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Celebrte but lwys ply wedding

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What immediately makes Ukraine wedding unique is that we never say we "celebrate", but always "play wedding". It comes from the old Ukrainian wedding traditions, when a wedding was not just a party but a complete set of rituals which symbolized the creation of a strong foundation for a new family and its future well-being. It was more a theater play than a party where the solemnity and merry-making played together.

If you're lucky, you can still watch this kind of mysterious play and possibly even become a part of it in some Ukrainian villages. The traditional Ukrainian wedding differs in details from village to village, but all of them follow the same pattern in the order of wedding events.

The very first event in the Ukraine wedding process is a formal engagement. The groom invites two married men, starosty, to visit the home of the bride and to request her parents for her hand in marriage.

If the bride agrees, she will drape the starosty with traditional towels,rushnyky; both parties then exchange the gifts and loaves of bread.

Occasionally, if the prospective bride doesn't want to marry the suitor, visitors can get a pumpkin, garbuz, instead of a loaf of bread.

The Ukraine wedding ceremony starts at least one week after the engagement. Usually on a Thursday or Friday they bake special wedding ritual bread; korovai and shiskas. Then the groom and bride walk through the village together and give shishkas to their wedding guests as an invitation.

Before the wedding, both the groom and bride have separate parties with their close friends. At the girl party, devich vecher, they make a ritual tree, giltse. Together with korovai it stays on the wedding table as a symbol of youth and beauty of the bride and groom.

Saturday and Sunday are the days of the main civil marriage ceremony or the church service. After the ceremony the groom takes the bride to her parents home and returns to his own home. Both families then have a meal with their friends and relatives, after the meal it is time for the groom to take a wedding train, poizd, and finally bring his bride to his home.

At the bride's house the groom has to pay a ransom to be admitted into the house to join the bride's family at the table. At the end of the day the bride and groom travel to his home where they will live after the wedding.

The next day is a day of merry-making, frivolity and pranks. The wedding guests, who are dressed like gypsies, visit houses and take gates off of hinges, steal chickens, hide equipment and commit other silly behavior. They seat the parents of the groom or bride in the decorated cart and pull them to the water. There they overturn the cart and dump the parents into the water, to make them completely wet.

All these actions may seem silly and irrational, but they have absorbed the wisdom of the ancient Ukraine traditions preserved through hundreds of years and are full of deep meaning to Ukrainians.

Что сразу делает Украину свадьба уникальна тем, что мы никогда не говорим, что «праздновать», но всегда «играть свадьбу». Оно происходит от старой украинской традиции, свадьбы, когда свадьба была не просто партия, а полный набор ритуалов, которые символизировали создание прочной основы для новой семьи и ее будущее благополучие. Это было больше, чем в театре играть вечеринке, где торжественности и веселья играли вместе.

Если вам повезет, вы можете наблюдать такую ​​таинственную игру и, возможно, даже стать его частью в некоторых украинских деревнях. Традиционная украинская свадьба отличается в деталях от деревни к деревне, но все они следуют тому же шаблону в порядке свадебных мероприятий.

Самое первое событие в процессе свадьбы Украина является официальное участие. Жених приглашает двух женатых мужчин, starosty , побывать в доме невесты и просить ее родителей ее руки.

Если невеста согласна, она будет драпировать starosty с традиционными полотенца, rushnyky ; обе стороны, то обмен подарками и буханок хлеба.

Иногда, если перспективных невеста не хочет выйти замуж за жениха, посетители могут получить тыквы, Гарбуз, вместо того, чтобы буханка хлеба.

Церемония свадьбы Украине начинается как минимум за неделю после помолвки. Обычно на четверг или пятницу пекут специальный хлеб свадебный ритуал; korovai и shiskas . После этого жених и невеста прогулка по деревне вместе и дать shishkas на свадьбу гостей, как приглашение.

Перед свадьбой, как жених и невеста имеют отдельные партии со своими близкими друзьями. На девушке партии, Девич вечер , они делают ритуальные дерево, giltse . Вместе с korovai она остается на свадебный стол, как символ молодости и красоты невесты и жениха.

Суббота и воскресенье дни основная гражданская церемония брака или церковной службы. После церемонии жених берет невесту к родителям домой и возвращается в свой ​​собственный дом. Обе семьи, то есть еду со своими друзьями и родственниками, после еды настало время для жениха взять свадебный поезд, poizd, и, наконец, привести свою невесту к себе домой.

В доме невесты жених должен заплатить выкуп, чтобы быть допущены в дом, чтобы присоединиться к семье невесты за столом. В конце дня жених и невеста путешествие к себе домой, где они будут жить после свадьбы.

На следующий день это день веселья, легкомыслия и шалости. Свадьбу гостей, которые одеты как цыгане, посетить дома и взять ворота с петель, воровать кур, скрывать оборудование и совершать другие глупые поведения.Они сиденье родители жениха или невесту в корзину украшены и тянуть их к воде. Там они опрокинуть корзину и складывать родителей в воду, чтобы сделать их полностью мокрой.

Все эти действия могут показаться глупой и иррациональной, но они впитали в себя мудрость древних традиций Украина сохранила через сотни лет, и полны глубокого смысла для украинцев.


Ukrainian Holidays

In Ukraine holidays are numerous. They can be divided in three groups: all-national, political and religious ones. Some holidays have ancient origins, while the others have been adopted recently. Ukrainians observe the traditions of Orthodox and Soviet holidays and readily accept Western ones like St. Patrick's Day, Valentine Day, Oktoberfest, Halloween, etc. All official holidays are marked with red in Ukrainian calendars and are days-off . If a holiday falls on weekend, the nearest Friday or Monday is a day-off.


Probably the main holiday in the country, when most of the Ukrainians decorate the Christmas tree, buy presents, cook festive dinners and arrange special whole-night parties. Very often people continue to celebrate for the first week or two of January. Ukrainians believe, that a person will spend the year the way he had welcomed it, so they do their best to have good fun on the New Year's Day. As New Year is traditionally a family holiday, people spend it with their family or friends. They watch old Soviet films, drink champagne and listen to the annual festive address of the President to his nation. This holiday especially dear to children. They believe in Ded Moroz, or Santa Claus, who comes this night and bring them gifts.


Many old Ukrainian customs, such as fortune telling, singing Christmas carols, cooking traditional dishes and going to church, are connected with the holiday of Christmas. Orthodox Church uses the Julian calendar, which is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar, adopted in Europe and North America. That’s why Ukrainians celebrate Christmas on January 7. For the long Soviet period this important religious holiday was ignored by the official calendar, but in 1990s it was resurrected.

On Christmas Eve (January 6th) members of families meet for Sviata Vecheria (Holy Supper), the traditional twelve dishes of which are dedicated to Christ's twelve apostles. The traditional meals are borsch, vushka, a variety of fish dishes, varenyky, holubtsi and many others. In the last few years a lot of lost traditions like Kolyadki have being revived.

Before the Great October Revolution of 1917 the Russian Empire lived 13 days behind the rest of the world. Upon the revolution Russia and Ukraine had switched to the western calendar, but for many conservative people it was unacceptable to celebrate New Year before Christmas. Their tradition to celebrate the date survived through decades but didn’t become an official holiday.

OLD NEW YEAR DAY- On January 25

holiday, originating from the 18th century, is more often referred to as the Students' Day. On January 25, 1775 Russian Empress Elizabeth signed the regulation about the foundation of Moscow University, the first University in the Russian Empire. In the second half of the 19th century January 25 became a holiday of all the Universities and students. In present days students of the post-soviet countries celebrate Tatiana's Day loudly. As a rule, free concerts and performances take place in Kyiv and other Ukrainian settlements.

Valentine's Day 

In Ukraine, just like all around the world, on Valentine's Day lovers, friends and family members exchange Valentine Gifts as tokens of love. Couples also plan out romantic getaway or Valentine parties to celebrate 14th Feb romantically. The romantic holiday was the first one adopted from the West upon the collapse of the so called Iron Curtain. There are no essential differences in the ways of celebrating it between Ukraine and the Western countries.


One of the most honored soviet holidays devoted to all those who had ever served in the army. Nevertheless, for many decades Feb 23 has been celebrated as the men’s day, that’s why its traditions are still alive. The holiday isn’t marked with red in the official calendar, but Ukrainian women traditionally congratulate their male relatives and friends preparing some presents for them.


In Ukraine March 8 is celebrated as the holiday of women, spring and love. It is an official day off for both men and women, which was originally introduced by the Communists. At the time of establishing March 8 had been a political holiday. It originated as a day of fighting for women's rights, when on the 8th of March 1897 women (workers of sewing and shoe factories) gathered in New York demanding 10 hour working days, light and dry work places and equal salaries with men. In 1910 at the International Conference of Women Socialists in Copenhagen Clara Tsetkin proposed celebrating the International Women's day on March, 8 which sounded an appeal to all women of the world to join the struggle for equality. In several years upon the establishing the holiday lost its political content and became a cultural tradition. Nowadays on March 8 Ukrainian men congratulate their women by giving them flowers, presents and making the housework by themselves.


In the 16th-century France New Year`s Day was observed on April 1 and celebrated in much the same way as it is today - with parties into the late hours of the night. In 1562 Pope Gregory introduced a new calendar, and the new year fell on January 1. Some people, however, didn't believe the change in the date and continued to celebrate New Year's Day on April 1. Others played tricks on them and called them "April fools." They sent them on a "fool's errand" or tried to make them believe that something false was true. From that time on Humor Day people play tricks on their friends and have fun. Ukrainians love the holiday very much and even arrange special festivals, devoted to it. One of those takes place in Odessa – the capital of humor.


The date of Easter, the major Orthodox religious holiday, is determined by the Church calendar and calculated according to the so-called "Paskhalias" (the special tables). It is usually celebrated in approximately two weeks after Catholic Easter and is devoted to Jesus Christ`s Resurrection upon his crucifiction on the cross. In the evening people go to churches, spending the entire night in Church services. Usually they bring Easter cakes, painted eggs and bottles of wine with them. In the morning (about 4 am) the service concludes with the clergyman sprinkling all food with sacred water which is believed to have strong healing power. At this time people return home to have a festive breakfast. The traditional greeting on this day is: "Khrystos Voskres!" (Christ is arisen) and the answer "Voyistynu Voskres!" (Truly arisen) followed with kisses and exchanging of gifts. On that day people visit relatives and friends with Easter baskets, filled with kulyches and pysankas.


The 1st of May has traditionally been celebrated as the holiday of spring. In the 19th century - at the age Industrialization - it became the International Day of Solidarity for workers of all countries. At the time groups of workers met and paid tribute to the memory of victims of oppression. In 1888 the American Federation of Labor established the May 1 as a day for the struggle of workers for the 8-hour working day. Strikes and Demonstrations were held worldwide. Later, in the former Soviet Union, this holiday was widely celebrated with huge parades and political speeches. Today people don’t organize any parades, they just stay home and enjoy their official day off.


This holiday of both joy and sorrow is devoted to all the victims and veterans of the World War II. As the Victory day is close to the May Day in time, the first week of May is usually the official week-off for the Ukrainians. May 9 is a very important holiday in Ukraine, as in the country you`d hardly found a family, who hadn’t suffer from Nazis in the World War II. On that day veterans of all Ukrainian localities traditionally gather to remember the Great Victory and those who perished. Every locality has a special place called "The Eternal Fire" for such gatherings. In Kyiv it is located near the famous WWII museum and the "Motherland" Statue and Monument.

Holy Trinity Day

In the Orthodox tradition there are holidays that are considered to be Christian, but in fact have pagan roots. Some Orthodox holidays are interlinked with events in nature, such as changing of the seasons, and in the lives of ordinary people, such as marriage, birth, and death. The Feast of the Holy Trinity (or Holy Trinity Day) comes in fifty days upon the Easter and celebrates the Descent of the Holy Spirit, who poured himself out on the apostles. In Ukrainian tradition the holiday is celebrated through decoration. Villagers nail tree branches to their front porches and gates, transforming houses into fairy-tale-like wood dwellings. Indoors, the floors are covered with cut grass. In ancient years Holy Trinity Day coincided with a series of Slavic pagan holidays called Zeleniye Svyatki, or "Green Christmastide," which focussed on the worship of the "Spirits of Greenery." The birch tree was very important for one of these holidays, called Semik. That’s why birch tree branches are frequently used to decorate houses and churches not only in villages but all over the country. Celebrations and dances often were held in villages around birch tree groves. Nowadays on the Holy Trinity Day Ukrainians go to the cemetries to put birch branches to the graves of their passed over relatives.

Constitution of Ukraine 

The Constitution of Ukraine was adopted and ratified at the 5th session of the Verkhovna Rada of the second convocation on June 28, 1996. As you understand, the corresponding official holiday commemorates the date. Ukrainians have no particular traditions to celebrate it. In Kiev, for example, large-scaled concerts are arranged on Maidan Nezalezhnosty Square, and the streets of the city are usually decorated.

Independence Day

Probably the major official holiday in Ukraine. In august 1991 the Ukrainian parliament adopted the Declaration of Independence, which declared Ukraine as an independent democratic state. The Independence Day is widely celebrated with festivals, military parades and concerts in all settlements of the country.


The first day of the new school year. Children go to schools; students go to universities and institutions, where on this day different celebrations are held. The most spectacular events are at elementary school. Well-dressed first-year children, bringing flowers for their first teacher, gather in the schoolyard or in the school to listen to the first bell ringing. A first-year child, usually a girl, is carried by a graduating student, usually a boy, and she rings a bell, thus, opening a new school year.

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