Robin Hood take part in the contest or not ?

What did Robin Hood do with his prize before leaving the town?

  1.  Поставьте четыре типа вопросов к каждому предложению:

On Monday we have five lessons.

After school we shall go home at once.

They waited for a bus at the bus station.

The children were sleeping when mother entered the room.

Now our friends are working at our factory.

4. Образуйте множественное число существительных:

Princess   carpet   corner   toy   dish   pocket   pupil  lorry   wife

5.Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных:

A big ball   a high building   a black belt   the democratic system   a good character

 A thick stick   a tall fellow   a deep river   happy childhood

6. Выберете и вставьте глагол в нужном времени.

Let’s go for a walk. The rain (stopped, has stopped) and the sun (shines,

Is shining). Nick (is eating, eats) ice cream every day. He (has eaten, is eating) it now. They (walked, were walking) along the street and (were  talking, talked) when they (saw, have seen) their friend.


1. Переведите на русский язык.


The great English scientist Isaak Newton was bom in the village of Woolthorpe, not far from the university town of Cambridge on December 25, 1642. Little Isaak was left to the care of his mother, grandmother and uncle who sent him to school. In his early years young Isaak showed more as one who could make things with his hand then a scholar. He made various things. He made a clock that worked by water. He also made a sun-dial. When Isaak grew older, he took a considerable interest in mathematics. His ability as mathematician and physicist was very important. His first physical experiment was carried out when he was sixteen years old.

On June 5, 1661 Newton entered the University of Cambridge where he studied mathematics. Soon he became famous for his contribution to mathematics by the time he was twenty-one. When Newton was twenty-two years old he began studying the theory of gravitation. In 1665, while he was on a visit in his native village, he saw an apple fall from a tree and began wondering what force made the apple fall.

At Cambridge Newton read with great interest the writings of Galileo, he knew the geometry of Descartes, he worked out the methods of calculus. Newton performed many experiments with light and found that white light was made up of rays of different colours. He invented a reflecting telescope. Newton developed a mathematical method which is known as the Binomial Theorem and also differential and integral calculus.

In 1669 Newton was appointed professor and began lectures on mathematics and optics at Cambridge. He examined the attraction of one mass by another. This was of great importance. It enabled Newton to treat the problems of the sun, moon and earth like problems of geometry.

2. Ответьте на вопросы:

Where and when was Isaak Newton born?

Isaak Newton could make various things with his hands, couldn’t he?

Did he take a considerable interest in mathematics?

Did he begin wondering what force made the apple fall or a leaf ?

What did he invent  and develop?

3. Поставьте четыре типа вопросов к каждому предложению:

The whole evening their boys were playing chess.

A little girl smiled when she saw her mother.

She will bake a delicious apple pie.

We go to school by bus.

They had a wonderful time at their friends.

4. Образуйте множественное число существительных:

Sheep   egg    lady    match   knife   village   hero    shelf   sandwich

 5. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных:

A little boy         a necessary book         white bread        

a brave soldier       an old  man          a bad  pupil        a great idea        a weak woman          a strong sportsman

 6. Выберете и вставьте глагол в нужном времени:

My friend (likes, liked) pies. She (is eating, eats) them every day.  When I (met, meet) her yesterday, she (ate, was eating) a pie. She (tells, told) me that she (bought, has just bought) the pie at the corner of the street.


  1.  Переведите текст на русский язык.

In the World of Arts

People cannot live without music.  They listen to music, they dance to music, they learn to play musical instruments.  Some of them are fond of pop-music, others prefer jazz, and still others listen only to classical music.  As for me, I like both pop-music and classical music.  My favourite composer is Sergei Prokofiev.  He was born in 1891, and when he was six, he began composing music.  When he was thirteen, he entered the St.Petersburg Conservatoire where his teachers were such famous musicians as N.Rimsky-Korsakov and A.Liadov.  He played his works for the first time at a concert in St. Petersburg when he was seventeen, and two years later at a concert in Moscow.  Prokofiev composed music to such famous ballets as "Romeo and Juliet" and "Cinderella", to the opera "War and Peace".  He wrote seven symphonies.  His sixth and seventh symphonies are Known all over the world.  Besides, he wrote nine sonatas, many songs and different pieces far the piano.  Prokofiev died in 1953.  But thousands of people all over the world still enjoy his wonderful music.

As fords other kinds of arts, I like painting very much.  Some time ago I watched a good TV programme about English painters.  Some portraits attracted my attention.  They were painted by the famous English artist Joshua Reynolds.  He was born in England, but spent much time in Italy where he studied art.  He became a famous portrait painter.  People liked his portraits very much.  In 1768 Reynolds became the first president of the Royal Academy of Arts.  He made a whole gallery of portraits of the most famous people of his time - writers, scientists and actors.

  1.  Ответьте на вопросы:

Why can’t people live without  music?

What was Sergei Prokofiev?

He entered the St.Petersburg Conservatoire when he was thirteen, didn’t he?

Did Sergei Prokofiev compos music to such famous ballets as "Romeo and Juliet" and "Cinderella", to the opera "War and Peace"?

Do thousands of people all over the world still enjoy his wonderful music or don’t ?

  1.  Поставьте четыре типа вопросов к каждому предложению:

a) The first lesson begins at 8 o’clock.b) Yesterday he got up at 7 o’clock.

c) She will go to the bathroom, wash her hands and cook breakfast.  

d)  Look! He is reading a novel at the lesson.

e)  At this time we shall be celebrating her birthday.

  1.  Образуйте множественное число существительных:

Tram     question       bus     goose     wish      dress      shoe     purse        piano

5.Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных:

Fat meat     dry air      a clean classroom     a   wide street      red cheeks       

Grey eyes      a high ceiling     a dirty sink       a little boy

  1.  Выберете и вставьте глагол в нужном времени:

He always (came, comes) to the law school at a quarter past eight.  

Tomorrow Mike (don’t go, will not go) to the  cinema because he (has been, was) already there..

Look, the child (cries, is crying). My father (fishes, is fishing) now.

It is Sunday and he (doesn’t work, didn’t work).


  1.  Переведите текст на русский язык.


The fate of many famous people of America has very much in common.  Thus, one of the most well-known statesmen of the USA, Abraham Lincoln, was born on a farm in 1809.

His father was a poor farmer and the boy had to work much on their small farm.  But he read a lot, too.  When he grew older he felt a strong interest in law.  He became a lawyer and he always tried to use the law to defend people.  In 1846 he was elected to Congress.  There he said he was against slavery.  In 1860 he became President of the USA.  In 1864 Abraham Lincoln was elected President again, but a year later he was killed by his enemies in a theatre in Washington.

The American inventor, Thomas Alva Edison, was born in Ohio in 1847. His family was notch and the boy's education was limited to three months in the public school.  When he was  he started work.  Several years later Edison learned telegraphy and became a telegraph operator.  He wanted to improve the telegraph system and worked very hard at it.  After a few months of work, he built a transmitter of a new head.  This was his first important invention.  The other two of Edison's greatest inventions were the gramophone and the electric lamp.  Edison believed that only work could bring success.  So did many of the famous American writers.

O Henry, for instance, a well-known short-story writer had to earn his living from the age of fifteen and he educated himself with the help of friends.

Another famous American novelist, Theodore Dreiser had to leave school and work at a factory when he was still a boy. 23. Later he became a newspaper correspondent and then he began to write books. 24. He wrote such popular novels as "Sister Carrie", "Financier", "Titan", etc.

  1.  Ответьте на вопросы:

When,  where  and in what family was Abraham Lincoln born?

Why did Abraham Lincoln become a lawyer?

Was he against slavery?

How long  did Alva Edison, the American inventor, study at school?

What did Alva Edison invent?   


  1.  Поставьте четыре типа вопросов к каждому предложению:

We write dictations and do exercises at the lessons of Russian.

Pete did not get a “five” because he knew his lesson badly.

After the second lesson we shall go to the canteen.

She was eating a sandwich when he saw her.

For the whole next evening we shall be preparing for exams.

  1.  Образуйте множественное число существительных:

Hour       cup       peach      baby       brush       box      mouse      life       child

5.Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных:

A popular actor      a light room      a busy person       a green leaf       a small garden     a wide street     a dirty yard     a fat pig     

6.Выберете и вставьте глагол в нужном времени:

My brother (trains, is training) at the stadium from 6 till 8.  When Tom (come, came) from school, his friends (played, were playing) in the yard.. Your mother (has returned, returned) from work? I never (have been, was) to the USA


  1.  Переведите текст на русский язык.


In the history of Great Britain there are a lot of famous names.  The name of James Aldridge is one of them.  He is a well-known English writer and public figure:  James Aldridge is the son of a journalist.  He was born in 1918 in Australia.  When he was seventeen he became a journalist.  He went to Great Britain and worked for a newspaper there.

During the Second World War he took an active part in the struggle against fascism.  He was a war correspondent in many parts of the world.

In 1944 he came to our country.  James Aidridge was with the Soviet Army in Berlin in May 1945, and he wrote articles about what he saw in the fascist concentration camps.

But James Aldridge is not only, a journalist, he is also a writer.  He has written many novels and short stories.  For his novel "The Diplomat" he was awarded the golden medal of the World Peace Council in 1953.

Michael Faraday was born in London in a poor family. When he was 14 he got some work in a bookseller's shop.  There he read much.  Later he became an assistant in a laboratory of one of the great scientists.  Soon M. Faraday became interested in electricity and understood that electricity could be made by a machine.  This was the beginning of all great machines that make our electricity today.

  1.  Ответьте на вопросы:

Is  James Aldridge a well-known English writer?

When did he become a journalist?

Did he take an active part in the struggle against fascism?

Is James Aldridge a journalist or a writer?

What was Michael Faraday?

3. Составьте вопросы четырех типов к каждому предложению:

a)  She invited a lot of guests for her party.

b)  He was doing his homework when his friend rang him up.

c)  We shall send her a telegram tomorrow.

d)  They like to read  books.

e)  It is raining and we can’t go for a walk.

4.Образуйте множественное число существительных:

a  bag      a tie      a lady      a test        a day      a man         an army    a match         a cage   


5.Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных:

 A red apple     a large square     an easy question   dear friends   
  a bad joke      dry leaves       a brave man              a strong foot

6. Выберете и вставьте глагол в нужном времени:

 She (did, was doing) her apartment the whole day on Saturday. The cat (drinks, drank) all the milk which I (gave, have given) it. They (will reach, will have reached) the station by 6 o’clock.  We (spend, spent) two weeks in Great Britain  


1.Переведите текст на русский язык.


Born in Moscow in a noble family, the poet spent his youth at Tarkhany, his grandmother's estate in the province of Penza. In 1830 Lermontov entered Moscow University, but very soon he had to leave it. Then he entered St. Petersburg School of Cavalry Cadets. He finished it in 1834 and was given a commission in the Hussar Regiment of the Emperial Guard.

In 1837 the poet was exiled to the Caucasus for his poem on Pushkin's death in which Lermontov put the blame for it on the ruling circles of Russia under Nicolus I. In 1841 Lermontov was sent into exile to the Caucasus for the second time. As a result of intrigues by the officers he was provoked into a personal quarrel with an old schoolfellow, which led to the duel. On July 15, 1841 the poet was killed. He was not twenty seven.

Lermontov began writing when he was very young. One of his first writings to be published in 1835 was his tale verse Hadji Abrek. But Lermontov became famous for his poem on the death of Pushkin. Whether Lermontov chose to write poetry, prose or drama, the stamp of his genius was always to be found on it.

Lermontov's poems "The Demon", "Mtsyri" and the "Lay of the Merchant Kalashnikov", his innumerable lyrics, his novel "A Hero of Our Time" and his play "Masquerade" are masterpieces of Russian literature. Lermontov was tremendously influenced in his writings by the ideas of the Decembrists. Lermontov's poems are the profession of faith of an independent and free man.

As a poet and a thinker Lermontov exerted an immense influence on all the literature that followed.

2. Ответьте на вопросы:

a. Lermontov spent his youth at Tarkhany, didn’t he?

b. What family did Lermontov come from?

c. Where did he study?

d. Why was Lermontov sent into exile to the Caucasus?

e. What are Lermontov's masterpieces?


  1.  Составьте четырех типов вопросы к каждому предложению:

a. The postman brings us newspapers in the morning.

b. He came home at 5 o’clock.

c. They will not see him till Sunday.

d. She goes to the theater every month.

e. We lived in Tula before.


4. Образуйте множественное число существительных:

foot   carpet   corner  toy   dish   pocket   pupil  lorry   wife

5. Поставьте прилагательные в сравнительную и превосходную степени:

blue eyes       a green cucumber     a large room   a short skirt     a red blouse

fat meat         a nice girl   a thin boy    a dirty  street

6. Выберете и вставьте глагол в нужном времени:

There (was, were) three men in the hall. He (tells, told) me that he  (received, had received) a telegram  from her.  Lena (sat, was sitting) in the armchair (knitted, was knitting) a scarf..  He (sees, will see) Ann when he (came, comes) to her.  


1. Переведите текст на русский язык:


One of the favourite writers is Charles Dickens. He was bom near Portsmouth on February 7, 1812. He was the second of eight children. His father was a clerk.

In 1823 facing financial ruin, the family moved to London, where Charles began to work in a blacking warehouse for six shillings a week. At that time his father was arrested for debt. After three months in prison John Dickens was released by having himself declared an Insolvent Debtor. Charles was sent to school at the age of twelve, where he did well, and at the age of fifteen began work in the office of a legal firm.

After learning short hand he became a freelance reporter. His career was prospering with his  reporting of debates in the House of Commons for the "Morning Chronicle". Charles Dickens wrote a lot of novels: "The Pickwick Papers", "Oliver Twist", "Nickolas Nickleby” and many others. Charles Dickens wrote about ordinary people, whose life he knew very well. Dickens worked very hard. His health began to fail in mid-1860s. He suffered a stroke at his home at Gad's Hill, near Rochester, Kent on June 1870 and died the next day.

2. Ответьте на вопросы:

a. Charles Dickens was the second of eight children in his family, wasn’t he?

b. Did Charles begin to work in a blacking warehouse for six or ten shillings a week?

c. What happened with Dickens’ father?

d. Did Charles do well at school?

e. Was his career  prospering with his  reporting of debates in the House of Commons for the "Morning Chronicle"?

3. Составьте четыре типа вопросов к каждому предложению:

a. He went to the South last summer.

b. She is working in the library.

c. These boys like reading  travel stories.

d. You will have a control work tomorrow.

e. Ann will be preparing her hometask at 4 o’clock.

4. Напишите существительные во множественном числе.

niece     stewardess    uncle     brother    queen      eye     scarf       

vase    volcano      week

5. Поставьте прилагательные в сравнительную и превосходную степени:

an important idea    a warm weather    a hot month   a harmful activity   a light thing

a loud voice    a little boy    a busy day   a red rose    a democratic system


6. Выберете и вставьте глагол в нужном времени:

He (left, has left) the house before I (have, had) time to ask him anything. He (asks, asked) me if I (can, could) give him the book.  By 4 o’clock she (has examined, examined) all the students. When I (came, was coming) up to my room, I (saw, see) Pete who (stood, was standing) at the door of the room.


  1.  Порядок слов в утвердительных предложениях.
  2.  Глаголы to be, to have.
  3.  Отрицательные, вопросительные формы предложения.
  4.  Множественное число существительных.
  5.  Личные, притяжательные и указательные местоимения.
  6.  Числительные (количественные и порядковые).
  7.  Настоящее простое,  длительное и совершенное  время.


Агабекян И.П. Английский для ССУЗов. - Феникс, 2006.

Богацкий И.С., Дюканова Н.М. Бизнес-курс английского языка. Словарь – справочник. Под общей ред. Богацкого И.С. – 5-е изд., испр. – Киев: ООО «ИП Логос – М», 2007

Введение в специальность. Составители Леонова Э.А, Табацкая И.Г., Чернядьева С.С. – Воронеж: ВЮТ, 2010.

Голицинский Ю. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений. – СПб.: КАФО, 2004.

Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е.  Практическая грамматика английского языка с упражнениями. - СПб.; Базис, КАРО, 2006. – 608 с.

Любимцева С.Н., Тарковская В.М., Памухина Л.Г. Деловой английский для начинающих: Учебник.- М.:ГИС, 2010.

Учебник по грамматике английского языка любого автора.

www.macmillanenglish.com - интернет-ресурс с практическими материалами для формирования и совершенствования всех видо-речевых умений и навыков.

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