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1Forminghoneymoon periodthe group comes together nd members seem to hve friendly reltionship 2Stormingmember~s rel personlities come out nd they my rgue with ech other s they try to begin wo

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Group dynamics

1)Forming(honeymoon period)-the group comes together and members seem to have a friendly relationship

2)Storming-member’s real personalities come out and they may argue with each other as they try to begin work

3) Norming-members become more familiar with each other and start to develop confidence in each other

4)Performing-members work together well and produce good results

5)Adjourning-the group separates and members go their own ways

get on(with)-have a friendly relationship

get down to-start work

get used to-become comfortable with

fall out(with)-argue

break up-separate

put up(with)-tolerate

Roles in team:

Plant-comes up with ideas and solutions to problems

Resource investigator-enthusiastic,develop contacts,find opportuniies

Coordinator-lead teams and delegate

Shaper-motivate team to action

Monitor-evaluator-observant,fair and has good judgement

Teamworker-listening and interpersonal skills,peacemaker,mediator,create harmony

Implementer-makes things happen

Complementer-finisher-perfectionist,responsible+strong sense of duty

Specialist-has special skills and expertise

Peace of mind           -calm+no worries

Keep an open mind -to be objective

Make up your mind -decide

Out of mind                -crazy,insane

In two minds      -unable to decide what to do

Relative Clauses

Main clause, +(about which,-which,-that,-who,-to/with whom) relative clause, main clause

Giving advice:

I’d advice you to..;Why don’t you..;You might consider..;

It’s vital that you..;It might be a good idea to..;

I think you need to..; You could also..;If I were you,I’d..;

It’s essential that..;

Responding to advice:

Great,thanks very much. That’s helpful,thanks a lot.

That’s sounds good to me. All right, I’ll think about that.

Ok,I’ll think it over.

Peer Pressure

PP can happen,when we are influenced to do smth we would not usually do,because others do this,and we want to be liked,to fit in and to be accepted by the majority(peers,friends). We try to conform to the peer group with whom we socialize.PP can influence how people dress,their behaviour&attitudes.PP can lead to bullying because some bullies are popular and liked by many of their peers, which means that others do the same things to their targets.


Controversial-causing a lot of disagreement

Thought-provoking-causing people to think

Groundbreaking-involving new methods=progressive

Retrospective-a show of the past work of an artist

Preview show-an occasion to see smth before the public

Masterpeace- a very good peace of art

To be impressed by smth

I’m not really into that sort of things

Live up to smb’s expectations

It wasn’t worth the effort or the entrance fee for that matter.

Entirely unexpected; completely different/wrong; deeply moving

Utterly-sovershenno; devastated-opustoshennyj









1.It was such an intriguing story,so unusual and mysterious.

2.They hope the students will feel stimulated by the talk.

3.She’s quite angry at the moment and feels hostile(vrazdebno) towards British culture.

4.The old people felt so lonely and isolated.

5.The teacher made us feel inadequate and stupid if we made mistakes.

6.I get really frustrated an impatient with my computer sometimes.



He said he had emigrated to Chicago just over ten years before.

He said that he didn’t enjoy living there.

He said the countryside outside the city was stunning and the people were wonderful.

He said he is just not fitting in at the moment.

Today=then/that day; Yesterday=the day before

Tomorrow=the next dat/the day after;Last week=the week before


Infinitive with to-offer,refuse,agree,promise


-ing form-admit,regret,consider,deny,insist on,apologise for(v.+prep)




ART Vocabulary:

Art and Artists: abstract,artist,art lover,collector,contemporary, controversial,critic,grounbreaking, masterpiece, modern,painter,preview, realism,realist,retrospective,culptor,thought-provoking


Completely different/wrong; deeply moving, entirely unexpected, heavily criticized, highly praised/qualified, painfully shy, totally different/unbelievable/unjustified, utterly impossible/useless


Giving advice:

I’d advice you to..;Why don’t you..;You might consider..;

It’s vital that you..;It might be a good idea to..;

I think you need to..; You could also..;If I were you,I’d..;

It’s essential that..;

V.(working together):

get on(with)-have a friendly relationship

get down to-start work

get used to-become comfortable with

fall out(with)-argue

break up-separate

put up(with)-tolerate


Peace of mind           -calm+no worries

Keep an open mind -to be objective

Make up your mind -decide

Out of mind                -crazy,insane

In two minds      -unable to decide what to do

PSYCHOLOGY: assessment, case file, deduce, motive, profile, psychiatrist



I promise you, it won’t go any further.

Look,I understand how you feel.

But I can assure you, we’re going to put things right.

Mm,that doesn’t sound very fair to me,I must say.

Anyway,don’t worry…And I guarantee we’ll sort out the problems.

You won’t be out of a job,you have my word for that.

I can see how you feel.

Things’ll get better,I guarantee that.


Apparatus, appliance, device, engine, equipment, gadget, machine,technological,technophobe

Cutting edge, durable, easy to use, environmentally,friendly, green, handy, hard-wearing, obsolete, out-of-date, practical,state-of-the-art, user-friendly

Prefixes-opposites: dislike, inaccurate,inappropriate,inconvenient,ineffective,inefficient, inequality,insensitive,mismanagement, mistrust,unable,unlikely,unnecessary

1. рока Vn der Grf Genertor
2. лекція насінництво Автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата сільськогос
3. Лекція 1. Суть та види підприємництва
4. Реферат- Основной капитал предприятия
5. на тему- Методы товарной экспертизы
6. Сверхъестественное созданном Э
7. Специфика лирических отступлений в романе А Фадеева Молодая гвардия
8. Реакция Абрамова1
9. Агротехника семенных посевов
10. Югозападный государственный университет Кафедра Теоретическая и экспериментальная физика
11. Такая классификация основана на механизмах с помощью которых перемещаются подвижные элементы
13. Московский государственный юридический университет имени О
14. Фин Анализ и его взаимосвязь управленческих решений
15. географічне положення
16. Mil место для фото Желаемая должность- Ожидае
17. - 113 м. 100 хлопок цвет NUGE 3 мотка Нитки PHIL COTON 3 50 г.
18. Экономико-географическая характеристика Сибирской металлургической базы
19. Источники и этапы формирования японского традиционного искусства гэйдо
20. это- процедура рассмотрения законопроекта одобренного нижней палатой парламента в верхней палате;