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For and against essay about vegetarianism

Nowadays it’s become more popular to be a vegetarian. There is no certain answer if it is good to be a vegetarian or, otherwise, if it is bad. In today’s essay I will try to answer some frequently asked questions about vegetarianism.

First of all, we should distinguish vegan and vegetarian. There are a lot of people, who don’t see a difference between these two notions. Veganism is much stricter culture than vegetarianism. Those people, who consider themselves vegans, don’t eat any kind of animal production (even eggs, fish and dairy products), while vegetarians are allowed to eat eggs and dairy product, as  it is believed that animals are not hurt while getting them. So now we can take a look exactly on pros and cons of being a vegetarian.

Let us consider what advantages of vegetarianism are. First and foremost, doctors don’t recommend such lifestyle for common people. That is because of the fact that from meat we get a lot of vitamins and fats, which we need for energy. It is just a myth, that meat can be substituted. Our organism requires a constant amount of fats on a regular basis and without getting them it will look for different substances to find a replacement. Not finding them it will “burn” fats inside the body and the person will lose weight not in healthy way. The other moment is that we can’t find all sort of greenery in our market to satisfy our organism. Eventually, most fruit and vegetables are “out of season” in our country, that is why it is harder to keep to a culture of vegetarianism. It is often said that being a vegetarian helps protecting animals, but, in fact, it has no connection with it. Vegetarianism is neutral culture and vegans are constantly against violence with animals. We live in a world, in which it is almost impossible to keep to such cultures. That is because of air and water pollutions, explosions on factories etc., due to which our health is almost ruined and we just need meet and all sorts of products to help our organism fight with infections and other “gifts” of nature.

On the other hand, today’s farming includes using different types of medications, so we can’t be sure in the quality of meat. What is more, we can’t be sure in quality of ANY products, which lay on the shelves of supermarkets. Besides, eating too much meat can lead to problems with health, especially with heart and blood, because our organism sometimes (during some celebrations) receives too much fats and it can’t use them immediately. That is why sometimes we need to have a free-of-meat day to regulate our digestion. Moreover, sometimes doctors advise people, who have problems with weight (usually people with obesity) to become a vegetarian. They believe that such lifestyle will help people to become slimmer in slowly manner. Furthermore, one should not forget that eating meat causes problems with blood, so people, aged 50 and more, should reduce the amount of meat they eat. Nevertheless, one should accept that vegetables and fruit consist of more vitamins and minerals than meat.

To draw the conclusion, one can say that it depends only on a certain person and her willing of becoming a vegetarian. Such topic is a hot potato and can be discussed for hours. But for sure, there are lots of benefits of vegetarianism, but we shouldn’t forget about disadvantages. One must admit that such cultures are popular nowadays, not only because it is good for health, but, in fact, because it is in fashion nowadays. All movie-stars and singers are “vegetarians” and common people try to rehearse them. But before thinking of being a vegetarian consult your doctor! Such decisions can’t be made without help of the specialist.

By Iryne Yaremchuk,

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